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This site doesn't require a full registration, even "password" (cookie) is optional. Each user needs to vote with his/her unique email address (one address per user allowed). Privacy policy: I will use your email address only to: Drop me a mail to pcb-rnd (at) igor2.repo.hu if you want your email address (and votes) removed.

Optional cookie: first time the system sees an email address it saves the hash of the cookie provided. Later on if the user returns, the same cookie must be entered. If no cookie is provided, the email address is not remembered and the system will allow the user to log in next time without a cookie. Once a cookie is set, it can not be changed. If you want to use an email address widely known, you should use a cookie. Never use a sensitive password in the cookie, it travels as plain text, unencrypted!

Once you "logged in" with your email address below, you are free to set or change your vote on any of the features. Features with higher scores and active test-offers have higher chance to get implemented, but at the end it is always the coder's choice which feature gets his time/attention. @

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Please type the 6 hexadecimal digits from the image below, lowercase, without any prefix or suffix @captcha