#!/bin/sh # pcb-prj2lht - convert an old gsch2pcb project file to geda project lht # Copyright (C) 2016 Tibor 'Igor2' Palinkas # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along # with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., # 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. # # http://repo.hu/projects/pcb-rnd # Convert and old gsch2pcb-rnd project file to the new, multi-program # geda project lihata file format. prj2lht() { awk ' BEGIN { INDENT["elements-dir"] = " " INDENT["schematics"] = " " } function lht_quote(s) { if (s ~ "[^a-zA-Z0-9_.-]") return "{" s "}" return s } function parse() { name = $1 $1="" CFG[name] = $0 sub("^[ \t]*", "", CFG[name]) } function list_add(key, val) { CFG[key] = CFG[key] INDENT[key] lht_quote(val) "\n" } function list_add_split(key, val ,n,v,T) { v = split(val, T, "[ \t]+") for(n = 1; n <= v; n++) if (T[n] != "") list_add(key, T[n]) } function qparse( tmp,name) { name = $1 $1="" tmp=$0 sub("^[ \t]*", "", tmp) while(match(tmp, "\"[^\"]*\"")) { list_add_split(name, substr(tmp, 1, RSTART-1)) list_add(name, substr(tmp, RSTART+1, RLENGTH-2)) tmp = substr(tmp, RSTART+RLENGTH, length(tmp)) } # leftover after the last quote list_add_split(name, tmp) } ($1 == "elements-dir") { qparse() } ($1 == "elements-shell") { parse() } ($1 == "schematics") { qparse() } ($1 == "output-name") { parse() } ($1 == "remove-unfound") { CFG["remove-unfound"] = 1 } ($1 == "keep-unfound") { CFG["remove-unfound"] = 0 } ($1 == "quiet") { CFG[$1] = 1 } ($1 == "preserve") { CFG[$1] = 1 } ($1 == "default-pcb") { parse() } ($1 == "gnetlist") { parse() } ($1 == "enpty-footprint") { parse() } function print_val(cfgkey, outkey) { if (cfgkey in CFG) print " " outkey " = " lht_quote(CFG[cfgkey]) } END { print "ha:geda-project-v1 {" print " li:pcb-rnd-conf-v1 {" print " ha:overwrite {" print " ha:utils {" print " ha:gsch2pcb_rnd {" print_val("remove-unfound", "remove_unfound_elements") print_val("quiet", "quiet_mode") print_val("preserve", "preserve") print_val("output-name", "sch_basename") print_val("default-pcb", "default_pcb") print_val("gnetlist", "gnetlist") print_val("empty-footprint", "empty_footprint_name") if ("schematics" in CFG) { print " li:schematics {" printf("%s", CFG["schematics"]) print " }" } print " }" print " }" print " ha:rc {" print_val("elements-shell", "library_shell") print " }" print " }" if ("elements-dir" in CFG) { print " ha:prepend {" print " ha:rc {" print " li:library_search_paths {" printf("%s", CFG["elements-dir"]) print " }" print " }" print " }" } print " }" print "}" } ' } help() { echo "pcb-prj2lht - convert a gsch2pcb project file to pcb-rnd lihata project file" echo "" echo "Invocation: pcb-prj2lht [something.prj]" echo "" echo "If the project file is specified, a new file is created with the .prj" echo "part replaced with .lht. If no file name specified, read the project" echo "on STDIN and write the result to STDOUT." echo "" } ########## main ########## if test "$1" = "--help" then help exit fi if test $# -gt 0 then for n in "$@" do out=${n%%.prj}.lht prj2lht < $n > $out || echo "Failed to convert $n to $out" >&2 done else # stdio operation prj2lht fi