NOTE: This file is the generic description. For per host system type details, please look in doc/INSTALL.* NOTE: If you are packaging pcb-rnd for an OS distribution, please read doc/developer/packaging.txt carefully and please try to follow the conventions documented in doc/developer/packaging/ 0. Dependencies Summary of dependencies: For users: - mandatory: C compiler - mandatory: make (BSD make won't work) - mandatory: librnd >=4.2.0 installed Get it at: see Standard: install librnd in /usr/local or /usr Non-standard installation: doc/INSTALL.librnd.txt - optional: imagemagick for running the pixmap export tests When configuring librnd (headers also installed; e.g. -dev or -devel packages): - optional: glib and gtk2 if you are using the GTK GUI - optional: gtkglext if you need opengl rendering with gtk2 - optional: libepoxy if you need gtk4 - optional: motif or lesstif if you are using the lesstif frontend - optional: gdlib if you want to export/import to/from png, jpg or gif For developers, only in case grammar files are to be modified: - flex - bison NOTE: if you did not install any GUI lib dependency before configuring librnd, pcb-rnd will run with command line interface only. 1. Configure Run ./configure. For compile-time options run ./configure --help. Read the summary table and the warnings at the end of ./configure output and decide if you need the features missing. If there was no error, only warnings, pcb-rnd can be compiled, even if some dependencies were missing. ./configure will try to static link most plugins and disable ones that have missing dependencies. This process can be controlled using configure command line switches, see ./configure --help. 2. Compiling Run make. Optionally also run make test. 3. Running from source cd src ./pcb-rnd Note: it is important to cd to src to run pcb-rnd from source; src/pcb-rnd won't work unless pcb-rnd is installed. If this doesn't work, please refer to doc/INSTALL*. 4. Installation To install pcb-rnd after it has been built run: make install from the top level directory. An alternative installation method is the link-install, which places symlinks instead of copying files so no subsequent make install is needed after a recompilation if no new files appeared (useful for developers): make linstall Note: pcb-rnd depends on librnd, which is dynamically linked. If you install into non-standard path (e.g somewhere under /home or /opt), you need to make sure your system dl will search for in the nonstandard place. Even in case of standard installation you may need to run ldconfig on some systems to update the system cache of .so files. 5. Packaging Major distros already have pcb-rnd packages. If you are planning to package pcb-rnd, please read doc/developer/packaging.txt and if it is binary packaging, please consider following the package naming and layout documented in doc/developer/packaging/packaging/packages.html - this way different distros will have similar packages which will make both users' and developers' life easier while supporting the software.