li:pcb-rnd-conf-v1 { ha:overwrite { ha:editor { grid_unit = mil grid = 25 mil li:grids = { {0.1 mil}; {1 mil}; {5 mil}; {10 mil}; {25 mil}; {50 mil}; {100 mil}; {0.01 mm}; {0.05 mm}; {0.1 mm}; {0.25 mm}; {0.5 mm}; {1 mm}; } grids_idx = 4 zoom = 1 mode = -1 buffer_number = 0 clear_line = 1 clear_polypoly = 0 full_poly = 0 unique_names = 0 marker_snaps = 1 snap_pin = 1 snap_offgrid_line = 1 highlight_on_point = 0 show_solder_side = 0 save_last_command = 0 save_in_tmp = 0 draw_grid = 1 all_direction_lines = 0 line_refraction = 1 rubber_band_mode = 0 rubber_band_keep_midlinedir = 0 swap_start_direction = 0 show_drc = 0 auto_drc = 0 conn_find_rat = 1 show_number = 0 orthogonal_moves = 0 reset_after_element = 1 trace_auto_merge = 1 auto_place = 0 lock_names = 0 only_names = 0 thin_draw = 0 thin_draw_poly = 0 as_drawn_poly = 0 wireframe_draw = 0 local_ref = 0 check_planes = 0 hide_names = 0 description = 0 name_on_pcb = 1 enable_stroke = 1 live_routing = 0 beep_when_finished = 0 click_time = 200 click_objlist = 0 auto_via = 0 drc_inclusive_bbox = 0; io_incomp_popup = 1 io_incomp_style = list ha:view { flip_x = 0 flip_y = 0 } ha:selection { disable_negative = 0 symmetric_negative = 0 } undo_warning_size = 1024 fullscreen = 0 move_linepoint_uses_route = 1 subc_conv_refdes = U0 ha:local_grid { enable = 0 radius = 16 } ha:global_grid { sparse = 0 min_dist_px = 4 } } # editor ha:rc { verbose = 0 quiet = 0 file_changed_interval = 2 backup_interval = 60 hid_fallback = 1 brave = {} menu_file = {default} # font_command = {} # file_command = {} # file_path = {} library_shell = {} web_browser = {www-browser} export_basename = 0 emergency_name = {} emergency_format = {lihata} backup_name = {%F.%P.backup} backup_format = {lihata} li:library_search_paths = { ?../footprint ?$( ?~/.pcb-rnd/footprint/ ?~/pcblib $(rc.path.share)/footprint } keep_save_backups = false save_command = {} li:default_font_file = { {./default_font} {$(rc.path.share)/default_font} } li:default_pcb_file = { {./default4.lht} {$(rc.path.share)/default4.lht} } li:anyload_persist = { {?$(rc.path.home)/.pcb-rnd/anyload} } # script_filename = {} # action_string = {} # rat_path = {} # rat_command = {} li:preferred_gui = { gtk2_gl; gtk2_gdk; gtk4_gl; lesstif; batch } save_final_fallback_fmt = lihata save_fp_fmt = lihata } # rc ha:design { # old DRC (design rule checked) section bloat = 12.00 mil shrink = 9.00 mil min_drill = 15.00 mil min_ring = 10.00 mil min_slk = 7.00 mil min_wid = 10.00 mil line_thickness = 10.00 mil clearance = 20.00 mil poly_isle_area = 200000000.2 via_thickness = 2000.00 um via_drilling_hole = 31.50 mil text_scale = 100 text_thickness = 0 text_font_id = 0 # poly_isle_area = 0 # background_image = {} # fab_author = {} paste_adjust = 0 } # design ha:appearance { compact = 1 rat_thickness = 0.25 mm mark_size = 50 mil layer_alpha = 0.75 drill_alpha = 0.85 text_host_bbox = true term_label_size = 50 subc_layer_per_side = 1 invis_other_groups = 0 black_current_group = 0 smart_labels = 0 label_thickness = 1nm render_script = { # far-side silk color changed to the far-side color silk_tune_color # set copper rendering order: currently/recently used copper layers on top copper_order_UI # draw "invisible" (far side) drw_invis # export will need far-side doc and silk independently of invis if not GUI then drw_layers far_side silk if not GUI then drw_layers far_side doc drw_copper # apply check-planes in GUI rendering: stop so nothing else is drawn if GUI and check_planes then stop drw_pstk drw_mask drw_layers intern silk drw_layers intern doc drw_layers global doc drw_layers this_side silk drw_layers this_side doc drw_paste drw_hole drw_boundary_mech drw_virtual drw_ui_layers drw_marks } ha:loglevels { debug_tag = {} debug_popup = false info_tag = {} info_popup = false warning_tag = {} warning_popup = true error_tag = {} error_popup = true } ha:color { background = {#e5e5e5} cross = {#cdcd00} mark = {#ff0000} attached = {#ff0000} drc = {#cdcd00} selected = {#00ffff} via = {#707070} via_far = {#a0a0a0} pin = {#404040} pin_far = {#707070} pin_name = {#ff0000} element = {#000000} subc = {#CC0000} subc_nonetlist = {#cc9900} extobj = {#EE0000} padstackmark = {#cc0000} rat = {#b8860b} invisible_objects = {#cccccc} connected = {#00ff00} off_limit = {#aaaaaa} grid = {#ff0000} li:layer = { {#8b2323}; {#3a5fcd}; {#104e8b}; {#cd3700}; {#548b54}; {#8b7355}; {#00868b}; {#228b22}; {#8b2323}; {#3a5fcd}; {#104e8b}; {#cd3700}; {#548b54}; {#8b7355}; {#00868b}; {#228b22}; {#8b2323}; {#3a5fcd}; {#104e8b}; {#cd3700}; {#548b54}; {#8b7355}; {#00868b}; {#228b22}; {#8b2323}; {#3a5fcd}; {#104e8b}; {#cd3700}; {#548b54}; {#8b7355}; {#00868b}; {#228b22}; {#8b2323}; {#3a5fcd}; {#104e8b}; {#cd3700}; {#548b54}; {#8b7355}; } warn = {#ff8000} mask = {#ff0000} paste = {#cd00cd} black_group = {#000000} } ha:padstack { cross_thick = 1 cross_size = 0.1 mm } ha:subc { dash_freq = 5 } ha:messages { # char_per_line = 0 } # ha:misc { # volume = 0 # } misc; } # appearance; ha:import { ha:footprint_placement { method = frame } ha:footprint_removal { method = remove } ha:alien_format { poly_side_clearance = false } } ha:plugins { ha:lib_hid_common { ha:cli_history { file = {$(rc.path.home)/.pcb-rnd/cli_history} slots = 64 } } ha:io_lihata { aux_pcb_pattern = {%D.%B.lht.pcb} } ha:mincut { enable = 1 } ha:djopt { auto_only = 1 } ha:diag { auto_integrity = 0 } ha:import_sch { gnetlist_program = gnetlist make_program = make verbose = false design_relative = true } ha:import_mentor_sch { li:map_search_paths = { {./} {$(rc.path.share)/} } } ha:hid_gtk { ha:dialog { transient_modal = 1 transient_modeless = 1 auto_present = 0 } } ha:report { columns = 8 } ha:fp_wget { auto_update_gedasymbols = 0 auto_update_edakrill = 0 } ha:export_gerber { plated_g85_slot = 0 unplated_g85_slot = 0 } } # plugins ha:utils { ha:gsch2pcb-rnd { remove_unfound_elements = 1 quiet_mode = 0 verbose = 0 } } # utils } # main } # root