ha:{ li:mouse { li:left { li:press = { Mode(Notify) } li:press-shift = { Mode(Notify) } li:press-ctrl = { Mode(Notify) } li:release = { Mode(Release) } li:release-shift = { Mode(Release) } li:release-ctrl = { Mode(Release) } } li:middle { li:press = { Pan(1) } li:release = { Pan(0) } } li:right { li:press = { Mode(Stroke) } li:release = { Mode(Release); Popup(popup-obj, obj-type) } li:shift-release = { Popup(popup-obj-misc) } li:press-ctrl = { Display(CycleCrosshair) } } li:scroll-up { li:press = { Zoom(0.8) } li:press-shift = { Scroll(up) } li:press-ctrl = { Scroll(left) } } li:scroll-down { li:press = { Zoom(1.25) } li:press-shift = { Scroll(down) } li:press-ctrl = { Scroll(right) } } } # List of tool names for the toolbar. # Do not specify keys here, they are specified in the menu; the GUI will # not pick up keys from this subtree. There's also no action here: the # plugin handling this subtree will always pick the tool. li:toolbar_static { ha:via {tip={place a via on the board}} ha:line {tip={draw a line segment (trace) on the board}} ha:arrow {tip={switch to arrow mode}} } li:main_menu { ### File Menu ha:File { li:submenu { ha:New = { li:a={{f;n}; {Ctrln};}; action=New() } ha:Quit = { a={f;q}; action=Quit() } } } ha:Help { li:submenu { ha:About = { action=About() } } } } } # root