/* * COPYRIGHT * * pcb-rnd, interactive printed circuit board design * (this file is based on PCB, interactive printed circuit board design) * Copyright (C) 1994,1995,1996,2006 Thomas Nau * Copyright (C) 2016, 2017 Tibor 'Igor2' Palinkas (pcb-rnd extensions) * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. * * Contact: * Project page: http://repo.hu/projects/pcb-rnd * lead developer: http://repo.hu/projects/pcb-rnd/contact.html * mailing list: pcb-rnd (at) list.repo.hu (send "subscribe") * */ #ifndef PCB_LAYER_GRP_H #define PCB_LAYER_GRP_H #include "layer.h" /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- * layer group. A layer group identifies layers which are always switched * on/off together. */ struct pcb_layergrp_s { PCB_ANY_OBJ_FIELDS; rnd_cardinal_t len; /* number of layer IDs in use */ rnd_layer_id_t lid[PCB_MAX_LAYER]; /* lid=layer ID */ char *name; /* name of the physical layer (independent of the name of the layer groups) */ pcb_layer_type_t ltype; char *purpose; /* what a doc/mech layer is used for */ int purpi; /* integer version of purpose from the funtion hash (cache) */ unsigned valid:1; /* 1 if it's a new-style, valid layer group; 0 after loading old files with no layer stackup info */ unsigned vis:1; /* 1 if layer group is visible on the GUI */ unsigned open:1; /* 1 if the group is open (expanded) on the GUI */ /* internal: temporary states */ int intern_id; /* for the old layer import mechanism */ /* internal: attribute cache */ unsigned init_invis:1; /* layer group should be inivisible by default (e.g. after load) */ }; /* layer stack: an ordered list of layer groups (physical layers). */ struct pcb_layer_stack_s { rnd_cardinal_t len; pcb_layergrp_t grp[PCB_MAX_LAYERGRP]; struct { /* cache copper groups from top to bottom for fast padstack ("bbvia") lookup */ int copper_len, copper_alloced; rnd_layergrp_id_t *copper; unsigned copper_valid:1; /* whether the cache is valid */ } cache; }; /* Free all fields of a layer stack */ void pcb_layergroup_free_stack(pcb_layer_stack_t *st); /* Return the layer group for an id, or NULL on error (range check) */ pcb_layergrp_t *pcb_get_layergrp(pcb_board_t *pcb, rnd_layergrp_id_t gid); /* Return the gid if grp is in the stackup of pcb (else return -1) */ rnd_layergrp_id_t pcb_layergrp_id(const pcb_board_t *pcb, const pcb_layergrp_t *grp); /* Free a layer group (don't free the layers but detach them) */ int pcb_layergrp_free(pcb_board_t *pcb, rnd_layergrp_id_t id); /* lookup the group to which a layer belongs to returns -1 if no group is found */ rnd_layergrp_id_t pcb_layer_get_group(pcb_board_t *pcb, rnd_layer_id_t Layer); rnd_layergrp_id_t pcb_layer_get_group_(pcb_layer_t *Layer); /* Returns group actually moved to (i.e. either group or previous) */ rnd_layergrp_id_t pcb_layer_move_to_group(pcb_board_t *pcb, rnd_layer_id_t layer, rnd_layergrp_id_t group); /* Returns rnd_true if all layers in a group are empty */ rnd_bool pcb_layergrp_is_empty(pcb_board_t *pcb, rnd_layergrp_id_t lgrp); rnd_bool pcb_layergrp_is_pure_empty(pcb_board_t *pcb, rnd_layergrp_id_t num); /* call the gui to set a layer group */ int pcb_layer_gui_set_layer(rnd_layergrp_id_t gid, const pcb_layergrp_t *grp, int is_empty, rnd_xform_t **xform); int pcb_layer_gui_set_glayer(pcb_board_t *pcb, rnd_layergrp_id_t grp, int is_empty, rnd_xform_t **xform); /* returns a bitfield of pcb_layer_type_t; returns 0 if layer_idx is invalid. */ unsigned int pcb_layergrp_flags(const pcb_board_t *pcb, rnd_layergrp_id_t group_idx); const char *pcb_layergrp_name(pcb_board_t *pcb, rnd_layergrp_id_t gid); /* Same as pcb_layer_list but lists layer groups. A group is matching if any layer in that group matches mask. */ int pcb_layergrp_list(const pcb_board_t *pcb, pcb_layer_type_t mask, rnd_layergrp_id_t *res, int res_len); int pcb_layergrp_listp(const pcb_board_t *pcb, pcb_layer_type_t mask, rnd_layergrp_id_t *res, int res_len, int purpi, const char *purpose); int pcb_layergrp_list_any(const pcb_board_t *pcb, pcb_layer_type_t mask, rnd_layergrp_id_t *res, int res_len); /* Put a layer in a group (the layer should not be in any other group); returns 0 on success */ int pcb_layer_add_in_group(pcb_board_t *pcb, rnd_layer_id_t layer_id, rnd_layergrp_id_t group_id); int pcb_layer_add_in_group_(pcb_board_t *pcb, pcb_layergrp_t *grp, rnd_layergrp_id_t group_id, rnd_layer_id_t layer_id); /* Remove a layer group; if del_layers is zero, layers are kept but detached (.grp = -1), else layers are deleted too */ int pcb_layergrp_del(pcb_board_t *pcb, rnd_layergrp_id_t gid, int del_layers, rnd_bool undoable); /* Remove a layer from a group */ int pcb_layergrp_del_layer(pcb_board_t *pcb, rnd_layergrp_id_t gid, rnd_layer_id_t lid); /* Duplicate a layer group (with no layers); if auto_substrate is set, insert a substrate layer automatically if needed */ rnd_layergrp_id_t pcb_layergrp_dup(pcb_board_t *pcb, rnd_layergrp_id_t gid, int auto_substrate, rnd_bool undoable); /* Move gfrom to to_before and shift the stack as necessary. Return -1 on range error */ int pcb_layergrp_move(pcb_board_t *pcb, rnd_layergrp_id_t gfrom, rnd_layergrp_id_t to_before); /* Move src onto dst, not shifting the stack, free()'ing and overwriting dst, leaving a gap (0'd slot) at src */ int pcb_layergrp_move_onto(pcb_board_t *pcb, rnd_layergrp_id_t dst, rnd_layergrp_id_t src); /* Set up the administrative fields (type, parent) of a group */ void pcb_layergrp_setup(pcb_layergrp_t *g, pcb_board_t *parent); /* Insert a new layer group in the layer stack after the specified group */ pcb_layergrp_t *pcb_layergrp_insert_after(pcb_board_t *pcb, rnd_layergrp_id_t where); /* Move lid 1 step towards the front (delta=-1) or end (delta=+1) of the layer list of the group. Return 0 on success (even when already reached the end of the list) or -1 on error. This operation is always undoable. */ int pcb_layergrp_step_layer(pcb_board_t *pcb, pcb_layergrp_t *grp, rnd_layer_id_t lid, int delta); /* Return the array index of lid within the grp's lid list or -1 if not on the list */ int pcb_layergrp_index_in_grp(pcb_layergrp_t *grp, rnd_layer_id_t lid); /* Calculate the distance between gid1 and gid2 in the stack, in number of layer groups matching mask. The result is placed in *diff. Returns 0 on success. Typical use case: gid1 is an internal copper layer, gid2 is the top copper layer, mask is PCB_LYT_COPPER -> *diff is the copper index of the internal layer from top */ int pcb_layergrp_dist(pcb_board_t *pcb, rnd_layergrp_id_t gid1, rnd_layergrp_id_t gid2, pcb_layer_type_t mask, int *diff); /* walk the given amount steps on the stack among layer groups matching mask. A negative step goes upward. Typical use: "return the 2nd copper layer below this one" */ rnd_layergrp_id_t pcb_layergrp_step(pcb_board_t *pcb, rnd_layergrp_id_t gid, int steps, pcb_layer_type_t mask); /* Enable/disable inhibition of layer changed events during layer group updates */ void pcb_layergrp_inhibit_inc(void); void pcb_layergrp_inhibit_dec(void); int pcb_layergrp_is_inhibited(void); /* send out a layers changed notification, respecting the inhibit flag */ void pcb_layergrp_notify_chg(pcb_board_t *pcb); /* Send out a layer changed event if not inhibited */ void pcb_layergrp_notify(pcb_board_t *pcb); /* Rename an existing layer by idx */ int pcb_layergrp_rename(pcb_board_t *pcb, rnd_layergrp_id_t gid, const char *lname, rnd_bool undoable); /* changes the name of a layer; memory has to be already allocated */ int pcb_layergrp_rename_(pcb_layergrp_t *grp, char *name, rnd_bool undoable); /* Change the purpose field and recalc purpi (not undoable) */ int pcb_layergrp_set_purpose__(pcb_layergrp_t *lg, char *purpose, rnd_bool undoable); /* no strdup, no event */ int pcb_layergrp_set_purpose_(pcb_layergrp_t *lg, char *purpose, rnd_bool undoable); /* no strdup, send layer change event */ int pcb_layergrp_set_purpose(pcb_layergrp_t *lg, const char *purpose, rnd_bool undoable); /* strdup, send event */ /* Change layer group flags (layer-type) */ int pcb_layergrp_set_ltype(pcb_layergrp_t *g, pcb_layer_type_t lyt, rnd_bool undoable); /* Slow linear search for a layer group by name */ rnd_layergrp_id_t pcb_layergrp_by_name(pcb_board_t *pcb, const char *name); /* Create a layer for each unbindable layers from the layer array */ int pcb_layer_create_all_for_recipe(pcb_board_t *pcb, pcb_layer_t *layer, int num_layer); /* Upgrade the current layer stack to incldue all layers for fully representaing standard padstacks. This includes reusing or creating layer groups and layers, altering layer group names (but not removing layers or groups) */ void pcb_layergrp_upgrade_to_pstk(pcb_board_t *pcb); /* Compatibility helper: insert a substrate group in between any two adjacent copper groups. */ void pcb_layergrp_create_missing_substrate(pcb_board_t *pcb); /* Call this after creating grp to add the creation to the undo list */ void pcb_layergrp_undoable_created(pcb_layergrp_t *grp); #define PCB_COPPER_GROUP_LOOP(data, group) do { \ rnd_cardinal_t entry; \ pcb_board_t *cgl__pcb = pcb_data_get_top(data); \ if (cgl__pcb == NULL) \ cgl__pcb = PCB; \ for (entry = 0; entry < ((pcb_board_t *)(cgl__pcb))->LayerGroups.grp[(group)].len; entry++) \ { \ pcb_layer_t *layer; \ rnd_layer_id_t number; \ number = ((pcb_board_t *)(cgl__pcb))->LayerGroups.grp[(group)].lid[entry]; \ if (!(pcb_layer_flags(PCB, number) & PCB_LYT_COPPER)) \ continue; \ layer = &data->Layer[number]; /* for parsing old files with old layer descriptions, with no layer groups */ void pcb_layer_group_setup_default(pcb_board_t *pcb); /* default layer groups, no layers */ void pcb_layer_group_setup_silks(pcb_board_t *pcb); /* make sure we have two silk layers, add them if needed */ pcb_layergrp_t *pcb_get_grp(pcb_layer_stack_t *stack, pcb_layer_type_t loc, pcb_layer_type_t typ); pcb_layergrp_t *pcb_get_grp_new_intern(pcb_board_t *pcb, int intern_id); pcb_layergrp_t *pcb_get_grp_new_misc(pcb_board_t *pcb); /* prepend or append a layer group without any smart side effects - used from io loaders */ pcb_layergrp_t *pcb_get_grp_new_raw(pcb_board_t *pcb, rnd_bool prepend); /* ugly hack: remove the extra substrate we added after the outline layer */ void pcb_layergrp_fix_old_outline(pcb_board_t *pcb); /* ugly hack: turn an old intern layer group into an outline group after realizing it is really an outline (reading the old layers) */ void pcb_layergrp_fix_turn_to_outline(pcb_layergrp_t *g); /* ugly hack: look at layers and convert g into an outline group if needed */ void pcb_layergrp_fix_old_outline_detect(pcb_board_t *pcb, pcb_layergrp_t *g); /* Cached layer group lookups foir a few common cases */ rnd_layergrp_id_t pcb_layergrp_get_bottom_mask(); rnd_layergrp_id_t pcb_layergrp_get_top_mask(); rnd_layergrp_id_t pcb_layergrp_get_bottom_paste(); rnd_layergrp_id_t pcb_layergrp_get_top_paste(); rnd_layergrp_id_t pcb_layergrp_get_bottom_silk(); rnd_layergrp_id_t pcb_layergrp_get_top_silk(); rnd_layergrp_id_t pcb_layergrp_get_bottom_copper(); rnd_layergrp_id_t pcb_layergrp_get_top_copper(); /* return whether any silk or mask or paste layer group is visible */ int pcb_silk_on(pcb_board_t *pcb); int pcb_mask_on(pcb_board_t *pcb); int pcb_paste_on(pcb_board_t *pcb); /* recalculate the copper cache */ void pcb_layergrp_copper_cache_update(pcb_layer_stack_t *st); /* default layer group map */ typedef struct pcb_dflgmap_s { const char *name; pcb_layer_type_t lyt; const char *purpose; pcb_layer_combining_t comb; enum { /* bitfield */ PCB_DFLGMAP_FORCE_END = 1, PCB_DFLGMAP_INIT_INVIS = 2 } flags; } pcb_dflgmap_t; extern const pcb_dflgmap_t pcb_dflgmap[]; /* the whole map, without doc layers */ /* non-coper parts of the map, without doc layers, without doc layers */ extern const pcb_dflgmap_t pcb_dflg_top_noncop[]; extern const pcb_dflgmap_t pcb_dflg_bot_noncop[]; extern const pcb_dflgmap_t pcb_dflg_glob_noncop[]; /* pointers into the array marking boundaries */ extern const pcb_dflgmap_t *pcb_dflgmap_last_top_noncopper; extern const pcb_dflgmap_t *pcb_dflgmap_first_bottom_noncopper; extern const pcb_dflgmap_t pcb_dflgmap_doc[]; /* map for the doc layers, e.g. assy and fab layers */ /* predefined common default map entries for building a stack */ extern const pcb_dflgmap_t pcb_dflg_top_copper; extern const pcb_dflgmap_t pcb_dflg_int_copper; extern const pcb_dflgmap_t pcb_dflg_substrate; extern const pcb_dflgmap_t pcb_dflg_bot_copper; extern const pcb_dflgmap_t pcb_dflg_outline; /* Overwrite or create all groups from a map */ void pcb_layergrp_upgrade_by_map(pcb_board_t *pcb, const pcb_dflgmap_t *map); /* Create all groups from a map (even if duplicate to existing) */ void pcb_layergrp_create_by_map(pcb_board_t *pcb, const pcb_dflgmap_t *map); /* Overwrite an existing group from a default layer group map entry and create a layer in the group */ void pcb_layergrp_set_dflgly(pcb_board_t *pcb, pcb_layergrp_t *grp, const pcb_dflgmap_t *src, const char *grname, const char *lyname); /* Return true if the board has an outline layer with at least one object on it */ rnd_bool pcb_has_explicit_outline(pcb_board_t *pcb); /* Return the thickness attribute of a layer group, optionally considering the namespace based override attribute, when present; returns NULL if attribute is not found. */ const char *pcb_layergrp_thickness_attr(pcb_layergrp_t *grp, const char *namespace); #endif