=== basic === Milestone C: - placing footprints from the lib [5] : the library window - manual nav - placement - place copies from buffer - rotate (shift-f7, {b r r}, {b r l}) - other side: tab - filter - TO12 <- prefix - 126 <- middle match (TO126) - [12]6 <- regex! (show TO126 and SOT363) - ^sot <- regex, case insensitive - parametric - type in: - so(6) - so(6,500) - gui edit - row spacing 200 mil - line_thickness 0.1mm - show & edit edited params - place; edit; place -> once placed, a copy is made : libraries, configuration - configuring own library - edakrill - {i c p}, wget@edakrill - maintenance re-scan - have to refresh manually in the lib window - search for sot23-5 : netlist - how this interferes with import - import sch with a few parts - arrange, reimport - place something, reimport -> gets removed - nonetlist (connector(1) for test pad, logo) - drawing on any layer [3] - turning layers on-off - drawing on any layer: silk, mask, paste, assembly - turning all layers on-off - explain layer compositing: - layers of different color - positive and negative layers on silk - explain how the mask layer works - moving objects between layers - right click menu: single - {s l} - subc - one object is always on one layer, except for subcircuits and padstacks - outline and cutouts [3] - outline layer, centerline vs. tool diameter - cutouts: plated and unplated (slot layers) - lines and arcs, not polygons - vias: plated and unpalted drills - note on export into different files vs. copper around - oval cutouts in padstacks: slots for tabs - export for pcb fabbing [3] - difference between gerber and excellon - confusion about gerber file names - don't use the direct gerber export - cam export to jlc - explain gerber + excellon - explain file naming - export XY and BoM (only mention) - grid, snap, wireframe [3] TODO Milestone D: - remove and buffer basics [2] TODO (include mirror and arb. rotation) - advanced buffer use [5] - save buffer content - save single footprint - save footprint lib - loading buffer content - loading footprint to buffer - that's really happening with the lib window - but also from the import menu - using multiple buffers - buffer survives board switch - explain buffer layer bindings - connectivity [2] - {c r} - {c f} - shorts and mincut - netlist window basics [3] TODO - netlist window advanced [5] TODO - advanced thermals [3] TODO === advanced === - layer compositing - creating doc layers - mechanical keepout layers - doc layers: assy and custom - fab layers - subcircuit layer bindings - footprint creation basics [5] - TODO: extended objects....