/* * COPYRIGHT * * pcb-rnd, interactive printed circuit board design * (this file is based on PCB, interactive printed circuit board design) * Copyright (C) 1994,1995,1996, 2003, 2004 Thomas Nau * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. * * Contact: * Project page: http://repo.hu/projects/pcb-rnd * lead developer: http://repo.hu/projects/pcb-rnd/contact.html * mailing list: pcb-rnd (at) list.repo.hu (send "subscribe") * */ /* Local functions to draw a layer group as a composite of logical layers using positive and negative draw operations. Included from draw.c. */ typedef struct comp_ctx_s { pcb_draw_info_t *info; const pcb_layergrp_t *grp; rnd_layergrp_id_t gid; const rnd_color_t *color; unsigned thin:1; unsigned invert:1; } comp_ctx_t; static void comp_fill_board(comp_ctx_t *ctx) { rnd_render->set_color(pcb_draw_out.fgGC, ctx->color); if (ctx->info->drawn_area == NULL) rnd_render->fill_rect(pcb_draw_out.fgGC, ctx->info->pcb->hidlib.dwg.X1, ctx->info->pcb->hidlib.dwg.Y1, ctx->info->pcb->hidlib.dwg.X2, ctx->info->pcb->hidlib.dwg.Y2); else rnd_render->fill_rect(pcb_draw_out.fgGC, ctx->info->drawn_area->X1, ctx->info->drawn_area->Y1, ctx->info->drawn_area->X2, ctx->info->drawn_area->Y2); } static void comp_start_sub_(comp_ctx_t *ctx) { rnd_render->set_drawing_mode(rnd_render, RND_HID_COMP_NEGATIVE, pcb_draw_out.direct, ctx->info->drawn_area); } static void comp_start_add_(comp_ctx_t *ctx) { rnd_render->set_drawing_mode(rnd_render, RND_HID_COMP_POSITIVE, pcb_draw_out.direct, ctx->info->drawn_area); } static void comp_start_sub(comp_ctx_t *ctx) { if (ctx->thin) { rnd_render->set_drawing_mode(rnd_render, RND_HID_COMP_POSITIVE, pcb_draw_out.direct, ctx->info->drawn_area); rnd_render->set_color(pcb_draw_out.pmGC, ctx->color); return; } if (ctx->invert) comp_start_add_(ctx); else comp_start_sub_(ctx); } static void comp_start_add(comp_ctx_t *ctx) { if (ctx->thin) { rnd_render->set_drawing_mode(rnd_render, RND_HID_COMP_POSITIVE, pcb_draw_out.direct, ctx->info->drawn_area); return; } if (ctx->invert) comp_start_sub_(ctx); else comp_start_add_(ctx); } static void comp_finish(comp_ctx_t *ctx) { rnd_render->set_drawing_mode(rnd_render, RND_HID_COMP_FLUSH, pcb_draw_out.direct, ctx->info->drawn_area); } static void comp_init(comp_ctx_t *ctx, int negative) { rnd_render->set_drawing_mode(rnd_render, RND_HID_COMP_RESET, pcb_draw_out.direct, ctx->info->drawn_area); if (ctx->thin) return; if (ctx->invert) negative = !negative; if ((!ctx->thin) && (negative)) { /* drawing the big poly for the negative */ rnd_render->set_drawing_mode(rnd_render, RND_HID_COMP_POSITIVE, pcb_draw_out.direct, ctx->info->drawn_area); comp_fill_board(ctx); } } /* Real composite draw: if any layer is negative, we have to use the HID API's composite layer draw mechanism */ static void comp_draw_layer_real(comp_ctx_t *ctx, void (*draw_auto)(comp_ctx_t *ctx, void *data), void *auto_data) { /* generic multi-layer rendering */ int n, adding = -1; pcb_layer_t *l = pcb_get_layer(PCB->Data, ctx->grp->lid[0]); comp_init(ctx, (l->comb & PCB_LYC_SUB)); for(n = 0; n < ctx->grp->len; n++) { int want_add; l = pcb_get_layer(PCB->Data, ctx->grp->lid[n]); want_add = ctx->thin || !(l->comb & PCB_LYC_SUB); if (want_add != adding) { if (want_add) comp_start_add(ctx); else comp_start_sub(ctx); adding = want_add; } { rnd_hid_gc_t old_fg = pcb_draw_out.fgGC; pcb_draw_out.fgGC = pcb_draw_out.pmGC; if ((l->comb & PCB_LYC_AUTO) && (draw_auto != NULL)) draw_auto(ctx, auto_data); pcb_draw_layer(ctx->info, l); pcb_draw_out.fgGC = old_fg; } } if (!adding) comp_start_add(ctx); } int pcb_draw_layergrp_is_comp(const pcb_layergrp_t *g) { int n; /* as long as we are doing only positive compositing, we can go without compositing */ for(n = 0; n < g->len; n++) if (PCB->Data->Layer[g->lid[n]].comb & (PCB_LYC_SUB)) return 1; return 0; } int pcb_draw_layer_is_comp(rnd_layer_id_t id) { pcb_layergrp_t *g = pcb_get_layergrp(PCB, PCB->Data->Layer[id].meta.real.grp); if (g == NULL) return 0; return pcb_draw_layergrp_is_comp(g); } /* Draw a layer group with fake or real compositing */ static void comp_draw_layer(comp_ctx_t *ctx, void (*draw_auto)(comp_ctx_t *ctx, void *data), void *auto_data) { int is_comp = pcb_draw_layergrp_is_comp(ctx->grp); if (is_comp) pcb_draw_out.direct = 0; comp_draw_layer_real(ctx, draw_auto, auto_data); } /******** generic group draws ********/ static void pcb_draw_groups_auto(comp_ctx_t *ctx, void *lym) { pcb_layer_type_t *pstk_lyt_match = (pcb_layer_type_t *)lym; if ((ctx->info->pcb->pstk_on) && (*pstk_lyt_match != 0)) pcb_draw_pstks(ctx->info, ctx->gid, 0, *pstk_lyt_match); } void pcb_draw_groups(rnd_hid_t *hid, pcb_board_t *pcb, pcb_layer_type_t lyt, int purpi, char *purpose, const rnd_box_t *screen, const rnd_color_t *default_color, pcb_layer_type_t pstk_lyt_match, int thin_draw, int invert) { pcb_draw_info_t info; rnd_layergrp_id_t gid; pcb_layergrp_t *g; comp_ctx_t cctx; rnd_xform_t tmp; memset(&info, 0, sizeof(info)); info.pcb = pcb; info.drawn_area = screen; pcb_draw_setup_default_xform_info(hid, &info); xform_setup(&info, &tmp, NULL); for(gid = 0, g = pcb->LayerGroups.grp; gid < pcb->LayerGroups.len; gid++,g++) { pcb_layer_t *ly = NULL; if ((g->ltype & lyt) != lyt) continue; if ((purpi != -1) && (g->purpi != purpi)) continue; if ((purpose != NULL) && (strcmp(g->purpose, purpose) != 0)) continue; if (g->len > 0) ly = pcb_get_layer(PCB->Data, g->lid[0]); info.layer = ly; cctx.grp = g; cctx.info = &info; cctx.gid = gid; cctx.color = ly != NULL ? &ly->meta.real.color : default_color; cctx.thin = thin_draw; cctx.invert = invert; if (!cctx.invert) pcb_draw_out.direct = 0; comp_draw_layer(&cctx, pcb_draw_groups_auto, &pstk_lyt_match); comp_finish(&cctx); } }