#!/bin/sh # convert an ordered list of html documents into ps, using .png versions of # .svg images, inserting a page break between any two files. autotoc() { awk ' function inclev(level ,n,s) { NUM[level]++ for(n = level+1; n < 9; n++) NUM[n] = "" for(n = 1; n <= level; n++) s = s NUM[n] "." return s } /]*[>]")) { h=substr($0, RSTART, RLENGTH) level=h sub("..", "", level) sub("[^0-9].*$", "", level) if (h ~ "autotoc=.yes.") { sect=inclev(level) print substr($0, 0, RSTART+RLENGTH-1), sect, substr($0, RSTART+RLENGTH) next } else { num=substr($0, RSTART+RLENGTH) sub("^[ ]*", "", num) sub("[ ].*$", "", num) v = split(num, A, "[.]") if (A[1] == int(A[1])) { # learn number if (A[v] == "") v-- if (v != level) { print "WARNING: wrong section numbering (expected h" v " got h" level "): " $0 > "/dev/stderr" } for(n = 1; n <= v; n++) NUM[n] = A[n] for(n = v+1; n < 9; n++) NUM[n] = "" } else { print "WARNING: unnumbered section", $0 > "/dev/stderr" } } } { print $0 } ' } ### main ### (for n in "$@" do bn1=`dirname $n` for svg in `ls $bn1/*.svg 2>/dev/null` do png=${svg%%.svg}.png if test ! -f $png then echo "Converting $svg to $png..." >&2 convert $svg $png fi done if test -f "$n" then case "$n" in *.html) echo ""; sed "$HTML2PS_SED;s/\.svg/.png/g;s@src=\"@src=\"$bn1/@g" "$n" ;; *.png|*.svg) ;; *) echo "
" echo "

$n:" echo "

				cat $n
				echo "
" echo "
" esac fi done) | autotoc | tee HTML2PS.html | html2ps $HTML2PS_OPTS --colour echo html2ps $HTML2PS_OPTS --colour >&2