/* * COPYRIGHT * * pcb-rnd, interactive printed circuit board design * Copyright (C) 2017..2019 Tibor 'Igor2' Palinkas * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. * * Contact: * Project page: http://repo.hu/projects/pcb-rnd * lead developer: http://repo.hu/projects/pcb-rnd/contact.html * mailing list: pcb-rnd (at) list.repo.hu (send "subscribe") */ #ifndef PCB_OBJ_SUBC_H #define PCB_OBJ_SUBC_H #include #include #include #include "obj_common.h" #include "layer.h" #include typedef enum pcb_subc_cached_s { PCB_SUBCH_ORIGIN, PCB_SUBCH_X, PCB_SUBCH_Y, PCB_SUBCH_max } pcb_subc_cached_t; struct pcb_subc_s { PCB_ANY_PRIMITIVE_FIELDS; const char *extobj; int extobj_idx; void *extobj_data; /* the extobj implementation may store decoded data here */ minuid_bin_t uid; pcb_data_t *data; htsp_t terminals; pcb_line_t *aux_cache[PCB_SUBCH_max]; pcb_layer_t *aux_layer; const char *refdes; /* cached from attributes for fast lookup */ int part_changed_inhibit; unsigned part_changed_bbox_dirty:1; /* part_changed_inhibit_dec() should recalculate the bbox */ unsigned auto_termname_display:1; /* display bit, not saved or loaded, only toggled by Display() on subc */ long int copied_from_ID; /* temporary storage during operation: if a subc is a copy of another subc in the same operation, keep the ID of the original subc to avoid duplicate copies */ gdl_elem_t link; }; pcb_subc_t *pcb_subc_alloc(void); pcb_subc_t *pcb_subc_alloc_id(long int id); pcb_subc_t *pcb_subc_new(void); void pcb_subc_free(pcb_subc_t *sc); void pcb_subc_reg(pcb_data_t *data, pcb_subc_t *subc); void pcb_subc_unreg(pcb_subc_t *subc); void pcb_subc_select(pcb_board_t *pcb, pcb_subc_t *sc, pcb_change_flag_t how, int redraw); void pcb_subc_bbox(pcb_subc_t *sc); /* convert buffer contents into a subcircuit, in-place; returns 0 on success */ int pcb_subc_convert_from_buffer(pcb_buffer_t *buffer); rnd_bool pcb_subc_smash_buffer(pcb_buffer_t *buff); void pcb_subc_mirror(pcb_data_t *data, pcb_subc_t *subc, rnd_coord_t y_offs, rnd_bool smirror, rnd_bool undoable); /* Scale coords/pos of a subc by sx,sy with thickness factor sth; if recurse is non-zero, descend in subc-in-subc */ void pcb_subc_scale(pcb_data_t *data, pcb_subc_t *subc, double sx, double sy, double sth, int recurse); /* changes the side of the board a subc is on; returns rnd_true if done */ rnd_bool pcb_subc_change_side(pcb_subc_t *subc, rnd_coord_t yoff); void pcb_subc_rotate(pcb_subc_t *subc, rnd_coord_t cx, rnd_coord_t cy, double cosa, double sina, double angle); void pcb_subc_rotate90(pcb_subc_t *subc, rnd_coord_t cx, rnd_coord_t cy, int steps); /* High level move (op wrapper; no undo) */ void pcb_subc_move(pcb_subc_t *sc, rnd_coord_t dx, rnd_coord_t dy, rnd_bool more_to_come); /* changes the side of all selected and visible subcs; returns rnd_true if anything has changed */ rnd_bool pcb_selected_subc_change_side(void); /* Draw a subcircuit for a preview (silk, copper and outline only) */ void pcb_subc_draw_preview(const pcb_subc_t *sc, const rnd_box_t *drawn_area); void pcb_xordraw_subc(pcb_subc_t *sc, rnd_coord_t DX, rnd_coord_t DY, int use_curr_side); /* Redo the layer binding after the layer binding recipe changed in sc */ int pcb_subc_rebind(pcb_board_t *pcb, pcb_subc_t *sc); /* Do the initial global bindings of subc to pcb (rtree links) */ void pcb_subc_bind_globals(pcb_board_t *pcb, pcb_subc_t *subc); /* Unbind board layer from subc; useful when layer is deleted; returns the number of unbinds or -1 on error */ int pcb_subc_unbind(pcb_board_t *pcb, pcb_subc_t *sc, pcb_layer_t *brdly, int undoable); long pcb_subc_unbind_all(pcb_board_t *pcb, pcb_layer_t *brdly, int undoable); /* Look up a layer by lyt and comb (and name, if req_name_match is true); if not found and alloc is true, allocate a new layer with the given name. Return NULL on error. */ pcb_layer_t *pcb_subc_get_layer(pcb_subc_t *sc, pcb_layer_type_t lyt, pcb_layer_combining_t comb, rnd_bool_t alloc, const char *name, rnd_bool req_name_match); #include /* low level version, does not do extobj */ rnd_rtree_dir_t pcb_draw_subc_mark(void *cl, void *obj, const rnd_rtree_box_t *box); rnd_rtree_dir_t draw_subc_mark_callback(void *cl, void *obj, const rnd_rtree_box_t *b); rnd_rtree_dir_t draw_subc_label_callback(void *cl, void *obj, const rnd_rtree_box_t *b); void DrawSubc(pcb_subc_t *sc); void EraseSubc(pcb_subc_t *sc); /* calculate geometrical properties using the aux layer; return 0 on success */ int pcb_subc_get_origin(pcb_subc_t *sc, rnd_coord_t *x, rnd_coord_t *y); int pcb_subc_get_rotation(pcb_subc_t *sc, double *rot); /* in deg */ int pcb_subc_get_side(pcb_subc_t *sc, int *on_bottom); /* get all the above transformatoins at once. If neg is 0, these are the raw transofrmations ("what happened to the subc from neutral state"), if neg is non-zero, these are the transformations back to neutral state. */ int pcb_subc_get_host_trans(pcb_subc_t *sc, pcb_host_trans_t *tr, int neg); /* Move the origin, without moving the subcircuit itself */ int pcb_subc_move_origin(pcb_subc_t *sc, rnd_coord_t dx, rnd_coord_t dy, rnd_bool and_undo); int pcb_subc_move_origin_to(pcb_subc_t *sc, rnd_coord_t x, rnd_coord_t y, rnd_bool and_undo); /* Search for the named subc; name is relative path in hierarchy. Returns NULL if not found */ pcb_subc_t *pcb_subc_by_refdes(pcb_data_t *base, const char *name); /* Search subc, "recursively", by ID */ pcb_subc_t *pcb_subc_by_id(pcb_data_t *base, long int ID); /* undoable remove */ void *pcb_subc_remove(pcb_subc_t *sc); /* In board mode return brd_layer; in footprint edit mode, return the subcircuit layer that matches brd_layer. If not found, either allocate it within the subc (if alloc is true) or return the brd_layer. */ pcb_layer_t *pcb_loose_subc_layer(pcb_board_t *pcb, pcb_layer_t *brd_layer, rnd_bool alloc); /* Returns whether there's no object in the subc */ rnd_bool pcb_subc_is_empty(pcb_subc_t *subc); /* Return the footprint name; if local_name is not NULL, that attribute is queried first; if that doesn't exist, "visible_footprint" and then "footprint" is returned (or NULL if nothing is found) */ const char *pcb_subc_name(pcb_subc_t *subc, const char *local_name); /* Update the subcircuit (e.g. bbox) after a part of the subcircuit has changed */ void pcb_subc_part_changed_(pcb_any_obj_t *obj); #define pcb_subc_part_changed(obj) pcb_subc_part_changed_((pcb_any_obj_t *)obj) void pcb_subc_part_changed_inhibit_inc(pcb_subc_t *sc); void pcb_subc_part_changed_inhibit_dec(pcb_subc_t *sc); /*** Internal, low level ***/ /* Copy layer objects from source layer sl to destination layer dl into dst_sc */ void pcb_subc_dup_layer_objs(pcb_subc_t *dst_sc, pcb_layer_t *dl, pcb_layer_t *sl, rnd_coord_t dx, rnd_coord_t dy, rnd_bool keep_ids); /* Allocate and return a new layer in subc, copying binding and basic properties from another subc layer (potentially from another subc) from sl */ pcb_layer_t *pcb_subc_alloc_layer_like(pcb_subc_t *subc, pcb_layer_t *sl); /*** subc creation helpers ***/ /* Create the aux layer for a subc, set origin to ox;oy and rotation to rot */ void pcb_subc_create_aux(pcb_subc_t *sc, rnd_coord_t ox, rnd_coord_t oy, double rot, rnd_bool bottom); /* Create a new point on the aux layer using a given role string in attribute */ void pcb_subc_create_aux_point(pcb_subc_t *sc, rnd_coord_t x, rnd_coord_t y, const char *role); /* Look up an aux point and return rnd_true if found; when found, load x and y with the coords of the point. */ rnd_bool pcb_subc_find_aux_point(pcb_subc_t *sc, const char *role, rnd_coord_t *x, rnd_coord_t *y); /* Find and save the aux layer in the cache, of it exists */ void pcb_subc_cache_find_aux(pcb_subc_t *sc); /* Create (and append) a new bound layer to a subc */ pcb_layer_t *pcb_subc_layer_create(pcb_subc_t *sc, const char *name, pcb_layer_type_t type, pcb_layer_combining_t comb, int stack_offs, const char *purpose); /* Copy non-layer, non-geometrical metadata (e.g. attributes) */ pcb_subc_t *pcb_subc_copy_meta(pcb_subc_t *dst, const pcb_subc_t *src); pcb_subc_t *pcb_subc_dup_at(pcb_board_t *pcb, pcb_data_t *dst, const pcb_subc_t *src, rnd_coord_t dx, rnd_coord_t dy, rnd_bool keep_ids, rnd_bool undoable); /* Replace dst with a copy of src in place (preserving location and orientation and attributes). If add_undo is true, add the old subc del and the new subc creation to the undo list. If dub is true, do not try to match rotation or pick up coords, just use crosshair and current loc. */ pcb_subc_t *pcb_subc_replace(pcb_board_t *pcb, pcb_subc_t *dst, pcb_subc_t *src, rnd_bool add_undo, rnd_bool dumb); /*** loops ***/ #define PCB_SUBC_LOOP(top) do { \ pcb_subc_t *subc; \ gdl_iterator_t __it__; \ subclist_foreach(&(top)->subc, &__it__, subc) { #endif