#!/bin/sh # Reference: Microchip Packaging Specification DS00000049BX (en012702.pdf), SSOP #@@example plcc(20) #@@purpose Generate PLCC packages #@@desc Generate square PLCC packages - a simplified frontend to qf() - #@@desc only the number of pins is really needed for a square PLCC footprint! #@@desc NOTE: some of the qf() parameters can be also used; PLCC32 is non-square, and can not be properly generated using this generator. #@@params pins,size,pitch,cpad_size #@@param:pins total number of pins (leads); must be divisible by 4 #@@param:size a single integer N or NxN or NxNxH; outmost dimensions (width or height of the package, leads included) in mil #@@optional:size #@@default:size calculated from total number of pins and pitch #@@param:pitch lead pitch (distance between the centerline of two adjacent leads), in mil; must be 50 for now #@@optional:pitch #@@default:pitch 50mil #@@param:cpad_size width (and height) of the central pad, in mil #@@optional:cpad_size #@@default:cpad_size empty, there's no central pad awk -f `dirname $0`/common_subc.awk -f `dirname $0`/plcc.awk -f `dirname $0`/qf.awk -v "args=$*" -v gen=`basename $0` -v "genfull=$0"