Index: Makefile =================================================================== --- Makefile (nonexistent) +++ Makefile (revision 1054) @@ -0,0 +1,4 @@ +all: + cd ../../src && make mod_edif + + Index: Makefile.mod =================================================================== --- Makefile.mod (nonexistent) +++ Makefile.mod (revision 1054) @@ -0,0 +1,28 @@ +append /local/pcb/edif/enable {} +append /local/pcb/edif/buildin {} + +append /local/pcb/edif/OBJS [@ ${PLUGDIR}/edif/edif.o @] +append /local/pcb/YACC {edif} + +if /local/pcb/edif/enable then + if /local/pcb/edif/buildin then + append /local/pcb/buildin_init { extern void hid_edif_init(); hid_edif_init(); plugin_register("edif", "", NULL, 0); } + append /local/pcb/OBJS /local/pcb/edif/OBJS + append /local/pcb/RULES [@ + +mod_edif: all + +@] + + else + append /local/pcb/all [@ ${PLUGDIR}/edif/ @] + append /local/pcb/RULES [@ + +${PLUGDIR}/edif/ @/local/pcb/edif/OBJS@ + $(CC) $(LDFLAGS) -shared @cc/rdynamic@ -o ${PLUGDIR}/edif/ @/local/pcb/edif/OBJS@ + +mod_edif: ${PLUGDIR}/edif/ + +@] + end +end Index: edif.c =================================================================== --- edif.c (nonexistent) +++ edif.c (revision 1054) @@ -0,0 +1,6533 @@ +/* A Bison parser, made by GNU Bison 3.0.2. */ + +/* Bison implementation for Yacc-like parsers in C + + Copyright (C) 1984, 1989-1990, 2000-2013 Free Software Foundation, Inc. + + This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify + it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or + (at your option) any later version. + + This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + GNU General Public License for more details. + + You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + along with this program. If not, see . */ + +/* As a special exception, you may create a larger work that contains + part or all of the Bison parser skeleton and distribute that work + under terms of your choice, so long as that work isn't itself a + parser generator using the skeleton or a modified version thereof + as a parser skeleton. Alternatively, if you modify or redistribute + the parser skeleton itself, you may (at your option) remove this + special exception, which will cause the skeleton and the resulting + Bison output files to be licensed under the GNU General Public + License without this special exception. + + This special exception was added by the Free Software Foundation in + version 2.2 of Bison. */ + +/* C LALR(1) parser skeleton written by Richard Stallman, by + simplifying the original so-called "semantic" parser. */ + +/* All symbols defined below should begin with yy or YY, to avoid + infringing on user name space. This should be done even for local + variables, as they might otherwise be expanded by user macros. + There are some unavoidable exceptions within include files to + define necessary library symbols; they are noted "INFRINGES ON + USER NAME SPACE" below. */ + +/* Identify Bison output. */ +#define YYBISON 1 + +/* Bison version. */ +#define YYBISON_VERSION "3.0.2" + +/* Skeleton name. */ +#define YYSKELETON_NAME "yacc.c" + +/* Pure parsers. */ +#define YYPURE 0 + +/* Push parsers. */ +#define YYPUSH 0 + +/* Pull parsers. */ +#define YYPULL 1 + + +/* Substitute the variable and function names. */ +#define yyparse edifparse +#define yylex ediflex +#define yyerror ediferror +#define yydebug edifdebug +#define yynerrs edifnerrs + +#define yylval ediflval +#define yychar edifchar + +/* Copy the first part of user declarations. */ +#line 1 "../src_plugins/edif/edif.y" /* yacc.c:339 */ + +/* + * PCB Edif parser based heavily on: + * + * Header: edif.y,v 1.18 87/12/07 19:59:49 roger Locked + */ +/************************************************************************ + * * + * edif.y * + * * + * EDIF 2.0.0 parser, Level 0 * + * * + * You are free to copy, distribute, use it, abuse it, make it * + * write bad tracks all over the disk ... or anything else. * + * * + * Your friendly neighborhood Rogue Monster - * + * * + ************************************************************************/ +#include + +/* for malloc, free, atoi */ +#include + +/* for strcpy */ +#include + +#include + +#include "global.h" +#include "data.h" +/* from mymem.h, not include because of the malloc junk */ +LibraryMenuTypePtr GetLibraryMenuMemory (LibraryTypePtr); +LibraryEntryTypePtr GetLibraryEntryMemory (LibraryMenuTypePtr); + +/* + * Local definitions. + */ +#define IDENT_LENGTH 255 +#define Malloc(s) malloc(s) +#define Free(p) free(p) +#define Getc(s) getc(s) +#define Ungetc(c) ungetc(c,Input) + + typedef struct _str_pair + { + char* str1; + char* str2; + struct _str_pair* next; + } str_pair; + + typedef struct _pair_list + { + char* name; + str_pair* list; + } pair_list; + + str_pair* new_str_pair(char* s1, char* s2) + { + str_pair* ps = (str_pair *)malloc(sizeof(str_pair)); + ps->str1 = s1; + ps->str2 = s2; + ps->next = NULL; + return ps; + } + + pair_list* new_pair_list(str_pair* ps) + { + pair_list* pl = (pair_list *)malloc(sizeof(pair_list)); + pl->list = ps; + pl->name = NULL; + return pl; + } + + void str_pair_free(str_pair* ps) + { + str_pair* node; + while ( ps ) + { + free(ps->str1); + free(ps->str2); + node = ps; + ps = ps->next; + free(node); + } + } + + void pair_list_free(pair_list* pl) + { + str_pair_free(pl->list); + free(pl->name); + free(pl); + } + + void define_pcb_net(str_pair* name, pair_list* nodes) + { + int tl; + str_pair* done_node; + str_pair* node; + char* buf; + char* p; + LibraryEntryTypePtr entry; + LibraryMenuTypePtr menu = GetLibraryMenuMemory (&PCB->NetlistLib); + + if ( !name->str1 ) + { + /* no net name given, stop now */ + /* if renamed str2 also exists and must be freed */ + if ( name->str2 ) free(name->str2); + free(name); + pair_list_free(nodes); + return; + } + menu->Name = strdup (name->str1); + free(name->str1); + /* if renamed str2 also exists and must be freed */ + if ( name->str2 ) free(name->str2); + free(name); + buf = (char *)malloc(256); + if ( !buf ) + { + /* no memory */ + pair_list_free(nodes); + return; + } + + node = nodes->list; + free(nodes->name); + free(nodes); + while ( node ) + { + /* check for node with no instance */ + if ( !node->str1 ) + { + /* toss it and move on */ + free(node->str2); + done_node = node; + node = node->next; + free(done_node); + continue; + } + tl = strlen(node->str1) + strlen(node->str2); + if ( tl + 3 > 256 ) + { + free(buf); + buf = (char *)malloc(tl+3); + if ( !buf ) + { + /* no memory */ + str_pair_free(node); + return; + } + } + strcpy(buf,node->str1); + /* make all upper case, because of PCB funky behaviour */ + p=buf; + while ( *p ) + { + *p = toupper( (int) *p); + p++; + } + /* add dash separating designator from node */ + *(buf+strlen(node->str1)) = '-'; + /* check for the edif number prefix */ + if ( node->str2[0] == '&' ) + { + /* skip number prefix */ + strcpy(buf+strlen(node->str1)+1,node->str2 +1); + } + else + { + strcpy(buf+strlen(node->str1)+1,node->str2); + } + /* free the strings */ + free(node->str1); + free(node->str2); + entry = GetLibraryEntryMemory (menu); + entry->ListEntry = strdup(buf); + done_node = node; + node = node->next; + free(done_node); + } + } + + +/* forward function declarations */ + static int yylex(void); + static void yyerror(const char *); + static void PopC(void); + +#line 264 "" /* yacc.c:339 */ + +# ifndef YY_NULLPTR +# if defined __cplusplus && 201103L <= __cplusplus +# define YY_NULLPTR nullptr +# else +# define YY_NULLPTR 0 +# endif +# endif + +/* Enabling verbose error messages. */ +#ifdef YYERROR_VERBOSE +# undef YYERROR_VERBOSE +# define YYERROR_VERBOSE 1 +#else +# define YYERROR_VERBOSE 0 +#endif + + +/* Debug traces. */ +#ifndef YYDEBUG +# define YYDEBUG 0 +#endif +#if YYDEBUG +extern int edifdebug; +#endif + +/* Token type. */ +#ifndef YYTOKENTYPE +# define YYTOKENTYPE + enum yytokentype + { + EDIF_TOK_IDENT = 258, + EDIF_TOK_INT = 259, + EDIF_TOK_KEYWORD = 260, + EDIF_TOK_STR = 261, + EDIF_TOK_ANGLE = 262, + EDIF_TOK_BEHAVIOR = 263, + EDIF_TOK_CALCULATED = 264, + EDIF_TOK_CAPACITANCE = 265, + EDIF_TOK_CENTERCENTER = 266, + EDIF_TOK_CENTERLEFT = 267, + EDIF_TOK_CENTERRIGHT = 268, + EDIF_TOK_CHARGE = 269, + EDIF_TOK_CONDUCTANCE = 270, + EDIF_TOK_CURRENT = 271, + EDIF_TOK_DISTANCE = 272, + EDIF_TOK_DOCUMENT = 273, + EDIF_TOK_ENERGY = 274, + EDIF_TOK_EXTEND = 275, + EDIF_TOK_FLUX = 276, + EDIF_TOK_FREQUENCY = 277, + EDIF_TOK_GENERIC = 278, + EDIF_TOK_GRAPHIC = 279, + EDIF_TOK_INDUCTANCE = 280, + EDIF_TOK_INOUT = 281, + EDIF_TOK_INPUT = 282, + EDIF_TOK_LOGICMODEL = 283, + EDIF_TOK_LOWERCENTER = 284, + EDIF_TOK_LOWERLEFT = 285, + EDIF_TOK_LOWERRIGHT = 286, + EDIF_TOK_MASKLAYOUT = 287, + EDIF_TOK_MASS = 288, + EDIF_TOK_MEASURED = 289, + EDIF_TOK_MX = 290, + EDIF_TOK_MXR90 = 291, + EDIF_TOK_MY = 292, + EDIF_TOK_MYR90 = 293, + EDIF_TOK_NETLIST = 294, + EDIF_TOK_OUTPUT = 295, + EDIF_TOK_PCBLAYOUT = 296, + EDIF_TOK_POWER = 297, + EDIF_TOK_R0 = 298, + EDIF_TOK_R180 = 299, + EDIF_TOK_R270 = 300, + EDIF_TOK_R90 = 301, + EDIF_TOK_REQUIRED = 302, + EDIF_TOK_RESISTANCE = 303, + EDIF_TOK_RIPPER = 304, + EDIF_TOK_ROUND = 305, + EDIF_TOK_SCHEMATIC = 306, + EDIF_TOK_STRANGER = 307, + EDIF_TOK_SYMBOLIC = 308, + EDIF_TOK_TEMPERATURE = 309, + EDIF_TOK_TIE = 310, + EDIF_TOK_TIME = 311, + EDIF_TOK_TRUNCATE = 312, + EDIF_TOK_UPPERCENTER = 313, + EDIF_TOK_UPPERLEFT = 314, + EDIF_TOK_UPPERRIGHT = 315, + EDIF_TOK_VOLTAGE = 316, + EDIF_TOK_ACLOAD = 317, + EDIF_TOK_AFTER = 318, + EDIF_TOK_ANNOTATE = 319, + EDIF_TOK_APPLY = 320, + EDIF_TOK_ARC = 321, + EDIF_TOK_ARRAY = 322, + EDIF_TOK_ARRAYMACRO = 323, + EDIF_TOK_ARRAYRELATEDINFO = 324, + EDIF_TOK_ARRAYSITE = 325, + EDIF_TOK_ATLEAST = 326, + EDIF_TOK_ATMOST = 327, + EDIF_TOK_AUTHOR = 328, + EDIF_TOK_BASEARRAY = 329, + EDIF_TOK_BECOMES = 330, + EDIF_TOK_BETWEEN = 331, + EDIF_TOK_BOOLEAN = 332, + EDIF_TOK_BOOLEANDISPLAY = 333, + EDIF_TOK_BOOLEANMAP = 334, + EDIF_TOK_BORDERPATTERN = 335, + EDIF_TOK_BORDERWIDTH = 336, + EDIF_TOK_BOUNDINGBOX = 337, + EDIF_TOK_CELL = 338, + EDIF_TOK_CELLREF = 339, + EDIF_TOK_CELLTYPE = 340, + EDIF_TOK_CHANGE = 341, + EDIF_TOK_CIRCLE = 342, + EDIF_TOK_COLOR = 343, + EDIF_TOK_COMMENT = 344, + EDIF_TOK_COMMENTGRAPHICS = 345, + EDIF_TOK_COMPOUND = 346, + EDIF_TOK_CONNECTLOCATION = 347, + EDIF_TOK_CONTENTS = 348, + EDIF_TOK_CORNERTYPE = 349, + EDIF_TOK_CRITICALITY = 350, + EDIF_TOK_CURRENTMAP = 351, + EDIF_TOK_CURVE = 352, + EDIF_TOK_CYCLE = 353, + EDIF_TOK_DATAORIGIN = 354, + EDIF_TOK_DCFANINLOAD = 355, + EDIF_TOK_DCFANOUTLOAD = 356, + EDIF_TOK_DCMAXFANIN = 357, + EDIF_TOK_DCMAXFANOUT = 358, + EDIF_TOK_DELAY = 359, + EDIF_TOK_DELTA = 360, + EDIF_TOK_DERIVATION = 361, + EDIF_TOK_DESIGN = 362, + EDIF_TOK_DESIGNATOR = 363, + EDIF_TOK_DIFFERENCE = 364, + EDIF_TOK_DIRECTION = 365, + EDIF_TOK_DISPLAY = 366, + EDIF_TOK_DOMINATES = 367, + EDIF_TOK_DOT = 368, + EDIF_TOK_DURATION = 369, + EDIF_TOK_E = 370, + EDIF_TOK_EDIF = 371, + EDIF_TOK_EDIFLEVEL = 372, + EDIF_TOK_EDIFVERSION = 373, + EDIF_TOK_ENCLOSUREDISTANCE = 374, + EDIF_TOK_ENDTYPE = 375, + EDIF_TOK_ENTRY = 376, + EDIF_TOK_EVENT = 377, + EDIF_TOK_EXACTLY = 378, + EDIF_TOK_EXTERNAL = 379, + EDIF_TOK_FABRICATE = 380, + EDIF_TOK_FALSE = 381, + EDIF_TOK_FIGURE = 382, + EDIF_TOK_FIGUREAREA = 383, + EDIF_TOK_FIGUREGROUP = 384, + EDIF_TOK_FIGUREGROUPOBJECT = 385, + EDIF_TOK_FIGUREGROUPOVERRIDE = 386, + EDIF_TOK_FIGUREGROUPREF = 387, + EDIF_TOK_FIGUREPERIMETER = 388, + EDIF_TOK_FIGUREWIDTH = 389, + EDIF_TOK_FILLPATTERN = 390, + EDIF_TOK_FOLLOW = 391, + EDIF_TOK_FORBIDDENEVENT = 392, + EDIF_TOK_GLOBALPORTREF = 393, + EDIF_TOK_GREATERTHAN = 394, + EDIF_TOK_GRIDMAP = 395, + EDIF_TOK_IGNORE = 396, + EDIF_TOK_INCLUDEFIGUREGROUP = 397, + EDIF_TOK_INITIAL = 398, + EDIF_TOK_INSTANCE = 399, + EDIF_TOK_INSTANCEBACKANNOTATE = 400, + EDIF_TOK_INSTANCEGROUP = 401, + EDIF_TOK_INSTANCEMAP = 402, + EDIF_TOK_INSTANCEREF = 403, + EDIF_TOK_INTEGER = 404, + EDIF_TOK_INTEGERDISPLAY = 405, + EDIF_TOK_INTERFACE = 406, + EDIF_TOK_INTERFIGUREGROUPSPACING = 407, + EDIF_TOK_INTERSECTION = 408, + EDIF_TOK_INTRAFIGUREGROUPSPACING = 409, + EDIF_TOK_INVERSE = 410, + EDIF_TOK_ISOLATED = 411, + EDIF_TOK_JOINED = 412, + EDIF_TOK_JUSTIFY = 413, + EDIF_TOK_KEYWORDDISPLAY = 414, + EDIF_TOK_KEYWORDLEVEL = 415, + EDIF_TOK_KEYWORDMAP = 416, + EDIF_TOK_LESSTHAN = 417, + EDIF_TOK_LIBRARY = 418, + EDIF_TOK_LIBRARYREF = 419, + EDIF_TOK_LISTOFNETS = 420, + EDIF_TOK_LISTOFPORTS = 421, + EDIF_TOK_LOADDELAY = 422, + EDIF_TOK_LOGICASSIGN = 423, + EDIF_TOK_LOGICINPUT = 424, + EDIF_TOK_LOGICLIST = 425, + EDIF_TOK_LOGICMAPINPUT = 426, + EDIF_TOK_LOGICMAPOUTPUT = 427, + EDIF_TOK_LOGICONEOF = 428, + EDIF_TOK_LOGICOUTPUT = 429, + EDIF_TOK_LOGICPORT = 430, + EDIF_TOK_LOGICREF = 431, + EDIF_TOK_LOGICVALUE = 432, + EDIF_TOK_LOGICWAVEFORM = 433, + EDIF_TOK_MAINTAIN = 434, + EDIF_TOK_MATCH = 435, + EDIF_TOK_MEMBER = 436, + EDIF_TOK_MINOMAX = 437, + EDIF_TOK_MINOMAXDISPLAY = 438, + EDIF_TOK_MNM = 439, + EDIF_TOK_MULTIPLEVALUESET = 440, + EDIF_TOK_MUSTJOIN = 441, + EDIF_TOK_NAME = 442, + EDIF_TOK_NET = 443, + EDIF_TOK_NETBACKANNOTATE = 444, + EDIF_TOK_NETBUNDLE = 445, + EDIF_TOK_NETDELAY = 446, + EDIF_TOK_NETGROUP = 447, + EDIF_TOK_NETMAP = 448, + EDIF_TOK_NETREF = 449, + EDIF_TOK_NOCHANGE = 450, + EDIF_TOK_NONPERMUTABLE = 451, + EDIF_TOK_NOTALLOWED = 452, + EDIF_TOK_NOTCHSPACING = 453, + EDIF_TOK_NUMBER = 454, + EDIF_TOK_NUMBERDEFINITION = 455, + EDIF_TOK_NUMBERDISPLAY = 456, + EDIF_TOK_OFFPAGECONNECTOR = 457, + EDIF_TOK_OFFSETEVENT = 458, + EDIF_TOK_OPENSHAPE = 459, + EDIF_TOK_ORIENTATION = 460, + EDIF_TOK_ORIGIN = 461, + EDIF_TOK_OVERHANGDISTANCE = 462, + EDIF_TOK_OVERLAPDISTANCE = 463, + EDIF_TOK_OVERSIZE = 464, + EDIF_TOK_OWNER = 465, + EDIF_TOK_PAGE = 466, + EDIF_TOK_PAGESIZE = 467, + EDIF_TOK_PARAMETER = 468, + EDIF_TOK_PARAMETERASSIGN = 469, + EDIF_TOK_PARAMETERDISPLAY = 470, + EDIF_TOK_PATH = 471, + EDIF_TOK_PATHDELAY = 472, + EDIF_TOK_PATHWIDTH = 473, + EDIF_TOK_PERMUTABLE = 474, + EDIF_TOK_PHYSICALDESIGNRULE = 475, + EDIF_TOK_PLUG = 476, + EDIF_TOK_POINT = 477, + EDIF_TOK_POINTDISPLAY = 478, + EDIF_TOK_POINTLIST = 479, + EDIF_TOK_POLYGON = 480, + EDIF_TOK_PORT = 481, + EDIF_TOK_PORTBACKANNOTATE = 482, + EDIF_TOK_PORTBUNDLE = 483, + EDIF_TOK_PORTDELAY = 484, + EDIF_TOK_PORTGROUP = 485, + EDIF_TOK_PORTIMPLEMENTATION = 486, + EDIF_TOK_PORTINSTANCE = 487, + EDIF_TOK_PORTLIST = 488, + EDIF_TOK_PORTLISTALIAS = 489, + EDIF_TOK_PORTMAP = 490, + EDIF_TOK_PORTREF = 491, + EDIF_TOK_PROGRAM = 492, + EDIF_TOK_PROPERTY = 493, + EDIF_TOK_PROPERTYDISPLAY = 494, + EDIF_TOK_PROTECTIONFRAME = 495, + EDIF_TOK_PT = 496, + EDIF_TOK_RANGEVECTOR = 497, + EDIF_TOK_RECTANGLE = 498, + EDIF_TOK_RECTANGLESIZE = 499, + EDIF_TOK_RENAME = 500, + EDIF_TOK_RESOLVES = 501, + EDIF_TOK_SCALE = 502, + EDIF_TOK_SCALEX = 503, + EDIF_TOK_SCALEY = 504, + EDIF_TOK_SECTION = 505, + EDIF_TOK_SHAPE = 506, + EDIF_TOK_SIMULATE = 507, + EDIF_TOK_SIMULATIONINFO = 508, + EDIF_TOK_SINGLEVALUESET = 509, + EDIF_TOK_SITE = 510, + EDIF_TOK_SOCKET = 511, + EDIF_TOK_SOCKETSET = 512, + EDIF_TOK_STATUS = 513, + EDIF_TOK_STEADY = 514, + EDIF_TOK_STRING = 515, + EDIF_TOK_STRINGDISPLAY = 516, + EDIF_TOK_STRONG = 517, + EDIF_TOK_SYMBOL = 518, + EDIF_TOK_SYMMETRY = 519, + EDIF_TOK_TABLE = 520, + EDIF_TOK_TABLEDEFAULT = 521, + EDIF_TOK_TECHNOLOGY = 522, + EDIF_TOK_TEXTHEIGHT = 523, + EDIF_TOK_TIMEINTERVAL = 524, + EDIF_TOK_TIMESTAMP = 525, + EDIF_TOK_TIMING = 526, + EDIF_TOK_TRANSFORM = 527, + EDIF_TOK_TRANSITION = 528, + EDIF_TOK_TRIGGER = 529, + EDIF_TOK_TRUE = 530, + EDIF_TOK_UNCONSTRAINED = 531, + EDIF_TOK_UNDEFINED = 532, + EDIF_TOK_UNION = 533, + EDIF_TOK_UNIT = 534, + EDIF_TOK_UNUSED = 535, + EDIF_TOK_USERDATA = 536, + EDIF_TOK_VERSION = 537, + EDIF_TOK_VIEW = 538, + EDIF_TOK_VIEWLIST = 539, + EDIF_TOK_VIEWMAP = 540, + EDIF_TOK_VIEWREF = 541, + EDIF_TOK_VIEWTYPE = 542, + EDIF_TOK_VISIBLE = 543, + EDIF_TOK_VOLTAGEMAP = 544, + EDIF_TOK_WAVEVALUE = 545, + EDIF_TOK_WEAK = 546, + EDIF_TOK_WEAKJOINED = 547, + EDIF_TOK_WHEN = 548, + EDIF_TOK_WRITTEN = 549 + }; +#endif +/* Tokens. */ +#define EDIF_TOK_IDENT 258 +#define EDIF_TOK_INT 259 +#define EDIF_TOK_KEYWORD 260 +#define EDIF_TOK_STR 261 +#define EDIF_TOK_ANGLE 262 +#define EDIF_TOK_BEHAVIOR 263 +#define EDIF_TOK_CALCULATED 264 +#define EDIF_TOK_CAPACITANCE 265 +#define EDIF_TOK_CENTERCENTER 266 +#define EDIF_TOK_CENTERLEFT 267 +#define EDIF_TOK_CENTERRIGHT 268 +#define EDIF_TOK_CHARGE 269 +#define EDIF_TOK_CONDUCTANCE 270 +#define EDIF_TOK_CURRENT 271 +#define EDIF_TOK_DISTANCE 272 +#define EDIF_TOK_DOCUMENT 273 +#define EDIF_TOK_ENERGY 274 +#define EDIF_TOK_EXTEND 275 +#define EDIF_TOK_FLUX 276 +#define EDIF_TOK_FREQUENCY 277 +#define EDIF_TOK_GENERIC 278 +#define EDIF_TOK_GRAPHIC 279 +#define EDIF_TOK_INDUCTANCE 280 +#define EDIF_TOK_INOUT 281 +#define EDIF_TOK_INPUT 282 +#define EDIF_TOK_LOGICMODEL 283 +#define EDIF_TOK_LOWERCENTER 284 +#define EDIF_TOK_LOWERLEFT 285 +#define EDIF_TOK_LOWERRIGHT 286 +#define EDIF_TOK_MASKLAYOUT 287 +#define EDIF_TOK_MASS 288 +#define EDIF_TOK_MEASURED 289 +#define EDIF_TOK_MX 290 +#define EDIF_TOK_MXR90 291 +#define EDIF_TOK_MY 292 +#define EDIF_TOK_MYR90 293 +#define EDIF_TOK_NETLIST 294 +#define EDIF_TOK_OUTPUT 295 +#define EDIF_TOK_PCBLAYOUT 296 +#define EDIF_TOK_POWER 297 +#define EDIF_TOK_R0 298 +#define EDIF_TOK_R180 299 +#define EDIF_TOK_R270 300 +#define EDIF_TOK_R90 301 +#define EDIF_TOK_REQUIRED 302 +#define EDIF_TOK_RESISTANCE 303 +#define EDIF_TOK_RIPPER 304 +#define EDIF_TOK_ROUND 305 +#define EDIF_TOK_SCHEMATIC 306 +#define EDIF_TOK_STRANGER 307 +#define EDIF_TOK_SYMBOLIC 308 +#define EDIF_TOK_TEMPERATURE 309 +#define EDIF_TOK_TIE 310 +#define EDIF_TOK_TIME 311 +#define EDIF_TOK_TRUNCATE 312 +#define EDIF_TOK_UPPERCENTER 313 +#define EDIF_TOK_UPPERLEFT 314 +#define EDIF_TOK_UPPERRIGHT 315 +#define EDIF_TOK_VOLTAGE 316 +#define EDIF_TOK_ACLOAD 317 +#define EDIF_TOK_AFTER 318 +#define EDIF_TOK_ANNOTATE 319 +#define EDIF_TOK_APPLY 320 +#define EDIF_TOK_ARC 321 +#define EDIF_TOK_ARRAY 322 +#define EDIF_TOK_ARRAYMACRO 323 +#define EDIF_TOK_ARRAYRELATEDINFO 324 +#define EDIF_TOK_ARRAYSITE 325 +#define EDIF_TOK_ATLEAST 326 +#define EDIF_TOK_ATMOST 327 +#define EDIF_TOK_AUTHOR 328 +#define EDIF_TOK_BASEARRAY 329 +#define EDIF_TOK_BECOMES 330 +#define EDIF_TOK_BETWEEN 331 +#define EDIF_TOK_BOOLEAN 332 +#define EDIF_TOK_BOOLEANDISPLAY 333 +#define EDIF_TOK_BOOLEANMAP 334 +#define EDIF_TOK_BORDERPATTERN 335 +#define EDIF_TOK_BORDERWIDTH 336 +#define EDIF_TOK_BOUNDINGBOX 337 +#define EDIF_TOK_CELL 338 +#define EDIF_TOK_CELLREF 339 +#define EDIF_TOK_CELLTYPE 340 +#define EDIF_TOK_CHANGE 341 +#define EDIF_TOK_CIRCLE 342 +#define EDIF_TOK_COLOR 343 +#define EDIF_TOK_COMMENT 344 +#define EDIF_TOK_COMMENTGRAPHICS 345 +#define EDIF_TOK_COMPOUND 346 +#define EDIF_TOK_CONNECTLOCATION 347 +#define EDIF_TOK_CONTENTS 348 +#define EDIF_TOK_CORNERTYPE 349 +#define EDIF_TOK_CRITICALITY 350 +#define EDIF_TOK_CURRENTMAP 351 +#define EDIF_TOK_CURVE 352 +#define EDIF_TOK_CYCLE 353 +#define EDIF_TOK_DATAORIGIN 354 +#define EDIF_TOK_DCFANINLOAD 355 +#define EDIF_TOK_DCFANOUTLOAD 356 +#define EDIF_TOK_DCMAXFANIN 357 +#define EDIF_TOK_DCMAXFANOUT 358 +#define EDIF_TOK_DELAY 359 +#define EDIF_TOK_DELTA 360 +#define EDIF_TOK_DERIVATION 361 +#define EDIF_TOK_DESIGN 362 +#define EDIF_TOK_DESIGNATOR 363 +#define EDIF_TOK_DIFFERENCE 364 +#define EDIF_TOK_DIRECTION 365 +#define EDIF_TOK_DISPLAY 366 +#define EDIF_TOK_DOMINATES 367 +#define EDIF_TOK_DOT 368 +#define EDIF_TOK_DURATION 369 +#define EDIF_TOK_E 370 +#define EDIF_TOK_EDIF 371 +#define EDIF_TOK_EDIFLEVEL 372 +#define EDIF_TOK_EDIFVERSION 373 +#define EDIF_TOK_ENCLOSUREDISTANCE 374 +#define EDIF_TOK_ENDTYPE 375 +#define EDIF_TOK_ENTRY 376 +#define EDIF_TOK_EVENT 377 +#define EDIF_TOK_EXACTLY 378 +#define EDIF_TOK_EXTERNAL 379 +#define EDIF_TOK_FABRICATE 380 +#define EDIF_TOK_FALSE 381 +#define EDIF_TOK_FIGURE 382 +#define EDIF_TOK_FIGUREAREA 383 +#define EDIF_TOK_FIGUREGROUP 384 +#define EDIF_TOK_FIGUREGROUPOBJECT 385 +#define EDIF_TOK_FIGUREGROUPOVERRIDE 386 +#define EDIF_TOK_FIGUREGROUPREF 387 +#define EDIF_TOK_FIGUREPERIMETER 388 +#define EDIF_TOK_FIGUREWIDTH 389 +#define EDIF_TOK_FILLPATTERN 390 +#define EDIF_TOK_FOLLOW 391 +#define EDIF_TOK_FORBIDDENEVENT 392 +#define EDIF_TOK_GLOBALPORTREF 393 +#define EDIF_TOK_GREATERTHAN 394 +#define EDIF_TOK_GRIDMAP 395 +#define EDIF_TOK_IGNORE 396 +#define EDIF_TOK_INCLUDEFIGUREGROUP 397 +#define EDIF_TOK_INITIAL 398 +#define EDIF_TOK_INSTANCE 399 +#define EDIF_TOK_INSTANCEBACKANNOTATE 400 +#define EDIF_TOK_INSTANCEGROUP 401 +#define EDIF_TOK_INSTANCEMAP 402 +#define EDIF_TOK_INSTANCEREF 403 +#define EDIF_TOK_INTEGER 404 +#define EDIF_TOK_INTEGERDISPLAY 405 +#define EDIF_TOK_INTERFACE 406 +#define EDIF_TOK_INTERFIGUREGROUPSPACING 407 +#define EDIF_TOK_INTERSECTION 408 +#define EDIF_TOK_INTRAFIGUREGROUPSPACING 409 +#define EDIF_TOK_INVERSE 410 +#define EDIF_TOK_ISOLATED 411 +#define EDIF_TOK_JOINED 412 +#define EDIF_TOK_JUSTIFY 413 +#define EDIF_TOK_KEYWORDDISPLAY 414 +#define EDIF_TOK_KEYWORDLEVEL 415 +#define EDIF_TOK_KEYWORDMAP 416 +#define EDIF_TOK_LESSTHAN 417 +#define EDIF_TOK_LIBRARY 418 +#define EDIF_TOK_LIBRARYREF 419 +#define EDIF_TOK_LISTOFNETS 420 +#define EDIF_TOK_LISTOFPORTS 421 +#define EDIF_TOK_LOADDELAY 422 +#define EDIF_TOK_LOGICASSIGN 423 +#define EDIF_TOK_LOGICINPUT 424 +#define EDIF_TOK_LOGICLIST 425 +#define EDIF_TOK_LOGICMAPINPUT 426 +#define EDIF_TOK_LOGICMAPOUTPUT 427 +#define EDIF_TOK_LOGICONEOF 428 +#define EDIF_TOK_LOGICOUTPUT 429 +#define EDIF_TOK_LOGICPORT 430 +#define EDIF_TOK_LOGICREF 431 +#define EDIF_TOK_LOGICVALUE 432 +#define EDIF_TOK_LOGICWAVEFORM 433 +#define EDIF_TOK_MAINTAIN 434 +#define EDIF_TOK_MATCH 435 +#define EDIF_TOK_MEMBER 436 +#define EDIF_TOK_MINOMAX 437 +#define EDIF_TOK_MINOMAXDISPLAY 438 +#define EDIF_TOK_MNM 439 +#define EDIF_TOK_MULTIPLEVALUESET 440 +#define EDIF_TOK_MUSTJOIN 441 +#define EDIF_TOK_NAME 442 +#define EDIF_TOK_NET 443 +#define EDIF_TOK_NETBACKANNOTATE 444 +#define EDIF_TOK_NETBUNDLE 445 +#define EDIF_TOK_NETDELAY 446 +#define EDIF_TOK_NETGROUP 447 +#define EDIF_TOK_NETMAP 448 +#define EDIF_TOK_NETREF 449 +#define EDIF_TOK_NOCHANGE 450 +#define EDIF_TOK_NONPERMUTABLE 451 +#define EDIF_TOK_NOTALLOWED 452 +#define EDIF_TOK_NOTCHSPACING 453 +#define EDIF_TOK_NUMBER 454 +#define EDIF_TOK_NUMBERDEFINITION 455 +#define EDIF_TOK_NUMBERDISPLAY 456 +#define EDIF_TOK_OFFPAGECONNECTOR 457 +#define EDIF_TOK_OFFSETEVENT 458 +#define EDIF_TOK_OPENSHAPE 459 +#define EDIF_TOK_ORIENTATION 460 +#define EDIF_TOK_ORIGIN 461 +#define EDIF_TOK_OVERHANGDISTANCE 462 +#define EDIF_TOK_OVERLAPDISTANCE 463 +#define EDIF_TOK_OVERSIZE 464 +#define EDIF_TOK_OWNER 465 +#define EDIF_TOK_PAGE 466 +#define EDIF_TOK_PAGESIZE 467 +#define EDIF_TOK_PARAMETER 468 +#define EDIF_TOK_PARAMETERASSIGN 469 +#define EDIF_TOK_PARAMETERDISPLAY 470 +#define EDIF_TOK_PATH 471 +#define EDIF_TOK_PATHDELAY 472 +#define EDIF_TOK_PATHWIDTH 473 +#define EDIF_TOK_PERMUTABLE 474 +#define EDIF_TOK_PHYSICALDESIGNRULE 475 +#define EDIF_TOK_PLUG 476 +#define EDIF_TOK_POINT 477 +#define EDIF_TOK_POINTDISPLAY 478 +#define EDIF_TOK_POINTLIST 479 +#define EDIF_TOK_POLYGON 480 +#define EDIF_TOK_PORT 481 +#define EDIF_TOK_PORTBACKANNOTATE 482 +#define EDIF_TOK_PORTBUNDLE 483 +#define EDIF_TOK_PORTDELAY 484 +#define EDIF_TOK_PORTGROUP 485 +#define EDIF_TOK_PORTIMPLEMENTATION 486 +#define EDIF_TOK_PORTINSTANCE 487 +#define EDIF_TOK_PORTLIST 488 +#define EDIF_TOK_PORTLISTALIAS 489 +#define EDIF_TOK_PORTMAP 490 +#define EDIF_TOK_PORTREF 491 +#define EDIF_TOK_PROGRAM 492 +#define EDIF_TOK_PROPERTY 493 +#define EDIF_TOK_PROPERTYDISPLAY 494 +#define EDIF_TOK_PROTECTIONFRAME 495 +#define EDIF_TOK_PT 496 +#define EDIF_TOK_RANGEVECTOR 497 +#define EDIF_TOK_RECTANGLE 498 +#define EDIF_TOK_RECTANGLESIZE 499 +#define EDIF_TOK_RENAME 500 +#define EDIF_TOK_RESOLVES 501 +#define EDIF_TOK_SCALE 502 +#define EDIF_TOK_SCALEX 503 +#define EDIF_TOK_SCALEY 504 +#define EDIF_TOK_SECTION 505 +#define EDIF_TOK_SHAPE 506 +#define EDIF_TOK_SIMULATE 507 +#define EDIF_TOK_SIMULATIONINFO 508 +#define EDIF_TOK_SINGLEVALUESET 509 +#define EDIF_TOK_SITE 510 +#define EDIF_TOK_SOCKET 511 +#define EDIF_TOK_SOCKETSET 512 +#define EDIF_TOK_STATUS 513 +#define EDIF_TOK_STEADY 514 +#define EDIF_TOK_STRING 515 +#define EDIF_TOK_STRINGDISPLAY 516 +#define EDIF_TOK_STRONG 517 +#define EDIF_TOK_SYMBOL 518 +#define EDIF_TOK_SYMMETRY 519 +#define EDIF_TOK_TABLE 520 +#define EDIF_TOK_TABLEDEFAULT 521 +#define EDIF_TOK_TECHNOLOGY 522 +#define EDIF_TOK_TEXTHEIGHT 523 +#define EDIF_TOK_TIMEINTERVAL 524 +#define EDIF_TOK_TIMESTAMP 525 +#define EDIF_TOK_TIMING 526 +#define EDIF_TOK_TRANSFORM 527 +#define EDIF_TOK_TRANSITION 528 +#define EDIF_TOK_TRIGGER 529 +#define EDIF_TOK_TRUE 530 +#define EDIF_TOK_UNCONSTRAINED 531 +#define EDIF_TOK_UNDEFINED 532 +#define EDIF_TOK_UNION 533 +#define EDIF_TOK_UNIT 534 +#define EDIF_TOK_UNUSED 535 +#define EDIF_TOK_USERDATA 536 +#define EDIF_TOK_VERSION 537 +#define EDIF_TOK_VIEW 538 +#define EDIF_TOK_VIEWLIST 539 +#define EDIF_TOK_VIEWMAP 540 +#define EDIF_TOK_VIEWREF 541 +#define EDIF_TOK_VIEWTYPE 542 +#define EDIF_TOK_VISIBLE 543 +#define EDIF_TOK_VOLTAGEMAP 544 +#define EDIF_TOK_WAVEVALUE 545 +#define EDIF_TOK_WEAK 546 +#define EDIF_TOK_WEAKJOINED 547 +#define EDIF_TOK_WHEN 548 +#define EDIF_TOK_WRITTEN 549 + +/* Value type. */ +#if ! defined YYSTYPE && ! defined YYSTYPE_IS_DECLARED +typedef union YYSTYPE YYSTYPE; +union YYSTYPE +{ +#line 193 "../src_plugins/edif/edif.y" /* yacc.c:355 */ + + char* s; + pair_list* pl; + str_pair* ps; + +#line 895 "" /* yacc.c:355 */ +}; +# define YYSTYPE_IS_TRIVIAL 1 +# define YYSTYPE_IS_DECLARED 1 +#endif + + +extern YYSTYPE ediflval; + +int edifparse (void); + + + +/* Copy the second part of user declarations. */ + +#line 910 "" /* yacc.c:358 */ + +#ifdef short +# undef short +#endif + +#ifdef YYTYPE_UINT8 +typedef YYTYPE_UINT8 yytype_uint8; +#else +typedef unsigned char yytype_uint8; +#endif + +#ifdef YYTYPE_INT8 +typedef YYTYPE_INT8 yytype_int8; +#else +typedef signed char yytype_int8; +#endif + +#ifdef YYTYPE_UINT16 +typedef YYTYPE_UINT16 yytype_uint16; +#else +typedef unsigned short int yytype_uint16; +#endif + +#ifdef YYTYPE_INT16 +typedef YYTYPE_INT16 yytype_int16; +#else +typedef short int yytype_int16; +#endif + +#ifndef YYSIZE_T +# ifdef __SIZE_TYPE__ +# define YYSIZE_T __SIZE_TYPE__ +# elif defined size_t +# define YYSIZE_T size_t +# elif ! defined YYSIZE_T +# include /* INFRINGES ON USER NAME SPACE */ +# define YYSIZE_T size_t +# else +# define YYSIZE_T unsigned int +# endif +#endif + +#define YYSIZE_MAXIMUM ((YYSIZE_T) -1) + +#ifndef YY_ +# if defined YYENABLE_NLS && YYENABLE_NLS +# if ENABLE_NLS +# include /* INFRINGES ON USER NAME SPACE */ +# define YY_(Msgid) dgettext ("bison-runtime", Msgid) +# endif +# endif +# ifndef YY_ +# define YY_(Msgid) Msgid +# endif +#endif + +#ifndef YY_ATTRIBUTE +# if (defined __GNUC__ \ + && (2 < __GNUC__ || (__GNUC__ == 2 && 96 <= __GNUC_MINOR__))) \ + || defined __SUNPRO_C && 0x5110 <= __SUNPRO_C +# define YY_ATTRIBUTE(Spec) __attribute__(Spec) +# else +# define YY_ATTRIBUTE(Spec) /* empty */ +# endif +#endif + +#ifndef YY_ATTRIBUTE_PURE +# define YY_ATTRIBUTE_PURE YY_ATTRIBUTE ((__pure__)) +#endif + +#ifndef YY_ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED +# define YY_ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED YY_ATTRIBUTE ((__unused__)) +#endif + +#if !defined _Noreturn \ + && (!defined __STDC_VERSION__ || __STDC_VERSION__ < 201112) +# if defined _MSC_VER && 1200 <= _MSC_VER +# define _Noreturn __declspec (noreturn) +# else +# define _Noreturn YY_ATTRIBUTE ((__noreturn__)) +# endif +#endif + +/* Suppress unused-variable warnings by "using" E. */ +#if ! defined lint || defined __GNUC__ +# define YYUSE(E) ((void) (E)) +#else +# define YYUSE(E) /* empty */ +#endif + +#if defined __GNUC__ && 407 <= __GNUC__ * 100 + __GNUC_MINOR__ +/* Suppress an incorrect diagnostic about yylval being uninitialized. */ +# define YY_IGNORE_MAYBE_UNINITIALIZED_BEGIN \ + _Pragma ("GCC diagnostic push") \ + _Pragma ("GCC diagnostic ignored \"-Wuninitialized\"")\ + _Pragma ("GCC diagnostic ignored \"-Wmaybe-uninitialized\"") +# define YY_IGNORE_MAYBE_UNINITIALIZED_END \ + _Pragma ("GCC diagnostic pop") +#else +# define YY_INITIAL_VALUE(Value) Value +#endif +#ifndef YY_IGNORE_MAYBE_UNINITIALIZED_BEGIN +# define YY_IGNORE_MAYBE_UNINITIALIZED_BEGIN +# define YY_IGNORE_MAYBE_UNINITIALIZED_END +#endif +#ifndef YY_INITIAL_VALUE +# define YY_INITIAL_VALUE(Value) /* Nothing. */ +#endif + + +#if ! defined yyoverflow || YYERROR_VERBOSE + +/* The parser invokes alloca or malloc; define the necessary symbols. */ + +# ifdef YYSTACK_USE_ALLOCA +# if YYSTACK_USE_ALLOCA +# ifdef __GNUC__ +# define YYSTACK_ALLOC __builtin_alloca +# elif defined __BUILTIN_VA_ARG_INCR +# include /* INFRINGES ON USER NAME SPACE */ +# elif defined _AIX +# define YYSTACK_ALLOC __alloca +# elif defined _MSC_VER +# include /* INFRINGES ON USER NAME SPACE */ +# define alloca _alloca +# else +# define YYSTACK_ALLOC alloca +# if ! defined _ALLOCA_H && ! defined EXIT_SUCCESS +# include /* INFRINGES ON USER NAME SPACE */ + /* Use EXIT_SUCCESS as a witness for stdlib.h. */ +# ifndef EXIT_SUCCESS +# define EXIT_SUCCESS 0 +# endif +# endif +# endif +# endif +# endif + +# ifdef YYSTACK_ALLOC + /* Pacify GCC's 'empty if-body' warning. */ +# define YYSTACK_FREE(Ptr) do { /* empty */; } while (0) +# ifndef YYSTACK_ALLOC_MAXIMUM + /* The OS might guarantee only one guard page at the bottom of the stack, + and a page size can be as small as 4096 bytes. So we cannot safely + invoke alloca (N) if N exceeds 4096. Use a slightly smaller number + to allow for a few compiler-allocated temporary stack slots. */ +# define YYSTACK_ALLOC_MAXIMUM 4032 /* reasonable circa 2006 */ +# endif +# else +# define YYSTACK_ALLOC YYMALLOC +# define YYSTACK_FREE YYFREE +# ifndef YYSTACK_ALLOC_MAXIMUM +# define YYSTACK_ALLOC_MAXIMUM YYSIZE_MAXIMUM +# endif +# if (defined __cplusplus && ! defined EXIT_SUCCESS \ + && ! ((defined YYMALLOC || defined malloc) \ + && (defined YYFREE || defined free))) +# include /* INFRINGES ON USER NAME SPACE */ +# ifndef EXIT_SUCCESS +# define EXIT_SUCCESS 0 +# endif +# endif +# ifndef YYMALLOC +# define YYMALLOC malloc +# if ! defined malloc && ! defined EXIT_SUCCESS +void *malloc (YYSIZE_T); /* INFRINGES ON USER NAME SPACE */ +# endif +# endif +# ifndef YYFREE +# define YYFREE free +# if ! defined free && ! defined EXIT_SUCCESS +void free (void *); /* INFRINGES ON USER NAME SPACE */ +# endif +# endif +# endif +#endif /* ! defined yyoverflow || YYERROR_VERBOSE */ + + +#if (! defined yyoverflow \ + && (! defined __cplusplus \ + || (defined YYSTYPE_IS_TRIVIAL && YYSTYPE_IS_TRIVIAL))) + +/* A type that is properly aligned for any stack member. */ +union yyalloc +{ + yytype_int16 yyss_alloc; + YYSTYPE yyvs_alloc; +}; + +/* The size of the maximum gap between one aligned stack and the next. */ +# define YYSTACK_GAP_MAXIMUM (sizeof (union yyalloc) - 1) + +/* The size of an array large to enough to hold all stacks, each with + N elements. */ +# define YYSTACK_BYTES(N) \ + ((N) * (sizeof (yytype_int16) + sizeof (YYSTYPE)) \ + + YYSTACK_GAP_MAXIMUM) + +# define YYCOPY_NEEDED 1 + +/* Relocate STACK from its old location to the new one. The + local variables YYSIZE and YYSTACKSIZE give the old and new number of + elements in the stack, and YYPTR gives the new location of the + stack. Advance YYPTR to a properly aligned location for the next + stack. */ +# define YYSTACK_RELOCATE(Stack_alloc, Stack) \ + do \ + { \ + YYSIZE_T yynewbytes; \ + YYCOPY (&yyptr->Stack_alloc, Stack, yysize); \ + Stack = &yyptr->Stack_alloc; \ + yynewbytes = yystacksize * sizeof (*Stack) + YYSTACK_GAP_MAXIMUM; \ + yyptr += yynewbytes / sizeof (*yyptr); \ + } \ + while (0) + +#endif + +#if defined YYCOPY_NEEDED && YYCOPY_NEEDED +/* Copy COUNT objects from SRC to DST. The source and destination do + not overlap. */ +# ifndef YYCOPY +# if defined __GNUC__ && 1 < __GNUC__ +# define YYCOPY(Dst, Src, Count) \ + __builtin_memcpy (Dst, Src, (Count) * sizeof (*(Src))) +# else +# define YYCOPY(Dst, Src, Count) \ + do \ + { \ + YYSIZE_T yyi; \ + for (yyi = 0; yyi < (Count); yyi++) \ + (Dst)[yyi] = (Src)[yyi]; \ + } \ + while (0) +# endif +# endif +#endif /* !YYCOPY_NEEDED */ + +/* YYFINAL -- State number of the termination state. */ +#define YYFINAL 11 +/* YYLAST -- Last index in YYTABLE. */ +#define YYLAST 2619 + +/* YYNTOKENS -- Number of terminals. */ +#define YYNTOKENS 296 +/* YYNNTS -- Number of nonterminals. */ +#define YYNNTS 472 +/* YYNRULES -- Number of rules. */ +#define YYNRULES 1129 +/* YYNSTATES -- Number of states. */ +#define YYNSTATES 1626 + +/* YYTRANSLATE[YYX] -- Symbol number corresponding to YYX as returned + by yylex, with out-of-bounds checking. */ +#define YYUNDEFTOK 2 +#define YYMAXUTOK 549 + +#define YYTRANSLATE(YYX) \ + ((unsigned int) (YYX) <= YYMAXUTOK ? yytranslate[YYX] : YYUNDEFTOK) + +/* YYTRANSLATE[TOKEN-NUM] -- Symbol number corresponding to TOKEN-NUM + as returned by yylex, without out-of-bounds checking. */ +static const yytype_uint16 yytranslate[] = +{ + 0, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, + 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, + 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, + 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, + 2, 295, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, + 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, + 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, + 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, + 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, + 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, + 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, + 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, + 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, + 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, + 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, + 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, + 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, + 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, + 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, + 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, + 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, + 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, + 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, + 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, + 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, + 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 1, 2, 3, 4, + 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, + 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, + 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, + 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, + 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, + 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, + 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, + 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, + 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, + 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, + 105, 106, 107, 108, 109, 110, 111, 112, 113, 114, + 115, 116, 117, 118, 119, 120, 121, 122, 123, 124, + 125, 126, 127, 128, 129, 130, 131, 132, 133, 134, + 135, 136, 137, 138, 139, 140, 141, 142, 143, 144, + 145, 146, 147, 148, 149, 150, 151, 152, 153, 154, + 155, 156, 157, 158, 159, 160, 161, 162, 163, 164, + 165, 166, 167, 168, 169, 170, 171, 172, 173, 174, + 175, 176, 177, 178, 179, 180, 181, 182, 183, 184, + 185, 186, 187, 188, 189, 190, 191, 192, 193, 194, + 195, 196, 197, 198, 199, 200, 201, 202, 203, 204, + 205, 206, 207, 208, 209, 210, 211, 212, 213, 214, + 215, 216, 217, 218, 219, 220, 221, 222, 223, 224, + 225, 226, 227, 228, 229, 230, 231, 232, 233, 234, + 235, 236, 237, 238, 239, 240, 241, 242, 243, 244, + 245, 246, 247, 248, 249, 250, 251, 252, 253, 254, + 255, 256, 257, 258, 259, 260, 261, 262, 263, 264, + 265, 266, 267, 268, 269, 270, 271, 272, 273, 274, + 275, 276, 277, 278, 279, 280, 281, 282, 283, 284, + 285, 286, 287, 288, 289, 290, 291, 292, 293, 294 +}; + +#if YYDEBUG + /* YYRLINE[YYN] -- Source line where rule number YYN was defined. */ +static const yytype_uint16 yyrline[] = +{ + 0, 505, 505, 508, 511, 512, 513, 514, 515, 516, + 517, 520, 523, 526, 530, 533, 534, 537, 540, 541, + 542, 543, 544, 545, 548, 551, 552, 555, 558, 559, + 560, 561, 562, 565, 568, 571, 572, 575, 578, 581, + 582, 583, 584, 585, 588, 591, 594, 597, 600, 603, + 606, 607, 608, 611, 614, 615, 618, 619, 622, 625, + 626, 627, 628, 631, 634, 635, 638, 641, 642, 645, + 648, 651, 654, 657, 658, 659, 660, 661, 662, 663, + 666, 669, 672, 673, 676, 679, 682, 683, 684, 687, + 690, 691, 692, 695, 696, 697, 700, 703, 704, 707, + 710, 713, 714, 717, 720, 721, 722, 723, 724, 725, + 726, 727, 730, 733, 736, 737, 738, 739, 740, 741, + 742, 743, 744, 745, 746, 747, 748, 749, 750, 751, + 752, 753, 756, 759, 760, 763, 766, 767, 768, 771, + 774, 775, 778, 781, 784, 785, 786, 789, 792, 793, + 796, 799, 800, 803, 806, 807, 810, 813, 814, 817, + 820, 821, 824, 827, 828, 831, 834, 835, 838, 841, + 842, 845, 848, 849, 850, 853, 856, 857, 858, 859, + 860, 863, 866, 867, 870, 873, 876, 877, 878, 879, + 880, 881, 882, 883, 884, 885, 886, 887, 888, 889, + 890, 893, 896, 897, 898, 899, 902, 905, 906, 907, + 910, 913, 914, 917, 918, 921, 922, 925, 926, 929, + 932, 933, 936, 939, 940, 943, 946, 950, 951, 952, + 953, 956, 959, 960, 961, 964, 968, 969, 970, 973, + 974, 975, 976, 979, 980, 981, 984, 987, 988, 989, + 990, 991, 992, 993, 996, 999, 1002, 1003, 1004, 1005, + 1006, 1009, 1012, 1015, 1018, 1019, 1020, 1021, 1022, 1023, + 1024, 1025, 1026, 1027, 1028, 1029, 1030, 1031, 1034, 1037, + 1040, 1043, 1044, 1045, 1048, 1051, 1052, 1053, 1054, 1055, + 1056, 1057, 1058, 1059, 1060, 1061, 1062, 1063, 1066, 1069, + 1070, 1073, 1076, 1077, 1078, 1079, 1080, 1081, 1082, 1083, + 1084, 1085, 1086, 1089, 1092, 1093, 1094, 1095, 1098, 1099, + 1100, 1101, 1102, 1105, 1108, 1109, 1110, 1111, 1114, 1117, + 1118, 1119, 1120, 1123, 1126, 1129, 1130, 1133, 1134, 1135, + 1136, 1139, 1142, 1143, 1146, 1149, 1150, 1151, 1152, 1153, + 1156, 1159, 1162, 1165, 1168, 1171, 1172, 1175, 1178, 1181, + 1182, 1183, 1184, 1185, 1186, 1187, 1188, 1189, 1190, 1193, + 1196, 1197, 1198, 1201, 1204, 1205, 1206, 1207, 1208, 1211, + 1214, 1215, 1218, 1221, 1222, 1223, 1224, 1225, 1228, 1229, + 1232, 1233, 1236, 1239, 1240, 1243, 1246, 1247, 1248, 1249, + 1252, 1255, 1256, 1257, 1258, 1259, 1260, 1261, 1262, 1263, + 1264, 1265, 1266, 1267, 1268, 1269, 1270, 1271, 1274, 1278, + 1279, 1280, 1281, 1284, 1287, 1288, 1289, 1290, 1293, 1296, + 1297, 1298, 1299, 1302, 1305, 1306, 1309, 1312, 1315, 1316, + 1317, 1318, 1321, 1324, 1325, 1326, 1327, 1328, 1329, 1330, + 1331, 1332, 1335, 1338, 1339, 1342, 1345, 1348, 1349, 1352, + 1355, 1358, 1361, 1364, 1367, 1370, 1371, 1372, 1373, 1374, + 1377, 1380, 1383, 1384, 1387, 1390, 1391, 1392, 1395, 1398, + 1399, 1402, 1405, 1406, 1409, 1410, 1411, 1414, 1415, 1416, + 1419, 1422, 1423, 1424, 1425, 1428, 1431, 1432, 1433, 1434, + 1437, 1440, 1441, 1444, 1447, 1448, 1451, 1454, 1457, 1460, + 1461, 1462, 1465, 1468, 1469, 1470, 1471, 1474, 1477, 1478, + 1479, 1480, 1483, 1486, 1487, 1490, 1493, 1494, 1495, 1496, + 1497, 1498, 1499, 1500, 1501, 1502, 1503, 1504, 1505, 1506, + 1507, 1510, 1513, 1514, 1515, 1516, 1517, 1520, 1523, 1524, + 1527, 1528, 1529, 1532, 1535, 1536, 1537, 1540, 1541, 1542, + 1545, 1548, 1549, 1552, 1555, 1556, 1557, 1558, 1561, 1564, + 1565, 1568, 1569, 1572, 1575, 1576, 1577, 1580, 1583, 1584, + 1587, 1590, 1591, 1592, 1593, 1594, 1597, 1600, 1601, 1604, + 1605, 1606, 1609, 1610, 1613, 1616, 1617, 1618, 1619, 1620, + 1621, 1622, 1623, 1624, 1625, 1628, 1631, 1632, 1633, 1634, + 1635, 1638, 1641, 1642, 1643, 1644, 1645, 1646, 1649, 1652, + 1653, 1654, 1657, 1660, 1661, 1662, 1665, 1668, 1669, 1670, + 1671, 1672, 1675, 1676, 1680, 1681, 1684, 1687, 1688, 1689, + 1690, 1693, 1696, 1699, 1700, 1701, 1704, 1707, 1708, 1709, + 1712, 1715, 1716, 1717, 1718, 1721, 1724, 1725, 1726, 1727, + 1730, 1733, 1734, 1737, 1740, 1741, 1742, 1743, 1746, 1749, + 1750, 1751, 1752, 1753, 1756, 1759, 1762, 1763, 1766, 1769, + 1770, 1771, 1772, 1773, 1774, 1775, 1776, 1779, 1782, 1786, + 1787, 1788, 1789, 1792, 1796, 1797, 1798, 1799, 1802, 1805, + 1806, 1809, 1812, 1815, 1816, 1817, 1818, 1819, 1820, 1821, + 1822, 1823, 1824, 1827, 1830, 1833, 1834, 1837, 1840, 1841, + 1844, 1847, 1850, 1851, 1854, 1857, 1858, 1861, 1864, 1867, + 1868, 1869, 1870, 1873, 1876, 1877, 1880, 1883, 1884, 1885, + 1886, 1889, 1892, 1893, 1896, 1899, 1900, 1903, 1906, 1909, + 1910, 1913, 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919, 1920, 1921, 1922, 1923, + 1924, 1925, 1926, 1927, 1928, 1931, 1934, 1935, 1936, 1937, + 1938, 1939, 1940, 1941, 1942, 1943, 1946, 1949, 1950, 1951, + 1952, 1955, 1958, 1959, 1960, 1961, 1964, 1967, 1968, 1969, + 1972, 1975, 1976, 1977, 1978, 1979, 1980, 1981, 1982, 1983, + 1984, 1985, 1988, 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, + 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2006, 2009, 2010, 2011, + 2014, 2017, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024, 2027, 2028, 2031, + 2032, 2035, 2050, 2051, 2052, 2053, 2056, 2059, 2060, 2063, + 2066, 2067, 2070, 2073, 2074, 2075, 2076, 2077, 2080, 2083, + 2086, 2089, 2090, 2091, 2092, 2093, 2094, 2095, 2096, 2097, + 2098, 2099, 2100, 2103, 2104, 2105, 2106, 2107, 2108, 2111, + 2114, 2115, 2116, 2119, 2122, 2123, 2126, 2129, 2130, 2131, + 2132, 2135, 2139, 2140, 2143, 2144, 2147, 2150, 2151, 2154, + 2157, 2160, 2161, 2164, 2167, 2170, 2173, 2174, 2175, 2176, + 2179, 2182, 2183, 2186, 2189, 2192, 2193, 2194, 2195, 2196, + 2197, 2200, 2203, 2204, 2205, 2206, 2209, 2212, 2213, 2216, + 2219, 2220, 2223, 2226, 2227, 2230, 2233, 2234, 2237, 2240, + 2241, 2242, 2243, 2246, 2249, 2250, 2251, 2254, 2255, 2256, + 2259, 2262, 2265, 2266, 2267, 2268, 2271, 2272, 2275, 2278, + 2281, 2282, 2283, 2284, 2285, 2286, 2287, 2288, 2289, 2290, + 2291, 2292, 2293, 2294, 2297, 2300, 2301, 2304, 2307, 2308, + 2309, 2312, 2315, 2316, 2317, 2318, 2321, 2322, 2323, 2326, + 2329, 2330, 2331, 2332, 2333, 2334, 2335, 2338, 2341, 2344, + 2345, 2348, 2349, 2350, 2353, 2357, 2360, 2361, 2362, 2363, + 2364, 2367, 2371, 2372, 2375, 2376, 2379, 2380, 2383, 2384, + 2387, 2388, 2391, 2394, 2395, 2396, 2399, 2402, 2403, 2404, + 2405, 2408, 2411, 2412, 2413, 2414, 2415, 2416, 2419, 2422, + 2425, 2428, 2429, 2430, 2431, 2434, 2437, 2438, 2439, 2440, + 2441, 2442, 2443, 2444, 2445, 2446, 2447, 2448, 2449, 2450, + 2451, 2452, 2455, 2458, 2461, 2462, 2463, 2464, 2465, 2468, + 2469, 2472, 2473, 2476, 2479, 2482, 2483, 2484, 2485, 2486, + 2487, 2490, 2493, 2494, 2495, 2498, 2501, 2502, 2503, 2504, + 2505, 2506, 2507, 2508, 2509, 2512, 2515, 2518, 2521, 2522, + 2525, 2528, 2529, 2530, 2531, 2532, 2533, 2534, 2535, 2536, + 2537, 2540, 2543, 2546, 2549, 2552, 2555, 2556, 2557, 2558, + 2561, 2564, 2565, 2566, 2567, 2568, 2569, 2570, 2573, 2576, + 2577, 2578, 2579, 2580, 2581, 2582, 2585, 2588, 2591, 2594 +}; +#endif + +#if YYDEBUG || YYERROR_VERBOSE || 0 +/* YYTNAME[SYMBOL-NUM] -- String name of the symbol SYMBOL-NUM. + First, the terminals, then, starting at YYNTOKENS, nonterminals. */ +static const char *const yytname[] = +{ + "$end", "error", "$undefined", "EDIF_TOK_IDENT", "EDIF_TOK_INT", + "EDIF_TOK_KEYWORD", "EDIF_TOK_STR", "EDIF_TOK_ANGLE", + "EDIF_TOK_BEHAVIOR", "EDIF_TOK_CALCULATED", "EDIF_TOK_CAPACITANCE", + "EDIF_TOK_CENTERCENTER", "EDIF_TOK_CENTERLEFT", "EDIF_TOK_CENTERRIGHT", + "EDIF_TOK_CHARGE", "EDIF_TOK_CONDUCTANCE", "EDIF_TOK_CURRENT", + "EDIF_TOK_DISTANCE", "EDIF_TOK_DOCUMENT", "EDIF_TOK_ENERGY", + "EDIF_TOK_EXTEND", "EDIF_TOK_FLUX", "EDIF_TOK_FREQUENCY", + "EDIF_TOK_GENERIC", "EDIF_TOK_GRAPHIC", "EDIF_TOK_INDUCTANCE", + "EDIF_TOK_INOUT", "EDIF_TOK_INPUT", "EDIF_TOK_LOGICMODEL", + "EDIF_TOK_LOWERCENTER", "EDIF_TOK_LOWERLEFT", "EDIF_TOK_LOWERRIGHT", + "EDIF_TOK_MASKLAYOUT", "EDIF_TOK_MASS", "EDIF_TOK_MEASURED", + "EDIF_TOK_MX", "EDIF_TOK_MXR90", "EDIF_TOK_MY", "EDIF_TOK_MYR90", + "EDIF_TOK_NETLIST", "EDIF_TOK_OUTPUT", "EDIF_TOK_PCBLAYOUT", + "EDIF_TOK_POWER", "EDIF_TOK_R0", "EDIF_TOK_R180", "EDIF_TOK_R270", + "EDIF_TOK_R90", "EDIF_TOK_REQUIRED", "EDIF_TOK_RESISTANCE", + "EDIF_TOK_RIPPER", "EDIF_TOK_ROUND", "EDIF_TOK_SCHEMATIC", + "EDIF_TOK_STRANGER", "EDIF_TOK_SYMBOLIC", "EDIF_TOK_TEMPERATURE", + "EDIF_TOK_TIE", "EDIF_TOK_TIME", "EDIF_TOK_TRUNCATE", + "EDIF_TOK_UPPERCENTER", "EDIF_TOK_UPPERLEFT", "EDIF_TOK_UPPERRIGHT", + "EDIF_TOK_VOLTAGE", "EDIF_TOK_ACLOAD", "EDIF_TOK_AFTER", + "EDIF_TOK_ANNOTATE", "EDIF_TOK_APPLY", "EDIF_TOK_ARC", "EDIF_TOK_ARRAY", + "EDIF_TOK_ARRAYMACRO", "EDIF_TOK_ARRAYRELATEDINFO", "EDIF_TOK_ARRAYSITE", + "EDIF_TOK_ATLEAST", "EDIF_TOK_ATMOST", "EDIF_TOK_AUTHOR", + "EDIF_TOK_BASEARRAY", "EDIF_TOK_BECOMES", "EDIF_TOK_BETWEEN", + "EDIF_TOK_BOOLEAN", "EDIF_TOK_BOOLEANDISPLAY", "EDIF_TOK_BOOLEANMAP", + "EDIF_TOK_BORDERPATTERN", "EDIF_TOK_BORDERWIDTH", "EDIF_TOK_BOUNDINGBOX", + "EDIF_TOK_CELL", "EDIF_TOK_CELLREF", "EDIF_TOK_CELLTYPE", + "EDIF_TOK_CHANGE", "EDIF_TOK_CIRCLE", "EDIF_TOK_COLOR", + "EDIF_TOK_COMMENT", "EDIF_TOK_COMMENTGRAPHICS", "EDIF_TOK_COMPOUND", + "EDIF_TOK_CONNECTLOCATION", "EDIF_TOK_CONTENTS", "EDIF_TOK_CORNERTYPE", + "EDIF_TOK_CRITICALITY", "EDIF_TOK_CURRENTMAP", "EDIF_TOK_CURVE", + "EDIF_TOK_CYCLE", "EDIF_TOK_DATAORIGIN", "EDIF_TOK_DCFANINLOAD", + "EDIF_TOK_DCFANOUTLOAD", "EDIF_TOK_DCMAXFANIN", "EDIF_TOK_DCMAXFANOUT", + "EDIF_TOK_DELAY", "EDIF_TOK_DELTA", "EDIF_TOK_DERIVATION", + "EDIF_TOK_DESIGN", "EDIF_TOK_DESIGNATOR", "EDIF_TOK_DIFFERENCE", + "EDIF_TOK_DIRECTION", "EDIF_TOK_DISPLAY", "EDIF_TOK_DOMINATES", + "EDIF_TOK_DOT", "EDIF_TOK_DURATION", "EDIF_TOK_E", "EDIF_TOK_EDIF", + "EDIF_TOK_EDIFLEVEL", "EDIF_TOK_EDIFVERSION", + "EDIF_TOK_ENCLOSUREDISTANCE", "EDIF_TOK_ENDTYPE", "EDIF_TOK_ENTRY", + "EDIF_TOK_EVENT", "EDIF_TOK_EXACTLY", "EDIF_TOK_EXTERNAL", + "EDIF_TOK_FABRICATE", "EDIF_TOK_FALSE", "EDIF_TOK_FIGURE", + "EDIF_TOK_FIGUREAREA", "EDIF_TOK_FIGUREGROUP", + "EDIF_TOK_FIGUREGROUPOBJECT", "EDIF_TOK_FIGUREGROUPOVERRIDE", + "EDIF_TOK_FIGUREGROUPREF", "EDIF_TOK_FIGUREPERIMETER", + "EDIF_TOK_FIGUREWIDTH", "EDIF_TOK_FILLPATTERN", "EDIF_TOK_FOLLOW", + "EDIF_TOK_FORBIDDENEVENT", "EDIF_TOK_GLOBALPORTREF", + "EDIF_TOK_GREATERTHAN", "EDIF_TOK_GRIDMAP", "EDIF_TOK_IGNORE", + "EDIF_TOK_INCLUDEFIGUREGROUP", "EDIF_TOK_INITIAL", "EDIF_TOK_INSTANCE", + "EDIF_TOK_INSTANCEBACKANNOTATE", "EDIF_TOK_INSTANCEGROUP", + "EDIF_TOK_INSTANCEMAP", "EDIF_TOK_INSTANCEREF", "EDIF_TOK_INTEGER", + "EDIF_TOK_INTEGERDISPLAY", "EDIF_TOK_INTERFACE", + "EDIF_TOK_INTERFIGUREGROUPSPACING", "EDIF_TOK_INTERSECTION", + "EDIF_TOK_INTRAFIGUREGROUPSPACING", "EDIF_TOK_INVERSE", + "EDIF_TOK_ISOLATED", "EDIF_TOK_JOINED", "EDIF_TOK_JUSTIFY", + "EDIF_TOK_KEYWORDDISPLAY", "EDIF_TOK_KEYWORDLEVEL", + "EDIF_TOK_KEYWORDMAP", "EDIF_TOK_LESSTHAN", "EDIF_TOK_LIBRARY", + "EDIF_TOK_LIBRARYREF", "EDIF_TOK_LISTOFNETS", "EDIF_TOK_LISTOFPORTS", + "EDIF_TOK_LOADDELAY", "EDIF_TOK_LOGICASSIGN", "EDIF_TOK_LOGICINPUT", + "EDIF_TOK_LOGICLIST", "EDIF_TOK_LOGICMAPINPUT", + "EDIF_TOK_LOGICMAPOUTPUT", "EDIF_TOK_LOGICONEOF", "EDIF_TOK_LOGICOUTPUT", + "EDIF_TOK_LOGICPORT", "EDIF_TOK_LOGICREF", "EDIF_TOK_LOGICVALUE", + "EDIF_TOK_LOGICWAVEFORM", "EDIF_TOK_MAINTAIN", "EDIF_TOK_MATCH", + "EDIF_TOK_MEMBER", "EDIF_TOK_MINOMAX", "EDIF_TOK_MINOMAXDISPLAY", + "EDIF_TOK_MNM", "EDIF_TOK_MULTIPLEVALUESET", "EDIF_TOK_MUSTJOIN", + "EDIF_TOK_NAME", "EDIF_TOK_NET", "EDIF_TOK_NETBACKANNOTATE", + "EDIF_TOK_NETBUNDLE", "EDIF_TOK_NETDELAY", "EDIF_TOK_NETGROUP", + "EDIF_TOK_NETMAP", "EDIF_TOK_NETREF", "EDIF_TOK_NOCHANGE", + "EDIF_TOK_NONPERMUTABLE", "EDIF_TOK_NOTALLOWED", "EDIF_TOK_NOTCHSPACING", + "EDIF_TOK_NUMBER", "EDIF_TOK_NUMBERDEFINITION", "EDIF_TOK_NUMBERDISPLAY", + "EDIF_TOK_OFFPAGECONNECTOR", "EDIF_TOK_OFFSETEVENT", + "EDIF_TOK_OPENSHAPE", "EDIF_TOK_ORIENTATION", "EDIF_TOK_ORIGIN", + "EDIF_TOK_OVERHANGDISTANCE", "EDIF_TOK_OVERLAPDISTANCE", + "EDIF_TOK_OVERSIZE", "EDIF_TOK_OWNER", "EDIF_TOK_PAGE", + "EDIF_TOK_PAGESIZE", "EDIF_TOK_PARAMETER", "EDIF_TOK_PARAMETERASSIGN", + "EDIF_TOK_PARAMETERDISPLAY", "EDIF_TOK_PATH", "EDIF_TOK_PATHDELAY", + "EDIF_TOK_PATHWIDTH", "EDIF_TOK_PERMUTABLE", + "EDIF_TOK_PHYSICALDESIGNRULE", "EDIF_TOK_PLUG", "EDIF_TOK_POINT", + "EDIF_TOK_POINTDISPLAY", "EDIF_TOK_POINTLIST", "EDIF_TOK_POLYGON", + "EDIF_TOK_PORT", "EDIF_TOK_PORTBACKANNOTATE", "EDIF_TOK_PORTBUNDLE", + "EDIF_TOK_PORTDELAY", "EDIF_TOK_PORTGROUP", + "EDIF_TOK_PORTIMPLEMENTATION", "EDIF_TOK_PORTINSTANCE", + "EDIF_TOK_PORTLIST", "EDIF_TOK_PORTLISTALIAS", "EDIF_TOK_PORTMAP", + "EDIF_TOK_PORTREF", "EDIF_TOK_PROGRAM", "EDIF_TOK_PROPERTY", + "EDIF_TOK_PROPERTYDISPLAY", "EDIF_TOK_PROTECTIONFRAME", "EDIF_TOK_PT", + "EDIF_TOK_RANGEVECTOR", "EDIF_TOK_RECTANGLE", "EDIF_TOK_RECTANGLESIZE", + "EDIF_TOK_RENAME", "EDIF_TOK_RESOLVES", "EDIF_TOK_SCALE", + "EDIF_TOK_SCALEX", "EDIF_TOK_SCALEY", "EDIF_TOK_SECTION", + "EDIF_TOK_SHAPE", "EDIF_TOK_SIMULATE", "EDIF_TOK_SIMULATIONINFO", + "EDIF_TOK_SINGLEVALUESET", "EDIF_TOK_SITE", "EDIF_TOK_SOCKET", + "EDIF_TOK_SOCKETSET", "EDIF_TOK_STATUS", "EDIF_TOK_STEADY", + "EDIF_TOK_STRING", "EDIF_TOK_STRINGDISPLAY", "EDIF_TOK_STRONG", + "EDIF_TOK_SYMBOL", "EDIF_TOK_SYMMETRY", "EDIF_TOK_TABLE", + "EDIF_TOK_TABLEDEFAULT", "EDIF_TOK_TECHNOLOGY", "EDIF_TOK_TEXTHEIGHT", + "EDIF_TOK_TIMEINTERVAL", "EDIF_TOK_TIMESTAMP", "EDIF_TOK_TIMING", + "EDIF_TOK_TRANSFORM", "EDIF_TOK_TRANSITION", "EDIF_TOK_TRIGGER", + "EDIF_TOK_TRUE", "EDIF_TOK_UNCONSTRAINED", "EDIF_TOK_UNDEFINED", + "EDIF_TOK_UNION", "EDIF_TOK_UNIT", "EDIF_TOK_UNUSED", + "EDIF_TOK_USERDATA", "EDIF_TOK_VERSION", "EDIF_TOK_VIEW", + "EDIF_TOK_VIEWLIST", "EDIF_TOK_VIEWMAP", "EDIF_TOK_VIEWREF", + "EDIF_TOK_VIEWTYPE", "EDIF_TOK_VISIBLE", "EDIF_TOK_VOLTAGEMAP", + "EDIF_TOK_WAVEVALUE", "EDIF_TOK_WEAK", "EDIF_TOK_WEAKJOINED", + "EDIF_TOK_WHEN", "EDIF_TOK_WRITTEN", "')'", "$accept", "PopC", "Edif", + "_Edif", "EdifFileName", "EdifLevel", "EdifVersion", "AcLoad", "_AcLoad", + "After", "_After", "Annotate", "_Annotate", "Apply", "_Apply", "Arc", + "Array", "_Array", "ArrayMacro", "ArrayRelInfo", "_ArrayRelInfo", + "ArraySite", "AtLeast", "AtMost", "Author", "BaseArray", "Becomes", + "_Becomes", "Between", "__Between", "_Between", "Boolean", "_Boolean", + "BooleanDisp", "_BooleanDisp", "BooleanMap", "BooleanValue", "BorderPat", + "BorderWidth", "BoundBox", "Cell", "_Cell", "CellNameDef", "CellRef", + "_CellRef", "CellNameRef", "CellType", "_CellType", "Change", "__Change", + "_Change", "Circle", "_Circle", "Color", "Comment", "_Comment", + "CommGraph", "_CommGraph", "Compound", "Contents", "_Contents", + "ConnectLoc", "_ConnectLoc", "CornerType", "_CornerType", "Criticality", + "_Criticality", "CurrentMap", "Curve", "_Curve", "Cycle", "_Cycle", + "DataOrigin", "_DataOrigin", "DcFanInLoad", "_DcFanInLoad", + "DcFanOutLoad", "_DcFanOutLoad", "DcMaxFanIn", "_DcMaxFanIn", + "DcMaxFanOut", "_DcMaxFanOut", "Delay", "_Delay", "Delta", "_Delta", + "Derivation", "_Derivation", "Design", "_Design", "Designator", + "_Designator", "DesignNameDef", "DesignRule", "_DesignRule", + "Difference", "_Difference", "Direction", "_Direction", "Display", + "_Display", "_DisplayJust", "_DisplayOrien", "_DisplayOrg", "Dominates", + "_Dominates", "Dot", "_Dot", "Duration", "EncloseDist", "_EncloseDist", + "EndType", "_EndType", "Entry", "___Entry", "__Entry", "_Entry", "Event", + "_Event", "Exactly", "External", "_External", "Fabricate", "False", + "FigGrp", "_FigGrp", "FigGrpNameDef", "FigGrpNameRef", "FigGrpObj", + "_FigGrpObj", "FigGrpOver", "_FigGrpOver", "FigGrpRef", "_FigGrpRef", + "Figure", "_Figure", "FigureArea", "_FigureArea", "FigureOp", + "FigurePerim", "_FigurePerim", "FigureWidth", "_FigureWidth", + "FillPattern", "Follow", "__Follow", "_Follow", "Forbidden", + "_Forbidden", "Form", "_Form", "GlobPortRef", "GreaterThan", "GridMap", + "Ignore", "IncFigGrp", "_IncFigGrp", "Initial", "Instance", "_Instance", + "InstanceRef", "_InstanceRef", "InstBackAn", "_InstBackAn", "InstGroup", + "_InstGroup", "InstMap", "_InstMap", "InstNameDef", "InstNameRef", + "IntDisplay", "_IntDisplay", "Integer", "_Integer", "Interface", + "_Interface", "InterFigGrp", "_InterFigGrp", "Intersection", + "_Intersection", "IntraFigGrp", "_IntraFigGrp", "Inverse", "_Inverse", + "Isolated", "Joined", "_Joined", "Justify", "_Justify", "KeywordDisp", + "_KeywordDisp", "KeywordLevel", "KeywordMap", "_KeywordMap", + "KeywordName", "LayerNameDef", "LessThan", "LibNameDef", "LibNameRef", + "Library", "_Library", "LibraryRef", "ListOfNets", "_ListOfNets", + "ListOfPorts", "_ListOfPorts", "LoadDelay", "_LoadDelay", "LogicAssn", + "___LogicAssn", "__LogicAssn", "_LogicAssn", "LogicIn", "_LogicIn", + "LogicList", "_LogicList", "LogicMapIn", "_LogicMapIn", "LogicMapOut", + "_LogicMapOut", "LogicNameDef", "LogicNameRef", "LogicOneOf", + "_LogicOneOf", "LogicOut", "_LogicOut", "LogicPort", "_LogicPort", + "LogicRef", "_LogicRef", "LogicValue", "_LogicValue", "LogicWave", + "_LogicWave", "Maintain", "__Maintain", "_Maintain", "Match", "__Match", + "_Match", "Member", "_Member", "MiNoMa", "_MiNoMa", "MiNoMaDisp", + "_MiNoMaDisp", "MiNoMaValue", "Mnm", "_Mnm", "MultValSet", "_MultValSet", + "MustJoin", "_MustJoin", "Name", "_Name", "NameDef", "NameRef", "Net", + "_Net", "NetBackAn", "_NetBackAn", "NetBundle", "_NetBundle", "NetDelay", + "_NetDelay", "NetGroup", "_NetGroup", "NetMap", "_NetMap", "NetNameDef", + "NetNameRef", "NetRef", "_NetRef", "NoChange", "NonPermut", "_NonPermut", + "NotAllowed", "_NotAllowed", "NotchSpace", "_NotchSpace", "Number", + "_Number", "NumbDisplay", "_NumbDisplay", "NumberDefn", "_NumberDefn", + "OffPageConn", "_OffPageConn", "OffsetEvent", "OpenShape", "_OpenShape", + "Orientation", "_Orientation", "Origin", "OverhngDist", "_OverhngDist", + "OverlapDist", "_OverlapDist", "Oversize", "_Oversize", "Owner", "Page", + "_Page", "PageSize", "ParamDisp", "_ParamDisp", "Parameter", + "_Parameter", "ParamAssign", "Path", "_Path", "PathDelay", "_PathDelay", + "PathWidth", "Permutable", "_Permutable", "Plug", "_Plug", "Point", + "_Point", "PointDisp", "_PointDisp", "PointList", "_PointList", + "PointValue", "Polygon", "_Polygon", "Port", "_Port", "PortBackAn", + "_PortBackAn", "PortBundle", "_PortBundle", "PortDelay", "_PortDelay", + "PortGroup", "_PortGroup", "PortImpl", "_PortImpl", "PortInst", + "_PortInst", "PortList", "_PortList", "PortListAls", "PortMap", + "_PortMap", "PortNameDef", "PortNameRef", "PortRef", "_PortRef", + "Program", "_Program", "PropDisplay", "_PropDisplay", "Property", + "_Property", "PropNameDef", "PropNameRef", "ProtectFrame", + "_ProtectFrame", "Range", "RangeVector", "_RangeVector", "Rectangle", + "_Rectangle", "RectSize", "_RectSize", "Rename", "__Rename", "_Rename", + "Resolves", "_Resolves", "RuleNameDef", "Scale", "ScaledInt", "ScaleX", + "ScaleY", "Section", "_Section", "Shape", "_Shape", "SimNameDef", + "Simulate", "_Simulate", "SimulInfo", "_SimulInfo", "SingleValSet", + "_SingleValSet", "Site", "_Site", "Socket", "_Socket", "SocketSet", + "_SocketSet", "Status", "_Status", "Steady", "__Steady", "_Steady", + "StrDisplay", "String", "_String", "_StrDisplay", "Strong", "Symbol", + "_Symbol", "Symmetry", "_Symmetry", "Table", "_Table", "TableDeflt", + "__TableDeflt", "_TableDeflt", "Technology", "_Technology", "TextHeight", + "TimeIntval", "__TimeIntval", "_TimeIntval", "TimeStamp", "Timing", + "_Timing", "Transform", "_TransX", "_TransY", "_TransDelta", + "_TransOrien", "_TransOrg", "Transition", "_Transition", "Trigger", + "_Trigger", "True", "TypedValue", "Unconstrained", "Undefined", "Union", + "_Union", "Unit", "_Unit", "Unused", "UserData", "_UserData", + "ValueNameDef", "ValueNameRef", "Version", "View", "_View", "ViewList", + "_ViewList", "ViewMap", "_ViewMap", "ViewNameDef", "ViewNameRef", + "ViewRef", "_ViewRef", "ViewType", "_ViewType", "Visible", "VoltageMap", + "WaveValue", "Weak", "WeakJoined", "_WeakJoined", "When", "_When", + "Written", "_Written", "Ident", "Str", "Int", "Keyword", YY_NULLPTR +}; +#endif + +# ifdef YYPRINT +/* YYTOKNUM[NUM] -- (External) token number corresponding to the + (internal) symbol number NUM (which must be that of a token). */ +static const yytype_uint16 yytoknum[] = +{ + 0, 256, 257, 258, 259, 260, 261, 262, 263, 264, + 265, 266, 267, 268, 269, 270, 271, 272, 273, 274, + 275, 276, 277, 278, 279, 280, 281, 282, 283, 284, + 285, 286, 287, 288, 289, 290, 291, 292, 293, 294, + 295, 296, 297, 298, 299, 300, 301, 302, 303, 304, + 305, 306, 307, 308, 309, 310, 311, 312, 313, 314, + 315, 316, 317, 318, 319, 320, 321, 322, 323, 324, + 325, 326, 327, 328, 329, 330, 331, 332, 333, 334, + 335, 336, 337, 338, 339, 340, 341, 342, 343, 344, + 345, 346, 347, 348, 349, 350, 351, 352, 353, 354, + 355, 356, 357, 358, 359, 360, 361, 362, 363, 364, + 365, 366, 367, 368, 369, 370, 371, 372, 373, 374, + 375, 376, 377, 378, 379, 380, 381, 382, 383, 384, + 385, 386, 387, 388, 389, 390, 391, 392, 393, 394, + 395, 396, 397, 398, 399, 400, 401, 402, 403, 404, + 405, 406, 407, 408, 409, 410, 411, 412, 413, 414, + 415, 416, 417, 418, 419, 420, 421, 422, 423, 424, + 425, 426, 427, 428, 429, 430, 431, 432, 433, 434, + 435, 436, 437, 438, 439, 440, 441, 442, 443, 444, + 445, 446, 447, 448, 449, 450, 451, 452, 453, 454, + 455, 456, 457, 458, 459, 460, 461, 462, 463, 464, + 465, 466, 467, 468, 469, 470, 471, 472, 473, 474, + 475, 476, 477, 478, 479, 480, 481, 482, 483, 484, + 485, 486, 487, 488, 489, 490, 491, 492, 493, 494, + 495, 496, 497, 498, 499, 500, 501, 502, 503, 504, + 505, 506, 507, 508, 509, 510, 511, 512, 513, 514, + 515, 516, 517, 518, 519, 520, 521, 522, 523, 524, + 525, 526, 527, 528, 529, 530, 531, 532, 533, 534, + 535, 536, 537, 538, 539, 540, 541, 542, 543, 544, + 545, 546, 547, 548, 549, 41 +}; +# endif + +#define YYPACT_NINF -1333 + +#define yypact_value_is_default(Yystate) \ + (!!((Yystate) == (-1333))) + +#define YYTABLE_NINF -1 + +#define yytable_value_is_error(Yytable_value) \ + 0 + + /* YYPACT[STATE-NUM] -- Index in YYTABLE of the portion describing + STATE-NUM. */ +static const yytype_int16 yypact[] = +{ + 41, 152, 149, -1333, 176, 81, 305, -1333, -1333, -1333, + -1333, -1333, 33, -1333, -1333, 59, -1333, 148, 317, 101, + -1333, -1333, -1333, -1333, 437, 150, -1333, -1333, -1333, 148, + 148, 304, 81, 312, -1333, -1333, -1333, -1333, -1333, 33, + -1333, -1333, 148, 150, 316, -1333, -1333, 1508, 1780, 272, + -1333, -1333, -1333, 150, -1333, 148, -1333, 122, 715, 148, + 148, 111, -1333, 997, 1020, 148, 148, 152, 148, 176, + 300, -1333, -1333, -1333, -1333, -1333, -1333, -1333, -1333, -1333, + -1333, -1333, -1333, -1333, -1333, -1333, -1333, -1333, -1333, -1333, + -1333, -1333, -1333, 150, 1588, 280, -1333, -1333, 150, -1333, + -1333, 152, 152, 152, -1333, -1333, -1333, -1333, -1333, -1333, + -1333, -1333, 148, 150, 148, 111, -1333, 36, -1333, -1333, + -1333, 150, -1333, -1333, -1333, 150, 148, 150, -1333, 1023, + 150, 66, -1333, 150, 150, 150, -1333, -1333, -1333, -1333, + -1333, -1333, -1333, -1333, -1333, -1333, -1333, 150, 260, 150, + -1333, -1333, 424, -1333, 317, -1333, 317, 273, 439, -1333, + 148, 111, -1333, -1333, -1333, -1333, 439, -1333, -1333, -1333, + -1333, -1333, -1333, -1333, -1333, -1333, -1333, -1333, -1333, 310, + -1333, -1333, -1333, -1333, -1333, -1333, -1333, -1333, -1333, -1333, + -1333, -1333, -1333, -1333, 148, 150, -1333, 81, -1333, 441, + 254, 254, 266, -1333, -1333, -1333, -1333, 150, 150, 150, + 150, 416, 49, 115, 91, 801, 77, 437, 2006, -1333, + -1333, -1333, -1333, -1333, 71, 148, -1333, 376, -1333, -1333, + -1333, -1333, -1333, -1333, 343, 445, -1333, 445, 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Zero + means the default is an error. */ +static const yytype_uint16 yydefact[] = +{ + 0, 0, 0, 1126, 0, 0, 0, 590, 11, 591, + 589, 1, 0, 587, 883, 0, 882, 0, 0, 0, + 2, 586, 588, 1127, 0, 0, 885, 884, 1128, 0, + 0, 0, 0, 213, 211, 212, 593, 279, 592, 0, + 946, 881, 0, 0, 0, 4, 285, 0, 0, 215, + 214, 940, 947, 0, 12, 0, 457, 0, 0, 0, + 0, 0, 101, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, + 0, 284, 292, 289, 290, 295, 286, 287, 291, 288, + 296, 293, 297, 294, 443, 444, 445, 446, 447, 448, + 449, 450, 451, 0, 0, 217, 216, 13, 0, 456, + 458, 0, 0, 0, 929, 3, 9, 8, 6, 7, + 5, 10, 0, 0, 0, 0, 891, 0, 136, 137, + 138, 0, 232, 233, 234, 0, 0, 0, 848, 0, + 0, 0, 1054, 0, 0, 0, 68, 67, 442, 683, + 686, 684, 685, 679, 681, 682, 680, 0, 0, 0, + 218, 455, 0, 184, 0, 462, 0, 0, 0, 70, + 0, 0, 100, 102, 135, 231, 0, 727, 59, 396, + 564, 656, 737, 942, 1022, 1023, 1024, 1025, 1026, 0, + 1027, 843, 987, 1129, 1053, 1058, 1057, 1056, 1055, 345, + 262, 1021, 1101, 678, 0, 0, 210, 0, 176, 0, + 0, 0, 0, 928, 931, 932, 930, 0, 0, 0, + 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 842, + 847, 844, 846, 845, 0, 0, 687, 82, 84, 175, + 178, 179, 177, 180, 0, 0, 256, 0, 465, 0, + 1119, 0, 69, 892, 99, 333, 0, 58, 62, 61, + 60, 0, 395, 398, 399, 397, 0, 0, 563, 567, + 566, 565, 571, 572, 0, 655, 659, 658, 657, 0, + 736, 740, 739, 738, 941, 944, 945, 943, 0, 1051, + 1037, 1048, 1049, 1038, 1036, 1046, 1050, 1044, 1045, 1043, + 1047, 1039, 1040, 1041, 1042, 0, 344, 349, 348, 347, + 346, 0, 0, 0, 83, 664, 980, 0, 0, 255, + 258, 259, 257, 260, 464, 467, 468, 466, 469, 0, + 0, 0, 0, 1118, 1120, 1124, 1122, 1121, 1123, 1125, + 0, 64, 0, 393, 0, 569, 0, 0, 0, 574, + 576, 575, 0, 661, 0, 742, 701, 1035, 747, 0, + 463, 81, 0, 0, 0, 186, 912, 979, 985, 984, + 982, 981, 983, 986, 0, 80, 0, 0, 151, 837, + 63, 65, 392, 394, 568, 570, 1028, 1029, 0, 660, + 662, 741, 743, 470, 0, 0, 663, 667, 666, 665, + 0, 460, 0, 264, 278, 0, 0, 0, 0, 73, + 0, 47, 0, 0, 152, 0, 838, 0, 0, 0, + 0, 0, 263, 271, 268, 269, 274, 265, 266, 270, + 277, 267, 275, 272, 276, 273, 0, 0, 0, 0, + 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 185, 199, 193, + 198, 188, 190, 187, 194, 195, 197, 196, 192, 191, + 189, 200, 0, 911, 914, 913, 915, 88, 87, 86, + 0, 0, 1076, 72, 77, 79, 74, 78, 76, 75, + 0, 0, 150, 836, 573, 0, 0, 261, 0, 0, + 0, 0, 0, 0, 320, 355, 356, 0, 318, 321, + 322, 319, 889, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, + 0, 0, 0, 0, 526, 0, 506, 85, 1085, 0, + 0, 0, 1063, 352, 0, 0, 202, 203, 299, 424, + 425, 0, 434, 435, 0, 0, 1031, 1032, 0, 354, + 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 647, 0, 0, + 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 220, 0, 501, 504, + 887, 0, 0, 0, 525, 529, 539, 530, 528, 533, + 536, 535, 534, 538, 537, 532, 540, 527, 531, 0, + 0, 0, 383, 0, 627, 0, 822, 1075, 1083, 1080, + 1079, 1082, 1081, 1078, 1077, 1084, 0, 890, 201, 204, + 205, 0, 300, 423, 426, 427, 433, 699, 700, 0, + 1030, 1033, 1034, 281, 0, 282, 283, 0, 0, 0, + 0, 0, 0, 0, 917, 866, 865, 868, 867, 0, + 864, 863, 314, 315, 0, 324, 325, 0, 329, 330, + 0, 0, 429, 430, 646, 648, 649, 0, 651, 652, + 0, 0, 578, 870, 878, 877, 0, 0, 0, 507, + 0, 0, 436, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1096, + 1098, 1099, 1097, 1091, 1093, 1092, 1094, 1100, 1095, 0, + 401, 1065, 0, 0, 374, 0, 0, 0, 0, 606, + 0, 0, 0, 766, 0, 994, 298, 0, 280, 0, + 227, 228, 0, 0, 54, 0, 55, 0, 0, 0, + 918, 0, 313, 316, 317, 323, 326, 327, 328, 331, + 332, 0, 419, 420, 428, 431, 432, 650, 653, 654, + 0, 689, 690, 0, 694, 695, 0, 0, 876, 879, + 880, 66, 112, 142, 219, 221, 500, 502, 503, 505, + 886, 888, 948, 1102, 1104, 1090, 0, 114, 1064, 1068, + 1067, 1069, 1066, 1070, 0, 370, 391, 390, 0, 0, + 373, 378, 375, 377, 376, 380, 382, 386, 384, 385, + 387, 635, 634, 637, 0, 0, 605, 610, 608, 607, + 609, 623, 626, 630, 629, 628, 631, 830, 829, 832, + 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 765, 773, 775, 769, + 770, 771, 772, 767, 768, 774, 787, 821, 825, 824, + 823, 826, 698, 226, 229, 230, 45, 46, 56, 0, + 57, 254, 351, 461, 916, 418, 421, 422, 688, 691, + 692, 693, 696, 697, 577, 579, 869, 871, 872, 0, + 438, 581, 0, 729, 0, 0, 851, 0, 950, 1106, + 400, 406, 416, 414, 408, 409, 407, 411, 402, 403, + 415, 405, 413, 404, 412, 417, 410, 0, 0, 0, + 371, 0, 372, 0, 183, 182, 0, 996, 0, 0, + 639, 638, 0, 640, 0, 141, 140, 0, 0, 834, + 833, 0, 835, 0, 16, 15, 0, 155, 154, 0, + 158, 157, 0, 161, 160, 0, 164, 163, 0, 0, + 53, 0, 0, 0, 41, 0, 40, 39, 0, 0, + 0, 1060, 1059, 0, 0, 828, 827, 0, 752, 0, + 0, 903, 905, 0, 0, 0, 0, 104, 0, 0, + 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 113, + 129, 130, 122, 117, 127, 115, 128, 119, 120, 116, + 121, 123, 118, 125, 124, 131, 126, 0, 561, 1086, + 1088, 369, 181, 172, 173, 174, 0, 0, 0, 995, + 999, 998, 997, 1000, 379, 381, 636, 139, 0, 619, + 0, 622, 624, 625, 831, 14, 153, 156, 159, 162, + 0, 782, 783, 0, 786, 788, 789, 734, 0, 923, + 0, 48, 38, 42, 43, 0, 817, 437, 441, 440, + 439, 580, 585, 583, 582, 584, 0, 718, 643, 728, + 732, 731, 730, 0, 0, 751, 761, 763, 757, 758, + 759, 760, 756, 753, 755, 762, 754, 764, 475, 777, + 0, 0, 0, 0, 850, 856, 861, 855, 853, 854, + 858, 859, 852, 857, 860, 862, 0, 0, 0, 904, + 908, 909, 906, 910, 907, 0, 0, 949, 955, 957, + 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1186, 1070, 1182, 1518, 925, 1305, 914, 851, + 915, 916, 615, 616, 324, 917, 1141, 1287, 617, 695, + 819, 174, 211, 249, 330, 555, 135, 72, 73, 950, + 310, 398, 364, 198, 303, 227, 399, 460, 1388, 1467, + 1551, 1207, 1515, 74, 75, 117, 952, 1097, 557, 750, + 867, 1252, 1382, 76, 121, 778, 884, 558, 1339, 1439, + 1183, 1421, 326, 403, 799, 896, 800, 899, 801, 902, + 802, 905, 989, 1135, 1589, 1611, 877, 976, 107, 199, + 762, 873, 152, 359, 395, 484, 515, 1043, 1164, 22, + 33, 49, 95, 149, 559, 651, 1209, 1336, 1407, 439, + 689, 77, 125, 1452, 1524, 1576, 1606, 1277, 1399, 618, + 108, 235, 360, 136, 361, 392, 393, 34, 531, 604, + 35, 47, 485, 591, 953, 1100, 441, 619, 486, 442, + 624, 443, 627, 78, 954, 1101, 1217, 981, 1131, 185, + 224, 1018, 620, 388, 1498, 420, 487, 1389, 955, 1221, + 674, 871, 579, 675, 769, 879, 580, 676, 1105, 755, + 253, 332, 175, 212, 671, 746, 444, 711, 488, 521, + 445, 631, 489, 524, 560, 854, 918, 50, 93, 1060, + 1171, 56, 45, 57, 1172, 390, 621, 154, 349, 109, + 237, 304, 1231, 1375, 1049, 1166, 1002, 1143, 1271, 1393, + 1483, 1558, 1326, 1423, 1291, 1411, 561, 653, 562, 654, + 504, 1292, 1293, 1412, 1327, 1427, 956, 1107, 1484, 1596, + 455, 505, 1433, 1513, 1272, 1396, 1489, 1525, 1572, 1604, + 787, 967, 176, 213, 1144, 334, 1145, 262, 338, 644, + 726, 855, 919, 36, 12, 492, 649, 957, 1229, 581, + 678, 958, 1232, 779, 990, 784, 888, 582, 680, 1111, + 773, 679, 882, 1529, 1030, 1160, 446, 538, 447, 637, + 177, 214, 267, 342, 306, 352, 959, 1113, 1278, 1210, + 1340, 96, 147, 150, 448, 720, 449, 723, 490, 599, + 221, 960, 1116, 1085, 1061, 1176, 856, 1158, 1359, 1211, + 1342, 982, 1134, 79, 857, 924, 1008, 1149, 178, 215, + 272, 344, 1343, 1442, 195, 1212, 1345, 858, 927, 583, + 682, 859, 1050, 804, 1003, 809, 909, 961, 1117, 1360, + 1458, 1019, 1156, 1072, 584, 684, 928, 789, 683, 891, + 327, 405, 1063, 1179, 80, 179, 129, 1180, 861, 930, + 622, 645, 727, 1096, 1334, 450, 646, 9, 15, 25, + 564, 655, 493, 389, 263, 1462, 1548, 962, 1120, 1214, + 1347, 932, 862, 933, 362, 396, 623, 701, 1507, 1598, + 1010, 1152, 1298, 1416, 110, 157, 1390, 1475, 1554, 26, + 180, 216, 39, 565, 863, 934, 1153, 1299, 1219, 1348, + 1453, 1532, 1584, 236, 307, 81, 1132, 1279, 1410, 240, + 764, 878, 1363, 1463, 1549, 1590, 1613, 1623, 1142, 1294, + 1123, 1263, 137, 181, 340, 341, 491, 528, 223, 295, + 1046, 82, 131, 923, 1177, 404, 468, 672, 1222, 1352, + 469, 510, 509, 970, 872, 1128, 570, 669, 83, 567, + 1074, 568, 866, 935, 966, 1124, 206, 241, 38, 27, + 116, 189 +}; + + /* YYTABLE[YYPACT[STATE-NUM]] -- What to do in state STATE-NUM. If + positive, shift that token. If negative, reduce the rule whose + number is the opposite. If YYTABLE_NINF, syntax error. */ +static const yytype_uint16 yytable[] = +{ + 41, 592, 275, 883, 261, 273, 785, 1147, 756, 514, + 232, 1027, 771, 52, 51, 1351, 803, 1001, 54, 892, + 260, 1036, 71, 1148, 1236, 1038, 1039, 1005, 97, 1288, + 648, 1040, 99, 105, 1041, 46, 40, 656, 1044, 658, + 864, 1290, 23, 250, 1138, 1023, 312, 335, 317, 3, + 1058, 1419, 1057, 28, 1082, 28, 1081, 1102, 1059, 345, + 1031, 1093, 1083, 1084, 1118, 23, 3, 3, 138, 3, + 28, 183, 23, 151, 3, 28, 183, 23, 331, 3, + 853, 1270, 417, 23, 3, 1022, 1138, 1133, 159, 3, + 942, 1243, 162, 1486, 1516, 28, 164, 28, 1275, 881, + 165, 1092, 167, 23, 3, 182, 184, 3, 190, 191, + 192, 3, 1482, 608, 673, 28, 3, 3, 1528, 28, + 1384, 67, 193, 1028, 196, 609, 1432, 1062, 1505, 163, + 988, 1087, 203, 1155, 1189, 1296, 844, 735, 845, 737, + 739, 741, 843, 187, 19, 887, 843, 37, 28, 11, + 1531, 681, 28, 1355, 219, 3, 642, 1, 1213, 681, + 37, 964, 200, 681, 201, 908, 929, 643, 20, 1220, + 226, 869, 681, 20, 229, 920, 20, 1385, 20, 3, + 1216, 612, 242, 243, 244, 245, 247, 252, 258, 265, + 270, 274, 1577, 1000, 1488, 194, 1510, 20, 169, 251, + 1512, 1216, 115, 988, 1371, 20, 114, 32, 114, 466, + 309, 62, 314, 643, 993, 613, 323, 1196, 20, 62, + 20, 62, 20, 771, 1580, 1197, 114, 754, 277, 278, + 114, 320, 32, 4, 1285, 1088, 299, 1253, 1241, 1251, + 677, 940, 1139, 20, 1242, 1254, 1255, 62, 1260, 20, + 4, 4, 869, 346, 1496, 1496, 161, 321, 3, 114, + 62, 1042, 1108, 4, 20, 1114, 1000, 754, 4, 194, + 347, 20, 384, 4, 1303, 62, 348, 1228, 351, 747, + 28, 1557, 357, 1285, 1139, 754, 1286, 1286, 4, 687, + 171, 4, 264, 1386, 264, 4, 1309, 170, 256, 257, + 4, 4, 209, 1502, 371, 370, 373, 372, 375, 374, + 1329, 376, 377, 1246, 1500, 1599, 380, 379, 382, 381, + 24, 5, 681, 20, 383, 228, 1350, 386, 20, 20, + 1583, 20, 367, 368, 369, 1223, 650, 173, 24, 4, + 681, 20, 401, 657, 20, 3, 20, 947, 1478, 1369, + 1465, 1367, 1379, 5, 1378, 268, 7, 1370, 20, 20, + 14, 20, 62, 781, 29, 677, 296, 412, 1383, 1544, + 437, 453, 20, 463, 1607, 647, 42, 43, 472, 385, + 473, 20, 474, 1394, 1397, 477, 20, 1174, 1184, 53, + 1449, 114, 20, 410, 20, 322, 67, 5, 339, 62, + 673, 1403, 98, 1491, 1566, 343, 112, 113, 20, 20, + 20, 69, 126, 127, 471, 130, 1568, 20, 1256, 1492, + 336, 337, 7, 17, 67, 20, 133, 20, 378, 1075, + 350, 1422, 608, 609, 30, 507, 754, 610, 840, 69, + 1425, 1429, 4, 23, 104, 20, 512, 936, 1424, 1428, + 513, 478, 69, 20, 62, 937, 7, 7, 7, 158, + 257, 160, 529, 1601, 28, 44, 20, 69, 407, 1384, + 48, 1550, 1459, 166, 479, 1603, 55, 94, 188, 339, + 554, 20, 518, 752, 611, 577, 148, 1552, 1016, 587, + 588, 681, 938, 168, 246, 480, 593, 481, 62, 596, + 612, 194, 1469, 600, 1473, 1487, 1275, 208, 197, 940, + 1468, 1264, 1472, 634, 1016, 1362, 168, 681, 37, 339, + 217, 234, 652, 613, 1051, 408, 409, 28, 308, 4, + 62, 936, 3, 603, 62, 1450, 239, 62, 62, 937, + 302, 225, 133, 305, 874, 1533, 1066, 20, 67, 475, + 476, 482, 1535, 397, 69, 1358, 1537, 1538, 1593, 255, + 1159, 685, 1539, 1522, 20, 1540, 686, 202, 20, 1542, + 62, 300, 301, 849, 1594, 134, 20, 1076, 1322, 688, + 1052, 895, 1456, 1323, 939, 1553, 319, 1276, 402, 218, + 673, 530, 1556, 940, 702, 670, 946, 894, 333, 705, + 218, 1401, 708, 67, 1053, 20, 714, 37, 62, 569, + 251, 911, 717, 912, 673, 614, 1265, 913, 681, 677, + 483, 728, 731, 732, 1289, 733, 734, 1266, 736, 738, + 740, 742, 743, 744, 63, 62, 677, 942, 114, 943, + 1574, 1582, 1386, 790, 745, 1055, 69, 748, 1573, 1079, + 760, 766, 1007, 776, 876, 782, 20, 796, 37, 807, + 20, 1076, 812, 7, 813, 988, 366, 816, 817, 1015, + 62, 353, 821, 822, 823, 354, 824, 1009, 1048, 67, + 946, 791, 792, 793, 794, 1605, 825, 673, 1174, 758, + 69, 134, 1122, 790, 62, 828, 452, 1095, 831, 104, + 774, 834, 836, 104, 20, 1130, 256, 257, 7, 7, + 754, 20, 1220, 400, 869, 1067, 4, 1151, 1181, 790, + 62, 850, 69, 20, 62, 840, 69, 1230, 869, 69, + 69, 791, 792, 793, 794, 1563, 20, 1161, 1162, 758, + 20, 1033, 62, 20, 20, 840, 62, 470, 1406, 692, + 693, 1163, 697, 698, 699, 1075, 1275, 791, 792, 793, + 794, 758, 69, 1016, 1016, 758, 355, 681, 62, 937, + 875, 1068, 1338, 936, 774, 681, 20, 1341, 938, 1137, + 62, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, + 7, 7, 1541, 1275, 910, 1136, 775, 62, 1406, 356, + 69, 757, 1432, 207, 62, 772, 938, 7, 1461, 788, + 795, 210, 1194, 1547, 20, 62, 7, 511, 938, 67, + 869, 1016, 101, 940, 681, 869, 20, 69, 62, 525, + 1588, 1239, 1193, 694, 818, 940, 315, 1276, 1200, 102, + 62, 20, 949, 67, 936, 977, 971, 1281, 972, 1355, + 1283, 62, 937, 979, 984, 457, 248, 986, 586, 987, + 795, 1187, 413, 991, 1201, 414, 994, 942, 995, 67, + 775, 996, 62, 67, 997, 939, 20, 998, 103, 1127, + 999, 458, 868, 20, 1004, 1190, 795, 459, 1011, 938, + 1012, 67, 1523, 1017, 1021, 67, 415, 1499, 1503, 1029, + 20, 62, 1035, 973, 8, 1054, 940, 1265, 1069, 1077, + 1091, 1034, 69, 1368, 1346, 1034, 69, 67, 1266, 418, + 758, 1051, 62, 440, 759, 978, 20, 1098, 974, 67, + 20, 1099, 898, 901, 904, 907, 419, 1034, 69, 696, + 297, 975, 1125, 1565, 626, 629, 222, 633, 20, 1115, + 639, 1129, 20, 3, 885, 1202, 62, 254, 820, 1121, + 69, 156, 1295, 1479, 67, 1140, 231, 1203, 1555, 1185, + 128, 1480, 69, 104, 20, 1244, 1204, 1052, 1146, 765, + 1333, 673, 259, 1150, 768, 1154, 20, 1372, 1400, 69, + 1335, 1337, 1405, 946, 1095, 1408, 69, 969, 1112, 1567, + 67, 1053, 1205, 20, 153, 155, 155, 69, 328, 1165, + 20, 992, 571, 806, 572, 921, 772, 118, 691, 681, + 69, 20, 1578, 172, 269, 1167, 1353, 266, 1409, 62, + 1612, 1622, 69, 1245, 20, 62, 937, 788, 1595, 1086, + 122, 713, 194, 69, 1354, 271, 20, 119, 421, 1344, + 67, 722, 725, 1313, 120, 1392, 573, 20, 1602, 839, + 574, 1314, 1402, 870, 69, 835, 1482, 788, 100, 106, + 123, 1191, 1192, 938, 788, 1206, 1261, 124, 20, 62, + 963, 880, 1224, 759, 1355, 1527, 1526, 1188, 1233, 276, + 111, 1238, 1249, 69, 575, 1259, 20, 889, 758, 1267, + 168, 1417, 576, 1274, 423, 238, 1280, 20, 1414, 1282, + 1284, 406, 1457, 1104, 69, 1109, 1109, 1455, 1104, 425, + 1285, 886, 1025, 1286, 1297, 1436, 681, 1300, 20, 0, + 1301, 1302, 1262, 1307, 0, 1308, 0, 4, 838, 1311, + 0, 1312, 0, 788, 0, 1316, 1315, 840, 69, 0, + 1318, 1317, 0, 1320, 1319, 1216, 0, 1324, 0, 422, + 0, 1331, 20, 0, 1332, 465, 0, 0, 204, 0, + 0, 0, 169, 0, 0, 0, 841, 0, 67, 0, + 1175, 1178, 0, 0, 67, 0, 810, 985, 0, 205, + 220, 0, 1349, 0, 0, 0, 1356, 7, 104, 7, + 7, 0, 7, 842, 1365, 170, 781, 1376, 677, 843, + 230, 365, 0, 0, 0, 968, 844, 0, 845, 0, + 0, 69, 171, 461, 0, 462, 0, 69, 67, 1519, + 846, 233, 1521, 0, 0, 20, 0, 0, 1387, 0, + 0, 20, 847, 0, 806, 172, 311, 1016, 316, 0, + 681, 0, 325, 848, 0, 0, 391, 394, 0, 0, + 0, 759, 1413, 897, 900, 903, 906, 313, 0, 318, + 1415, 69, 563, 329, 1418, 7, 0, 543, 0, 0, + 1420, 0, 849, 173, 788, 20, 0, 62, 0, 544, + 0, 890, 0, 7, 545, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, + 7, 0, 0, 0, 1431, 478, 1571, 0, 0, 1434, + 546, 1437, 0, 0, 1126, 1440, 0, 1443, 358, 0, + 1445, 0, 1447, 1451, 0, 0, 1330, 1454, 479, 494, + 495, 496, 497, 498, 499, 500, 501, 502, 503, 363, + 0, 0, 62, 937, 0, 1248, 0, 608, 609, 480, + 1464, 481, 610, 0, 547, 506, 0, 1466, 0, 0, + 1471, 1600, 0, 387, 508, 0, 1476, 0, 0, 548, + 549, 0, 478, 1157, 1490, 0, 0, 0, 625, 628, + 938, 632, 0, 0, 638, 1495, 1497, 1501, 0, 1504, + 1616, 1506, 0, 788, 788, 479, 1508, 940, 1509, 611, + 0, 1621, 1511, 416, 0, 482, 438, 454, 1514, 464, + 0, 1006, 1051, 0, 1517, 612, 480, 1520, 481, 0, + 1020, 1024, 7, 7, 424, 0, 1032, 451, 456, 0, + 467, 0, 0, 1534, 0, 0, 67, 1094, 613, 751, + 0, 1103, 763, 0, 550, 780, 0, 0, 1119, 805, + 788, 788, 690, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 700, + 551, 0, 0, 0, 1559, 0, 0, 0, 1560, 1561, + 0, 1562, 482, 0, 483, 712, 0, 0, 0, 69, + 0, 1175, 788, 0, 0, 721, 724, 552, 1564, 553, + 1569, 67, 1053, 20, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, + 0, 0, 1581, 0, 1306, 0, 0, 0, 1585, 0, + 0, 0, 788, 860, 788, 0, 556, 0, 0, 0, + 0, 578, 59, 60, 0, 0, 1591, 0, 1321, 1592, + 61, 62, 0, 1597, 69, 0, 63, 566, 0, 0, + 0, 483, 585, 0, 0, 0, 1493, 1494, 20, 635, + 0, 0, 10, 0, 0, 13, 16, 0, 20, 1608, + 0, 1609, 64, 516, 0, 519, 522, 0, 526, 0, + 636, 1614, 837, 1615, 0, 0, 0, 65, 0, 1617, + 0, 1618, 0, 0, 411, 1619, 1620, 0, 59, 60, + 0, 1624, 0, 0, 0, 0, 61, 62, 1625, 0, + 589, 0, 63, 1218, 0, 0, 594, 0, 0, 0, + 597, 0, 0, 601, 0, 605, 608, 609, 10, 0, + 132, 610, 0, 139, 140, 141, 142, 0, 64, 0, + 703, 143, 144, 145, 146, 706, 0, 0, 709, 0, + 0, 0, 715, 65, 0, 0, 0, 0, 718, 0, + 788, 704, 10, 10, 10, 0, 707, 729, 1304, 710, + 66, 0, 1310, 716, 0, 0, 936, 0, 611, 719, + 0, 0, 0, 62, 937, 0, 0, 0, 730, 0, + 67, 0, 186, 749, 612, 0, 761, 767, 0, 777, + 0, 783, 0, 798, 1045, 808, 0, 1064, 0, 0, + 814, 1089, 0, 0, 753, 0, 0, 613, 770, 0, + 68, 938, 786, 0, 0, 0, 811, 0, 0, 0, + 939, 815, 826, 69, 0, 0, 66, 0, 940, 0, + 70, 829, 0, 0, 832, 0, 0, 20, 0, 0, + 0, 0, 0, 827, 0, 922, 67, 926, 926, 0, + 931, 0, 830, 0, 0, 833, 0, 852, 0, 941, + 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1395, 1398, 0, + 0, 0, 942, 0, 943, 298, 68, 1404, 865, 517, + 0, 520, 523, 0, 527, 0, 944, 0, 0, 69, + 0, 84, 85, 86, 0, 945, 70, 0, 0, 614, + 0, 0, 0, 20, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1546, 87, + 88, 89, 0, 0, 0, 946, 590, 1169, 0, 0, + 0, 0, 595, 1026, 1426, 1430, 598, 0, 0, 602, + 0, 606, 0, 0, 947, 0, 847, 0, 90, 91, + 92, 394, 0, 1106, 926, 1110, 1110, 926, 1106, 0, + 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 759, 1460, 0, 0, 10, + 0, 0, 0, 0, 1198, 69, 0, 0, 0, 0, + 0, 0, 0, 0, 1226, 0, 0, 948, 951, 20, + 1235, 0, 0, 62, 1257, 0, 1470, 659, 1474, 980, + 0, 0, 0, 1586, 1587, 1485, 0, 660, 0, 965, + 0, 0, 0, 661, 10, 10, 0, 662, 0, 0, + 983, 663, 0, 426, 0, 0, 0, 0, 664, 0, + 665, 0, 427, 354, 0, 0, 1013, 428, 429, 0, + 666, 667, 668, 0, 1610, 0, 0, 0, 1037, 0, + 0, 1056, 0, 0, 1071, 1080, 430, 1014, 431, 0, + 0, 0, 1530, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1047, + 0, 0, 1065, 0, 0, 1073, 1090, 0, 0, 0, + 926, 506, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 10, 10, 10, + 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 1361, 0, + 0, 432, 433, 0, 0, 0, 1373, 0, 0, 1380, + 0, 434, 435, 10, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, + 0, 0, 10, 279, 0, 0, 280, 0, 0, 0, + 281, 282, 283, 284, 1575, 285, 1579, 286, 287, 0, + 0, 288, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 436, 289, + 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 290, 0, + 0, 0, 0, 0, 291, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, + 292, 1168, 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257, 89, + 148, 1275, 55, 1399, 1513, 264, 59, 60, 295, 295, + 295, 281, 65, 66, 402, 68, 1513, 295, 1117, 1399, + 276, 277, 67, 118, 238, 295, 126, 295, 338, 64, + 302, 1321, 71, 72, 117, 460, 181, 76, 157, 281, + 1322, 1323, 187, 6, 258, 295, 471, 82, 1322, 1323, + 475, 109, 281, 295, 89, 90, 101, 102, 103, 112, + 184, 114, 487, 1572, 4, 161, 295, 281, 378, 86, + 158, 1467, 1354, 126, 132, 1572, 160, 205, 131, 338, + 505, 295, 479, 672, 123, 510, 206, 1467, 233, 514, + 515, 236, 127, 77, 78, 153, 521, 155, 89, 524, + 139, 241, 1384, 528, 1386, 1396, 122, 160, 84, 144, + 1384, 63, 1386, 538, 233, 1221, 77, 236, 390, 378, + 210, 267, 547, 162, 159, 384, 385, 4, 83, 187, + 89, 82, 3, 530, 89, 266, 270, 89, 89, 90, + 164, 194, 126, 200, 758, 1457, 65, 295, 238, 408, + 409, 209, 1458, 85, 281, 1221, 1458, 1458, 1554, 212, + 1027, 586, 1458, 180, 295, 1458, 591, 294, 295, 1458, + 89, 224, 225, 292, 1554, 275, 295, 212, 169, 604, + 215, 790, 1352, 174, 136, 1475, 239, 203, 282, 279, + 148, 130, 1483, 144, 619, 151, 231, 790, 251, 624, + 279, 1275, 627, 238, 239, 295, 631, 479, 89, 287, + 150, 68, 637, 70, 148, 254, 168, 74, 236, 194, + 278, 646, 647, 648, 1138, 650, 651, 179, 653, 654, + 655, 656, 657, 658, 94, 89, 194, 188, 115, 190, + 1522, 1532, 259, 62, 669, 930, 281, 672, 1522, 934, + 675, 676, 221, 678, 106, 680, 295, 682, 530, 684, + 295, 212, 687, 308, 689, 104, 319, 692, 693, 138, + 89, 125, 697, 698, 699, 129, 701, 256, 166, 238, + 231, 100, 101, 102, 103, 1576, 711, 148, 1353, 108, + 281, 275, 274, 62, 89, 720, 177, 243, 723, 258, + 95, 726, 727, 258, 295, 269, 183, 184, 353, 354, + 181, 295, 284, 366, 286, 234, 187, 264, 98, 62, + 89, 746, 281, 295, 89, 157, 281, 165, 286, 281, + 281, 100, 101, 102, 103, 1505, 295, 26, 27, 108, + 295, 110, 89, 295, 295, 157, 89, 400, 114, 608, + 609, 40, 611, 612, 613, 64, 122, 100, 101, 102, + 103, 108, 281, 233, 233, 108, 220, 236, 89, 90, + 758, 290, 97, 82, 95, 236, 295, 224, 127, 988, + 89, 426, 427, 428, 429, 430, 431, 432, 433, 434, + 435, 436, 1458, 122, 819, 988, 191, 89, 114, 253, + 281, 673, 178, 158, 89, 677, 127, 452, 248, 681, + 229, 166, 1097, 249, 295, 89, 461, 470, 127, 238, + 286, 233, 107, 144, 236, 286, 295, 281, 89, 482, + 105, 1116, 1097, 610, 695, 144, 237, 203, 87, 124, + 89, 295, 867, 238, 82, 137, 871, 1131, 873, 272, + 1134, 89, 90, 878, 879, 23, 211, 882, 511, 884, + 229, 1075, 392, 888, 113, 392, 891, 188, 893, 238, + 191, 896, 89, 238, 899, 136, 295, 902, 163, 970, + 905, 49, 754, 295, 909, 1095, 229, 55, 913, 127, + 915, 238, 1449, 918, 919, 238, 392, 1411, 1412, 924, + 295, 89, 927, 9, 1, 930, 144, 168, 933, 934, + 935, 280, 281, 1229, 1205, 280, 281, 238, 179, 392, + 108, 159, 89, 395, 271, 217, 295, 938, 34, 238, + 295, 938, 791, 792, 793, 794, 392, 280, 281, 610, + 224, 47, 967, 1513, 533, 534, 179, 536, 295, 945, + 539, 976, 295, 3, 774, 204, 89, 212, 695, 947, + 281, 103, 1143, 1391, 238, 990, 199, 216, 1482, 1068, + 67, 1391, 281, 258, 295, 1116, 225, 215, 1003, 146, + 1190, 148, 213, 1008, 676, 1010, 295, 1229, 1275, 281, + 1200, 1201, 1276, 231, 243, 1279, 281, 869, 943, 1513, + 238, 239, 251, 295, 101, 102, 103, 281, 241, 1034, + 295, 888, 145, 230, 147, 842, 888, 20, 607, 236, + 281, 295, 1524, 222, 223, 1050, 214, 214, 1279, 89, + 1590, 1613, 281, 1116, 295, 89, 90, 909, 1555, 934, + 20, 630, 241, 281, 232, 215, 295, 50, 392, 1204, + 238, 640, 641, 1166, 57, 1264, 189, 295, 1572, 69, + 193, 1166, 1275, 755, 281, 726, 176, 939, 57, 58, + 50, 1096, 1097, 127, 946, 1100, 1120, 57, 295, 89, + 867, 773, 1107, 271, 272, 195, 1449, 1075, 1113, 216, + 58, 1116, 1117, 281, 227, 1120, 295, 789, 108, 1124, + 77, 1296, 235, 1128, 392, 201, 1131, 295, 1294, 1134, + 1135, 369, 1353, 940, 281, 942, 943, 1352, 945, 392, + 170, 774, 919, 173, 1149, 1335, 236, 1152, 295, -1, + 1155, 1156, 1120, 1158, -1, 1160, -1, 187, 727, 1164, + -1, 1166, -1, 1015, -1, 1171, 1171, 157, 281, -1, + 1176, 1176, -1, 1179, 1179, 265, -1, 1182, -1, 392, + -1, 1186, 295, -1, 1189, 398, -1, -1, 157, -1, + -1, -1, 149, -1, -1, -1, 186, -1, 238, -1, + 1052, 1053, -1, -1, 238, -1, 684, 879, -1, 157, + 179, -1, 1217, -1, -1, -1, 1221, 842, 258, 844, + 845, -1, 847, 213, 1229, 182, 192, 1232, 194, 219, + 199, 308, -1, -1, -1, 868, 226, -1, 228, -1, + -1, 281, 199, 283, -1, 285, -1, 281, 238, 1439, + 240, 199, 1442, -1, -1, 295, -1, -1, 1263, -1, + -1, 295, 252, -1, 230, 222, 235, 233, 237, -1, + 236, -1, 241, 263, -1, -1, 353, 354, -1, -1, + -1, 271, 1287, 791, 792, 793, 794, 235, -1, 237, + 1295, 281, 505, 241, 1299, 920, -1, 79, -1, -1, + 1305, -1, 292, 260, 1156, 295, -1, 89, -1, 91, + -1, 789, -1, 938, 96, 940, 941, 942, 943, 944, + 945, -1, -1, -1, 1329, 109, 1516, -1, -1, 1334, + 112, 1336, -1, -1, 967, 1340, -1, 1342, 307, -1, + 1345, -1, 1347, 1348, -1, -1, 1185, 1352, 132, 427, + 428, 429, 430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 436, 307, + -1, -1, 89, 90, -1, 92, -1, 71, 72, 153, + 1375, 155, 76, -1, 156, 452, -1, 1382, -1, -1, + 1385, 1571, -1, 352, 461, -1, 1391, -1, -1, 171, + 172, -1, 109, 1026, 1399, -1, -1, -1, 533, 534, + 127, 536, -1, -1, 539, 1410, 1411, 1412, -1, 1414, + 1600, 1416, -1, 1265, 1266, 132, 1421, 144, 1423, 123, + -1, 1611, 1427, 392, -1, 209, 395, 396, 1433, 398, + -1, 909, 159, -1, 1439, 139, 153, 1442, 155, -1, + 918, 919, 1067, 1068, 392, -1, 924, 395, 396, -1, + 398, -1, -1, 1458, -1, -1, 238, 935, 162, 672, + -1, 939, 675, -1, 246, 678, -1, -1, 946, 682, + 1322, 1323, 607, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 614, + 262, -1, -1, -1, 1489, -1, -1, -1, 1493, 1494, + -1, 1496, 209, -1, 278, 630, -1, -1, -1, 281, + -1, 1353, 1354, -1, -1, 640, 641, 289, 1513, 291, + 1515, 238, 239, 295, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, + -1, -1, 1527, -1, 1157, -1, -1, -1, 1533, -1, + -1, -1, 1384, 746, 1386, -1, 505, -1, -1, -1, + -1, 510, 80, 81, -1, -1, 1551, -1, 1181, 1554, + 88, 89, -1, 1558, 281, -1, 94, 505, -1, -1, + -1, 278, 510, -1, -1, -1, 1405, 1406, 295, 538, + -1, -1, 1, -1, -1, 4, 5, -1, 295, 1584, + -1, 1586, 120, 478, -1, 480, 481, -1, 483, -1, + 538, 1596, 727, 1598, -1, -1, -1, 135, -1, 1604, + -1, 1606, -1, -1, 142, 1610, 1611, -1, 80, 81, + -1, 1616, -1, -1, -1, -1, 88, 89, 1623, -1, + 515, -1, 94, 1101, -1, -1, 521, -1, -1, -1, + 525, -1, -1, 528, -1, 530, 71, 72, 67, -1, + 69, 76, -1, 35, 36, 37, 38, -1, 120, -1, + 619, 43, 44, 45, 46, 624, -1, -1, 627, -1, + -1, -1, 631, 135, -1, -1, -1, -1, 637, -1, + 1522, 619, 101, 102, 103, -1, 624, 646, 1156, 627, + 218, -1, 1160, 631, -1, -1, 82, -1, 123, 637, + -1, -1, -1, 89, 90, -1, -1, -1, 646, -1, + 238, -1, 131, 672, 139, -1, 675, 676, -1, 678, + -1, 680, -1, 682, 927, 684, -1, 930, -1, -1, + 689, 934, -1, -1, 672, -1, -1, 162, 676, -1, + 268, 127, 680, -1, -1, -1, 684, -1, -1, -1, + 136, 689, 711, 281, -1, -1, 218, -1, 144, -1, + 288, 720, -1, -1, 723, -1, -1, 295, -1, -1, + -1, -1, -1, 711, -1, 842, 238, 844, 845, -1, + 847, -1, 720, -1, -1, 723, -1, 746, -1, 175, + -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 1265, 1266, -1, + -1, -1, 188, -1, 190, 224, 268, 1275, 746, 478, + -1, 480, 481, -1, 483, -1, 202, -1, -1, 281, + -1, 11, 12, 13, -1, 211, 288, -1, -1, 254, + -1, -1, -1, 295, -1, -1, -1, -1, 1461, 29, + 30, 31, -1, -1, -1, 231, 515, 1050, -1, -1, + -1, -1, 521, 920, 1322, 1323, 525, -1, -1, 528, + -1, 530, -1, -1, 250, -1, 252, -1, 58, 59, + 60, 938, -1, 940, 941, 942, 943, 944, 945, -1, + -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 271, 1354, -1, -1, 308, + -1, -1, -1, -1, 1097, 281, -1, -1, -1, -1, + -1, -1, -1, -1, 1107, -1, -1, 293, 867, 295, + 1113, -1, -1, 89, 1117, -1, 1384, 8, 1386, 878, + -1, -1, -1, 1546, 1547, 1393, -1, 18, -1, 867, + -1, -1, -1, 24, 353, 354, -1, 28, -1, -1, + 878, 32, -1, 119, -1, -1, -1, -1, 39, -1, + 41, -1, 128, 129, -1, -1, 915, 133, 134, -1, + 51, 52, 53, -1, 1587, -1, -1, -1, 927, -1, + -1, 930, -1, -1, 933, 934, 152, 915, 154, -1, + -1, -1, 1450, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 927, + -1, -1, 930, -1, -1, 933, 934, -1, -1, -1, + 1067, 1068, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 426, 427, 428, + 429, 430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 436, 1221, -1, + -1, 197, 198, -1, -1, -1, 1229, -1, -1, 1232, + -1, 207, 208, 452, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, + -1, -1, 461, 7, -1, -1, 10, -1, -1, -1, + 14, 15, 16, 17, 1522, 19, 1524, 21, 22, -1, + -1, 25, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 244, 33, + -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 42, -1, + -1, -1, -1, -1, 48, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, + 54, 1050, 56, -1, -1, -1, -1, 61, -1, -1, + -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 281, -1, -1, -1, -1, + -1, -1, 1050, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 295, + -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, + -1, 1334, -1, 1336, -1, -1, -1, 1340, 1097, 1342, + -1, 1100, 1345, -1, 1347, -1, -1, -1, 1107, -1, + -1, -1, -1, -1, 1113, -1, -1, 1116, 1117, 1097, + -1, -1, 1100, -1, -1, 1124, -1, -1, -1, 1107, + -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 1113, -1, -1, 1116, 1117, + -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 1124, 494, 495, 496, + 497, 498, 499, 500, 501, 502, 503, -1, -1, -1, + -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, + -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, + -1, -1, -1, 1182, 531, -1, -1, -1, 535, -1, + -1, -1, -1, 540, 541, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, + -1, -1, -1, -1, 1182, 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596, 650, 734, 446, 766, 297, 341, 552, 297, + 350, 650, 690, 737, 267, 417, 709, 496, 709, 270, + 715, 763, 297, 297, 297, 297, 78, 297, 327, 329, + 332, 150, 297, 466, 468, 766, 183, 184, 297, 538, + 540, 542, 543, 670, 201, 297, 576, 578, 670, 223, + 297, 614, 616, 620, 297, 695, 696, 765, 765, 7, + 10, 14, 15, 16, 17, 19, 21, 22, 25, 33, + 42, 48, 54, 56, 61, 735, 295, 445, 764, 765, + 766, 766, 164, 340, 497, 200, 580, 710, 83, 297, + 336, 350, 690, 737, 297, 336, 350, 690, 737, 766, + 73, 99, 237, 297, 320, 350, 368, 646, 650, 737, + 330, 332, 467, 766, 541, 542, 276, 277, 544, 670, + 730, 731, 579, 670, 617, 620, 297, 297, 297, 494, + 552, 297, 581, 125, 129, 220, 253, 297, 350, 389, + 418, 420, 680, 737, 338, 551, 766, 765, 765, 765, + 297, 395, 297, 395, 297, 395, 297, 297, 544, 297, + 395, 297, 395, 297, 140, 247, 297, 350, 449, 669, + 491, 551, 421, 422, 551, 390, 681, 85, 337, 342, + 766, 297, 282, 369, 741, 647, 741, 544, 670, 670, + 423, 142, 297, 333, 334, 349, 350, 359, 407, 439, + 451, 609, 650, 711, 737, 754, 119, 128, 133, 134, + 152, 154, 197, 198, 207, 208, 244, 297, 350, 405, + 420, 432, 435, 437, 472, 476, 572, 574, 590, 592, + 661, 737, 177, 297, 350, 526, 737, 23, 49, 55, + 343, 283, 285, 297, 350, 650, 690, 737, 742, 746, + 766, 765, 297, 297, 297, 670, 670, 297, 109, 132, + 153, 155, 209, 278, 391, 428, 434, 452, 474, 478, + 594, 732, 551, 668, 668, 668, 668, 668, 668, 668, + 668, 668, 668, 668, 516, 527, 551, 297, 551, 748, + 747, 766, 297, 297, 734, 392, 428, 434, 423, 428, + 434, 475, 428, 434, 479, 766, 428, 434, 733, 297, + 130, 424, 424, 424, 424, 424, 424, 424, 573, 424, + 424, 424, 424, 79, 91, 96, 112, 156, 171, 172, + 246, 262, 289, 291, 297, 331, 350, 354, 363, 400, + 480, 512, 514, 650, 666, 699, 737, 755, 757, 287, + 752, 145, 147, 189, 193, 227, 235, 297, 350, 458, + 462, 555, 563, 625, 640, 737, 766, 297, 297, 428, + 434, 429, 497, 297, 428, 434, 297, 428, 434, 595, + 297, 428, 434, 423, 425, 428, 434, 424, 71, 72, + 76, 123, 139, 162, 254, 318, 319, 324, 415, 433, + 448, 492, 656, 682, 436, 656, 682, 438, 656, 682, + 424, 477, 656, 682, 297, 350, 737, 575, 656, 682, + 424, 424, 185, 242, 545, 657, 662, 332, 517, 552, + 542, 401, 297, 513, 515, 667, 517, 542, 517, 8, + 18, 24, 28, 32, 39, 41, 51, 52, 53, 753, + 151, 470, 743, 148, 456, 459, 463, 194, 556, 567, + 564, 236, 626, 644, 641, 297, 297, 359, 297, 406, + 656, 682, 670, 670, 318, 325, 448, 670, 670, 670, + 656, 683, 297, 350, 737, 297, 350, 737, 297, 350, + 737, 473, 656, 682, 297, 350, 737, 297, 350, 737, + 591, 656, 682, 593, 656, 682, 546, 658, 297, 350, + 737, 297, 297, 297, 297, 517, 297, 517, 297, 517, + 297, 517, 297, 297, 297, 297, 471, 93, 297, 350, + 355, 650, 690, 737, 181, 465, 536, 552, 108, 271, + 297, 350, 386, 650, 716, 146, 297, 350, 456, 460, + 737, 536, 552, 566, 95, 191, 297, 350, 361, 559, + 650, 192, 297, 350, 561, 567, 737, 536, 552, 643, + 62, 100, 101, 102, 103, 229, 297, 303, 350, 370, + 372, 374, 376, 386, 629, 650, 230, 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350, 430, 454, 650, 737, + 87, 113, 204, 216, 225, 251, 297, 347, 350, 402, + 585, 605, 621, 659, 675, 737, 265, 442, 644, 704, + 284, 455, 744, 750, 297, 350, 650, 737, 481, 554, + 165, 498, 558, 297, 350, 650, 736, 737, 297, 335, + 350, 352, 454, 553, 557, 599, 633, 737, 92, 297, + 350, 352, 357, 430, 454, 485, 648, 650, 737, 297, + 454, 673, 765, 727, 63, 168, 179, 297, 305, 350, + 440, 504, 530, 737, 297, 122, 203, 413, 584, 713, + 297, 413, 297, 413, 297, 170, 173, 323, 510, 517, + 518, 510, 517, 518, 725, 503, 257, 297, 688, 703, + 297, 297, 297, 643, 644, 313, 766, 297, 297, 610, + 644, 297, 297, 623, 627, 297, 395, 297, 395, 297, + 395, 766, 169, 174, 297, 350, 508, 520, 737, 637, + 670, 297, 297, 620, 660, 620, 403, 620, 97, 364, + 586, 224, 606, 618, 618, 622, 364, 676, 705, 297, + 378, 502, 745, 214, 232, 272, 297, 350, 386, 604, + 635, 650, 716, 718, 737, 297, 350, 352, 361, 430, + 454, 553, 559, 650, 737, 499, 297, 350, 352, 430, + 650, 737, 358, 430, 86, 143, 259, 297, 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596, 597, 598, 598, 598, 598, 598, 598, 598, + 598, 598, 598, 599, 600, 601, 601, 602, 603, 603, + 604, 605, 606, 606, 607, 608, 608, 609, 610, 611, + 611, 611, 611, 612, 613, 613, 614, 615, 615, 615, + 615, 616, 617, 617, 618, 619, 619, 620, 621, 622, + 622, 623, 624, 624, 624, 624, 624, 624, 624, 624, + 624, 624, 624, 624, 624, 625, 626, 626, 626, 626, + 626, 626, 626, 626, 626, 626, 627, 628, 628, 628, + 628, 629, 630, 630, 630, 630, 631, 632, 632, 632, + 633, 634, 634, 634, 634, 634, 634, 634, 634, 634, + 634, 634, 635, 636, 636, 636, 636, 636, 636, 636, + 636, 636, 636, 636, 636, 636, 637, 638, 638, 638, + 639, 640, 641, 641, 641, 641, 641, 642, 642, 643, + 643, 644, 645, 645, 645, 645, 646, 647, 647, 648, + 649, 649, 650, 651, 651, 651, 651, 651, 652, 653, + 654, 655, 655, 655, 655, 655, 655, 655, 655, 655, + 655, 655, 655, 656, 656, 656, 656, 656, 656, 657, + 658, 658, 658, 659, 660, 660, 661, 662, 662, 662, + 662, 663, 664, 664, 665, 665, 666, 667, 667, 668, + 669, 670, 670, 671, 672, 673, 674, 674, 674, 674, + 675, 676, 676, 677, 678, 679, 679, 679, 679, 679, + 679, 680, 681, 681, 681, 681, 682, 683, 683, 684, + 685, 685, 686, 687, 687, 688, 689, 689, 690, 691, + 691, 691, 691, 692, 693, 693, 693, 694, 694, 694, + 695, 696, 697, 697, 697, 697, 698, 698, 699, 700, + 701, 701, 701, 701, 701, 701, 701, 701, 701, 701, + 701, 701, 701, 701, 702, 703, 703, 704, 705, 705, + 705, 706, 707, 707, 707, 707, 708, 708, 708, 709, + 710, 710, 710, 710, 710, 710, 710, 711, 712, 713, + 713, 714, 714, 714, 715, 716, 717, 717, 717, 717, + 717, 718, 719, 719, 720, 720, 721, 721, 722, 722, + 723, 723, 724, 725, 725, 725, 726, 727, 727, 727, + 727, 728, 729, 729, 729, 729, 729, 729, 730, 731, + 732, 733, 733, 733, 733, 734, 735, 735, 735, 735, + 735, 735, 735, 735, 735, 735, 735, 735, 735, 735, + 735, 735, 736, 737, 738, 738, 738, 738, 738, 739, + 739, 740, 740, 741, 742, 743, 743, 743, 743, 743, + 743, 744, 745, 745, 745, 746, 747, 747, 747, 747, + 747, 747, 747, 747, 747, 748, 749, 750, 751, 751, + 752, 753, 753, 753, 753, 753, 753, 753, 753, 753, + 753, 754, 755, 756, 757, 758, 759, 759, 759, 759, + 760, 761, 761, 761, 761, 761, 761, 761, 762, 763, + 763, 763, 763, 763, 763, 763, 764, 765, 766, 767 +}; + + /* YYR2[YYN] -- Number of symbols on the right hand side of rule YYN. */ +static const yytype_uint8 yyr2[] = +{ + 0, 2, 1, 7, 0, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, + 2, 1, 3, 5, 3, 1, 1, 3, 1, 2, + 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 1, 1, 3, 1, 2, + 2, 2, 2, 5, 5, 0, 1, 3, 3, 1, + 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3, 2, 3, + 1, 1, 1, 4, 1, 1, 1, 1, 3, 0, + 2, 2, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3, 1, 1, 5, + 3, 3, 4, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, + 1, 4, 0, 1, 1, 3, 1, 1, 1, 4, + 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 5, 0, 2, 5, + 3, 0, 2, 3, 0, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, + 2, 2, 3, 3, 0, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, + 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, + 2, 2, 3, 0, 1, 3, 1, 1, 1, 3, + 1, 1, 3, 3, 0, 2, 2, 4, 0, 1, + 4, 0, 1, 3, 1, 1, 3, 1, 1, 3, + 1, 1, 3, 1, 1, 3, 1, 1, 3, 0, + 2, 3, 1, 1, 1, 4, 1, 2, 2, 2, + 2, 3, 1, 1, 1, 3, 0, 2, 2, 2, + 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, + 2, 3, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 1, 1, 1, + 6, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 3, + 0, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3, 6, 1, 1, 2, + 2, 3, 1, 1, 1, 5, 1, 1, 1, 1, + 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 3, 1, 1, 1, + 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 5, 1, 2, 2, 2, + 2, 4, 2, 3, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, + 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 1, 1, + 3, 1, 1, 1, 3, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, + 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 4, 0, + 1, 3, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, + 2, 2, 2, 5, 1, 1, 2, 2, 1, 1, + 1, 1, 1, 5, 1, 1, 2, 2, 5, 1, + 1, 2, 2, 5, 4, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, + 2, 3, 1, 2, 3, 0, 2, 2, 2, 2, + 3, 3, 4, 2, 3, 1, 1, 2, 4, 1, + 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 4, + 0, 1, 1, 3, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, + 0, 2, 3, 0, 2, 2, 2, 2, 1, 1, + 1, 1, 3, 1, 2, 3, 0, 2, 2, 2, + 3, 0, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, + 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 6, 1, + 1, 2, 2, 3, 1, 1, 2, 2, 5, 1, + 1, 2, 2, 3, 1, 1, 2, 3, 0, 2, + 2, 2, 3, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, + 1, 1, 3, 1, 2, 3, 3, 1, 2, 1, + 1, 3, 1, 1, 5, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, + 3, 3, 0, 2, 3, 0, 2, 2, 4, 1, + 1, 5, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, + 3, 1, 1, 1, 2, 3, 0, 2, 2, 2, + 3, 0, 2, 3, 0, 2, 1, 1, 3, 0, + 2, 2, 3, 1, 1, 1, 2, 3, 1, 2, + 2, 2, 4, 0, 1, 3, 1, 2, 2, 2, + 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, + 2, 3, 0, 2, 2, 2, 2, 4, 1, 1, + 0, 1, 1, 4, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, + 4, 1, 2, 3, 0, 2, 2, 2, 3, 1, + 2, 1, 1, 5, 1, 1, 1, 3, 0, 2, + 3, 0, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 1, 2, 1, + 1, 1, 1, 1, 4, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, + 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 1, 2, 2, 2, + 2, 4, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 4, 1, + 2, 2, 3, 0, 2, 2, 3, 0, 2, 2, + 2, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 4, 0, 1, 1, + 1, 2, 3, 0, 2, 2, 4, 1, 2, 2, + 5, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 0, 2, 2, 2, + 3, 1, 2, 3, 0, 2, 2, 2, 3, 1, + 2, 2, 2, 2, 4, 3, 1, 2, 3, 1, + 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 3, 6, 1, + 1, 2, 2, 6, 1, 1, 2, 2, 5, 1, + 1, 3, 3, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, + 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 1, 2, 5, 0, 1, + 4, 3, 1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3, 3, 0, + 2, 2, 2, 3, 0, 2, 3, 0, 2, 2, + 2, 3, 1, 2, 3, 0, 2, 4, 3, 1, + 2, 3, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, + 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 1, 2, 2, 2, + 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 4, 1, 2, 2, + 2, 4, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 0, 2, 2, + 3, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, + 2, 2, 3, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, + 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 0, 2, 2, + 4, 3, 0, 2, 2, 2, 2, 1, 1, 1, + 1, 4, 0, 1, 1, 1, 4, 0, 1, 3, + 1, 2, 4, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 1, 1, + 3, 0, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, + 2, 2, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 3, + 0, 2, 2, 4, 1, 2, 5, 1, 1, 2, + 2, 4, 1, 1, 1, 1, 3, 0, 2, 1, + 5, 1, 4, 4, 4, 3, 1, 2, 2, 2, + 3, 1, 2, 1, 3, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, + 2, 3, 0, 2, 2, 2, 3, 0, 1, 4, + 0, 1, 3, 0, 1, 3, 1, 2, 3, 0, + 2, 2, 2, 4, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, + 3, 3, 0, 2, 2, 2, 1, 2, 3, 3, + 0, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, + 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 0, 2, 3, 0, 2, + 2, 4, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 3, + 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 4, 1, + 1, 1, 1, 1, 8, 3, 1, 2, 2, 2, + 2, 7, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, + 0, 1, 4, 1, 1, 1, 3, 0, 2, 2, + 2, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, + 3, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 1, 1, 1, 1, + 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, + 1, 1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 1, + 1, 1, 1, 3, 5, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, + 2, 3, 0, 2, 2, 3, 0, 2, 2, 2, + 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 1, 1, 4, 0, 1, + 3, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, + 1, 3, 3, 5, 3, 3, 0, 2, 2, 2, + 3, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 1, + 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1 +}; + + +#define yyerrok (yyerrstatus = 0) +#define yyclearin (yychar = YYEMPTY) +#define YYEMPTY (-2) +#define YYEOF 0 + +#define YYACCEPT goto yyacceptlab +#define YYABORT goto yyabortlab +#define YYERROR goto yyerrorlab + + +#define YYRECOVERING() (!!yyerrstatus) + +#define YYBACKUP(Token, Value) \ +do \ + if (yychar == YYEMPTY) \ + { \ + yychar = (Token); \ + yylval = (Value); \ + YYPOPSTACK (yylen); \ + yystate = *yyssp; \ + goto yybackup; \ + } \ + else \ + { \ + yyerror (YY_("syntax error: cannot back up")); \ + YYERROR; \ + } \ +while (0) + +/* Error token number */ +#define YYTERROR 1 +#define YYERRCODE 256 + + + +/* Enable debugging if requested. */ +#if YYDEBUG + +# ifndef YYFPRINTF +# include /* INFRINGES ON USER NAME SPACE */ +# define YYFPRINTF fprintf +# endif + +# define YYDPRINTF(Args) \ +do { \ + if (yydebug) \ + YYFPRINTF Args; \ +} while (0) + +/* This macro is provided for backward compatibility. */ +#ifndef YY_LOCATION_PRINT +# define YY_LOCATION_PRINT(File, Loc) ((void) 0) +#endif + + +# define YY_SYMBOL_PRINT(Title, Type, Value, Location) \ +do { \ + if (yydebug) \ + { \ + YYFPRINTF (stderr, "%s ", Title); \ + yy_symbol_print (stderr, \ + Type, Value); \ + YYFPRINTF (stderr, "\n"); \ + } \ +} while (0) + + +/*----------------------------------------. +| Print this symbol's value on YYOUTPUT. | +`----------------------------------------*/ + +static void +yy_symbol_value_print (FILE *yyoutput, int yytype, YYSTYPE const * const yyvaluep) +{ + FILE *yyo = yyoutput; + YYUSE (yyo); + if (!yyvaluep) + return; +# ifdef YYPRINT + if (yytype < YYNTOKENS) + YYPRINT (yyoutput, yytoknum[yytype], *yyvaluep); +# endif + YYUSE (yytype); +} + + +/*--------------------------------. +| Print this symbol on YYOUTPUT. | +`--------------------------------*/ + +static void +yy_symbol_print (FILE *yyoutput, int yytype, YYSTYPE const * const yyvaluep) +{ + YYFPRINTF (yyoutput, "%s %s (", + yytype < YYNTOKENS ? "token" : "nterm", yytname[yytype]); + + yy_symbol_value_print (yyoutput, yytype, yyvaluep); + YYFPRINTF (yyoutput, ")"); +} + +/*------------------------------------------------------------------. +| yy_stack_print -- Print the state stack from its BOTTOM up to its | +| TOP (included). | +`------------------------------------------------------------------*/ + +static void +yy_stack_print (yytype_int16 *yybottom, yytype_int16 *yytop) +{ + YYFPRINTF (stderr, "Stack now"); + for (; yybottom <= yytop; yybottom++) + { + int yybot = *yybottom; + YYFPRINTF (stderr, " %d", yybot); + } + YYFPRINTF (stderr, "\n"); +} + +# define YY_STACK_PRINT(Bottom, Top) \ +do { \ + if (yydebug) \ + yy_stack_print ((Bottom), (Top)); \ +} while (0) + + +/*------------------------------------------------. +| Report that the YYRULE is going to be reduced. | +`------------------------------------------------*/ + +static void +yy_reduce_print (yytype_int16 *yyssp, YYSTYPE *yyvsp, int yyrule) +{ + unsigned long int yylno = yyrline[yyrule]; + int yynrhs = yyr2[yyrule]; + int yyi; + YYFPRINTF (stderr, "Reducing stack by rule %d (line %lu):\n", + yyrule - 1, yylno); + /* The symbols being reduced. */ + for (yyi = 0; yyi < yynrhs; yyi++) + { + YYFPRINTF (stderr, " $%d = ", yyi + 1); + yy_symbol_print (stderr, + yystos[yyssp[yyi + 1 - yynrhs]], + &(yyvsp[(yyi + 1) - (yynrhs)]) + ); + YYFPRINTF (stderr, "\n"); + } +} + +# define YY_REDUCE_PRINT(Rule) \ +do { \ + if (yydebug) \ + yy_reduce_print (yyssp, yyvsp, Rule); \ +} while (0) + +/* Nonzero means print parse trace. It is left uninitialized so that + multiple parsers can coexist. */ +int yydebug; +#else /* !YYDEBUG */ +# define YYDPRINTF(Args) +# define YY_SYMBOL_PRINT(Title, Type, Value, Location) +# define YY_STACK_PRINT(Bottom, Top) +# define YY_REDUCE_PRINT(Rule) +#endif /* !YYDEBUG */ + + +/* YYINITDEPTH -- initial size of the parser's stacks. */ +#ifndef YYINITDEPTH +# define YYINITDEPTH 200 +#endif + +/* YYMAXDEPTH -- maximum size the stacks can grow to (effective only + if the built-in stack extension method is used). + + Do not make this value too large; the results are undefined if + YYSTACK_ALLOC_MAXIMUM < YYSTACK_BYTES (YYMAXDEPTH) + evaluated with infinite-precision integer arithmetic. */ + +#ifndef YYMAXDEPTH +# define YYMAXDEPTH 10000 +#endif + + +#if YYERROR_VERBOSE + +# ifndef yystrlen +# if defined __GLIBC__ && defined _STRING_H +# define yystrlen strlen +# else +/* Return the length of YYSTR. */ +static YYSIZE_T +yystrlen (const char *yystr) +{ + YYSIZE_T yylen; + for (yylen = 0; yystr[yylen]; yylen++) + continue; + return yylen; +} +# endif +# endif + +# ifndef yystpcpy +# if defined __GLIBC__ && defined _STRING_H && defined _GNU_SOURCE +# define yystpcpy stpcpy +# else +/* Copy YYSRC to YYDEST, returning the address of the terminating '\0' in + YYDEST. */ +static char * +yystpcpy (char *yydest, const char *yysrc) +{ + char *yyd = yydest; + const char *yys = yysrc; + + while ((*yyd++ = *yys++) != '\0') + continue; + + return yyd - 1; +} +# endif +# endif + +# ifndef yytnamerr +/* Copy to YYRES the contents of YYSTR after stripping away unnecessary + quotes and backslashes, so that it's suitable for yyerror. The + heuristic is that double-quoting is unnecessary unless the string + contains an apostrophe, a comma, or backslash (other than + backslash-backslash). YYSTR is taken from yytname. If YYRES is + null, do not copy; instead, return the length of what the result + would have been. */ +static YYSIZE_T +yytnamerr (char *yyres, const char *yystr) +{ + if (*yystr == '"') + { + YYSIZE_T yyn = 0; + char const *yyp = yystr; + + for (;;) + switch (*++yyp) + { + case '\'': + case ',': + goto do_not_strip_quotes; + + case '\\': + if (*++yyp != '\\') + goto do_not_strip_quotes; + /* Fall through. */ + default: + if (yyres) + yyres[yyn] = *yyp; + yyn++; + break; + + case '"': + if (yyres) + yyres[yyn] = '\0'; + return yyn; + } + do_not_strip_quotes: ; + } + + if (! yyres) + return yystrlen (yystr); + + return yystpcpy (yyres, yystr) - yyres; +} +# endif + +/* Copy into *YYMSG, which is of size *YYMSG_ALLOC, an error message + about the unexpected token YYTOKEN for the state stack whose top is + YYSSP. + + Return 0 if *YYMSG was successfully written. Return 1 if *YYMSG is + not large enough to hold the message. In that case, also set + *YYMSG_ALLOC to the required number of bytes. Return 2 if the + required number of bytes is too large to store. */ +static int +yysyntax_error (YYSIZE_T *yymsg_alloc, char **yymsg, + yytype_int16 *yyssp, int yytoken) +{ + YYSIZE_T yysize0 = yytnamerr (YY_NULLPTR, yytname[yytoken]); + YYSIZE_T yysize = yysize0; + enum { YYERROR_VERBOSE_ARGS_MAXIMUM = 5 }; + /* Internationalized format string. */ + const char *yyformat = YY_NULLPTR; + /* Arguments of yyformat. */ + char const *yyarg[YYERROR_VERBOSE_ARGS_MAXIMUM]; + /* Number of reported tokens (one for the "unexpected", one per + "expected"). */ + int yycount = 0; + + /* There are many possibilities here to consider: + - If this state is a consistent state with a default action, then + the only way this function was invoked is if the default action + is an error action. In that case, don't check for expected + tokens because there are none. + - The only way there can be no lookahead present (in yychar) is if + this state is a consistent state with a default action. Thus, + detecting the absence of a lookahead is sufficient to determine + that there is no unexpected or expected token to report. In that + case, just report a simple "syntax error". + - Don't assume there isn't a lookahead just because this state is a + consistent state with a default action. There might have been a + previous inconsistent state, consistent state with a non-default + action, or user semantic action that manipulated yychar. + - Of course, the expected token list depends on states to have + correct lookahead information, and it depends on the parser not + to perform extra reductions after fetching a lookahead from the + scanner and before detecting a syntax error. Thus, state merging + (from LALR or IELR) and default reductions corrupt the expected + token list. However, the list is correct for canonical LR with + one exception: it will still contain any token that will not be + accepted due to an error action in a later state. + */ + if (yytoken != YYEMPTY) + { + int yyn = yypact[*yyssp]; + yyarg[yycount++] = yytname[yytoken]; + if (!yypact_value_is_default (yyn)) + { + /* Start YYX at -YYN if negative to avoid negative indexes in + YYCHECK. In other words, skip the first -YYN actions for + this state because they are default actions. */ + int yyxbegin = yyn < 0 ? -yyn : 0; + /* Stay within bounds of both yycheck and yytname. */ + int yychecklim = YYLAST - yyn + 1; + int yyxend = yychecklim < YYNTOKENS ? yychecklim : YYNTOKENS; + int yyx; + + for (yyx = yyxbegin; yyx < yyxend; ++yyx) + if (yycheck[yyx + yyn] == yyx && yyx != YYTERROR + && !yytable_value_is_error (yytable[yyx + yyn])) + { + if (yycount == YYERROR_VERBOSE_ARGS_MAXIMUM) + { + yycount = 1; + yysize = yysize0; + break; + } + yyarg[yycount++] = yytname[yyx]; + { + YYSIZE_T yysize1 = yysize + yytnamerr (YY_NULLPTR, yytname[yyx]); + if (! (yysize <= yysize1 + && yysize1 <= YYSTACK_ALLOC_MAXIMUM)) + return 2; + yysize = yysize1; + } + } + } + } + + switch (yycount) + { +# define YYCASE_(N, S) \ + case N: \ + yyformat = S; \ + break + YYCASE_(0, YY_("syntax error")); + YYCASE_(1, YY_("syntax error, unexpected %s")); + YYCASE_(2, YY_("syntax error, unexpected %s, expecting %s")); + YYCASE_(3, YY_("syntax error, unexpected %s, expecting %s or %s")); + YYCASE_(4, YY_("syntax error, unexpected %s, expecting %s or %s or %s")); + YYCASE_(5, YY_("syntax error, unexpected %s, expecting %s or %s or %s or %s")); +# undef YYCASE_ + } + + { + YYSIZE_T yysize1 = yysize + yystrlen (yyformat); + if (! (yysize <= yysize1 && yysize1 <= YYSTACK_ALLOC_MAXIMUM)) + return 2; + yysize = yysize1; + } + + if (*yymsg_alloc < yysize) + { + *yymsg_alloc = 2 * yysize; + if (! (yysize <= *yymsg_alloc + && *yymsg_alloc <= YYSTACK_ALLOC_MAXIMUM)) + *yymsg_alloc = YYSTACK_ALLOC_MAXIMUM; + return 1; + } + + /* Avoid sprintf, as that infringes on the user's name space. + Don't have undefined behavior even if the translation + produced a string with the wrong number of "%s"s. */ + { + char *yyp = *yymsg; + int yyi = 0; + while ((*yyp = *yyformat) != '\0') + if (*yyp == '%' && yyformat[1] == 's' && yyi < yycount) + { + yyp += yytnamerr (yyp, yyarg[yyi++]); + yyformat += 2; + } + else + { + yyp++; + yyformat++; + } + } + return 0; +} +#endif /* YYERROR_VERBOSE */ + +/*-----------------------------------------------. +| Release the memory associated to this symbol. | +`-----------------------------------------------*/ + +static void +yydestruct (const char *yymsg, int yytype, YYSTYPE *yyvaluep) +{ + YYUSE (yyvaluep); + if (!yymsg) + yymsg = "Deleting"; + YY_SYMBOL_PRINT (yymsg, yytype, yyvaluep, yylocationp); + + YY_IGNORE_MAYBE_UNINITIALIZED_BEGIN + YYUSE (yytype); + YY_IGNORE_MAYBE_UNINITIALIZED_END +} + + + + +/* The lookahead symbol. */ +int yychar; + +/* The semantic value of the lookahead symbol. */ +YYSTYPE yylval; +/* Number of syntax errors so far. */ +int yynerrs; + + +/*----------. +| yyparse. | +`----------*/ + +int +yyparse (void) +{ + int yystate; + /* Number of tokens to shift before error messages enabled. */ + int yyerrstatus; + + /* The stacks and their tools: + 'yyss': related to states. + 'yyvs': related to semantic values. + + Refer to the stacks through separate pointers, to allow yyoverflow + to reallocate them elsewhere. */ + + /* The state stack. */ + yytype_int16 yyssa[YYINITDEPTH]; + yytype_int16 *yyss; + yytype_int16 *yyssp; + + /* The semantic value stack. */ + YYSTYPE yyvsa[YYINITDEPTH]; + YYSTYPE *yyvs; + YYSTYPE *yyvsp; + + YYSIZE_T yystacksize; + + int yyn; + int yyresult; + /* Lookahead token as an internal (translated) token number. */ + int yytoken = 0; + /* The variables used to return semantic value and location from the + action routines. */ + YYSTYPE yyval; + +#if YYERROR_VERBOSE + /* Buffer for error messages, and its allocated size. */ + char yymsgbuf[128]; + char *yymsg = yymsgbuf; + YYSIZE_T yymsg_alloc = sizeof yymsgbuf; +#endif + +#define YYPOPSTACK(N) (yyvsp -= (N), yyssp -= (N)) + + /* The number of symbols on the RHS of the reduced rule. + Keep to zero when no symbol should be popped. */ + int yylen = 0; + + yyssp = yyss = yyssa; + yyvsp = yyvs = yyvsa; + yystacksize = YYINITDEPTH; + + YYDPRINTF ((stderr, "Starting parse\n")); + + yystate = 0; + yyerrstatus = 0; + yynerrs = 0; + yychar = YYEMPTY; /* Cause a token to be read. */ + goto yysetstate; + +/*------------------------------------------------------------. +| yynewstate -- Push a new state, which is found in yystate. | +`------------------------------------------------------------*/ + yynewstate: + /* In all cases, when you get here, the value and location stacks + have just been pushed. So pushing a state here evens the stacks. */ + yyssp++; + + yysetstate: + *yyssp = yystate; + + if (yyss + yystacksize - 1 <= yyssp) + { + /* Get the current used size of the three stacks, in elements. */ + YYSIZE_T yysize = yyssp - yyss + 1; + +#ifdef yyoverflow + { + /* Give user a chance to reallocate the stack. Use copies of + these so that the &'s don't force the real ones into + memory. */ + YYSTYPE *yyvs1 = yyvs; + yytype_int16 *yyss1 = yyss; + + /* Each stack pointer address is followed by the size of the + data in use in that stack, in bytes. This used to be a + conditional around just the two extra args, but that might + be undefined if yyoverflow is a macro. */ + yyoverflow (YY_("memory exhausted"), + &yyss1, yysize * sizeof (*yyssp), + &yyvs1, yysize * sizeof (*yyvsp), + &yystacksize); + + yyss = yyss1; + yyvs = yyvs1; + } +#else /* no yyoverflow */ +# ifndef YYSTACK_RELOCATE + goto yyexhaustedlab; +# else + /* Extend the stack our own way. */ + if (YYMAXDEPTH <= yystacksize) + goto yyexhaustedlab; + yystacksize *= 2; + if (YYMAXDEPTH < yystacksize) + yystacksize = YYMAXDEPTH; + + { + yytype_int16 *yyss1 = yyss; + union yyalloc *yyptr = + (union yyalloc *) YYSTACK_ALLOC (YYSTACK_BYTES (yystacksize)); + if (! yyptr) + goto yyexhaustedlab; + YYSTACK_RELOCATE (yyss_alloc, yyss); + YYSTACK_RELOCATE (yyvs_alloc, yyvs); +# undef YYSTACK_RELOCATE + if (yyss1 != yyssa) + YYSTACK_FREE (yyss1); + } +# endif +#endif /* no yyoverflow */ + + yyssp = yyss + yysize - 1; + yyvsp = yyvs + yysize - 1; + + YYDPRINTF ((stderr, "Stack size increased to %lu\n", + (unsigned long int) yystacksize)); + + if (yyss + yystacksize - 1 <= yyssp) + YYABORT; + } + + YYDPRINTF ((stderr, "Entering state %d\n", yystate)); + + if (yystate == YYFINAL) + YYACCEPT; + + goto yybackup; + +/*-----------. +| yybackup. | +`-----------*/ +yybackup: + + /* Do appropriate processing given the current state. Read a + lookahead token if we need one and don't already have one. */ + + /* First try to decide what to do without reference to lookahead token. */ + yyn = yypact[yystate]; + if (yypact_value_is_default (yyn)) + goto yydefault; + + /* Not known => get a lookahead token if don't already have one. */ + + /* YYCHAR is either YYEMPTY or YYEOF or a valid lookahead symbol. */ + if (yychar == YYEMPTY) + { + YYDPRINTF ((stderr, "Reading a token: ")); + yychar = yylex (); + } + + if (yychar <= YYEOF) + { + yychar = yytoken = YYEOF; + YYDPRINTF ((stderr, "Now at end of input.\n")); + } + else + { + yytoken = YYTRANSLATE (yychar); + YY_SYMBOL_PRINT ("Next token is", yytoken, &yylval, &yylloc); + } + + /* If the proper action on seeing token YYTOKEN is to reduce or to + detect an error, take that action. */ + yyn += yytoken; + if (yyn < 0 || YYLAST < yyn || yycheck[yyn] != yytoken) + goto yydefault; + yyn = yytable[yyn]; + if (yyn <= 0) + { + if (yytable_value_is_error (yyn)) + goto yyerrlab; + yyn = -yyn; + goto yyreduce; + } + + /* Count tokens shifted since error; after three, turn off error + status. */ + if (yyerrstatus) + yyerrstatus--; + + /* Shift the lookahead token. */ + YY_SYMBOL_PRINT ("Shifting", yytoken, &yylval, &yylloc); + + /* Discard the shifted token. */ + yychar = YYEMPTY; + + yystate = yyn; + YY_IGNORE_MAYBE_UNINITIALIZED_BEGIN + *++yyvsp = yylval; + YY_IGNORE_MAYBE_UNINITIALIZED_END + + goto yynewstate; + + +/*-----------------------------------------------------------. +| yydefault -- do the default action for the current state. | +`-----------------------------------------------------------*/ +yydefault: + yyn = yydefact[yystate]; + if (yyn == 0) + goto yyerrlab; + goto yyreduce; + + +/*-----------------------------. +| yyreduce -- Do a reduction. | +`-----------------------------*/ +yyreduce: + /* yyn is the number of a rule to reduce with. */ + yylen = yyr2[yyn]; + + /* If YYLEN is nonzero, implement the default value of the action: + '$$ = $1'. + + Otherwise, the following line sets YYVAL to garbage. + This behavior is undocumented and Bison + users should not rely upon it. Assigning to YYVAL + unconditionally makes the parser a bit smaller, and it avoids a + GCC warning that YYVAL may be used uninitialized. */ + yyval = yyvsp[1-yylen]; + + + YY_REDUCE_PRINT (yyn); + switch (yyn) + { + case 2: +#line 505 "../src_plugins/edif/edif.y" /* yacc.c:1646 */ + { PopC(); } +#line 3658 "" /* yacc.c:1646 */ + break; + + case 11: +#line 520 "../src_plugins/edif/edif.y" /* yacc.c:1646 */ + { str_pair_free((yyvsp[0].ps)); } +#line 3664 "" /* yacc.c:1646 */ + break; + + case 12: +#line 523 "../src_plugins/edif/edif.y" /* yacc.c:1646 */ + { free((yyvsp[-1].s)); } +#line 3670 "" /* yacc.c:1646 */ + break; + + case 13: +#line 527 "../src_plugins/edif/edif.y" /* yacc.c:1646 */ + { free((yyvsp[-3].s)); free((yyvsp[-2].s)); free((yyvsp[-1].s)); } +#line 3676 "" /* yacc.c:1646 */ + break; + + case 25: +#line 551 "../src_plugins/edif/edif.y" /* yacc.c:1646 */ + { free((yyvsp[0].s)); } +#line 3682 "" /* yacc.c:1646 */ + break; + + case 34: +#line 568 "../src_plugins/edif/edif.y" /* yacc.c:1646 */ + { str_pair_free((yyvsp[-3].ps)); free((yyvsp[-2].s)); } +#line 3688 "" /* yacc.c:1646 */ + break; + + case 36: +#line 572 "../src_plugins/edif/edif.y" /* yacc.c:1646 */ + { free((yyvsp[0].s)); } +#line 3694 "" /* yacc.c:1646 */ + break; + + case 47: +#line 597 "../src_plugins/edif/edif.y" /* yacc.c:1646 */ + { free((yyvsp[-1].s)); } +#line 3700 "" /* yacc.c:1646 */ + break; + + case 69: +#line 645 "../src_plugins/edif/edif.y" /* yacc.c:1646 */ + { free((yyvsp[-3].s)); free((yyvsp[-2].s)); } +#line 3706 "" /* yacc.c:1646 */ + break; + + case 70: +#line 648 "../src_plugins/edif/edif.y" /* yacc.c:1646 */ + { free((yyvsp[-1].s)); } +#line 3712 "" /* yacc.c:1646 */ + break; + + case 80: +#line 666 "../src_plugins/edif/edif.y" /* yacc.c:1646 */ + { str_pair_free((yyvsp[0].ps)); } +#line 3718 "" /* yacc.c:1646 */ + break; + + case 84: +#line 676 "../src_plugins/edif/edif.y" /* yacc.c:1646 */ + { free((yyvsp[0].s)); } +#line 3724 "" /* yacc.c:1646 */ + break; + + case 91: +#line 691 "../src_plugins/edif/edif.y" /* yacc.c:1646 */ + { str_pair_free((yyvsp[0].ps)); } +#line 3730 "" /* yacc.c:1646 */ + break; + + case 102: +#line 714 "../src_plugins/edif/edif.y" /* yacc.c:1646 */ + { free((yyvsp[0].s)); } +#line 3736 "" /* yacc.c:1646 */ + break; + + case 140: +#line 774 "../src_plugins/edif/edif.y" /* yacc.c:1646 */ + { free((yyvsp[0].s)); } +#line 3742 "" /* yacc.c:1646 */ + break; + + case 147: +#line 789 "../src_plugins/edif/edif.y" /* yacc.c:1646 */ + { free((yyvsp[-2].s)); } +#line 3748 "" /* yacc.c:1646 */ + break; + + case 150: +#line 796 "../src_plugins/edif/edif.y" /* yacc.c:1646 */ + { free((yyvsp[-2].s)); } +#line 3754 "" /* yacc.c:1646 */ + break; + + case 182: +#line 866 "../src_plugins/edif/edif.y" /* yacc.c:1646 */ + { free((yyvsp[0].s)); } +#line 3760 "" /* yacc.c:1646 */ + break; + + case 184: +#line 870 "../src_plugins/edif/edif.y" /* yacc.c:1646 */ + { str_pair_free((yyvsp[0].ps)); } +#line 3766 "" /* yacc.c:1646 */ + break; + + case 240: +#line 974 "../src_plugins/edif/edif.y" /* yacc.c:1646 */ + { str_pair_free((yyvsp[0].ps)); } +#line 3772 "" /* yacc.c:1646 */ + break; + + case 247: +#line 987 "../src_plugins/edif/edif.y" /* yacc.c:1646 */ + { str_pair_free((yyvsp[0].ps)); } +#line 3778 "" /* yacc.c:1646 */ + break; + + case 278: +#line 1034 "../src_plugins/edif/edif.y" /* yacc.c:1646 */ + { str_pair_free((yyvsp[0].ps)); } +#line 3784 "" /* yacc.c:1646 */ + break; + + case 279: +#line 1037 "../src_plugins/edif/edif.y" /* yacc.c:1646 */ + { free((yyvsp[0].s)); } +#line 3790 "" /* yacc.c:1646 */ + break; + + case 333: +#line 1123 "../src_plugins/edif/edif.y" /* yacc.c:1646 */ + { free((yyvsp[-3].s)); free((yyvsp[-2].s)); } +#line 3796 "" /* yacc.c:1646 */ + break; + + case 336: +#line 1130 "../src_plugins/edif/edif.y" /* yacc.c:1646 */ + { str_pair_free((yyvsp[0].ps)); } +#line 3802 "" /* yacc.c:1646 */ + break; + + case 337: +#line 1133 "../src_plugins/edif/edif.y" /* yacc.c:1646 */ + { str_pair_free((yyvsp[0].ps)); } +#line 3808 "" /* yacc.c:1646 */ + break; + + case 344: +#line 1146 "../src_plugins/edif/edif.y" /* yacc.c:1646 */ + { free((yyvsp[-2].s)); } +#line 3814 "" /* yacc.c:1646 */ + break; + + case 346: +#line 1150 "../src_plugins/edif/edif.y" /* yacc.c:1646 */ + { free((yyvsp[0].s)); } +#line 3820 "" /* yacc.c:1646 */ + break; + + case 347: +#line 1151 "../src_plugins/edif/edif.y" /* yacc.c:1646 */ + { free((yyvsp[0].s)); } +#line 3826 "" /* yacc.c:1646 */ + break; + + case 348: +#line 1152 "../src_plugins/edif/edif.y" /* yacc.c:1646 */ + { free((yyvsp[0].s)); } +#line 3832 "" /* yacc.c:1646 */ + break; + + case 369: +#line 1193 "../src_plugins/edif/edif.y" /* yacc.c:1646 */ + { (yyval.s)=(yyvsp[-2].s); } +#line 3838 "" /* yacc.c:1646 */ + break; + + case 371: +#line 1197 "../src_plugins/edif/edif.y" /* yacc.c:1646 */ + { free((yyvsp[0].s)); } +#line 3844 "" /* yacc.c:1646 */ + break; + + case 374: +#line 1204 "../src_plugins/edif/edif.y" /* yacc.c:1646 */ + { free((yyvsp[0].s)); } +#line 3850 "" /* yacc.c:1646 */ + break; + + case 381: +#line 1215 "../src_plugins/edif/edif.y" /* yacc.c:1646 */ + { free((yyvsp[0].s)); } +#line 3856 "" /* yacc.c:1646 */ + break; + + case 384: +#line 1222 "../src_plugins/edif/edif.y" /* yacc.c:1646 */ + { free((yyvsp[0].s)); } +#line 3862 "" /* yacc.c:1646 */ + break; + + case 388: +#line 1228 "../src_plugins/edif/edif.y" /* yacc.c:1646 */ + { str_pair_free((yyvsp[0].ps)); } +#line 3868 "" /* yacc.c:1646 */ + break; + + case 390: +#line 1232 "../src_plugins/edif/edif.y" /* yacc.c:1646 */ + { (yyval.s)=(yyvsp[0].s); } +#line 3874 "" /* yacc.c:1646 */ + break; + + case 393: +#line 1239 "../src_plugins/edif/edif.y" /* yacc.c:1646 */ + { free((yyvsp[0].s)); } +#line 3880 "" /* yacc.c:1646 */ + break; + + case 397: +#line 1247 "../src_plugins/edif/edif.y" /* yacc.c:1646 */ + { free((yyvsp[0].s)); } +#line 3886 "" /* yacc.c:1646 */ + break; + + case 408: +#line 1262 "../src_plugins/edif/edif.y" /* yacc.c:1646 */ + { pair_list_free((yyvsp[0].pl)); } +#line 3892 "" /* yacc.c:1646 */ + break; + + case 437: +#line 1312 "../src_plugins/edif/edif.y" /* yacc.c:1646 */ + { ( = new_pair_list((yyvsp[-1].ps)); } +#line 3898 "" /* yacc.c:1646 */ + break; + + case 438: +#line 1315 "../src_plugins/edif/edif.y" /* yacc.c:1646 */ + { (; } +#line 3904 "" /* yacc.c:1646 */ + break; + + case 439: +#line 1316 "../src_plugins/edif/edif.y" /* yacc.c:1646 */ + { (yyvsp[0].ps)->next = (yyvsp[-1].ps); ( = (yyvsp[0].ps); } +#line 3910 "" /* yacc.c:1646 */ + break; + + case 455: +#line 1342 "../src_plugins/edif/edif.y" /* yacc.c:1646 */ + { free((yyvsp[-1].s)); } +#line 3916 "" /* yacc.c:1646 */ + break; + + case 459: +#line 1352 "../src_plugins/edif/edif.y" /* yacc.c:1646 */ + { free((yyvsp[0].s)); } +#line 3922 "" /* yacc.c:1646 */ + break; + + case 460: +#line 1355 "../src_plugins/edif/edif.y" /* yacc.c:1646 */ + { str_pair_free((yyvsp[0].ps)); } +#line 3928 "" /* yacc.c:1646 */ + break; + + case 462: +#line 1361 "../src_plugins/edif/edif.y" /* yacc.c:1646 */ + { str_pair_free((yyvsp[0].ps)); } +#line 3934 "" /* yacc.c:1646 */ + break; + + case 463: +#line 1364 "../src_plugins/edif/edif.y" /* yacc.c:1646 */ + { free((yyvsp[0].s)); } +#line 3940 "" /* yacc.c:1646 */ + break; + + case 483: +#line 1406 "../src_plugins/edif/edif.y" /* yacc.c:1646 */ + { str_pair_free((yyvsp[0].ps)); } +#line 3946 "" /* yacc.c:1646 */ + break; + + case 484: +#line 1409 "../src_plugins/edif/edif.y" /* yacc.c:1646 */ + { str_pair_free((yyvsp[0].ps)); } +#line 3952 "" /* yacc.c:1646 */ + break; + + case 492: +#line 1423 "../src_plugins/edif/edif.y" /* yacc.c:1646 */ + { str_pair_free((yyvsp[0].ps)); } +#line 3958 "" /* yacc.c:1646 */ + break; + + case 506: +#line 1451 "../src_plugins/edif/edif.y" /* yacc.c:1646 */ + { str_pair_free((yyvsp[0].ps)); } +#line 3964 "" /* yacc.c:1646 */ + break; + + case 507: +#line 1454 "../src_plugins/edif/edif.y" /* yacc.c:1646 */ + { free((yyvsp[0].s)); } +#line 3970 "" /* yacc.c:1646 */ + break; + + case 514: +#line 1469 "../src_plugins/edif/edif.y" /* yacc.c:1646 */ + { str_pair_free((yyvsp[0].ps)); } +#line 3976 "" /* yacc.c:1646 */ + break; + + case 549: +#line 1524 "../src_plugins/edif/edif.y" /* yacc.c:1646 */ + { str_pair_free((yyvsp[0].ps)); } +#line 3982 "" /* yacc.c:1646 */ + break; + + case 555: +#line 1536 "../src_plugins/edif/edif.y" /* yacc.c:1646 */ + { str_pair_free((yyvsp[0].ps)); } +#line 3988 "" /* yacc.c:1646 */ + break; + + case 560: +#line 1545 "../src_plugins/edif/edif.y" /* yacc.c:1646 */ + { free((yyvsp[-2].s)); } +#line 3994 "" /* yacc.c:1646 */ + break; + + case 561: +#line 1548 "../src_plugins/edif/edif.y" /* yacc.c:1646 */ + { free((yyvsp[0].s)); } +#line 4000 "" /* yacc.c:1646 */ + break; + + case 562: +#line 1549 "../src_plugins/edif/edif.y" /* yacc.c:1646 */ + { free((yyvsp[0].s)); } +#line 4006 "" /* yacc.c:1646 */ + break; + + case 582: +#line 1591 "../src_plugins/edif/edif.y" /* yacc.c:1646 */ + { str_pair_free((yyvsp[0].ps)); } +#line 4012 "" /* yacc.c:1646 */ + break; + + case 585: +#line 1594 "../src_plugins/edif/edif.y" /* yacc.c:1646 */ + { pair_list_free((yyvsp[0].pl)); } +#line 4018 "" /* yacc.c:1646 */ + break; + + case 586: +#line 1597 "../src_plugins/edif/edif.y" /* yacc.c:1646 */ + { (yyval.s)=(yyvsp[-1].s); } +#line 4024 "" /* yacc.c:1646 */ + break; + + case 587: +#line 1600 "../src_plugins/edif/edif.y" /* yacc.c:1646 */ + { (yyval.s)=(yyvsp[0].s); } +#line 4030 "" /* yacc.c:1646 */ + break; + + case 589: +#line 1604 "../src_plugins/edif/edif.y" /* yacc.c:1646 */ + { ( = new_str_pair((yyvsp[0].s),NULL); } +#line 4036 "" /* yacc.c:1646 */ + break; + + case 590: +#line 1605 "../src_plugins/edif/edif.y" /* yacc.c:1646 */ + { ( = new_str_pair((yyvsp[0].s),NULL); } +#line 4042 "" /* yacc.c:1646 */ + break; + + case 591: +#line 1606 "../src_plugins/edif/edif.y" /* yacc.c:1646 */ + { ([0].ps); } +#line 4048 "" /* yacc.c:1646 */ + break; + + case 592: +#line 1609 "../src_plugins/edif/edif.y" /* yacc.c:1646 */ + { (yyval.s)=(yyvsp[0].s); } +#line 4054 "" /* yacc.c:1646 */ + break; + + case 593: +#line 1610 "../src_plugins/edif/edif.y" /* yacc.c:1646 */ + { (yyval.s)=(yyvsp[0].s); } +#line 4060 "" /* yacc.c:1646 */ + break; + + case 594: +#line 1613 "../src_plugins/edif/edif.y" /* yacc.c:1646 */ + { define_pcb_net((yyvsp[-2].ps), (yyvsp[-1].pl)); } +#line 4066 "" /* yacc.c:1646 */ + break; + + case 595: +#line 1616 "../src_plugins/edif/edif.y" /* yacc.c:1646 */ + { ([0].pl); } +#line 4072 "" /* yacc.c:1646 */ + break; + + case 611: +#line 1638 "../src_plugins/edif/edif.y" /* yacc.c:1646 */ + { str_pair_free((yyvsp[-2].ps)); } +#line 4078 "" /* yacc.c:1646 */ + break; + + case 632: +#line 1675 "../src_plugins/edif/edif.y" /* yacc.c:1646 */ + { ([0].ps); } +#line 4084 "" /* yacc.c:1646 */ + break; + + case 633: +#line 1676 "../src_plugins/edif/edif.y" /* yacc.c:1646 */ + { (; } +#line 4090 "" /* yacc.c:1646 */ + break; + + case 634: +#line 1680 "../src_plugins/edif/edif.y" /* yacc.c:1646 */ + { free((yyvsp[0].s)); } +#line 4096 "" /* yacc.c:1646 */ + break; + + case 639: +#line 1689 "../src_plugins/edif/edif.y" /* yacc.c:1646 */ + { free((yyvsp[0].s)); } +#line 4102 "" /* yacc.c:1646 */ + break; + + case 644: +#line 1700 "../src_plugins/edif/edif.y" /* yacc.c:1646 */ + { str_pair_free((yyvsp[0].ps)); } +#line 4108 "" /* yacc.c:1646 */ + break; + + case 698: +#line 1802 "../src_plugins/edif/edif.y" /* yacc.c:1646 */ + { free((yyvsp[-3].s)); } +#line 4114 "" /* yacc.c:1646 */ + break; + + case 701: +#line 1809 "../src_plugins/edif/edif.y" /* yacc.c:1646 */ + { free((yyvsp[-1].s)); } +#line 4120 "" /* yacc.c:1646 */ + break; + + case 727: +#line 1861 "../src_plugins/edif/edif.y" /* yacc.c:1646 */ + { free((yyvsp[-1].s)); } +#line 4126 "" /* yacc.c:1646 */ + break; + + case 730: +#line 1868 "../src_plugins/edif/edif.y" /* yacc.c:1646 */ + { str_pair_free((yyvsp[0].ps)); } +#line 4132 "" /* yacc.c:1646 */ + break; + + case 747: +#line 1903 "../src_plugins/edif/edif.y" /* yacc.c:1646 */ + { free((yyvsp[-2].s)); free((yyvsp[-1].s)); } +#line 4138 "" /* yacc.c:1646 */ + break; + + case 766: +#line 1934 "../src_plugins/edif/edif.y" /* yacc.c:1646 */ + { str_pair_free((yyvsp[0].ps)); } +#line 4144 "" /* yacc.c:1646 */ + break; + + case 789: +#line 1969 "../src_plugins/edif/edif.y" /* yacc.c:1646 */ + { str_pair_free((yyvsp[0].ps)); } +#line 4150 "" /* yacc.c:1646 */ + break; + + case 791: +#line 1975 "../src_plugins/edif/edif.y" /* yacc.c:1646 */ + { str_pair_free((yyvsp[0].ps)); } +#line 4156 "" /* yacc.c:1646 */ + break; + + case 803: +#line 1991 "../src_plugins/edif/edif.y" /* yacc.c:1646 */ + { str_pair_free((yyvsp[0].ps)); } +#line 4162 "" /* yacc.c:1646 */ + break; + + case 818: +#line 2010 "../src_plugins/edif/edif.y" /* yacc.c:1646 */ + { str_pair_free((yyvsp[0].ps)); } +#line 4168 "" /* yacc.c:1646 */ + break; + + case 823: +#line 2021 "../src_plugins/edif/edif.y" /* yacc.c:1646 */ + { str_pair_free((yyvsp[0].ps)); } +#line 4174 "" /* yacc.c:1646 */ + break; + + case 827: +#line 2027 "../src_plugins/edif/edif.y" /* yacc.c:1646 */ + { str_pair_free((yyvsp[0].ps)); } +#line 4180 "" /* yacc.c:1646 */ + break; + + case 829: +#line 2031 "../src_plugins/edif/edif.y" /* yacc.c:1646 */ + { (yyval.s)=(yyvsp[0].s); } +#line 4186 "" /* yacc.c:1646 */ + break; + + case 831: +#line 2036 "../src_plugins/edif/edif.y" /* yacc.c:1646 */ + { + if ((yyvsp[-1].ps)) + { + ( = new_str_pair((yyvsp[-1].ps)->str1,(yyvsp[-2].s)); + free((yyvsp[-1].ps)); + } + else + { + /* handle port with no instance by passing up the chain */ + ( = new_str_pair(NULL,(yyvsp[-2].s)); + } +} +#line 4203 "" /* yacc.c:1646 */ + break; + + case 832: +#line 2050 "../src_plugins/edif/edif.y" /* yacc.c:1646 */ + { (; } +#line 4209 "" /* yacc.c:1646 */ + break; + + case 833: +#line 2051 "../src_plugins/edif/edif.y" /* yacc.c:1646 */ + { ([0].ps); } +#line 4215 "" /* yacc.c:1646 */ + break; + + case 834: +#line 2052 "../src_plugins/edif/edif.y" /* yacc.c:1646 */ + { ( = new_str_pair((yyvsp[0].s),NULL); } +#line 4221 "" /* yacc.c:1646 */ + break; + + case 835: +#line 2053 "../src_plugins/edif/edif.y" /* yacc.c:1646 */ + { (; } +#line 4227 "" /* yacc.c:1646 */ + break; + + case 848: +#line 2080 "../src_plugins/edif/edif.y" /* yacc.c:1646 */ + { str_pair_free((yyvsp[0].ps)); } +#line 4233 "" /* yacc.c:1646 */ + break; + + case 849: +#line 2083 "../src_plugins/edif/edif.y" /* yacc.c:1646 */ + { free((yyvsp[0].s)); } +#line 4239 "" /* yacc.c:1646 */ + break; + + case 881: +#line 2136 "../src_plugins/edif/edif.y" /* yacc.c:1646 */ + { ( = new_str_pair((yyvsp[-2].s),(yyvsp[-1].s)); } +#line 4245 "" /* yacc.c:1646 */ + break; + + case 882: +#line 2139 "../src_plugins/edif/edif.y" /* yacc.c:1646 */ + { (yyval.s)=(yyvsp[0].s); } +#line 4251 "" /* yacc.c:1646 */ + break; + + case 883: +#line 2140 "../src_plugins/edif/edif.y" /* yacc.c:1646 */ + { (yyval.s)=(yyvsp[0].s); } +#line 4257 "" /* yacc.c:1646 */ + break; + + case 884: +#line 2143 "../src_plugins/edif/edif.y" /* yacc.c:1646 */ + { (yyval.s)=(yyvsp[0].s); } +#line 4263 "" /* yacc.c:1646 */ + break; + + case 885: +#line 2144 "../src_plugins/edif/edif.y" /* yacc.c:1646 */ + { (yyval.s)=NULL; } +#line 4269 "" /* yacc.c:1646 */ + break; + + case 889: +#line 2154 "../src_plugins/edif/edif.y" /* yacc.c:1646 */ + { str_pair_free((yyvsp[0].ps)); } +#line 4275 "" /* yacc.c:1646 */ + break; + + case 891: +#line 2160 "../src_plugins/edif/edif.y" /* yacc.c:1646 */ + { free((yyvsp[0].s)); } +#line 4281 "" /* yacc.c:1646 */ + break; + + case 892: +#line 2161 "../src_plugins/edif/edif.y" /* yacc.c:1646 */ + { free((yyvsp[-2].s)); free((yyvsp[-1].s)); } +#line 4287 "" /* yacc.c:1646 */ + break; + + case 893: +#line 2164 "../src_plugins/edif/edif.y" /* yacc.c:1646 */ + { free((yyvsp[-2].s)); free((yyvsp[-1].s)); } +#line 4293 "" /* yacc.c:1646 */ + break; + + case 894: +#line 2167 "../src_plugins/edif/edif.y" /* yacc.c:1646 */ + { free((yyvsp[-2].s)); free((yyvsp[-1].s)); } +#line 4299 "" /* yacc.c:1646 */ + break; + + case 896: +#line 2173 "../src_plugins/edif/edif.y" /* yacc.c:1646 */ + { free((yyvsp[0].s)); } +#line 4305 "" /* yacc.c:1646 */ + break; + + case 898: +#line 2175 "../src_plugins/edif/edif.y" /* yacc.c:1646 */ + { free((yyvsp[0].s)); } +#line 4311 "" /* yacc.c:1646 */ + break; + + case 903: +#line 2186 "../src_plugins/edif/edif.y" /* yacc.c:1646 */ + { str_pair_free((yyvsp[0].ps)); } +#line 4317 "" /* yacc.c:1646 */ + break; + + case 935: +#line 2250 "../src_plugins/edif/edif.y" /* yacc.c:1646 */ + { str_pair_free((yyvsp[0].ps)); } +#line 4323 "" /* yacc.c:1646 */ + break; + + case 943: +#line 2266 "../src_plugins/edif/edif.y" /* yacc.c:1646 */ + { free((yyvsp[0].s)); } +#line 4329 "" /* yacc.c:1646 */ + break; + + case 946: +#line 2271 "../src_plugins/edif/edif.y" /* yacc.c:1646 */ + { free((yyvsp[0].s)); } +#line 4335 "" /* yacc.c:1646 */ + break; + + case 973: +#line 2316 "../src_plugins/edif/edif.y" /* yacc.c:1646 */ + { str_pair_free((yyvsp[0].ps)); } +#line 4341 "" /* yacc.c:1646 */ + break; + + case 987: +#line 2338 "../src_plugins/edif/edif.y" /* yacc.c:1646 */ + { free((yyvsp[-1].s)); } +#line 4347 "" /* yacc.c:1646 */ + break; + + case 994: +#line 2354 "../src_plugins/edif/edif.y" /* yacc.c:1646 */ + { free((yyvsp[-6].s)); free((yyvsp[-5].s)); free((yyvsp[-4].s)); free((yyvsp[-3].s)); free((yyvsp[-2].s)); free((yyvsp[-1].s)); } +#line 4353 "" /* yacc.c:1646 */ + break; + + case 1054: +#line 2461 "../src_plugins/edif/edif.y" /* yacc.c:1646 */ + { free((yyvsp[0].s)); } +#line 4359 "" /* yacc.c:1646 */ + break; + + case 1055: +#line 2462 "../src_plugins/edif/edif.y" /* yacc.c:1646 */ + { free((yyvsp[0].s)); } +#line 4365 "" /* yacc.c:1646 */ + break; + + case 1056: +#line 2463 "../src_plugins/edif/edif.y" /* yacc.c:1646 */ + { free((yyvsp[0].s)); } +#line 4371 "" /* yacc.c:1646 */ + break; + + case 1057: +#line 2464 "../src_plugins/edif/edif.y" /* yacc.c:1646 */ + { free((yyvsp[0].s)); } +#line 4377 "" /* yacc.c:1646 */ + break; + + case 1059: +#line 2468 "../src_plugins/edif/edif.y" /* yacc.c:1646 */ + { str_pair_free((yyvsp[0].ps)); } +#line 4383 "" /* yacc.c:1646 */ + break; + + case 1061: +#line 2472 "../src_plugins/edif/edif.y" /* yacc.c:1646 */ + { free((yyvsp[0].s)); } +#line 4389 "" /* yacc.c:1646 */ + break; + + case 1063: +#line 2476 "../src_plugins/edif/edif.y" /* yacc.c:1646 */ + { free((yyvsp[-1].s)); } +#line 4395 "" /* yacc.c:1646 */ + break; + + case 1085: +#line 2512 "../src_plugins/edif/edif.y" /* yacc.c:1646 */ + { str_pair_free((yyvsp[0].ps)); } +#line 4401 "" /* yacc.c:1646 */ + break; + + case 1086: +#line 2515 "../src_plugins/edif/edif.y" /* yacc.c:1646 */ + { free((yyvsp[0].s)); } +#line 4407 "" /* yacc.c:1646 */ + break; + + case 1107: +#line 2556 "../src_plugins/edif/edif.y" /* yacc.c:1646 */ + { str_pair_free((yyvsp[0].ps)); } +#line 4413 "" /* yacc.c:1646 */ + break; + + case 1109: +#line 2558 "../src_plugins/edif/edif.y" /* yacc.c:1646 */ + { pair_list_free((yyvsp[0].pl)); } +#line 4419 "" /* yacc.c:1646 */ + break; + + case 1126: +#line 2585 "../src_plugins/edif/edif.y" /* yacc.c:1646 */ + { (yyval.s)=(yyvsp[0].s); } +#line 4425 "" /* yacc.c:1646 */ + break; + + case 1127: +#line 2588 "../src_plugins/edif/edif.y" /* yacc.c:1646 */ + { (yyval.s)=(yyvsp[0].s); } +#line 4431 "" /* yacc.c:1646 */ + break; + + case 1128: +#line 2591 "../src_plugins/edif/edif.y" /* yacc.c:1646 */ + { (yyval.s)=(yyvsp[0].s); } +#line 4437 "" /* yacc.c:1646 */ + break; + + case 1129: +#line 2594 "../src_plugins/edif/edif.y" /* yacc.c:1646 */ + { (yyval.s)=(yyvsp[0].s); } +#line 4443 "" /* yacc.c:1646 */ + break; + + +#line 4447 "" /* yacc.c:1646 */ + default: break; + } + /* User semantic actions sometimes alter yychar, and that requires + that yytoken be updated with the new translation. We take the + approach of translating immediately before every use of yytoken. + One alternative is translating here after every semantic action, + but that translation would be missed if the semantic action invokes + YYABORT, YYACCEPT, or YYERROR immediately after altering yychar or + if it invokes YYBACKUP. In the case of YYABORT or YYACCEPT, an + incorrect destructor might then be invoked immediately. In the + case of YYERROR or YYBACKUP, subsequent parser actions might lead + to an incorrect destructor call or verbose syntax error message + before the lookahead is translated. */ + YY_SYMBOL_PRINT ("-> $$ =", yyr1[yyn], &yyval, &yyloc); + + YYPOPSTACK (yylen); + yylen = 0; + YY_STACK_PRINT (yyss, yyssp); + + *++yyvsp = yyval; + + /* Now 'shift' the result of the reduction. Determine what state + that goes to, based on the state we popped back to and the rule + number reduced by. */ + + yyn = yyr1[yyn]; + + yystate = yypgoto[yyn - YYNTOKENS] + *yyssp; + if (0 <= yystate && yystate <= YYLAST && yycheck[yystate] == *yyssp) + yystate = yytable[yystate]; + else + yystate = yydefgoto[yyn - YYNTOKENS]; + + goto yynewstate; + + +/*--------------------------------------. +| yyerrlab -- here on detecting error. | +`--------------------------------------*/ +yyerrlab: + /* Make sure we have latest lookahead translation. See comments at + user semantic actions for why this is necessary. */ + yytoken = yychar == YYEMPTY ? YYEMPTY : YYTRANSLATE (yychar); + + /* If not already recovering from an error, report this error. */ + if (!yyerrstatus) + { + ++yynerrs; +#if ! YYERROR_VERBOSE + yyerror (YY_("syntax error")); +#else +# define YYSYNTAX_ERROR yysyntax_error (&yymsg_alloc, &yymsg, \ + yyssp, yytoken) + { + char const *yymsgp = YY_("syntax error"); + int yysyntax_error_status; + yysyntax_error_status = YYSYNTAX_ERROR; + if (yysyntax_error_status == 0) + yymsgp = yymsg; + else if (yysyntax_error_status == 1) + { + if (yymsg != yymsgbuf) + YYSTACK_FREE (yymsg); + yymsg = (char *) YYSTACK_ALLOC (yymsg_alloc); + if (!yymsg) + { + yymsg = yymsgbuf; + yymsg_alloc = sizeof yymsgbuf; + yysyntax_error_status = 2; + } + else + { + yysyntax_error_status = YYSYNTAX_ERROR; + yymsgp = yymsg; + } + } + yyerror (yymsgp); + if (yysyntax_error_status == 2) + goto yyexhaustedlab; + } +# undef YYSYNTAX_ERROR +#endif + } + + + + if (yyerrstatus == 3) + { + /* If just tried and failed to reuse lookahead token after an + error, discard it. */ + + if (yychar <= YYEOF) + { + /* Return failure if at end of input. */ + if (yychar == YYEOF) + YYABORT; + } + else + { + yydestruct ("Error: discarding", + yytoken, &yylval); + yychar = YYEMPTY; + } + } + + /* Else will try to reuse lookahead token after shifting the error + token. */ + goto yyerrlab1; + + +/*---------------------------------------------------. +| yyerrorlab -- error raised explicitly by YYERROR. | +`---------------------------------------------------*/ +yyerrorlab: + + /* Pacify compilers like GCC when the user code never invokes + YYERROR and the label yyerrorlab therefore never appears in user + code. */ + if (/*CONSTCOND*/ 0) + goto yyerrorlab; + + /* Do not reclaim the symbols of the rule whose action triggered + this YYERROR. */ + YYPOPSTACK (yylen); + yylen = 0; + YY_STACK_PRINT (yyss, yyssp); + yystate = *yyssp; + goto yyerrlab1; + + +/*-------------------------------------------------------------. +| yyerrlab1 -- common code for both syntax error and YYERROR. | +`-------------------------------------------------------------*/ +yyerrlab1: + yyerrstatus = 3; /* Each real token shifted decrements this. */ + + for (;;) + { + yyn = yypact[yystate]; + if (!yypact_value_is_default (yyn)) + { + yyn += YYTERROR; + if (0 <= yyn && yyn <= YYLAST && yycheck[yyn] == YYTERROR) + { + yyn = yytable[yyn]; + if (0 < yyn) + break; + } + } + + /* Pop the current state because it cannot handle the error token. */ + if (yyssp == yyss) + YYABORT; + + + yydestruct ("Error: popping", + yystos[yystate], yyvsp); + YYPOPSTACK (1); + yystate = *yyssp; + YY_STACK_PRINT (yyss, yyssp); + } + + YY_IGNORE_MAYBE_UNINITIALIZED_BEGIN + *++yyvsp = yylval; + YY_IGNORE_MAYBE_UNINITIALIZED_END + + + /* Shift the error token. */ + YY_SYMBOL_PRINT ("Shifting", yystos[yyn], yyvsp, yylsp); + + yystate = yyn; + goto yynewstate; + + +/*-------------------------------------. +| yyacceptlab -- YYACCEPT comes here. | +`-------------------------------------*/ +yyacceptlab: + yyresult = 0; + goto yyreturn; + +/*-----------------------------------. +| yyabortlab -- YYABORT comes here. | +`-----------------------------------*/ +yyabortlab: + yyresult = 1; + goto yyreturn; + +#if !defined yyoverflow || YYERROR_VERBOSE +/*-------------------------------------------------. +| yyexhaustedlab -- memory exhaustion comes here. | +`-------------------------------------------------*/ +yyexhaustedlab: + yyerror (YY_("memory exhausted")); + yyresult = 2; + /* Fall through. */ +#endif + +yyreturn: + if (yychar != YYEMPTY) + { + /* Make sure we have latest lookahead translation. See comments at + user semantic actions for why this is necessary. */ + yytoken = YYTRANSLATE (yychar); + yydestruct ("Cleanup: discarding lookahead", + yytoken, &yylval); + } + /* Do not reclaim the symbols of the rule whose action triggered + this YYABORT or YYACCEPT. */ + YYPOPSTACK (yylen); + YY_STACK_PRINT (yyss, yyssp); + while (yyssp != yyss) + { + yydestruct ("Cleanup: popping", + yystos[*yyssp], yyvsp); + YYPOPSTACK (1); + } +#ifndef yyoverflow + if (yyss != yyssa) + YYSTACK_FREE (yyss); +#endif +#if YYERROR_VERBOSE + if (yymsg != yymsgbuf) + YYSTACK_FREE (yymsg); +#endif + return yyresult; +} +#line 2597 "../src_plugins/edif/edif.y" /* yacc.c:1906 */ + +/* + * xmalloc: + * + * Garbage function for 'alloca()'. + */ +char *xmalloc(int siz) +{ + return ((char *)Malloc(siz)); +} +/* + * Token & context carriers: + * + * These are the linkage pointers for threading this context garbage + * for converting identifiers into parser tokens. + */ +typedef struct TokenCar { + struct TokenCar *Next; /* pointer to next carrier */ + struct Token *Token; /* associated token */ +} TokenCar; +typedef struct UsedCar { + struct UsedCar *Next; /* pointer to next carrier */ + short Code; /* used '%token' value */ +} UsedCar; +typedef struct ContextCar { + struct ContextCar *Next; /* pointer to next carrier */ + struct Context *Context; /* associated context */ + union { + int Single; /* single usage flag (context tree) */ + struct UsedCar *Used; /* single used list (context stack) */ + } u; +} ContextCar; +/* + * Token definitions: + * + * This associates the '%token' codings with strings which are to + * be free standing tokens. Doesn't have to be in sorted order but the + * strings must be in lower case. + */ +typedef struct Token { + char *Name; /* token name */ + int Code; /* '%token' value */ + struct Token *Next; /* hash table linkage */ +} Token; +static Token TokenDef[] = { + {"angle", EDIF_TOK_ANGLE}, + {"behavior", EDIF_TOK_BEHAVIOR}, + {"calculated", EDIF_TOK_CALCULATED}, + {"capacitance", EDIF_TOK_CAPACITANCE}, + {"centercenter", EDIF_TOK_CENTERCENTER}, + {"centerleft", EDIF_TOK_CENTERLEFT}, + {"centerright", EDIF_TOK_CENTERRIGHT}, + {"charge", EDIF_TOK_CHARGE}, + {"conductance", EDIF_TOK_CONDUCTANCE}, + {"current", EDIF_TOK_CURRENT}, + {"distance", EDIF_TOK_DISTANCE}, + {"document", EDIF_TOK_DOCUMENT}, + {"energy", EDIF_TOK_ENERGY}, + {"extend", EDIF_TOK_EXTEND}, + {"flux", EDIF_TOK_FLUX}, + {"frequency", EDIF_TOK_FREQUENCY}, + {"generic", EDIF_TOK_GENERIC}, + {"graphic", EDIF_TOK_GRAPHIC}, + {"inductance", EDIF_TOK_INDUCTANCE}, + {"inout", EDIF_TOK_INOUT}, + {"input", EDIF_TOK_INPUT}, + {"logicmodel", EDIF_TOK_LOGICMODEL}, + {"lowercenter", EDIF_TOK_LOWERCENTER}, + {"lowerleft", EDIF_TOK_LOWERLEFT}, + {"lowerright", EDIF_TOK_LOWERRIGHT}, + {"masklayout", EDIF_TOK_MASKLAYOUT}, + {"mass", EDIF_TOK_MASS}, + {"measured", EDIF_TOK_MEASURED}, + {"mx", EDIF_TOK_MX}, + {"mxr90", EDIF_TOK_MXR90}, + {"my", EDIF_TOK_MY}, + {"myr90", EDIF_TOK_MYR90}, + {"netlist", EDIF_TOK_NETLIST}, + {"output", EDIF_TOK_OUTPUT}, + {"pcblayout", EDIF_TOK_PCBLAYOUT}, + {"power", EDIF_TOK_POWER}, + {"r0", EDIF_TOK_R0}, + {"r180", EDIF_TOK_R180}, + {"r270", EDIF_TOK_R270}, + {"r90", EDIF_TOK_R90}, + {"required", EDIF_TOK_REQUIRED}, + {"resistance", EDIF_TOK_RESISTANCE}, + {"ripper", EDIF_TOK_RIPPER}, + {"round", EDIF_TOK_ROUND}, + {"schematic", EDIF_TOK_SCHEMATIC}, + {"stranger", EDIF_TOK_STRANGER}, + {"symbolic", EDIF_TOK_SYMBOLIC}, + {"temperature", EDIF_TOK_TEMPERATURE}, + {"tie", EDIF_TOK_TIE}, + {"time", EDIF_TOK_TIME}, + {"truncate", EDIF_TOK_TRUNCATE}, + {"uppercenter", EDIF_TOK_UPPERCENTER}, + {"upperleft", EDIF_TOK_UPPERLEFT}, + {"upperright", EDIF_TOK_UPPERRIGHT}, + {"voltage", EDIF_TOK_VOLTAGE} +}; +static int TokenDefSize = sizeof(TokenDef) / sizeof(Token); +/* + * Token enable definitions: + * + * There is one array for each set of tokens enabled by a + * particular context (barf). Another array is used to bind + * these arrays to a context. + */ +static short e_CellType[] = {EDIF_TOK_TIE, EDIF_TOK_RIPPER, EDIF_TOK_GENERIC}; +static short e_CornerType[] = {EDIF_TOK_EXTEND, EDIF_TOK_TRUNCATE, + EDIF_TOK_ROUND}; +static short e_Derivation[] = {EDIF_TOK_CALCULATED, EDIF_TOK_MEASURED, + EDIF_TOK_REQUIRED}; +static short e_Direction[] = {EDIF_TOK_INPUT, EDIF_TOK_OUTPUT, + EDIF_TOK_INOUT}; +static short e_EndType[] = {EDIF_TOK_EXTEND, EDIF_TOK_TRUNCATE, + EDIF_TOK_ROUND}; +static short e_Justify[] = {EDIF_TOK_CENTERCENTER, EDIF_TOK_CENTERLEFT, + EDIF_TOK_CENTERRIGHT, EDIF_TOK_LOWERCENTER, + EDIF_TOK_LOWERLEFT, EDIF_TOK_LOWERRIGHT, + EDIF_TOK_UPPERCENTER, EDIF_TOK_UPPERLEFT, + EDIF_TOK_UPPERRIGHT}; +static short e_Orientation[] = {EDIF_TOK_R0, EDIF_TOK_R90, EDIF_TOK_R180, + EDIF_TOK_R270, EDIF_TOK_MX, EDIF_TOK_MY, + EDIF_TOK_MXR90, EDIF_TOK_MYR90}; +static short e_Unit[] = {EDIF_TOK_DISTANCE, EDIF_TOK_CAPACITANCE, + EDIF_TOK_CURRENT, EDIF_TOK_RESISTANCE, + EDIF_TOK_TEMPERATURE, EDIF_TOK_TIME, + EDIF_TOK_VOLTAGE, EDIF_TOK_MASS, EDIF_TOK_FREQUENCY, + EDIF_TOK_INDUCTANCE, EDIF_TOK_ENERGY, + EDIF_TOK_POWER, EDIF_TOK_CHARGE, + EDIF_TOK_CONDUCTANCE, EDIF_TOK_FLUX, EDIF_TOK_ANGLE}; +static short e_ViewType[] = {EDIF_TOK_MASKLAYOUT, EDIF_TOK_PCBLAYOUT, + EDIF_TOK_NETLIST, EDIF_TOK_SCHEMATIC, + EDIF_TOK_SYMBOLIC, EDIF_TOK_BEHAVIOR, + EDIF_TOK_LOGICMODEL, EDIF_TOK_DOCUMENT, + EDIF_TOK_GRAPHIC, EDIF_TOK_STRANGER}; +/* + * Token tying table: + * + * This binds enabled tokens to a context. + */ +typedef struct Tie { + short *Enable; /* pointer to enable array */ + short Origin; /* '%token' value of context */ + short EnableSize; /* size of enabled array */ +} Tie; +#define TE(e,o) {e,o,sizeof(e)/sizeof(short)} +static Tie TieDef[] = { + TE(e_CellType, EDIF_TOK_CELLTYPE), + TE(e_CornerType, EDIF_TOK_CORNERTYPE), + TE(e_Derivation, EDIF_TOK_DERIVATION), + TE(e_Direction, EDIF_TOK_DIRECTION), + TE(e_EndType, EDIF_TOK_ENDTYPE), + TE(e_Justify, EDIF_TOK_JUSTIFY), + TE(e_Orientation, EDIF_TOK_ORIENTATION), + TE(e_Unit, EDIF_TOK_UNIT), + TE(e_ViewType, EDIF_TOK_VIEWTYPE) +}; +static int TieDefSize = sizeof(TieDef) / sizeof(Tie); +/* + * Context definitions: + * + * This associates keyword strings with '%token' values. It + * also creates a pretty much empty header for later building of + * the context tree. Again they needn't be sorted, but strings + * must be lower case. + */ +typedef struct Context { + char *Name; /* keyword name */ + short Code; /* '%token' value */ + short Flags; /* special operation flags */ + struct ContextCar *Context; /* contexts which can be moved to */ + struct TokenCar *Token; /* active tokens */ + struct Context *Next; /* hash table linkage */ +} Context; +static Context ContextDef[] = { + {"", 0}, /* start context */ + {"acload", EDIF_TOK_ACLOAD}, + {"after", EDIF_TOK_AFTER}, + {"annotate", EDIF_TOK_ANNOTATE}, + {"apply", EDIF_TOK_APPLY}, + {"arc", EDIF_TOK_ARC}, + {"array", EDIF_TOK_ARRAY}, + {"arraymacro", EDIF_TOK_ARRAYMACRO}, + {"arrayrelatedinfo", EDIF_TOK_ARRAYRELATEDINFO}, + {"arraysite", EDIF_TOK_ARRAYSITE}, + {"atleast", EDIF_TOK_ATLEAST}, + {"atmost", EDIF_TOK_ATMOST}, + {"author", EDIF_TOK_AUTHOR}, + {"basearray", EDIF_TOK_BASEARRAY}, + {"becomes", EDIF_TOK_BECOMES}, + {"between", EDIF_TOK_BETWEEN}, + {"boolean", EDIF_TOK_BOOLEAN}, + {"booleandisplay", EDIF_TOK_BOOLEANDISPLAY}, + {"booleanmap", EDIF_TOK_BOOLEANMAP}, + {"borderpattern", EDIF_TOK_BORDERPATTERN}, + {"borderwidth", EDIF_TOK_BORDERWIDTH}, + {"boundingbox", EDIF_TOK_BOUNDINGBOX}, + {"cell", EDIF_TOK_CELL}, + {"cellref", EDIF_TOK_CELLREF}, + {"celltype", EDIF_TOK_CELLTYPE}, + {"change", EDIF_TOK_CHANGE}, + {"circle", EDIF_TOK_CIRCLE}, + {"color", EDIF_TOK_COLOR}, + {"comment", EDIF_TOK_COMMENT}, + {"commentgraphics", EDIF_TOK_COMMENTGRAPHICS}, + {"compound", EDIF_TOK_COMPOUND}, + {"connectlocation", EDIF_TOK_CONNECTLOCATION}, + {"contents", EDIF_TOK_CONTENTS}, + {"cornertype", EDIF_TOK_CORNERTYPE}, + {"criticality", EDIF_TOK_CRITICALITY}, + {"currentmap", EDIF_TOK_CURRENTMAP}, + {"curve", EDIF_TOK_CURVE}, + {"cycle", EDIF_TOK_CYCLE}, + {"dataorigin", EDIF_TOK_DATAORIGIN}, + {"dcfaninload", EDIF_TOK_DCFANINLOAD}, + {"dcfanoutload", EDIF_TOK_DCFANOUTLOAD}, + {"dcmaxfanin", EDIF_TOK_DCMAXFANIN}, + {"dcmaxfanout", EDIF_TOK_DCMAXFANOUT}, + {"delay", EDIF_TOK_DELAY}, + {"delta", EDIF_TOK_DELTA}, + {"derivation", EDIF_TOK_DERIVATION}, + {"design", EDIF_TOK_DESIGN}, + {"designator", EDIF_TOK_DESIGNATOR}, + {"difference", EDIF_TOK_DIFFERENCE}, + {"direction", EDIF_TOK_DIRECTION}, + {"display", EDIF_TOK_DISPLAY}, + {"dominates", EDIF_TOK_DOMINATES}, + {"dot", EDIF_TOK_DOT}, + {"duration", EDIF_TOK_DURATION}, + {"e", EDIF_TOK_E}, + {"edif", EDIF_TOK_EDIF}, + {"ediflevel", EDIF_TOK_EDIFLEVEL}, + {"edifversion", EDIF_TOK_EDIFVERSION}, + {"enclosuredistance", EDIF_TOK_ENCLOSUREDISTANCE}, + {"endtype", EDIF_TOK_ENDTYPE}, + {"entry", EDIF_TOK_ENTRY}, + {"exactly", EDIF_TOK_EXACTLY}, + {"external", EDIF_TOK_EXTERNAL}, + {"fabricate", EDIF_TOK_FABRICATE}, + {"false", EDIF_TOK_FALSE}, + {"figure", EDIF_TOK_FIGURE}, + {"figurearea", EDIF_TOK_FIGUREAREA}, + {"figuregroup", EDIF_TOK_FIGUREGROUP}, + {"figuregroupobject", EDIF_TOK_FIGUREGROUPOBJECT}, + {"figuregroupoverride", EDIF_TOK_FIGUREGROUPOVERRIDE}, + {"figuregroupref", EDIF_TOK_FIGUREGROUPREF}, + {"figureperimeter", EDIF_TOK_FIGUREPERIMETER}, + {"figurewidth", EDIF_TOK_FIGUREWIDTH}, + {"fillpattern", EDIF_TOK_FILLPATTERN}, + {"follow", EDIF_TOK_FOLLOW}, + {"forbiddenevent", EDIF_TOK_FORBIDDENEVENT}, + {"globalportref", EDIF_TOK_GLOBALPORTREF}, + {"greaterthan", EDIF_TOK_GREATERTHAN}, + {"gridmap", EDIF_TOK_GRIDMAP}, + {"ignore", EDIF_TOK_IGNORE}, + {"includefiguregroup", EDIF_TOK_INCLUDEFIGUREGROUP}, + {"initial", EDIF_TOK_INITIAL}, + {"instance", EDIF_TOK_INSTANCE}, + {"instancebackannotate", EDIF_TOK_INSTANCEBACKANNOTATE}, + {"instancegroup", EDIF_TOK_INSTANCEGROUP}, + {"instancemap", EDIF_TOK_INSTANCEMAP}, + {"instanceref", EDIF_TOK_INSTANCEREF}, + {"integer", EDIF_TOK_INTEGER}, + {"integerdisplay", EDIF_TOK_INTEGERDISPLAY}, + {"interface", EDIF_TOK_INTERFACE}, + {"interfiguregroupspacing", EDIF_TOK_INTERFIGUREGROUPSPACING}, + {"intersection", EDIF_TOK_INTERSECTION}, + {"intrafiguregroupspacing", EDIF_TOK_INTRAFIGUREGROUPSPACING}, + {"inverse", EDIF_TOK_INVERSE}, + {"isolated", EDIF_TOK_ISOLATED}, + {"joined", EDIF_TOK_JOINED}, + {"justify", EDIF_TOK_JUSTIFY}, + {"keyworddisplay", EDIF_TOK_KEYWORDDISPLAY}, + {"keywordlevel", EDIF_TOK_KEYWORDLEVEL}, + {"keywordmap", EDIF_TOK_KEYWORDMAP}, + {"lessthan", EDIF_TOK_LESSTHAN}, + {"library", EDIF_TOK_LIBRARY}, + {"libraryref", EDIF_TOK_LIBRARYREF}, + {"listofnets", EDIF_TOK_LISTOFNETS}, + {"listofports", EDIF_TOK_LISTOFPORTS}, + {"loaddelay", EDIF_TOK_LOADDELAY}, + {"logicassign", EDIF_TOK_LOGICASSIGN}, + {"logicinput", EDIF_TOK_LOGICINPUT}, + {"logiclist", EDIF_TOK_LOGICLIST}, + {"logicmapinput", EDIF_TOK_LOGICMAPINPUT}, + {"logicmapoutput", EDIF_TOK_LOGICMAPOUTPUT}, + {"logiconeof", EDIF_TOK_LOGICONEOF}, + {"logicoutput", EDIF_TOK_LOGICOUTPUT}, + {"logicport", EDIF_TOK_LOGICPORT}, + {"logicref", EDIF_TOK_LOGICREF}, + {"logicvalue", EDIF_TOK_LOGICVALUE}, + {"logicwaveform", EDIF_TOK_LOGICWAVEFORM}, + {"maintain", EDIF_TOK_MAINTAIN}, + {"match", EDIF_TOK_MATCH}, + {"member", EDIF_TOK_MEMBER}, + {"minomax", EDIF_TOK_MINOMAX}, + {"minomaxdisplay", EDIF_TOK_MINOMAXDISPLAY}, + {"mnm", EDIF_TOK_MNM}, + {"multiplevalueset", EDIF_TOK_MULTIPLEVALUESET}, + {"mustjoin", EDIF_TOK_MUSTJOIN}, + {"name", EDIF_TOK_NAME}, + {"net", EDIF_TOK_NET}, + {"netbackannotate", EDIF_TOK_NETBACKANNOTATE}, + {"netbundle", EDIF_TOK_NETBUNDLE}, + {"netdelay", EDIF_TOK_NETDELAY}, + {"netgroup", EDIF_TOK_NETGROUP}, + {"netmap", EDIF_TOK_NETMAP}, + {"netref", EDIF_TOK_NETREF}, + {"nochange", EDIF_TOK_NOCHANGE}, + {"nonpermutable", EDIF_TOK_NONPERMUTABLE}, + {"notallowed", EDIF_TOK_NOTALLOWED}, + {"notchspacing", EDIF_TOK_NOTCHSPACING}, + {"number", EDIF_TOK_NUMBER}, + {"numberdefinition", EDIF_TOK_NUMBERDEFINITION}, + {"numberdisplay", EDIF_TOK_NUMBERDISPLAY}, + {"offpageconnector", EDIF_TOK_OFFPAGECONNECTOR}, + {"offsetevent", EDIF_TOK_OFFSETEVENT}, + {"openshape", EDIF_TOK_OPENSHAPE}, + {"orientation", EDIF_TOK_ORIENTATION}, + {"origin", EDIF_TOK_ORIGIN}, + {"overhangdistance", EDIF_TOK_OVERHANGDISTANCE}, + {"overlapdistance", EDIF_TOK_OVERLAPDISTANCE}, + {"oversize", EDIF_TOK_OVERSIZE}, + {"owner", EDIF_TOK_OWNER}, + {"page", EDIF_TOK_PAGE}, + {"pagesize", EDIF_TOK_PAGESIZE}, + {"parameter", EDIF_TOK_PARAMETER}, + {"parameterassign", EDIF_TOK_PARAMETERASSIGN}, + {"parameterdisplay", EDIF_TOK_PARAMETERDISPLAY}, + {"path", EDIF_TOK_PATH}, + {"pathdelay", EDIF_TOK_PATHDELAY}, + {"pathwidth", EDIF_TOK_PATHWIDTH}, + {"permutable", EDIF_TOK_PERMUTABLE}, + {"physicaldesignrule", EDIF_TOK_PHYSICALDESIGNRULE}, + {"plug", EDIF_TOK_PLUG}, + {"point", EDIF_TOK_POINT}, + {"pointdisplay", EDIF_TOK_POINTDISPLAY}, + {"pointlist", EDIF_TOK_POINTLIST}, + {"polygon", EDIF_TOK_POLYGON}, + {"port", EDIF_TOK_PORT}, + {"portbackannotate", EDIF_TOK_PORTBACKANNOTATE}, + {"portbundle", EDIF_TOK_PORTBUNDLE}, + {"portdelay", EDIF_TOK_PORTDELAY}, + {"portgroup", EDIF_TOK_PORTGROUP}, + {"portimplementation", EDIF_TOK_PORTIMPLEMENTATION}, + {"portinstance", EDIF_TOK_PORTINSTANCE}, + {"portlist", EDIF_TOK_PORTLIST}, + {"portlistalias", EDIF_TOK_PORTLISTALIAS}, + {"portmap", EDIF_TOK_PORTMAP}, + {"portref", EDIF_TOK_PORTREF}, + {"program", EDIF_TOK_PROGRAM}, + {"property", EDIF_TOK_PROPERTY}, + {"propertydisplay", EDIF_TOK_PROPERTYDISPLAY}, + {"protectionframe", EDIF_TOK_PROTECTIONFRAME}, + {"pt", EDIF_TOK_PT}, + {"rangevector", EDIF_TOK_RANGEVECTOR}, + {"rectangle", EDIF_TOK_RECTANGLE}, + {"rectanglesize", EDIF_TOK_RECTANGLESIZE}, + {"rename", EDIF_TOK_RENAME}, + {"resolves", EDIF_TOK_RESOLVES}, + {"scale", EDIF_TOK_SCALE}, + {"scalex", EDIF_TOK_SCALEX}, + {"scaley", EDIF_TOK_SCALEY}, + {"section", EDIF_TOK_SECTION}, + {"shape", EDIF_TOK_SHAPE}, + {"simulate", EDIF_TOK_SIMULATE}, + {"simulationinfo", EDIF_TOK_SIMULATIONINFO}, + {"singlevalueset", EDIF_TOK_SINGLEVALUESET}, + {"site", EDIF_TOK_SITE}, + {"socket", EDIF_TOK_SOCKET}, + {"socketset", EDIF_TOK_SOCKETSET}, + {"status", EDIF_TOK_STATUS}, + {"steady", EDIF_TOK_STEADY}, + {"string", EDIF_TOK_STRING}, + {"stringdisplay", EDIF_TOK_STRINGDISPLAY}, + {"strong", EDIF_TOK_STRONG}, + {"symbol", EDIF_TOK_SYMBOL}, + {"symmetry", EDIF_TOK_SYMMETRY}, + {"table", EDIF_TOK_TABLE}, + {"tabledefault", EDIF_TOK_TABLEDEFAULT}, + {"technology", EDIF_TOK_TECHNOLOGY}, + {"textheight", EDIF_TOK_TEXTHEIGHT}, + {"timeinterval", EDIF_TOK_TIMEINTERVAL}, + {"timestamp", EDIF_TOK_TIMESTAMP}, + {"timing", EDIF_TOK_TIMING}, + {"transform", EDIF_TOK_TRANSFORM}, + {"transition", EDIF_TOK_TRANSITION}, + {"trigger", EDIF_TOK_TRIGGER}, + {"true", EDIF_TOK_TRUE}, + {"unconstrained", EDIF_TOK_UNCONSTRAINED}, + {"undefined", EDIF_TOK_UNDEFINED}, + {"union", EDIF_TOK_UNION}, + {"unit", EDIF_TOK_UNIT}, + {"unused", EDIF_TOK_UNUSED}, + {"userdata", EDIF_TOK_USERDATA}, + {"version", EDIF_TOK_VERSION}, + {"view", EDIF_TOK_VIEW}, + {"viewlist", EDIF_TOK_VIEWLIST}, + {"viewmap", EDIF_TOK_VIEWMAP}, + {"viewref", EDIF_TOK_VIEWREF}, + {"viewtype", EDIF_TOK_VIEWTYPE}, + {"visible", EDIF_TOK_VISIBLE}, + {"voltagemap", EDIF_TOK_VOLTAGEMAP}, + {"wavevalue", EDIF_TOK_WAVEVALUE}, + {"weak", EDIF_TOK_WEAK}, + {"weakjoined", EDIF_TOK_WEAKJOINED}, + {"when", EDIF_TOK_WHEN}, + {"written", EDIF_TOK_WRITTEN} +}; +static int ContextDefSize = sizeof(ContextDef) / sizeof(Context); +/* + * Context follower tables: + * + * This is pretty ugly, an array is defined for each context + * which has following context levels. Yet another table is used + * to bind these arrays to the originating contexts. + * Arrays are declared as: + * + * static short f_[] = { ... }; + * + * The array entries are the '%token' values for all keywords which + * can be reached from the context. Like I said, ugly, + * but it works. + * A negative entry means that the follow can only occur once within + * the specified context. + */ +static short f_NULL[] = {EDIF_TOK_EDIF}; +static short f_Edif[] = {EDIF_TOK_NAME, EDIF_TOK_RENAME, EDIF_TOK_EDIFVERSION, + EDIF_TOK_EDIFLEVEL, EDIF_TOK_KEYWORDMAP, + -EDIF_TOK_STATUS, EDIF_TOK_EXTERNAL, + EDIF_TOK_LIBRARY, EDIF_TOK_DESIGN, EDIF_TOK_COMMENT, + EDIF_TOK_USERDATA}; +static short f_AcLoad[] = {EDIF_TOK_MNM, EDIF_TOK_E, EDIF_TOK_MINOMAXDISPLAY}; +static short f_After[] = {EDIF_TOK_MNM, EDIF_TOK_E, EDIF_TOK_FOLLOW, + EDIF_TOK_MAINTAIN, EDIF_TOK_LOGICASSIGN, + EDIF_TOK_COMMENT, EDIF_TOK_USERDATA}; +static short f_Annotate[] = {EDIF_TOK_STRINGDISPLAY}; +static short f_Apply[] = {EDIF_TOK_CYCLE, EDIF_TOK_LOGICINPUT, + EDIF_TOK_LOGICOUTPUT, EDIF_TOK_COMMENT, + EDIF_TOK_USERDATA}; +static short f_Arc[] = {EDIF_TOK_PT}; +static short f_Array[] = {EDIF_TOK_NAME, EDIF_TOK_RENAME}; +static short f_ArrayMacro[] = {EDIF_TOK_PLUG}; +static short f_ArrayRelatedInfo[] = {EDIF_TOK_BASEARRAY, EDIF_TOK_ARRAYSITE, + EDIF_TOK_ARRAYMACRO, EDIF_TOK_COMMENT, + EDIF_TOK_USERDATA}; +static short f_ArraySite[] = {EDIF_TOK_SOCKET}; +static short f_AtLeast[] = {EDIF_TOK_E}; +static short f_AtMost[] = {EDIF_TOK_E}; +static short f_Becomes[] = {EDIF_TOK_NAME, EDIF_TOK_LOGICLIST, + EDIF_TOK_LOGICONEOF}; +/* +static short f_Between[] = {EDIF_TOK_ATLEAST, EDIF_TOK_GREATERTHAN, + EDIF_TOK_ATMOST, EDIF_TOK_LESSTHAN}; +*/ +static short f_Boolean[] = {EDIF_TOK_FALSE, EDIF_TOK_TRUE, + EDIF_TOK_BOOLEANDISPLAY, EDIF_TOK_BOOLEAN}; +static short f_BooleanDisplay[] = {EDIF_TOK_FALSE, EDIF_TOK_TRUE, + EDIF_TOK_DISPLAY}; +static short f_BooleanMap[] = {EDIF_TOK_FALSE, EDIF_TOK_TRUE}; +static short f_BorderPattern[] = {EDIF_TOK_BOOLEAN}; +static short f_BoundingBox[] = {EDIF_TOK_RECTANGLE}; +static short f_Cell[] = {EDIF_TOK_NAME, EDIF_TOK_RENAME, EDIF_TOK_CELLTYPE, + -EDIF_TOK_STATUS, -EDIF_TOK_VIEWMAP, EDIF_TOK_VIEW, + EDIF_TOK_COMMENT, EDIF_TOK_USERDATA, + EDIF_TOK_PROPERTY}; +static short f_CellRef[] = {EDIF_TOK_NAME, EDIF_TOK_LIBRARYREF}; +static short f_Change[] = {EDIF_TOK_NAME, EDIF_TOK_PORTREF, EDIF_TOK_PORTLIST, + EDIF_TOK_BECOMES, EDIF_TOK_TRANSITION}; +static short f_Circle[] = {EDIF_TOK_PT, EDIF_TOK_PROPERTY}; +static short f_Color[] = {EDIF_TOK_E}; +static short f_CommentGraphics[] = {EDIF_TOK_ANNOTATE, EDIF_TOK_FIGURE, + EDIF_TOK_INSTANCE, -EDIF_TOK_BOUNDINGBOX, + EDIF_TOK_PROPERTY, EDIF_TOK_COMMENT, + EDIF_TOK_USERDATA}; +static short f_Compound[] = {EDIF_TOK_NAME}; +static short f_ConnectLocation[] = {EDIF_TOK_FIGURE}; +static short f_Contents[] = {EDIF_TOK_INSTANCE, EDIF_TOK_OFFPAGECONNECTOR, + EDIF_TOK_FIGURE, EDIF_TOK_SECTION, EDIF_TOK_NET, + EDIF_TOK_NETBUNDLE, EDIF_TOK_PAGE, + EDIF_TOK_COMMENTGRAPHICS, + EDIF_TOK_PORTIMPLEMENTATION, + EDIF_TOK_TIMING, EDIF_TOK_SIMULATE, + EDIF_TOK_WHEN, EDIF_TOK_FOLLOW, + EDIF_TOK_LOGICPORT, -EDIF_TOK_BOUNDINGBOX, + EDIF_TOK_COMMENT, EDIF_TOK_USERDATA}; +static short f_Criticality[] = {EDIF_TOK_INTEGERDISPLAY}; +static short f_CurrentMap[] = {EDIF_TOK_MNM, EDIF_TOK_E}; +static short f_Curve[] = {EDIF_TOK_ARC, EDIF_TOK_PT}; +static short f_Cycle[] = {EDIF_TOK_DURATION}; +static short f_DataOrigin[] = {EDIF_TOK_VERSION}; +static short f_DcFanInLoad[] = {EDIF_TOK_E, EDIF_TOK_NUMBERDISPLAY}; +static short f_DcFanOutLoad[] = {EDIF_TOK_E, EDIF_TOK_NUMBERDISPLAY}; +static short f_DcMaxFanIn[] = {EDIF_TOK_E, EDIF_TOK_NUMBERDISPLAY}; +static short f_DcMaxFanOut[] = {EDIF_TOK_E, EDIF_TOK_NUMBERDISPLAY}; +static short f_Delay[] = {EDIF_TOK_MNM, EDIF_TOK_E}; +static short f_Delta[] = {EDIF_TOK_PT}; +static short f_Design[] = {EDIF_TOK_NAME, EDIF_TOK_RENAME, EDIF_TOK_CELLREF, + EDIF_TOK_STATUS, EDIF_TOK_COMMENT, + EDIF_TOK_PROPERTY, EDIF_TOK_USERDATA}; +static short f_Designator[] = {EDIF_TOK_STRINGDISPLAY}; +static short f_Difference[] = {EDIF_TOK_FIGUREGROUPREF, EDIF_TOK_INTERSECTION, + EDIF_TOK_UNION, EDIF_TOK_DIFFERENCE, + EDIF_TOK_INVERSE, EDIF_TOK_OVERSIZE}; +static short f_Display[] = {EDIF_TOK_NAME, EDIF_TOK_FIGUREGROUPOVERRIDE, + EDIF_TOK_JUSTIFY, EDIF_TOK_ORIENTATION, + EDIF_TOK_ORIGIN}; +static short f_Dominates[] = {EDIF_TOK_NAME}; +static short f_Dot[] = {EDIF_TOK_PT, EDIF_TOK_PROPERTY}; +static short f_Duration[] = {EDIF_TOK_E}; +static short f_EnclosureDistance[] = {EDIF_TOK_NAME, EDIF_TOK_RENAME, + EDIF_TOK_FIGUREGROUPOBJECT, + EDIF_TOK_LESSTHAN, EDIF_TOK_GREATERTHAN, + EDIF_TOK_ATMOST, EDIF_TOK_ATLEAST, + EDIF_TOK_EXACTLY, EDIF_TOK_BETWEEN, + EDIF_TOK_SINGLEVALUESET, + EDIF_TOK_COMMENT, EDIF_TOK_USERDATA}; +static short f_Entry[] = {EDIF_TOK_MATCH, EDIF_TOK_CHANGE, EDIF_TOK_STEADY, + EDIF_TOK_LOGICREF, EDIF_TOK_PORTREF, + EDIF_TOK_NOCHANGE, EDIF_TOK_TABLE, + EDIF_TOK_DELAY, EDIF_TOK_LOADDELAY}; +static short f_Exactly[] = {EDIF_TOK_E}; +static short f_External[] = {EDIF_TOK_NAME, EDIF_TOK_RENAME, + EDIF_TOK_EDIFLEVEL, EDIF_TOK_TECHNOLOGY, + -EDIF_TOK_STATUS, EDIF_TOK_CELL, EDIF_TOK_COMMENT, + EDIF_TOK_USERDATA}; +static short f_Fabricate[] = {EDIF_TOK_NAME, EDIF_TOK_RENAME}; +static short f_Figure[] = {EDIF_TOK_NAME, EDIF_TOK_FIGUREGROUPOVERRIDE, + EDIF_TOK_CIRCLE, EDIF_TOK_DOT, EDIF_TOK_OPENSHAPE, + EDIF_TOK_PATH, EDIF_TOK_POLYGON, + EDIF_TOK_RECTANGLE, EDIF_TOK_SHAPE, + EDIF_TOK_COMMENT, EDIF_TOK_USERDATA}; +static short f_FigureArea[] = {EDIF_TOK_NAME, EDIF_TOK_RENAME, + EDIF_TOK_FIGUREGROUPOBJECT, EDIF_TOK_LESSTHAN, + EDIF_TOK_GREATERTHAN, EDIF_TOK_ATMOST, + EDIF_TOK_ATLEAST, EDIF_TOK_EXACTLY, + EDIF_TOK_BETWEEN, EDIF_TOK_SINGLEVALUESET, + EDIF_TOK_COMMENT, EDIF_TOK_USERDATA}; +static short f_FigureGroup[] = {EDIF_TOK_NAME, EDIF_TOK_RENAME, + -EDIF_TOK_CORNERTYPE, -EDIF_TOK_ENDTYPE, + -EDIF_TOK_PATHWIDTH, -EDIF_TOK_BORDERWIDTH, + -EDIF_TOK_COLOR, -EDIF_TOK_FILLPATTERN, + -EDIF_TOK_BORDERPATTERN, -EDIF_TOK_TEXTHEIGHT, + -EDIF_TOK_VISIBLE, EDIF_TOK_INCLUDEFIGUREGROUP, + EDIF_TOK_COMMENT, EDIF_TOK_PROPERTY, + EDIF_TOK_USERDATA}; +static short f_FigureGroupObject[] = {EDIF_TOK_NAME, + EDIF_TOK_FIGUREGROUPOBJECT, + EDIF_TOK_INTERSECTION, EDIF_TOK_UNION, + EDIF_TOK_DIFFERENCE, EDIF_TOK_INVERSE, + EDIF_TOK_OVERSIZE}; +static short f_FigureGroupOverride[] = {EDIF_TOK_NAME, -EDIF_TOK_CORNERTYPE, + -EDIF_TOK_ENDTYPE, -EDIF_TOK_PATHWIDTH, + -EDIF_TOK_BORDERWIDTH, -EDIF_TOK_COLOR, + -EDIF_TOK_FILLPATTERN, + -EDIF_TOK_TEXTHEIGHT, + -EDIF_TOK_BORDERPATTERN, + EDIF_TOK_VISIBLE, EDIF_TOK_COMMENT, + EDIF_TOK_PROPERTY, EDIF_TOK_USERDATA}; +static short f_FigureGroupRef[] = {EDIF_TOK_NAME, EDIF_TOK_LIBRARYREF}; +static short f_FigurePerimeter[] = {EDIF_TOK_NAME, EDIF_TOK_RENAME, + EDIF_TOK_FIGUREGROUPOBJECT, + EDIF_TOK_LESSTHAN, EDIF_TOK_GREATERTHAN, + EDIF_TOK_ATMOST, EDIF_TOK_ATLEAST, + EDIF_TOK_EXACTLY, EDIF_TOK_BETWEEN, + EDIF_TOK_SINGLEVALUESET, EDIF_TOK_COMMENT, + EDIF_TOK_USERDATA}; +static short f_FigureWidth[] = {EDIF_TOK_NAME, EDIF_TOK_RENAME, + EDIF_TOK_FIGUREGROUPOBJECT, EDIF_TOK_LESSTHAN, + EDIF_TOK_GREATERTHAN, EDIF_TOK_ATMOST, + EDIF_TOK_ATLEAST, EDIF_TOK_EXACTLY, + EDIF_TOK_BETWEEN, EDIF_TOK_SINGLEVALUESET, + EDIF_TOK_COMMENT, EDIF_TOK_USERDATA}; +static short f_FillPattern[] = {EDIF_TOK_BOOLEAN}; +static short f_Follow[] = {EDIF_TOK_NAME, EDIF_TOK_PORTREF, EDIF_TOK_TABLE, + EDIF_TOK_DELAY, EDIF_TOK_LOADDELAY}; +static short f_ForbiddenEvent[] = {EDIF_TOK_TIMEINTERVAL, EDIF_TOK_EVENT}; +static short f_GlobalPortRef[] = {EDIF_TOK_NAME}; +static short f_GreaterThan[] = {EDIF_TOK_E}; +static short f_GridMap[] = {EDIF_TOK_E}; +static short f_IncludeFigureGroup[] = {EDIF_TOK_FIGUREGROUPREF, + EDIF_TOK_INTERSECTION, EDIF_TOK_UNION, + EDIF_TOK_DIFFERENCE, EDIF_TOK_INVERSE, + EDIF_TOK_OVERSIZE}; +static short f_Instance[] = {EDIF_TOK_NAME, EDIF_TOK_RENAME, EDIF_TOK_ARRAY, + EDIF_TOK_VIEWREF, EDIF_TOK_VIEWLIST, + -EDIF_TOK_TRANSFORM, EDIF_TOK_PARAMETERASSIGN, + EDIF_TOK_PORTINSTANCE, EDIF_TOK_TIMING, + -EDIF_TOK_DESIGNATOR, EDIF_TOK_PROPERTY, + EDIF_TOK_COMMENT, EDIF_TOK_USERDATA}; +static short f_InstanceBackAnnotate[] = {EDIF_TOK_INSTANCEREF, + -EDIF_TOK_DESIGNATOR, EDIF_TOK_TIMING, + EDIF_TOK_PROPERTY, EDIF_TOK_COMMENT}; +static short f_InstanceGroup[] = {EDIF_TOK_INSTANCEREF}; +static short f_InstanceMap[] = {EDIF_TOK_INSTANCEREF, EDIF_TOK_INSTANCEGROUP, + EDIF_TOK_COMMENT, EDIF_TOK_USERDATA}; +static short f_InstanceRef[] = {EDIF_TOK_NAME, EDIF_TOK_MEMBER, + EDIF_TOK_INSTANCEREF, EDIF_TOK_VIEWREF}; +static short f_Integer[] = {EDIF_TOK_INTEGERDISPLAY, EDIF_TOK_INTEGER}; +static short f_IntegerDisplay[] = {EDIF_TOK_DISPLAY}; +static short f_Interface[] = {EDIF_TOK_PORT, EDIF_TOK_PORTBUNDLE, + -EDIF_TOK_SYMBOL, -EDIF_TOK_PROTECTIONFRAME, + -EDIF_TOK_ARRAYRELATEDINFO, EDIF_TOK_PARAMETER, + EDIF_TOK_JOINED, EDIF_TOK_MUSTJOIN, + EDIF_TOK_WEAKJOINED, EDIF_TOK_PERMUTABLE, + EDIF_TOK_TIMING, EDIF_TOK_SIMULATE, + -EDIF_TOK_DESIGNATOR, EDIF_TOK_PROPERTY, + EDIF_TOK_COMMENT, EDIF_TOK_USERDATA}; +static short f_InterFigureGroupSpacing[] = {EDIF_TOK_NAME, EDIF_TOK_RENAME, + EDIF_TOK_FIGUREGROUPOBJECT, + EDIF_TOK_LESSTHAN, + EDIF_TOK_GREATERTHAN, + EDIF_TOK_ATMOST, + EDIF_TOK_ATLEAST, EDIF_TOK_EXACTLY, + EDIF_TOK_BETWEEN, + EDIF_TOK_SINGLEVALUESET, + EDIF_TOK_COMMENT, + EDIF_TOK_USERDATA}; +static short f_Intersection[] = {EDIF_TOK_FIGUREGROUPREF, + EDIF_TOK_INTERSECTION, EDIF_TOK_UNION, + EDIF_TOK_DIFFERENCE, EDIF_TOK_INVERSE, + EDIF_TOK_OVERSIZE}; +static short f_IntraFigureGroupSpacing[] = {EDIF_TOK_NAME, EDIF_TOK_RENAME, + EDIF_TOK_FIGUREGROUPOBJECT, + EDIF_TOK_LESSTHAN, + EDIF_TOK_GREATERTHAN, + EDIF_TOK_ATMOST, EDIF_TOK_ATLEAST, + EDIF_TOK_EXACTLY, EDIF_TOK_BETWEEN, + EDIF_TOK_SINGLEVALUESET, + EDIF_TOK_COMMENT, + EDIF_TOK_USERDATA}; +static short f_Inverse[] = {EDIF_TOK_FIGUREGROUPREF, EDIF_TOK_INTERSECTION, + EDIF_TOK_UNION, EDIF_TOK_DIFFERENCE, + EDIF_TOK_INVERSE, EDIF_TOK_OVERSIZE}; +static short f_Joined[] = {EDIF_TOK_PORTREF, EDIF_TOK_PORTLIST, + EDIF_TOK_GLOBALPORTREF}; +static short f_KeywordDisplay[] = {EDIF_TOK_DISPLAY}; +static short f_KeywordMap[] = {EDIF_TOK_KEYWORDLEVEL, EDIF_TOK_COMMENT}; +static short f_LessThan[] = {EDIF_TOK_E}; +static short f_Library[] = {EDIF_TOK_NAME, EDIF_TOK_RENAME, EDIF_TOK_EDIFLEVEL, + EDIF_TOK_TECHNOLOGY, -EDIF_TOK_STATUS, + EDIF_TOK_CELL, EDIF_TOK_COMMENT, + EDIF_TOK_USERDATA}; +static short f_LibraryRef[] = {EDIF_TOK_NAME}; +static short f_ListOfNets[] = {EDIF_TOK_NET}; +static short f_ListOfPorts[] = {EDIF_TOK_PORT, EDIF_TOK_PORTBUNDLE}; +static short f_LoadDelay[] = {EDIF_TOK_MNM, EDIF_TOK_E, EDIF_TOK_MINOMAXDISPLAY}; +static short f_LogicAssign[] = {EDIF_TOK_NAME, EDIF_TOK_PORTREF, + EDIF_TOK_LOGICREF, EDIF_TOK_TABLE, + EDIF_TOK_DELAY, EDIF_TOK_LOADDELAY}; +static short f_LogicInput[] = {EDIF_TOK_PORTLIST, EDIF_TOK_PORTREF, + EDIF_TOK_NAME, EDIF_TOK_LOGICWAVEFORM}; +static short f_LogicList[] = {EDIF_TOK_NAME, EDIF_TOK_LOGICONEOF, + EDIF_TOK_IGNORE}; +static short f_LogicMapInput[] = {EDIF_TOK_LOGICREF}; +static short f_LogicMapOutput[] = {EDIF_TOK_LOGICREF}; +static short f_LogicOneOf[] = {EDIF_TOK_NAME, EDIF_TOK_LOGICLIST}; +static short f_LogicOutput[] = {EDIF_TOK_PORTLIST, EDIF_TOK_PORTREF, + EDIF_TOK_NAME, EDIF_TOK_LOGICWAVEFORM}; +static short f_LogicPort[] = {EDIF_TOK_NAME, EDIF_TOK_RENAME, + EDIF_TOK_PROPERTY, EDIF_TOK_COMMENT, + EDIF_TOK_USERDATA}; +static short f_LogicRef[] = {EDIF_TOK_NAME, EDIF_TOK_LIBRARYREF}; +static short f_LogicValue[] = {EDIF_TOK_NAME, EDIF_TOK_RENAME, + -EDIF_TOK_VOLTAGEMAP, -EDIF_TOK_CURRENTMAP, + -EDIF_TOK_BOOLEANMAP, -EDIF_TOK_COMPOUND, + -EDIF_TOK_WEAK ,-EDIF_TOK_STRONG, + -EDIF_TOK_DOMINATES, -EDIF_TOK_LOGICMAPOUTPUT, + -EDIF_TOK_LOGICMAPINPUT, + -EDIF_TOK_ISOLATED, EDIF_TOK_RESOLVES, + EDIF_TOK_PROPERTY, EDIF_TOK_COMMENT, + EDIF_TOK_USERDATA}; +static short f_LogicWaveform[] = {EDIF_TOK_NAME, EDIF_TOK_LOGICLIST, + EDIF_TOK_LOGICONEOF, EDIF_TOK_IGNORE}; +static short f_Maintain[] = {EDIF_TOK_NAME, EDIF_TOK_PORTREF, EDIF_TOK_DELAY, + EDIF_TOK_LOADDELAY}; +static short f_Match[] = {EDIF_TOK_NAME, EDIF_TOK_PORTREF, EDIF_TOK_PORTLIST, + EDIF_TOK_LOGICLIST, EDIF_TOK_LOGICONEOF}; +static short f_Member[] = {EDIF_TOK_NAME}; +static short f_MiNoMax[] = {EDIF_TOK_MNM, EDIF_TOK_E, EDIF_TOK_MINOMAXDISPLAY, + EDIF_TOK_MINOMAX}; +static short f_MiNoMaxDisplay[] = {EDIF_TOK_MNM, EDIF_TOK_E, EDIF_TOK_DISPLAY}; +static short f_Mnm[] = {EDIF_TOK_E, EDIF_TOK_UNDEFINED, + EDIF_TOK_UNCONSTRAINED}; +static short f_MultipleValueSet[] = {EDIF_TOK_RANGEVECTOR}; +static short f_MustJoin[] = {EDIF_TOK_PORTREF, EDIF_TOK_PORTLIST, + EDIF_TOK_WEAKJOINED, EDIF_TOK_JOINED}; +static short f_Name[] = {EDIF_TOK_DISPLAY}; +static short f_Net[] = {EDIF_TOK_NAME, EDIF_TOK_RENAME, -EDIF_TOK_CRITICALITY, + EDIF_TOK_NETDELAY, EDIF_TOK_FIGURE, EDIF_TOK_NET, + EDIF_TOK_INSTANCE, EDIF_TOK_COMMENTGRAPHICS, + EDIF_TOK_PROPERTY, EDIF_TOK_COMMENT, + EDIF_TOK_USERDATA, EDIF_TOK_JOINED, EDIF_TOK_ARRAY}; +static short f_NetBackAnnotate[] = {EDIF_TOK_NETREF, EDIF_TOK_NETDELAY, + -EDIF_TOK_CRITICALITY, EDIF_TOK_PROPERTY, + EDIF_TOK_COMMENT}; +static short f_NetBundle[] = {EDIF_TOK_NAME, EDIF_TOK_RENAME, EDIF_TOK_ARRAY, + EDIF_TOK_LISTOFNETS, EDIF_TOK_FIGURE, + EDIF_TOK_COMMENTGRAPHICS, EDIF_TOK_PROPERTY, + EDIF_TOK_COMMENT, EDIF_TOK_USERDATA}; +static short f_NetDelay[] = {EDIF_TOK_DERIVATION, EDIF_TOK_DELAY, + EDIF_TOK_TRANSITION, EDIF_TOK_BECOMES}; +static short f_NetGroup[] = {EDIF_TOK_NAME, EDIF_TOK_MEMBER, EDIF_TOK_NETREF}; +static short f_NetMap[] = {EDIF_TOK_NETREF, EDIF_TOK_NETGROUP, + EDIF_TOK_COMMENT, EDIF_TOK_USERDATA}; +static short f_NetRef[] = {EDIF_TOK_NAME, EDIF_TOK_MEMBER, EDIF_TOK_NETREF, + EDIF_TOK_INSTANCEREF, EDIF_TOK_VIEWREF}; +static short f_NonPermutable[] = {EDIF_TOK_PORTREF, EDIF_TOK_PERMUTABLE}; +static short f_NotAllowed[] = {EDIF_TOK_NAME, EDIF_TOK_RENAME, + EDIF_TOK_FIGUREGROUPOBJECT, EDIF_TOK_COMMENT, + EDIF_TOK_USERDATA}; +static short f_NotchSpacing[] = {EDIF_TOK_NAME, EDIF_TOK_RENAME, + EDIF_TOK_FIGUREGROUPOBJECT, EDIF_TOK_LESSTHAN, + EDIF_TOK_GREATERTHAN, EDIF_TOK_ATMOST, + EDIF_TOK_ATLEAST, EDIF_TOK_EXACTLY, + EDIF_TOK_BETWEEN, EDIF_TOK_SINGLEVALUESET, + EDIF_TOK_COMMENT, EDIF_TOK_USERDATA}; +static short f_Number[] = {EDIF_TOK_E, EDIF_TOK_NUMBERDISPLAY, EDIF_TOK_NUMBER}; +static short f_NumberDefinition[] = {EDIF_TOK_SCALE, -EDIF_TOK_GRIDMAP, + EDIF_TOK_COMMENT}; +static short f_NumberDisplay[] = {EDIF_TOK_E, EDIF_TOK_DISPLAY}; +static short f_OffPageConnector[] = {EDIF_TOK_NAME, EDIF_TOK_RENAME, + -EDIF_TOK_UNUSED, EDIF_TOK_PROPERTY, + EDIF_TOK_COMMENT, EDIF_TOK_USERDATA}; +static short f_OffsetEvent[] = {EDIF_TOK_EVENT, EDIF_TOK_E}; +static short f_OpenShape[] = {EDIF_TOK_CURVE, EDIF_TOK_PROPERTY}; +static short f_Origin[] = {EDIF_TOK_PT}; +static short f_OverhangDistance[] = {EDIF_TOK_NAME, EDIF_TOK_RENAME, + EDIF_TOK_FIGUREGROUPOBJECT, EDIF_TOK_LESSTHAN, + EDIF_TOK_GREATERTHAN, EDIF_TOK_ATMOST, + EDIF_TOK_ATLEAST, EDIF_TOK_EXACTLY, + EDIF_TOK_BETWEEN, EDIF_TOK_SINGLEVALUESET, + EDIF_TOK_COMMENT, EDIF_TOK_USERDATA}; +static short f_OverlapDistance[] = {EDIF_TOK_NAME, EDIF_TOK_RENAME, + EDIF_TOK_FIGUREGROUPOBJECT, EDIF_TOK_LESSTHAN, + EDIF_TOK_GREATERTHAN, EDIF_TOK_ATMOST, + EDIF_TOK_ATLEAST, EDIF_TOK_EXACTLY, + EDIF_TOK_BETWEEN, EDIF_TOK_SINGLEVALUESET, + EDIF_TOK_COMMENT, EDIF_TOK_USERDATA}; +static short f_Oversize[] = {EDIF_TOK_FIGUREGROUPREF, EDIF_TOK_INTERSECTION, + EDIF_TOK_UNION, EDIF_TOK_DIFFERENCE, + EDIF_TOK_INVERSE, EDIF_TOK_OVERSIZE, + EDIF_TOK_CORNERTYPE}; +static short f_Page[] = {EDIF_TOK_NAME, EDIF_TOK_RENAME, EDIF_TOK_ARRAY, + EDIF_TOK_INSTANCE, EDIF_TOK_NET, EDIF_TOK_NETBUNDLE, + EDIF_TOK_COMMENTGRAPHICS, EDIF_TOK_PORTIMPLEMENTATION, + -EDIF_TOK_PAGESIZE, -EDIF_TOK_BOUNDINGBOX, + EDIF_TOK_COMMENT, EDIF_TOK_USERDATA}; +static short f_PageSize[] = {EDIF_TOK_RECTANGLE}; +static short f_Parameter[] = {EDIF_TOK_NAME, EDIF_TOK_RENAME, EDIF_TOK_ARRAY, + EDIF_TOK_BOOLEAN, EDIF_TOK_INTEGER, + EDIF_TOK_MINOMAX, EDIF_TOK_NUMBER, + EDIF_TOK_POINT, EDIF_TOK_STRING}; +static short f_ParameterAssign[] = {EDIF_TOK_NAME, EDIF_TOK_MEMBER, + EDIF_TOK_BOOLEAN, EDIF_TOK_INTEGER, + EDIF_TOK_MINOMAX, EDIF_TOK_NUMBER, EDIF_TOK_POINT, + EDIF_TOK_STRING}; +static short f_ParameterDisplay[] = {EDIF_TOK_NAME, EDIF_TOK_MEMBER, + EDIF_TOK_DISPLAY}; +static short f_Path[] = {EDIF_TOK_POINTLIST, EDIF_TOK_PROPERTY}; +static short f_PathDelay[] = {EDIF_TOK_DELAY, EDIF_TOK_EVENT}; +static short f_Permutable[] = {EDIF_TOK_PORTREF, EDIF_TOK_PERMUTABLE, + EDIF_TOK_NONPERMUTABLE}; +static short f_PhysicalDesignRule[] = {EDIF_TOK_FIGUREWIDTH, + EDIF_TOK_FIGUREAREA, + EDIF_TOK_RECTANGLESIZE, + EDIF_TOK_FIGUREPERIMETER, + EDIF_TOK_OVERLAPDISTANCE, + EDIF_TOK_OVERHANGDISTANCE, + EDIF_TOK_ENCLOSUREDISTANCE, + EDIF_TOK_INTERFIGUREGROUPSPACING, + EDIF_TOK_NOTCHSPACING, + EDIF_TOK_INTRAFIGUREGROUPSPACING, + EDIF_TOK_NOTALLOWED, + EDIF_TOK_FIGUREGROUP, EDIF_TOK_COMMENT, + EDIF_TOK_USERDATA}; +static short f_Plug[] = {EDIF_TOK_SOCKETSET}; +static short f_Point[] = {EDIF_TOK_PT, EDIF_TOK_POINTDISPLAY, + EDIF_TOK_POINT}; +static short f_PointDisplay[] = {EDIF_TOK_PT, EDIF_TOK_DISPLAY}; +static short f_PointList[] = {EDIF_TOK_PT}; +static short f_Polygon[] = {EDIF_TOK_POINTLIST, EDIF_TOK_PROPERTY}; +static short f_Port[] = {EDIF_TOK_NAME, EDIF_TOK_RENAME, EDIF_TOK_ARRAY, + -EDIF_TOK_DIRECTION, -EDIF_TOK_UNUSED, + EDIF_TOK_PORTDELAY, -EDIF_TOK_DESIGNATOR, + -EDIF_TOK_DCFANINLOAD, -EDIF_TOK_DCFANOUTLOAD, + -EDIF_TOK_DCMAXFANIN, -EDIF_TOK_DCMAXFANOUT, + -EDIF_TOK_ACLOAD, EDIF_TOK_PROPERTY, + EDIF_TOK_COMMENT, EDIF_TOK_USERDATA}; +static short f_PortBackAnnotate[] = {EDIF_TOK_PORTREF, -EDIF_TOK_DESIGNATOR, + EDIF_TOK_PORTDELAY, -EDIF_TOK_DCFANINLOAD, + -EDIF_TOK_DCFANOUTLOAD, + -EDIF_TOK_DCMAXFANIN, + -EDIF_TOK_DCMAXFANOUT, -EDIF_TOK_ACLOAD, + EDIF_TOK_PROPERTY, EDIF_TOK_COMMENT}; +static short f_PortBundle[] = {EDIF_TOK_NAME, EDIF_TOK_RENAME, EDIF_TOK_ARRAY, + EDIF_TOK_LISTOFPORTS, EDIF_TOK_PROPERTY, + EDIF_TOK_COMMENT, EDIF_TOK_USERDATA}; +static short f_PortDelay[] = {EDIF_TOK_DERIVATION, EDIF_TOK_DELAY, + EDIF_TOK_LOADDELAY, EDIF_TOK_TRANSITION, + EDIF_TOK_BECOMES}; +static short f_PortGroup[] = {EDIF_TOK_NAME, EDIF_TOK_MEMBER, + EDIF_TOK_PORTREF}; +static short f_PortImplementation[] = {EDIF_TOK_PORTREF, EDIF_TOK_NAME, EDIF_TOK_MEMBER, + -EDIF_TOK_CONNECTLOCATION, + EDIF_TOK_FIGURE, EDIF_TOK_INSTANCE, + EDIF_TOK_COMMENTGRAPHICS, + EDIF_TOK_PROPERTYDISPLAY, + EDIF_TOK_KEYWORDDISPLAY, + EDIF_TOK_PROPERTY, + EDIF_TOK_USERDATA, EDIF_TOK_COMMENT}; +static short f_PortInstance[] = {EDIF_TOK_PORTREF, EDIF_TOK_NAME, + EDIF_TOK_MEMBER, -EDIF_TOK_UNUSED, + EDIF_TOK_PORTDELAY, -EDIF_TOK_DESIGNATOR, + -EDIF_TOK_DCFANINLOAD, + -EDIF_TOK_DCFANOUTLOAD, -EDIF_TOK_DCMAXFANIN, + -EDIF_TOK_DCMAXFANOUT, -EDIF_TOK_ACLOAD, + EDIF_TOK_PROPERTY, EDIF_TOK_COMMENT, + EDIF_TOK_USERDATA}; +static short f_PortList[] = {EDIF_TOK_PORTREF, EDIF_TOK_NAME, + EDIF_TOK_MEMBER}; +static short f_PortListAlias[] = {EDIF_TOK_NAME, EDIF_TOK_RENAME, + EDIF_TOK_ARRAY, EDIF_TOK_PORTLIST}; +static short f_PortMap[] = {EDIF_TOK_PORTREF, EDIF_TOK_PORTGROUP, + EDIF_TOK_COMMENT, EDIF_TOK_USERDATA}; +static short f_PortRef[] = {EDIF_TOK_NAME, EDIF_TOK_MEMBER, + EDIF_TOK_PORTREF, EDIF_TOK_INSTANCEREF, + EDIF_TOK_VIEWREF}; +static short f_Program[] = {EDIF_TOK_VERSION}; +static short f_Property[] = {EDIF_TOK_NAME, EDIF_TOK_RENAME, EDIF_TOK_BOOLEAN, + EDIF_TOK_INTEGER, EDIF_TOK_MINOMAX, + EDIF_TOK_NUMBER, EDIF_TOK_POINT, EDIF_TOK_STRING, + -EDIF_TOK_OWNER, -EDIF_TOK_UNIT, + EDIF_TOK_PROPERTY, EDIF_TOK_COMMENT}; +static short f_PropertyDisplay[] = {EDIF_TOK_NAME, EDIF_TOK_DISPLAY}; +static short f_ProtectionFrame[] = {EDIF_TOK_PORTIMPLEMENTATION, + EDIF_TOK_FIGURE, EDIF_TOK_INSTANCE, + EDIF_TOK_COMMENTGRAPHICS, + -EDIF_TOK_BOUNDINGBOX, + EDIF_TOK_PROPERTYDISPLAY, + EDIF_TOK_KEYWORDDISPLAY, + EDIF_TOK_PARAMETERDISPLAY, + EDIF_TOK_PROPERTY, EDIF_TOK_COMMENT, + EDIF_TOK_USERDATA}; +static short f_RangeVector[] = {EDIF_TOK_LESSTHAN, EDIF_TOK_GREATERTHAN, + EDIF_TOK_ATMOST, EDIF_TOK_ATLEAST, + EDIF_TOK_EXACTLY, EDIF_TOK_BETWEEN, + EDIF_TOK_SINGLEVALUESET}; +static short f_Rectangle[] = {EDIF_TOK_PT, EDIF_TOK_PROPERTY}; +static short f_RectangleSize[] = {EDIF_TOK_NAME, EDIF_TOK_RENAME, + EDIF_TOK_FIGUREGROUPOBJECT, + EDIF_TOK_RANGEVECTOR, + EDIF_TOK_MULTIPLEVALUESET,EDIF_TOK_COMMENT, + EDIF_TOK_USERDATA}; +static short f_Rename[] = {EDIF_TOK_NAME, EDIF_TOK_STRINGDISPLAY}; +static short f_Resolves[] = {EDIF_TOK_NAME}; +static short f_Scale[] = {EDIF_TOK_E, EDIF_TOK_UNIT}; +static short f_Section[] = {EDIF_TOK_SECTION, EDIF_TOK_INSTANCE}; +static short f_Shape[] = {EDIF_TOK_CURVE, EDIF_TOK_PROPERTY}; +static short f_Simulate[] = {EDIF_TOK_NAME, EDIF_TOK_PORTLISTALIAS, + EDIF_TOK_WAVEVALUE, EDIF_TOK_APPLY, + EDIF_TOK_COMMENT, EDIF_TOK_USERDATA}; +static short f_SimulationInfo[] = {EDIF_TOK_LOGICVALUE, EDIF_TOK_COMMENT, + EDIF_TOK_USERDATA}; +static short f_SingleValueSet[] = {EDIF_TOK_LESSTHAN, EDIF_TOK_GREATERTHAN, + EDIF_TOK_ATMOST, EDIF_TOK_ATLEAST, + EDIF_TOK_EXACTLY, EDIF_TOK_BETWEEN}; +static short f_Site[] = {EDIF_TOK_VIEWREF, EDIF_TOK_TRANSFORM}; +static short f_Socket[] = {EDIF_TOK_SYMMETRY}; +static short f_SocketSet[] = {EDIF_TOK_SYMMETRY, EDIF_TOK_SITE}; +static short f_Status[] = {EDIF_TOK_WRITTEN, EDIF_TOK_COMMENT, + EDIF_TOK_USERDATA}; +static short f_Steady[] = {EDIF_TOK_NAME, EDIF_TOK_MEMBER, EDIF_TOK_PORTREF, + EDIF_TOK_PORTLIST, EDIF_TOK_DURATION, + EDIF_TOK_TRANSITION, EDIF_TOK_BECOMES}; +static short f_String[] = {EDIF_TOK_STRINGDISPLAY, EDIF_TOK_STRING}; +static short f_StringDisplay[] = {EDIF_TOK_DISPLAY}; +static short f_Strong[] = {EDIF_TOK_NAME}; +static short f_Symbol[] = {EDIF_TOK_PORTIMPLEMENTATION, EDIF_TOK_FIGURE, + EDIF_TOK_INSTANCE, EDIF_TOK_COMMENTGRAPHICS, + EDIF_TOK_ANNOTATE, -EDIF_TOK_PAGESIZE, + -EDIF_TOK_BOUNDINGBOX, EDIF_TOK_PROPERTYDISPLAY, + EDIF_TOK_KEYWORDDISPLAY, EDIF_TOK_PARAMETERDISPLAY, + EDIF_TOK_PROPERTY, EDIF_TOK_COMMENT, + EDIF_TOK_USERDATA}; +static short f_Symmetry[] = {EDIF_TOK_TRANSFORM}; +static short f_Table[] = {EDIF_TOK_ENTRY, EDIF_TOK_TABLEDEFAULT}; +static short f_TableDefault[] = {EDIF_TOK_LOGICREF, EDIF_TOK_PORTREF, + EDIF_TOK_NOCHANGE, EDIF_TOK_TABLE, + EDIF_TOK_DELAY, EDIF_TOK_LOADDELAY}; +static short f_Technology[] = {EDIF_TOK_NUMBERDEFINITION, EDIF_TOK_FIGUREGROUP, + EDIF_TOK_FABRICATE, -EDIF_TOK_SIMULATIONINFO, + EDIF_TOK_COMMENT, EDIF_TOK_USERDATA, + -EDIF_TOK_PHYSICALDESIGNRULE}; +static short f_TimeInterval[] = {EDIF_TOK_EVENT, EDIF_TOK_OFFSETEVENT, + EDIF_TOK_DURATION}; +static short f_Timing[] = {EDIF_TOK_DERIVATION, EDIF_TOK_PATHDELAY, + EDIF_TOK_FORBIDDENEVENT, EDIF_TOK_COMMENT, + EDIF_TOK_USERDATA}; +static short f_Transform[] = {EDIF_TOK_SCALEX, EDIF_TOK_SCALEY, EDIF_TOK_DELTA, + EDIF_TOK_ORIENTATION, EDIF_TOK_ORIGIN}; +static short f_Transition[] = {EDIF_TOK_NAME, EDIF_TOK_LOGICLIST, + EDIF_TOK_LOGICONEOF}; +static short f_Trigger[] = {EDIF_TOK_CHANGE, EDIF_TOK_STEADY, + EDIF_TOK_INITIAL}; +static short f_Union[] = {EDIF_TOK_FIGUREGROUPREF, EDIF_TOK_INTERSECTION, + EDIF_TOK_UNION, EDIF_TOK_DIFFERENCE, + EDIF_TOK_INVERSE, EDIF_TOK_OVERSIZE}; +static short f_View[] = {EDIF_TOK_NAME, EDIF_TOK_RENAME, EDIF_TOK_VIEWTYPE, + EDIF_TOK_INTERFACE, -EDIF_TOK_STATUS, + -EDIF_TOK_CONTENTS, EDIF_TOK_COMMENT, + EDIF_TOK_PROPERTY, EDIF_TOK_USERDATA}; +static short f_ViewList[] = {EDIF_TOK_VIEWREF, EDIF_TOK_VIEWLIST}; +static short f_ViewMap[] = {EDIF_TOK_PORTMAP, EDIF_TOK_PORTBACKANNOTATE, + EDIF_TOK_INSTANCEMAP, + EDIF_TOK_INSTANCEBACKANNOTATE, EDIF_TOK_NETMAP, + EDIF_TOK_NETBACKANNOTATE, EDIF_TOK_COMMENT, + EDIF_TOK_USERDATA}; +static short f_ViewRef[] = {EDIF_TOK_NAME, EDIF_TOK_CELLREF}; +static short f_Visible[] = {EDIF_TOK_FALSE, EDIF_TOK_TRUE}; +static short f_VoltageMap[] = {EDIF_TOK_MNM, EDIF_TOK_E}; +static short f_WaveValue[] = {EDIF_TOK_NAME, EDIF_TOK_RENAME, EDIF_TOK_E, + EDIF_TOK_LOGICWAVEFORM}; +static short f_Weak[] = {EDIF_TOK_NAME}; +static short f_WeakJoined[] = {EDIF_TOK_PORTREF, EDIF_TOK_PORTLIST, + EDIF_TOK_JOINED}; +static short f_When[] = {EDIF_TOK_TRIGGER, EDIF_TOK_AFTER, + EDIF_TOK_FOLLOW, EDIF_TOK_MAINTAIN, + EDIF_TOK_LOGICASSIGN, EDIF_TOK_COMMENT, + EDIF_TOK_USERDATA}; +static short f_Written[] = {EDIF_TOK_TIMESTAMP, EDIF_TOK_AUTHOR, + EDIF_TOK_PROGRAM, EDIF_TOK_DATAORIGIN, + EDIF_TOK_PROPERTY, EDIF_TOK_COMMENT, + EDIF_TOK_USERDATA}; +/* + * Context binding table: + * + * This binds context follower arrays to their originating context. + */ +typedef struct Binder { + short *Follower; /* pointer to follower array */ + short Origin; /* '%token' value of origin */ + short FollowerSize; /* size of follower array */ +} Binder; +#define BE(f,o) {f,o,sizeof(f)/sizeof(short)} +static Binder BinderDef[] = { + BE(f_NULL, 0), + BE(f_Edif, EDIF_TOK_EDIF), + BE(f_AcLoad, EDIF_TOK_ACLOAD), + BE(f_After, EDIF_TOK_AFTER), + BE(f_Annotate, EDIF_TOK_ANNOTATE), + BE(f_Apply, EDIF_TOK_APPLY), + BE(f_Arc, EDIF_TOK_ARC), + BE(f_Array, EDIF_TOK_ARRAY), + BE(f_ArrayMacro, EDIF_TOK_ARRAYMACRO), + BE(f_ArrayRelatedInfo, EDIF_TOK_ARRAYRELATEDINFO), + BE(f_ArraySite, EDIF_TOK_ARRAYSITE), + BE(f_AtLeast, EDIF_TOK_ATLEAST), + BE(f_AtMost, EDIF_TOK_ATMOST), + BE(f_Becomes, EDIF_TOK_BECOMES), + BE(f_Boolean, EDIF_TOK_BOOLEAN), + BE(f_BooleanDisplay, EDIF_TOK_BOOLEANDISPLAY), + BE(f_BooleanMap, EDIF_TOK_BOOLEANMAP), + BE(f_BorderPattern, EDIF_TOK_BORDERPATTERN), + BE(f_BoundingBox, EDIF_TOK_BOUNDINGBOX), + BE(f_Cell, EDIF_TOK_CELL), + BE(f_CellRef, EDIF_TOK_CELLREF), + BE(f_Change, EDIF_TOK_CHANGE), + BE(f_Circle, EDIF_TOK_CIRCLE), + BE(f_Color, EDIF_TOK_COLOR), + BE(f_CommentGraphics, EDIF_TOK_COMMENTGRAPHICS), + BE(f_Compound, EDIF_TOK_COMPOUND), + BE(f_ConnectLocation, EDIF_TOK_CONNECTLOCATION), + BE(f_Contents, EDIF_TOK_CONTENTS), + BE(f_Criticality, EDIF_TOK_CRITICALITY), + BE(f_CurrentMap, EDIF_TOK_CURRENTMAP), + BE(f_Curve, EDIF_TOK_CURVE), + BE(f_Cycle, EDIF_TOK_CYCLE), + BE(f_DataOrigin, EDIF_TOK_DATAORIGIN), + BE(f_DcFanInLoad, EDIF_TOK_DCFANINLOAD), + BE(f_DcFanOutLoad, EDIF_TOK_DCFANOUTLOAD), + BE(f_DcMaxFanIn, EDIF_TOK_DCMAXFANIN), + BE(f_DcMaxFanOut, EDIF_TOK_DCMAXFANOUT), + BE(f_Delay, EDIF_TOK_DELAY), + BE(f_Delta, EDIF_TOK_DELTA), + BE(f_Design, EDIF_TOK_DESIGN), + BE(f_Designator, EDIF_TOK_DESIGNATOR), + BE(f_Difference, EDIF_TOK_DIFFERENCE), + BE(f_Display, EDIF_TOK_DISPLAY), + BE(f_Dominates, EDIF_TOK_DOMINATES), + BE(f_Dot, EDIF_TOK_DOT), + BE(f_Duration, EDIF_TOK_DURATION), + BE(f_EnclosureDistance, EDIF_TOK_ENCLOSUREDISTANCE), + BE(f_Entry, EDIF_TOK_ENTRY), + BE(f_Exactly, EDIF_TOK_EXACTLY), + BE(f_External, EDIF_TOK_EXTERNAL), + BE(f_Fabricate, EDIF_TOK_FABRICATE), + BE(f_Figure, EDIF_TOK_FIGURE), + BE(f_FigureArea, EDIF_TOK_FIGUREAREA), + BE(f_FigureGroup, EDIF_TOK_FIGUREGROUP), + BE(f_FigureGroupObject, EDIF_TOK_FIGUREGROUPOBJECT), + BE(f_FigureGroupOverride, EDIF_TOK_FIGUREGROUPOVERRIDE), + BE(f_FigureGroupRef, EDIF_TOK_FIGUREGROUPREF), + BE(f_FigurePerimeter, EDIF_TOK_FIGUREPERIMETER), + BE(f_FigureWidth, EDIF_TOK_FIGUREWIDTH), + BE(f_FillPattern, EDIF_TOK_FILLPATTERN), + BE(f_Follow, EDIF_TOK_FOLLOW), + BE(f_ForbiddenEvent, EDIF_TOK_FORBIDDENEVENT), + BE(f_GlobalPortRef, EDIF_TOK_GLOBALPORTREF), + BE(f_GreaterThan, EDIF_TOK_GREATERTHAN), + BE(f_GridMap, EDIF_TOK_GRIDMAP), + BE(f_IncludeFigureGroup, EDIF_TOK_INCLUDEFIGUREGROUP), + BE(f_Instance, EDIF_TOK_INSTANCE), + BE(f_InstanceBackAnnotate, EDIF_TOK_INSTANCEBACKANNOTATE), + BE(f_InstanceGroup, EDIF_TOK_INSTANCEGROUP), + BE(f_InstanceMap, EDIF_TOK_INSTANCEMAP), + BE(f_InstanceRef, EDIF_TOK_INSTANCEREF), + BE(f_Integer, EDIF_TOK_INTEGER), + BE(f_IntegerDisplay, EDIF_TOK_INTEGERDISPLAY), + BE(f_InterFigureGroupSpacing, EDIF_TOK_INTERFIGUREGROUPSPACING), + BE(f_Interface, EDIF_TOK_INTERFACE), + BE(f_Intersection, EDIF_TOK_INTERSECTION), + BE(f_IntraFigureGroupSpacing, EDIF_TOK_INTRAFIGUREGROUPSPACING), + BE(f_Inverse, EDIF_TOK_INVERSE), + BE(f_Joined, EDIF_TOK_JOINED), + BE(f_KeywordDisplay, EDIF_TOK_KEYWORDDISPLAY), + BE(f_KeywordMap, EDIF_TOK_KEYWORDMAP), + BE(f_LessThan, EDIF_TOK_LESSTHAN), + BE(f_Library, EDIF_TOK_LIBRARY), + BE(f_LibraryRef, EDIF_TOK_LIBRARYREF), + BE(f_ListOfNets, EDIF_TOK_LISTOFNETS), + BE(f_ListOfPorts, EDIF_TOK_LISTOFPORTS), + BE(f_LoadDelay, EDIF_TOK_LOADDELAY), + BE(f_LogicAssign, EDIF_TOK_LOGICASSIGN), + BE(f_LogicInput, EDIF_TOK_LOGICINPUT), + BE(f_LogicList, EDIF_TOK_LOGICLIST), + BE(f_LogicMapInput, EDIF_TOK_LOGICMAPINPUT), + BE(f_LogicMapOutput, EDIF_TOK_LOGICMAPOUTPUT), + BE(f_LogicOneOf, EDIF_TOK_LOGICONEOF), + BE(f_LogicOutput, EDIF_TOK_LOGICOUTPUT), + BE(f_LogicPort, EDIF_TOK_LOGICPORT), + BE(f_LogicRef, EDIF_TOK_LOGICREF), + BE(f_LogicValue, EDIF_TOK_LOGICVALUE), + BE(f_LogicWaveform, EDIF_TOK_LOGICWAVEFORM), + BE(f_Maintain, EDIF_TOK_MAINTAIN), + BE(f_Match, EDIF_TOK_MATCH), + BE(f_Member, EDIF_TOK_MEMBER), + BE(f_MiNoMax, EDIF_TOK_MINOMAX), + BE(f_MiNoMaxDisplay, EDIF_TOK_MINOMAXDISPLAY), + BE(f_Mnm, EDIF_TOK_MNM), + BE(f_MultipleValueSet, EDIF_TOK_MULTIPLEVALUESET), + BE(f_MustJoin, EDIF_TOK_MUSTJOIN), + BE(f_Name, EDIF_TOK_NAME), + BE(f_Net, EDIF_TOK_NET), + BE(f_NetBackAnnotate, EDIF_TOK_NETBACKANNOTATE), + BE(f_NetBundle, EDIF_TOK_NETBUNDLE), + BE(f_NetDelay, EDIF_TOK_NETDELAY), + BE(f_NetGroup, EDIF_TOK_NETGROUP), + BE(f_NetMap, EDIF_TOK_NETMAP), + BE(f_NetRef, EDIF_TOK_NETREF), + BE(f_NonPermutable, EDIF_TOK_NONPERMUTABLE), + BE(f_NotAllowed, EDIF_TOK_NOTALLOWED), + BE(f_NotchSpacing, EDIF_TOK_NOTCHSPACING), + BE(f_Number, EDIF_TOK_NUMBER), + BE(f_NumberDefinition, EDIF_TOK_NUMBERDEFINITION), + BE(f_NumberDisplay, EDIF_TOK_NUMBERDISPLAY), + BE(f_OffPageConnector, EDIF_TOK_OFFPAGECONNECTOR), + BE(f_OffsetEvent, EDIF_TOK_OFFSETEVENT), + BE(f_OpenShape, EDIF_TOK_OPENSHAPE), + BE(f_Origin, EDIF_TOK_ORIGIN), + BE(f_OverhangDistance, EDIF_TOK_OVERHANGDISTANCE), + BE(f_OverlapDistance, EDIF_TOK_OVERLAPDISTANCE), + BE(f_Oversize, EDIF_TOK_OVERSIZE), + BE(f_Page, EDIF_TOK_PAGE), + BE(f_PageSize, EDIF_TOK_PAGESIZE), + BE(f_Parameter, EDIF_TOK_PARAMETER), + BE(f_ParameterAssign, EDIF_TOK_PARAMETERASSIGN), + BE(f_ParameterDisplay, EDIF_TOK_PARAMETERDISPLAY), + BE(f_Path, EDIF_TOK_PATH), + BE(f_PathDelay, EDIF_TOK_PATHDELAY), + BE(f_Permutable, EDIF_TOK_PERMUTABLE), + BE(f_PhysicalDesignRule, EDIF_TOK_PHYSICALDESIGNRULE), + BE(f_Plug, EDIF_TOK_PLUG), + BE(f_Point, EDIF_TOK_POINT), + BE(f_PointDisplay, EDIF_TOK_POINTDISPLAY), + BE(f_PointList, EDIF_TOK_POINTLIST), + BE(f_Polygon, EDIF_TOK_POLYGON), + BE(f_Port, EDIF_TOK_PORT), + BE(f_PortBackAnnotate, EDIF_TOK_PORTBACKANNOTATE), + BE(f_PortBundle, EDIF_TOK_PORTBUNDLE), + BE(f_PortDelay, EDIF_TOK_PORTDELAY), + BE(f_PortGroup, EDIF_TOK_PORTGROUP), + BE(f_PortImplementation, EDIF_TOK_PORTIMPLEMENTATION), + BE(f_PortInstance, EDIF_TOK_PORTINSTANCE), + BE(f_PortList, EDIF_TOK_PORTLIST), + BE(f_PortListAlias, EDIF_TOK_PORTLISTALIAS), + BE(f_PortMap, EDIF_TOK_PORTMAP), + BE(f_PortRef, EDIF_TOK_PORTREF), + BE(f_Program, EDIF_TOK_PROGRAM), + BE(f_Property, EDIF_TOK_PROPERTY), + BE(f_PropertyDisplay, EDIF_TOK_PROPERTYDISPLAY), + BE(f_ProtectionFrame, EDIF_TOK_PROTECTIONFRAME), + BE(f_RangeVector, EDIF_TOK_RANGEVECTOR), + BE(f_Rectangle, EDIF_TOK_RECTANGLE), + BE(f_RectangleSize, EDIF_TOK_RECTANGLESIZE), + BE(f_Rename, EDIF_TOK_RENAME), + BE(f_Resolves, EDIF_TOK_RESOLVES), + BE(f_Scale, EDIF_TOK_SCALE), + BE(f_Section, EDIF_TOK_SECTION), + BE(f_Shape, EDIF_TOK_SHAPE), + BE(f_Simulate, EDIF_TOK_SIMULATE), + BE(f_SimulationInfo, EDIF_TOK_SIMULATIONINFO), + BE(f_SingleValueSet, EDIF_TOK_SINGLEVALUESET), + BE(f_Site, EDIF_TOK_SITE), + BE(f_Socket, EDIF_TOK_SOCKET), + BE(f_SocketSet, EDIF_TOK_SOCKETSET), + BE(f_Status, EDIF_TOK_STATUS), + BE(f_Steady, EDIF_TOK_STEADY), + BE(f_String, EDIF_TOK_STRING), + BE(f_StringDisplay, EDIF_TOK_STRINGDISPLAY), + BE(f_Strong, EDIF_TOK_STRONG), + BE(f_Symbol, EDIF_TOK_SYMBOL), + BE(f_Symmetry, EDIF_TOK_SYMMETRY), + BE(f_Table, EDIF_TOK_TABLE), + BE(f_TableDefault, EDIF_TOK_TABLEDEFAULT), + BE(f_Technology, EDIF_TOK_TECHNOLOGY), + BE(f_TimeInterval, EDIF_TOK_TIMEINTERVAL), + BE(f_Timing, EDIF_TOK_TIMING), + BE(f_Transform, EDIF_TOK_TRANSFORM), + BE(f_Transition, EDIF_TOK_TRANSITION), + BE(f_Trigger, EDIF_TOK_TRIGGER), + BE(f_Union, EDIF_TOK_UNION), + BE(f_View, EDIF_TOK_VIEW), + BE(f_ViewList, EDIF_TOK_VIEWLIST), + BE(f_ViewMap, EDIF_TOK_VIEWMAP), + BE(f_ViewRef, EDIF_TOK_VIEWREF), + BE(f_Visible, EDIF_TOK_VISIBLE), + BE(f_VoltageMap, EDIF_TOK_VOLTAGEMAP), + BE(f_WaveValue, EDIF_TOK_WAVEVALUE), + BE(f_Weak, EDIF_TOK_WEAK), + BE(f_WeakJoined, EDIF_TOK_WEAKJOINED), + BE(f_When, EDIF_TOK_WHEN), + BE(f_Written, EDIF_TOK_WRITTEN) +}; +static int BinderDefSize = sizeof(BinderDef) / sizeof(Binder); +/* + * Keyword table: + * + * This hash table holds all strings which may have to be matched + * to. WARNING: it is assumed that there is no overlap of the 'token' + * and 'context' strings. + */ +typedef struct Keyword { + struct Keyword *Next; /* pointer to next entry */ + char *String; /* pointer to associated string */ +} Keyword; +#define KEYWORD_HASH 127 /* hash table size */ +static Keyword *KeywordTable[KEYWORD_HASH]; +/* + * Enter keyword: + * + * The passed string is entered into the keyword hash table. + */ +static void EnterKeyword(char * str) +{ + /* + * Locals. + */ + register Keyword *key; + register unsigned int hsh; + register char *cp; + /* + * Create the hash code, and add an entry to the table. + */ + for (hsh = 0, cp = str; *cp; hsh += hsh + *cp++); + hsh %= KEYWORD_HASH; + key = (Keyword *) Malloc(sizeof(Keyword)); + key->Next = KeywordTable[hsh]; + (KeywordTable[hsh] = key)->String = str; +} +/* + * Find keyword: + * + * The passed string is located within the keyword table. If an + * entry exists, then the value of the keyword string is returned. This + * is real useful for doing string comparisons by pointer value later. + * If there is no match, a NULL is returned. + */ +static char *FindKeyword(char * str) +{ + /* + * Locals. + */ + register Keyword *wlk,*owk; + register unsigned int hsh; + register char *cp; + char lower[IDENT_LENGTH + 1]; + /* + * Create a lower case copy of the string. + */ + for (cp = lower; *str;) + if (isupper( (int) *str)) + *cp++ = tolower( (int) *str++); + else + *cp++ = *str++; + *cp = '\0'; + /* + * Search the hash table for a match. + */ + for (hsh = 0, cp = lower; *cp; hsh += hsh + *cp++); + hsh %= KEYWORD_HASH; + for (owk = NULL, wlk = KeywordTable[hsh]; wlk; wlk = (owk = wlk)->Next) + if (!strcmp(wlk->String,lower)){ + /* + * Readjust the LRU. + */ + if (owk){ + owk->Next = wlk->Next; + wlk->Next = KeywordTable[hsh]; + KeywordTable[hsh] = wlk; + } + return (wlk->String); + } + return (NULL); +} +/* + * Token hash table. + */ +#define TOKEN_HASH 51 +static Token *TokenHash[TOKEN_HASH]; +/* + * Find token: + * + * A pointer to the token of the passed code is returned. If + * no such beastie is present a NULL is returned instead. + */ +static Token *FindToken(register int cod) +{ + /* + * Locals. + */ + register Token *wlk,*owk; + register unsigned int hsh; + /* + * Search the hash table for a matching token. + */ + hsh = cod % TOKEN_HASH; + for (owk = NULL, wlk = TokenHash[hsh]; wlk; wlk = (owk = wlk)->Next) + if (cod == wlk->Code){ + if (owk){ + owk->Next = wlk->Next; + wlk->Next = TokenHash[hsh]; + TokenHash[hsh] = wlk; + } + break; + } + return (wlk); +} +/* + * Context hash table. + */ +#define CONTEXT_HASH 127 +static Context *ContextHash[CONTEXT_HASH]; +/* + * Find context: + * + * A pointer to the context of the passed code is returned. If + * no such beastie is present a NULL is returned instead. + */ +static Context *FindContext(register int cod) +{ + /* + * Locals. + */ + register Context *wlk,*owk; + register unsigned int hsh; + /* + * Search the hash table for a matching context. + */ + hsh = cod % CONTEXT_HASH; + for (owk = NULL, wlk = ContextHash[hsh]; wlk; wlk = (owk = wlk)->Next) + if (cod == wlk->Code){ + if (owk){ + owk->Next = wlk->Next; + wlk->Next = ContextHash[hsh]; + ContextHash[hsh] = wlk; + } + break; + } + return (wlk); +} +/* + * Token stacking variables. + */ +#ifdef DEBUG +#define TS_DEPTH 8 +#define TS_MASK (TS_DEPTH - 1) +static unsigned int TSP = 0; /* token stack pointer */ +static char *TokenStack[TS_DEPTH]; /* token name strings */ +static short TokenType[TS_DEPTH]; /* token types */ +/* + * Stack: + * + * Add a token to the debug stack. The passed string and type are + * what is to be pushed. + */ +static Stack(char * str, int typ) +{ + /* + * Free any previous string, then push. + */ + if (TokenStack[TSP & TS_MASK]) + Free(TokenStack[TSP & TS_MASK]); + TokenStack[TSP & TS_MASK] = strcpy((char *)Malloc(strlen(str) + 1),str); + TokenType[TSP & TS_MASK] = typ; + TSP += 1; +} +/* + * Dump stack: + * + * This displays the last set of accumulated tokens. + */ +static DumpStack() +{ + /* + * Locals. + */ + register int i; + register Context *cxt; + register Token *tok; + register char *nam; + /* + * Run through the list displaying the oldest first. + */ + fprintf(Error,"\n\n"); + for (i = 0; i < TS_DEPTH; i += 1) + if (TokenStack[(TSP + i) & TS_MASK]){ + /* + * Get the type name string. + */ + if (cxt = FindContext(TokenType[(TSP + i) & TS_MASK])) + nam = cxt->Name; + else if (tok = FindToken(TokenType[(TSP + i) & TS_MASK])) + nam = tok->Name; + else switch (TokenType[(TSP + i) & TS_MASK]){ + case IDENT: nam = "IDENT"; break; + case INT: nam = "INT"; break; + case KEYWORD: nam = "KEYWORD"; break; + case STR: nam = "STR"; break; + default: nam = "?"; break; + } + /* + * Now print the token state. + */ + fprintf(Error,"%2d %-16.16s '%s'\n",TS_DEPTH - i,nam, + TokenStack[(TSP + i) & TS_MASK]); + } + fprintf(Error,"\n"); +} +#else +#define Stack(s,t) +#endif /* DEBUG */ +/* + * Parser state variables. + */ +static FILE *Input = NULL; /* input stream */ +static FILE *Error = NULL; /* error stream */ +static char *InFile; /* file name on the input stream */ +static long LineNumber; /* current input line number */ +static ContextCar *CSP = NULL; /* top of context stack */ +static char yytext[IDENT_LENGTH + 1]; /* token buffer */ +static char CharBuf[IDENT_LENGTH + 1]; /* garbage buffer */ +/* + * yyerror: + * + * Standard error reporter, it prints out the passed string + * preceeded by the current filename and line number. + */ +static void yyerror(const char *ers) +{ +#ifdef DEBUG + DumpStack(); +#endif /* DEBUG */ + fprintf(Error,"%s, line %ld: %s\n",InFile,LineNumber,ers); +} +/* + * String bucket definitions. + */ +#define BUCKET_SIZE 64 +typedef struct Bucket { + struct Bucket *Next; /* pointer to next bucket */ + int Index; /* pointer to next free slot */ + char Data[BUCKET_SIZE]; /* string data */ +} Bucket; +static Bucket *CurrentBucket = NULL; /* string bucket list */ +static int StringSize = 0; /* current string length */ +/* + * Push string: + * + * This adds the passed charater to the current string bucket. + */ +static void PushString(char chr) +{ + /* + * Locals. + */ + register Bucket *bck; + /* + * Make sure there is room for the push. + */ + if ((bck = CurrentBucket)->Index >= BUCKET_SIZE){ + bck = (Bucket *) Malloc(sizeof(Bucket)); + bck->Next = CurrentBucket; + (CurrentBucket = bck)->Index = 0; + } + /* + * Push the character. + */ + bck->Data[bck->Index++] = chr; + StringSize += 1; +} +/* + * Form string: + * + * This converts the current string bucket into a real live string, + * whose pointer is returned. + */ +static char *FormString() +{ + /* + * Locals. + */ + register Bucket *bck; + register char *cp; + /* + * Allocate space for the string, set the pointer at the end. + */ + cp = (char *) Malloc(StringSize + 1); + + cp += StringSize; + *cp-- = '\0'; + /* + * Yank characters out of the bucket. + */ + for (bck = CurrentBucket; bck->Index || bck->Next;){ + if (!bck->Index){ + CurrentBucket = bck->Next; + Free(bck); + bck = CurrentBucket; + } + *cp-- = bck->Data[--bck->Index]; + } + /* reset buffer size to zero */ + StringSize =0; + return (cp + 1); +} +/* + * Parse EDIF: + * + * This builds the context tree and then calls the real parser. + * It is passed two file streams, the first is where the input comes + * from; the second is where error messages get printed. + */ +void ParseEDIF(char* filename,FILE* err) +{ + /* + * Locals. + */ + register int i; + static int ContextDefined = 1; + /* + * Set up the file state to something useful. + */ + InFile = filename; + Input = fopen(filename,"r"); + Error = err; + LineNumber = 1; + /* + * Define both the enabled token and context strings. + */ + if (ContextDefined){ + for (i = TokenDefSize; i--; EnterKeyword(TokenDef[i].Name)){ + register unsigned int hsh; + hsh = TokenDef[i].Code % TOKEN_HASH; + TokenDef[i].Next = TokenHash[hsh]; + TokenHash[hsh] = &TokenDef[i]; + } + for (i = ContextDefSize; i--; EnterKeyword(ContextDef[i].Name)){ + register unsigned int hsh; + hsh = ContextDef[i].Code % CONTEXT_HASH; + ContextDef[i].Next = ContextHash[hsh]; + ContextHash[hsh] = &ContextDef[i]; + } + /* + * Build the context tree. + */ + for (i = BinderDefSize; i--;){ + register Context *cxt; + register int j; + /* + * Define the current context to have carriers bound to it. + */ + cxt = FindContext(BinderDef[i].Origin); + for (j = BinderDef[i].FollowerSize; j--;){ + register ContextCar *cc; + /* + * Add carriers to the current context. + */ + cc = (ContextCar *) Malloc(sizeof(ContextCar)); + cc->Next = cxt->Context; + (cxt->Context = cc)->Context = + FindContext(ABS(BinderDef[i].Follower[j])); + cc->u.Single = BinderDef[i].Follower[j] < 0; + } + } + /* + * Build the token tree. + */ + for (i = TieDefSize; i--;){ + register Context *cxt; + register int j; + /* + * Define the current context to have carriers bound to it. + */ + cxt = FindContext(TieDef[i].Origin); + for (j = TieDef[i].EnableSize; j--;){ + register TokenCar *tc; + /* + * Add carriers to the current context. + */ + tc = (TokenCar *) Malloc(sizeof(TokenCar)); + tc->Next = cxt->Token; + (cxt->Token = tc)->Token = FindToken(TieDef[i].Enable[j]); + } + } + /* + * Put a bogus context on the stack which has 'EDIF' as its + * follower. + */ + CSP = (ContextCar *) Malloc(sizeof(ContextCar)); + CSP->Next = NULL; + CSP->Context = FindContext(0); + CSP->u.Used = NULL; + ContextDefined = 0; + } + /* + * Create an initial, empty string bucket. + */ + CurrentBucket = (Bucket *) Malloc(sizeof(Bucket)); + CurrentBucket->Next = 0; + CurrentBucket->Index = 0; + /* + * Fill the token stack with NULLs if debugging is enabled. + */ +#ifdef DEBUG + for (i = TS_DEPTH; i--; TokenStack[i] = NULL) + if (TokenStack[i]) + Free(TokenStack[i]); + TSP = 0; +#endif /* DEBUG */ + /* + * Go parse things! + */ + edifparse(); +} +/* + * Match token: + * + * The passed string is looked up in the current context's token + * list to see if it is enabled. If so the token value is returned, + * if not then zero. + */ +static int MatchToken(register char * str) +{ + /* + * Locals. + */ + register TokenCar *wlk,*owk; + /* + * Convert the string to the proper form, then search the token + * carrier list for a match. + */ + str = FindKeyword(str); + for (owk = NULL, wlk = CSP->Context->Token; wlk; wlk = (owk = wlk)->Next) + if (str == wlk->Token->Name){ + if (owk){ + owk->Next = wlk->Next; + wlk->Next = CSP->Context->Token; + CSP->Context->Token = wlk; + } + return (wlk->Token->Code); + } + return (0); +} +/* + * Match context: + * + * If the passed keyword string is within the current context, the + * new context is pushed and token value is returned. A zero otherwise. + */ +static int MatchContext(register char * str) +{ + /* + * Locals. + */ + register ContextCar *wlk,*owk; + /* + * See if the context is present. + */ + str = FindKeyword(str); + for (owk = NULL, wlk = CSP->Context->Context; wlk; wlk = (owk = wlk)->Next) + if (str == wlk->Context->Name){ + if (owk){ + owk->Next = wlk->Next; + wlk->Next = CSP->Context->Context; + CSP->Context->Context = wlk; + } + /* + * If a single context, make sure it isn't already used. + */ + if (wlk->u.Single){ + register UsedCar *usc; + for (usc = CSP->u.Used; usc; usc = usc->Next) + if (usc->Code == wlk->Context->Code) + break; + if (usc){ + sprintf(CharBuf,"'%s' is used more than once within '%s'", + str,CSP->Context->Name); + yyerror(CharBuf); + } else { + usc = (UsedCar *) Malloc(sizeof(UsedCar)); + usc->Next = CSP->u.Used; + (CSP->u.Used = usc)->Code = wlk->Context->Code; + } + } + /* + * Push the new context. + */ + owk = (ContextCar *) Malloc(sizeof(ContextCar)); + owk->Next = CSP; + (CSP = owk)->Context = wlk->Context; + owk->u.Used = NULL; + return (wlk->Context->Code); + } + return (0); +} +/* + * PopC: + * + * This pops the current context. + */ +static void PopC() +{ + /* + * Locals. + */ + register UsedCar *usc; + register ContextCar *csp; + /* + * Release single markers and pop context. + */ + while ( (usc = CSP->u.Used) ){ + CSP->u.Used = usc->Next; + Free(usc); + } + csp = CSP->Next; + Free(CSP); + CSP = csp; +} +/* + * Lexical analyzer states. + */ +#define L_START 0 +#define L_INT 1 +#define L_IDENT 2 +#define L_KEYWORD 3 +#define L_STRING 4 +#define L_KEYWORD2 5 +#define L_ASCIICHAR 6 +#define L_ASCIICHAR2 7 +/* + * yylex: + * + * This is the lexical analyzer called by the YACC/BISON parser. + * It returns a pretty restricted set of token types and does the + * context movement when acceptable keywords are found. The token + * value returned is a NULL terminated string to allocated storage + * (ie - it should get released some time) with some restrictions. + * The token value for integers is strips a leading '+' if present. + * String token values have the leading and trailing '"'-s stripped. + * '%' conversion characters in string values are passed converted. + * The '(' and ')' characters do not have a token value. + */ +static int yylex() +{ + /* + * Locals. + */ + register int c,s,l; + /* + * Keep on sucking up characters until we find something which + * explicitly forces us out of this function. + */ + for (s = L_START, l = 0; 1;){ + yytext[l++] = c = Getc(Input); + switch (s){ + /* + * Starting state, look for something resembling a token. + */ + case L_START: + if (isdigit(c) || c == '-') + s = L_INT; + else if (isalpha(c) || c == '&') + s = L_IDENT; + else if (isspace(c)){ + if (c == '\n') + LineNumber += 1; + l = 0; + } else if (c == '('){ + l = 0; + s = L_KEYWORD; + } else if (c == '"') + s = L_STRING; + else if (c == '+'){ + l = 0; /* strip '+' */ + s = L_INT; + } else if (c == EOF) + return ('\0'); + else { + yytext[1] = '\0'; + Stack(yytext,c); + return (c); + } + break; + /* + * Suck up the integer digits. + */ + case L_INT: + if (isdigit(c)) + break; + Ungetc(c); + yytext[--l] = '\0'; + yylval.s = strcpy((char *)Malloc(l + 1),yytext); + Stack(yytext,EDIF_TOK_INT); + return (EDIF_TOK_INT); + /* + * Grab an identifier, see if the current context enables + * it with a specific token value. + */ + case L_IDENT: + if (isalpha(c) || isdigit(c) || c == '_') + break; + Ungetc(c); + yytext[--l] = '\0'; + if (CSP->Context->Token && (c = MatchToken(yytext))){ + Stack(yytext,c); + return (c); + } + yylval.s = strcpy((char *)Malloc(l + 1),yytext); + Stack(yytext, EDIF_TOK_IDENT); + return (EDIF_TOK_IDENT); + /* + * Scan until you find the start of an identifier, discard + * any whitespace found. On no identifier, return a '('. + */ + case L_KEYWORD: + if (isalpha(c) || c == '&'){ + s = L_KEYWORD2; + break; + } else if (isspace(c)){ + l = 0; + break; + } + Ungetc(c); + Stack("(",'('); + return ('('); + /* + * Suck up the keyword identifier, if it matches the set of + * allowable contexts then return its token value and push + * the context, otherwise just return the identifier string. + */ + case L_KEYWORD2: + if (isalpha(c) || isdigit(c) || c == '_') + break; + Ungetc(c); + yytext[--l] = '\0'; + if ( (c = MatchContext(yytext)) ){ + Stack(yytext,c); + return (c); + } + yylval.s = strcpy((char *)Malloc(l + 1),yytext); + Stack(yytext, EDIF_TOK_KEYWORD); + return (EDIF_TOK_KEYWORD); + /* + * Suck up string characters but once resolved they should + * be deposited in the string bucket because they can be + * arbitrarily long. + */ + case L_STRING: + if (c == '\n') + LineNumber += 1; + else if (c == '\r') + ; + else if (c == '"' || c == EOF){ + yylval.s = FormString(); + Stack(yylval.s, EDIF_TOK_STR); + return (EDIF_TOK_STR); + } else if (c == '%') + s = L_ASCIICHAR; + else + PushString(c); + l = 0; + break; + /* + * Skip white space and look for integers to be pushed + * as characters. + */ + case L_ASCIICHAR: + if (isdigit(c)){ + s = L_ASCIICHAR2; + break; + } else if (c == '%' || c == EOF) + s = L_STRING; + else if (c == '\n') + LineNumber += 1; + l = 0; + break; + /* + * Convert the accumulated integer into a char and push. + */ + case L_ASCIICHAR2: + if (isdigit(c)) + break; + Ungetc(c); + yytext[--l] = '\0'; + PushString(atoi(yytext)); + s = L_ASCIICHAR; + l = 0; + break; + } + } +} + +int ReadEdifNetlist(char *filename) +{ + Message(_("Importing edif netlist %s\n"), filename); + ParseEDIF(filename, NULL); + + return 0; +} + +#include "stub_edif.h" +void hid_edif_init(void) +{ + stub_ReadEdifNetlist = ReadEdifNetlist; +} Index: edif.h =================================================================== --- edif.h (nonexistent) +++ edif.h (revision 1054) @@ -0,0 +1,652 @@ +/* A Bison parser, made by GNU Bison 2.4.3. */ + +/* Skeleton interface for Bison's Yacc-like parsers in C + + Copyright (C) 1984, 1989, 1990, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, + 2009, 2010 Free Software Foundation, Inc. + + This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify + it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or + (at your option) any later version. + + This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + GNU General Public License for more details. + + You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + along with this program. If not, see . */ + +/* As a special exception, you may create a larger work that contains + part or all of the Bison parser skeleton and distribute that work + under terms of your choice, so long as that work isn't itself a + parser generator using the skeleton or a modified version thereof + as a parser skeleton. Alternatively, if you modify or redistribute + the parser skeleton itself, you may (at your option) remove this + special exception, which will cause the skeleton and the resulting + Bison output files to be licensed under the GNU General Public + License without this special exception. + + This special exception was added by the Free Software Foundation in + version 2.2 of Bison. */ + + +/* Tokens. */ +#ifndef YYTOKENTYPE +#define YYTOKENTYPE + /* Put the tokens into the symbol table, so that GDB and other debuggers + know about them. */ +enum yytokentype { + EDIF_TOK_IDENT = 258, + EDIF_TOK_INT = 259, + EDIF_TOK_KEYWORD = 260, + EDIF_TOK_STR = 261, + EDIF_TOK_ANGLE = 262, + EDIF_TOK_BEHAVIOR = 263, + EDIF_TOK_CALCULATED = 264, + EDIF_TOK_CAPACITANCE = 265, + EDIF_TOK_CENTERCENTER = 266, + EDIF_TOK_CENTERLEFT = 267, + EDIF_TOK_CENTERRIGHT = 268, + EDIF_TOK_CHARGE = 269, + EDIF_TOK_CONDUCTANCE = 270, + EDIF_TOK_CURRENT = 271, + EDIF_TOK_DISTANCE = 272, + EDIF_TOK_DOCUMENT = 273, + EDIF_TOK_ENERGY = 274, + EDIF_TOK_EXTEND = 275, + EDIF_TOK_FLUX = 276, + EDIF_TOK_FREQUENCY = 277, + EDIF_TOK_GENERIC = 278, + EDIF_TOK_GRAPHIC = 279, + EDIF_TOK_INDUCTANCE = 280, + EDIF_TOK_INOUT = 281, + EDIF_TOK_INPUT = 282, + EDIF_TOK_LOGICMODEL = 283, + EDIF_TOK_LOWERCENTER = 284, + EDIF_TOK_LOWERLEFT = 285, + EDIF_TOK_LOWERRIGHT = 286, + EDIF_TOK_MASKLAYOUT = 287, + EDIF_TOK_MASS = 288, + EDIF_TOK_MEASURED = 289, + EDIF_TOK_MX = 290, + EDIF_TOK_MXR90 = 291, + EDIF_TOK_MY = 292, + EDIF_TOK_MYR90 = 293, + EDIF_TOK_NETLIST = 294, + EDIF_TOK_OUTPUT = 295, + EDIF_TOK_PCBLAYOUT = 296, + EDIF_TOK_POWER = 297, + EDIF_TOK_R0 = 298, + EDIF_TOK_R180 = 299, + EDIF_TOK_R270 = 300, + EDIF_TOK_R90 = 301, + EDIF_TOK_REQUIRED = 302, + EDIF_TOK_RESISTANCE = 303, + EDIF_TOK_RIPPER = 304, + EDIF_TOK_ROUND = 305, + EDIF_TOK_SCHEMATIC = 306, + EDIF_TOK_STRANGER = 307, + EDIF_TOK_SYMBOLIC = 308, + EDIF_TOK_TEMPERATURE = 309, + EDIF_TOK_TIE = 310, + EDIF_TOK_TIME = 311, + EDIF_TOK_TRUNCATE = 312, + EDIF_TOK_UPPERCENTER = 313, + EDIF_TOK_UPPERLEFT = 314, + EDIF_TOK_UPPERRIGHT = 315, + EDIF_TOK_VOLTAGE = 316, + EDIF_TOK_ACLOAD = 317, + EDIF_TOK_AFTER = 318, + EDIF_TOK_ANNOTATE = 319, + EDIF_TOK_APPLY = 320, + EDIF_TOK_ARC = 321, + EDIF_TOK_ARRAY = 322, + EDIF_TOK_ARRAYMACRO = 323, + EDIF_TOK_ARRAYRELATEDINFO = 324, + EDIF_TOK_ARRAYSITE = 325, + EDIF_TOK_ATLEAST = 326, + EDIF_TOK_ATMOST = 327, + EDIF_TOK_AUTHOR = 328, + EDIF_TOK_BASEARRAY = 329, + EDIF_TOK_BECOMES = 330, + EDIF_TOK_BETWEEN = 331, + EDIF_TOK_BOOLEAN = 332, + EDIF_TOK_BOOLEANDISPLAY = 333, + EDIF_TOK_BOOLEANMAP = 334, + EDIF_TOK_BORDERPATTERN = 335, + EDIF_TOK_BORDERWIDTH = 336, + EDIF_TOK_BOUNDINGBOX = 337, + EDIF_TOK_CELL = 338, + EDIF_TOK_CELLREF = 339, + EDIF_TOK_CELLTYPE = 340, + EDIF_TOK_CHANGE = 341, + EDIF_TOK_CIRCLE = 342, + EDIF_TOK_COLOR = 343, + EDIF_TOK_COMMENT = 344, + EDIF_TOK_COMMENTGRAPHICS = 345, + EDIF_TOK_COMPOUND = 346, + EDIF_TOK_CONNECTLOCATION = 347, + EDIF_TOK_CONTENTS = 348, + EDIF_TOK_CORNERTYPE = 349, + EDIF_TOK_CRITICALITY = 350, + EDIF_TOK_CURRENTMAP = 351, + EDIF_TOK_CURVE = 352, + EDIF_TOK_CYCLE = 353, + EDIF_TOK_DATAORIGIN = 354, + EDIF_TOK_DCFANINLOAD = 355, + EDIF_TOK_DCFANOUTLOAD = 356, + EDIF_TOK_DCMAXFANIN = 357, + EDIF_TOK_DCMAXFANOUT = 358, + EDIF_TOK_DELAY = 359, + EDIF_TOK_DELTA = 360, + EDIF_TOK_DERIVATION = 361, + EDIF_TOK_DESIGN = 362, + EDIF_TOK_DESIGNATOR = 363, + EDIF_TOK_DIFFERENCE = 364, + EDIF_TOK_DIRECTION = 365, + EDIF_TOK_DISPLAY = 366, + EDIF_TOK_DOMINATES = 367, + EDIF_TOK_DOT = 368, + EDIF_TOK_DURATION = 369, + EDIF_TOK_E = 370, + EDIF_TOK_EDIF = 371, + EDIF_TOK_EDIFLEVEL = 372, + EDIF_TOK_EDIFVERSION = 373, + EDIF_TOK_ENCLOSUREDISTANCE = 374, + EDIF_TOK_ENDTYPE = 375, + EDIF_TOK_ENTRY = 376, + EDIF_TOK_EVENT = 377, + EDIF_TOK_EXACTLY = 378, + EDIF_TOK_EXTERNAL = 379, + EDIF_TOK_FABRICATE = 380, + EDIF_TOK_FALSE = 381, + EDIF_TOK_FIGURE = 382, + EDIF_TOK_FIGUREAREA = 383, + EDIF_TOK_FIGUREGROUP = 384, + EDIF_TOK_FIGUREGROUPOBJECT = 385, + EDIF_TOK_FIGUREGROUPOVERRIDE = 386, + EDIF_TOK_FIGUREGROUPREF = 387, + EDIF_TOK_FIGUREPERIMETER = 388, + EDIF_TOK_FIGUREWIDTH = 389, + EDIF_TOK_FILLPATTERN = 390, + EDIF_TOK_FOLLOW = 391, + EDIF_TOK_FORBIDDENEVENT = 392, + EDIF_TOK_GLOBALPORTREF = 393, + EDIF_TOK_GREATERTHAN = 394, + EDIF_TOK_GRIDMAP = 395, + EDIF_TOK_IGNORE = 396, + EDIF_TOK_INCLUDEFIGUREGROUP = 397, + EDIF_TOK_INITIAL = 398, + EDIF_TOK_INSTANCE = 399, + EDIF_TOK_INSTANCEBACKANNOTATE = 400, + EDIF_TOK_INSTANCEGROUP = 401, + EDIF_TOK_INSTANCEMAP = 402, + EDIF_TOK_INSTANCEREF = 403, + EDIF_TOK_INTEGER = 404, + EDIF_TOK_INTEGERDISPLAY = 405, + EDIF_TOK_INTERFACE = 406, + EDIF_TOK_INTERFIGUREGROUPSPACING = 407, + EDIF_TOK_INTERSECTION = 408, + EDIF_TOK_INTRAFIGUREGROUPSPACING = 409, + EDIF_TOK_INVERSE = 410, + EDIF_TOK_ISOLATED = 411, + EDIF_TOK_JOINED = 412, + EDIF_TOK_JUSTIFY = 413, + EDIF_TOK_KEYWORDDISPLAY = 414, + EDIF_TOK_KEYWORDLEVEL = 415, + EDIF_TOK_KEYWORDMAP = 416, + EDIF_TOK_LESSTHAN = 417, + EDIF_TOK_LIBRARY = 418, + EDIF_TOK_LIBRARYREF = 419, + EDIF_TOK_LISTOFNETS = 420, + EDIF_TOK_LISTOFPORTS = 421, + EDIF_TOK_LOADDELAY = 422, + EDIF_TOK_LOGICASSIGN = 423, + EDIF_TOK_LOGICINPUT = 424, + EDIF_TOK_LOGICLIST = 425, + EDIF_TOK_LOGICMAPINPUT = 426, + EDIF_TOK_LOGICMAPOUTPUT = 427, + EDIF_TOK_LOGICONEOF = 428, + EDIF_TOK_LOGICOUTPUT = 429, + EDIF_TOK_LOGICPORT = 430, + EDIF_TOK_LOGICREF = 431, + EDIF_TOK_LOGICVALUE = 432, + EDIF_TOK_LOGICWAVEFORM = 433, + EDIF_TOK_MAINTAIN = 434, + EDIF_TOK_MATCH = 435, + EDIF_TOK_MEMBER = 436, + EDIF_TOK_MINOMAX = 437, + EDIF_TOK_MINOMAXDISPLAY = 438, + EDIF_TOK_MNM = 439, + EDIF_TOK_MULTIPLEVALUESET = 440, + EDIF_TOK_MUSTJOIN = 441, + EDIF_TOK_NAME = 442, + EDIF_TOK_NET = 443, + EDIF_TOK_NETBACKANNOTATE = 444, + EDIF_TOK_NETBUNDLE = 445, + EDIF_TOK_NETDELAY = 446, + EDIF_TOK_NETGROUP = 447, + EDIF_TOK_NETMAP = 448, + EDIF_TOK_NETREF = 449, + EDIF_TOK_NOCHANGE = 450, + EDIF_TOK_NONPERMUTABLE = 451, + EDIF_TOK_NOTALLOWED = 452, + EDIF_TOK_NOTCHSPACING = 453, + EDIF_TOK_NUMBER = 454, + EDIF_TOK_NUMBERDEFINITION = 455, + EDIF_TOK_NUMBERDISPLAY = 456, + EDIF_TOK_OFFPAGECONNECTOR = 457, + EDIF_TOK_OFFSETEVENT = 458, + EDIF_TOK_OPENSHAPE = 459, + EDIF_TOK_ORIENTATION = 460, + EDIF_TOK_ORIGIN = 461, + EDIF_TOK_OVERHANGDISTANCE = 462, + EDIF_TOK_OVERLAPDISTANCE = 463, + EDIF_TOK_OVERSIZE = 464, + EDIF_TOK_OWNER = 465, + EDIF_TOK_PAGE = 466, + EDIF_TOK_PAGESIZE = 467, + EDIF_TOK_PARAMETER = 468, + EDIF_TOK_PARAMETERASSIGN = 469, + EDIF_TOK_PARAMETERDISPLAY = 470, + EDIF_TOK_PATH = 471, + EDIF_TOK_PATHDELAY = 472, + EDIF_TOK_PATHWIDTH = 473, + EDIF_TOK_PERMUTABLE = 474, + EDIF_TOK_PHYSICALDESIGNRULE = 475, + EDIF_TOK_PLUG = 476, + EDIF_TOK_POINT = 477, + EDIF_TOK_POINTDISPLAY = 478, + EDIF_TOK_POINTLIST = 479, + EDIF_TOK_POLYGON = 480, + EDIF_TOK_PORT = 481, + EDIF_TOK_PORTBACKANNOTATE = 482, + EDIF_TOK_PORTBUNDLE = 483, + EDIF_TOK_PORTDELAY = 484, + EDIF_TOK_PORTGROUP = 485, + EDIF_TOK_PORTIMPLEMENTATION = 486, + EDIF_TOK_PORTINSTANCE = 487, + EDIF_TOK_PORTLIST = 488, + EDIF_TOK_PORTLISTALIAS = 489, + EDIF_TOK_PORTMAP = 490, + EDIF_TOK_PORTREF = 491, + EDIF_TOK_PROGRAM = 492, + EDIF_TOK_PROPERTY = 493, + EDIF_TOK_PROPERTYDISPLAY = 494, + EDIF_TOK_PROTECTIONFRAME = 495, + EDIF_TOK_PT = 496, + EDIF_TOK_RANGEVECTOR = 497, + EDIF_TOK_RECTANGLE = 498, + EDIF_TOK_RECTANGLESIZE = 499, + EDIF_TOK_RENAME = 500, + EDIF_TOK_RESOLVES = 501, + EDIF_TOK_SCALE = 502, + EDIF_TOK_SCALEX = 503, + EDIF_TOK_SCALEY = 504, + EDIF_TOK_SECTION = 505, + EDIF_TOK_SHAPE = 506, + EDIF_TOK_SIMULATE = 507, + EDIF_TOK_SIMULATIONINFO = 508, + EDIF_TOK_SINGLEVALUESET = 509, + EDIF_TOK_SITE = 510, + EDIF_TOK_SOCKET = 511, + EDIF_TOK_SOCKETSET = 512, + EDIF_TOK_STATUS = 513, + EDIF_TOK_STEADY = 514, + EDIF_TOK_STRING = 515, + EDIF_TOK_STRINGDISPLAY = 516, + EDIF_TOK_STRONG = 517, + EDIF_TOK_SYMBOL = 518, + EDIF_TOK_SYMMETRY = 519, + EDIF_TOK_TABLE = 520, + EDIF_TOK_TABLEDEFAULT = 521, + EDIF_TOK_TECHNOLOGY = 522, + EDIF_TOK_TEXTHEIGHT = 523, + EDIF_TOK_TIMEINTERVAL = 524, + EDIF_TOK_TIMESTAMP = 525, + EDIF_TOK_TIMING = 526, + EDIF_TOK_TRANSFORM = 527, + EDIF_TOK_TRANSITION = 528, + EDIF_TOK_TRIGGER = 529, + EDIF_TOK_TRUE = 530, + EDIF_TOK_UNCONSTRAINED = 531, + EDIF_TOK_UNDEFINED = 532, + EDIF_TOK_UNION = 533, + EDIF_TOK_UNIT = 534, + EDIF_TOK_UNUSED = 535, + EDIF_TOK_USERDATA = 536, + EDIF_TOK_VERSION = 537, + EDIF_TOK_VIEW = 538, + EDIF_TOK_VIEWLIST = 539, + EDIF_TOK_VIEWMAP = 540, + EDIF_TOK_VIEWREF = 541, + EDIF_TOK_VIEWTYPE = 542, + EDIF_TOK_VISIBLE = 543, + EDIF_TOK_VOLTAGEMAP = 544, + EDIF_TOK_WAVEVALUE = 545, + EDIF_TOK_WEAK = 546, + EDIF_TOK_WEAKJOINED = 547, + EDIF_TOK_WHEN = 548, + EDIF_TOK_WRITTEN = 549 +}; +#endif +/* Tokens. */ +#define EDIF_TOK_IDENT 258 +#define EDIF_TOK_INT 259 +#define EDIF_TOK_KEYWORD 260 +#define EDIF_TOK_STR 261 +#define EDIF_TOK_ANGLE 262 +#define EDIF_TOK_BEHAVIOR 263 +#define EDIF_TOK_CALCULATED 264 +#define EDIF_TOK_CAPACITANCE 265 +#define EDIF_TOK_CENTERCENTER 266 +#define EDIF_TOK_CENTERLEFT 267 +#define EDIF_TOK_CENTERRIGHT 268 +#define EDIF_TOK_CHARGE 269 +#define EDIF_TOK_CONDUCTANCE 270 +#define EDIF_TOK_CURRENT 271 +#define EDIF_TOK_DISTANCE 272 +#define EDIF_TOK_DOCUMENT 273 +#define EDIF_TOK_ENERGY 274 +#define EDIF_TOK_EXTEND 275 +#define EDIF_TOK_FLUX 276 +#define EDIF_TOK_FREQUENCY 277 +#define EDIF_TOK_GENERIC 278 +#define EDIF_TOK_GRAPHIC 279 +#define EDIF_TOK_INDUCTANCE 280 +#define EDIF_TOK_INOUT 281 +#define EDIF_TOK_INPUT 282 +#define EDIF_TOK_LOGICMODEL 283 +#define EDIF_TOK_LOWERCENTER 284 +#define EDIF_TOK_LOWERLEFT 285 +#define EDIF_TOK_LOWERRIGHT 286 +#define EDIF_TOK_MASKLAYOUT 287 +#define EDIF_TOK_MASS 288 +#define EDIF_TOK_MEASURED 289 +#define EDIF_TOK_MX 290 +#define EDIF_TOK_MXR90 291 +#define EDIF_TOK_MY 292 +#define EDIF_TOK_MYR90 293 +#define EDIF_TOK_NETLIST 294 +#define EDIF_TOK_OUTPUT 295 +#define EDIF_TOK_PCBLAYOUT 296 +#define EDIF_TOK_POWER 297 +#define EDIF_TOK_R0 298 +#define EDIF_TOK_R180 299 +#define EDIF_TOK_R270 300 +#define EDIF_TOK_R90 301 +#define EDIF_TOK_REQUIRED 302 +#define EDIF_TOK_RESISTANCE 303 +#define EDIF_TOK_RIPPER 304 +#define EDIF_TOK_ROUND 305 +#define EDIF_TOK_SCHEMATIC 306 +#define EDIF_TOK_STRANGER 307 +#define EDIF_TOK_SYMBOLIC 308 +#define EDIF_TOK_TEMPERATURE 309 +#define EDIF_TOK_TIE 310 +#define EDIF_TOK_TIME 311 +#define EDIF_TOK_TRUNCATE 312 +#define EDIF_TOK_UPPERCENTER 313 +#define EDIF_TOK_UPPERLEFT 314 +#define EDIF_TOK_UPPERRIGHT 315 +#define EDIF_TOK_VOLTAGE 316 +#define EDIF_TOK_ACLOAD 317 +#define EDIF_TOK_AFTER 318 +#define EDIF_TOK_ANNOTATE 319 +#define EDIF_TOK_APPLY 320 +#define EDIF_TOK_ARC 321 +#define EDIF_TOK_ARRAY 322 +#define EDIF_TOK_ARRAYMACRO 323 +#define EDIF_TOK_ARRAYRELATEDINFO 324 +#define EDIF_TOK_ARRAYSITE 325 +#define EDIF_TOK_ATLEAST 326 +#define EDIF_TOK_ATMOST 327 +#define EDIF_TOK_AUTHOR 328 +#define EDIF_TOK_BASEARRAY 329 +#define EDIF_TOK_BECOMES 330 +#define EDIF_TOK_BETWEEN 331 +#define EDIF_TOK_BOOLEAN 332 +#define EDIF_TOK_BOOLEANDISPLAY 333 +#define EDIF_TOK_BOOLEANMAP 334 +#define EDIF_TOK_BORDERPATTERN 335 +#define EDIF_TOK_BORDERWIDTH 336 +#define EDIF_TOK_BOUNDINGBOX 337 +#define EDIF_TOK_CELL 338 +#define EDIF_TOK_CELLREF 339 +#define EDIF_TOK_CELLTYPE 340 +#define EDIF_TOK_CHANGE 341 +#define EDIF_TOK_CIRCLE 342 +#define EDIF_TOK_COLOR 343 +#define EDIF_TOK_COMMENT 344 +#define EDIF_TOK_COMMENTGRAPHICS 345 +#define EDIF_TOK_COMPOUND 346 +#define EDIF_TOK_CONNECTLOCATION 347 +#define EDIF_TOK_CONTENTS 348 +#define EDIF_TOK_CORNERTYPE 349 +#define EDIF_TOK_CRITICALITY 350 +#define EDIF_TOK_CURRENTMAP 351 +#define EDIF_TOK_CURVE 352 +#define EDIF_TOK_CYCLE 353 +#define EDIF_TOK_DATAORIGIN 354 +#define EDIF_TOK_DCFANINLOAD 355 +#define EDIF_TOK_DCFANOUTLOAD 356 +#define EDIF_TOK_DCMAXFANIN 357 +#define EDIF_TOK_DCMAXFANOUT 358 +#define EDIF_TOK_DELAY 359 +#define EDIF_TOK_DELTA 360 +#define EDIF_TOK_DERIVATION 361 +#define EDIF_TOK_DESIGN 362 +#define EDIF_TOK_DESIGNATOR 363 +#define EDIF_TOK_DIFFERENCE 364 +#define EDIF_TOK_DIRECTION 365 +#define EDIF_TOK_DISPLAY 366 +#define EDIF_TOK_DOMINATES 367 +#define EDIF_TOK_DOT 368 +#define EDIF_TOK_DURATION 369 +#define EDIF_TOK_E 370 +#define EDIF_TOK_EDIF 371 +#define EDIF_TOK_EDIFLEVEL 372 +#define EDIF_TOK_EDIFVERSION 373 +#define EDIF_TOK_ENCLOSUREDISTANCE 374 +#define EDIF_TOK_ENDTYPE 375 +#define EDIF_TOK_ENTRY 376 +#define EDIF_TOK_EVENT 377 +#define EDIF_TOK_EXACTLY 378 +#define EDIF_TOK_EXTERNAL 379 +#define EDIF_TOK_FABRICATE 380 +#define EDIF_TOK_FALSE 381 +#define EDIF_TOK_FIGURE 382 +#define EDIF_TOK_FIGUREAREA 383 +#define EDIF_TOK_FIGUREGROUP 384 +#define EDIF_TOK_FIGUREGROUPOBJECT 385 +#define EDIF_TOK_FIGUREGROUPOVERRIDE 386 +#define EDIF_TOK_FIGUREGROUPREF 387 +#define EDIF_TOK_FIGUREPERIMETER 388 +#define EDIF_TOK_FIGUREWIDTH 389 +#define EDIF_TOK_FILLPATTERN 390 +#define EDIF_TOK_FOLLOW 391 +#define EDIF_TOK_FORBIDDENEVENT 392 +#define EDIF_TOK_GLOBALPORTREF 393 +#define EDIF_TOK_GREATERTHAN 394 +#define EDIF_TOK_GRIDMAP 395 +#define EDIF_TOK_IGNORE 396 +#define EDIF_TOK_INCLUDEFIGUREGROUP 397 +#define EDIF_TOK_INITIAL 398 +#define EDIF_TOK_INSTANCE 399 +#define EDIF_TOK_INSTANCEBACKANNOTATE 400 +#define EDIF_TOK_INSTANCEGROUP 401 +#define EDIF_TOK_INSTANCEMAP 402 +#define EDIF_TOK_INSTANCEREF 403 +#define EDIF_TOK_INTEGER 404 +#define EDIF_TOK_INTEGERDISPLAY 405 +#define EDIF_TOK_INTERFACE 406 +#define EDIF_TOK_INTERFIGUREGROUPSPACING 407 +#define EDIF_TOK_INTERSECTION 408 +#define EDIF_TOK_INTRAFIGUREGROUPSPACING 409 +#define EDIF_TOK_INVERSE 410 +#define EDIF_TOK_ISOLATED 411 +#define EDIF_TOK_JOINED 412 +#define EDIF_TOK_JUSTIFY 413 +#define EDIF_TOK_KEYWORDDISPLAY 414 +#define EDIF_TOK_KEYWORDLEVEL 415 +#define EDIF_TOK_KEYWORDMAP 416 +#define EDIF_TOK_LESSTHAN 417 +#define EDIF_TOK_LIBRARY 418 +#define EDIF_TOK_LIBRARYREF 419 +#define EDIF_TOK_LISTOFNETS 420 +#define EDIF_TOK_LISTOFPORTS 421 +#define EDIF_TOK_LOADDELAY 422 +#define EDIF_TOK_LOGICASSIGN 423 +#define EDIF_TOK_LOGICINPUT 424 +#define EDIF_TOK_LOGICLIST 425 +#define EDIF_TOK_LOGICMAPINPUT 426 +#define EDIF_TOK_LOGICMAPOUTPUT 427 +#define EDIF_TOK_LOGICONEOF 428 +#define EDIF_TOK_LOGICOUTPUT 429 +#define EDIF_TOK_LOGICPORT 430 +#define EDIF_TOK_LOGICREF 431 +#define EDIF_TOK_LOGICVALUE 432 +#define EDIF_TOK_LOGICWAVEFORM 433 +#define EDIF_TOK_MAINTAIN 434 +#define EDIF_TOK_MATCH 435 +#define EDIF_TOK_MEMBER 436 +#define EDIF_TOK_MINOMAX 437 +#define EDIF_TOK_MINOMAXDISPLAY 438 +#define EDIF_TOK_MNM 439 +#define EDIF_TOK_MULTIPLEVALUESET 440 +#define EDIF_TOK_MUSTJOIN 441 +#define EDIF_TOK_NAME 442 +#define EDIF_TOK_NET 443 +#define EDIF_TOK_NETBACKANNOTATE 444 +#define EDIF_TOK_NETBUNDLE 445 +#define EDIF_TOK_NETDELAY 446 +#define EDIF_TOK_NETGROUP 447 +#define EDIF_TOK_NETMAP 448 +#define EDIF_TOK_NETREF 449 +#define EDIF_TOK_NOCHANGE 450 +#define EDIF_TOK_NONPERMUTABLE 451 +#define EDIF_TOK_NOTALLOWED 452 +#define EDIF_TOK_NOTCHSPACING 453 +#define EDIF_TOK_NUMBER 454 +#define EDIF_TOK_NUMBERDEFINITION 455 +#define EDIF_TOK_NUMBERDISPLAY 456 +#define EDIF_TOK_OFFPAGECONNECTOR 457 +#define EDIF_TOK_OFFSETEVENT 458 +#define EDIF_TOK_OPENSHAPE 459 +#define EDIF_TOK_ORIENTATION 460 +#define EDIF_TOK_ORIGIN 461 +#define EDIF_TOK_OVERHANGDISTANCE 462 +#define EDIF_TOK_OVERLAPDISTANCE 463 +#define EDIF_TOK_OVERSIZE 464 +#define EDIF_TOK_OWNER 465 +#define EDIF_TOK_PAGE 466 +#define EDIF_TOK_PAGESIZE 467 +#define EDIF_TOK_PARAMETER 468 +#define EDIF_TOK_PARAMETERASSIGN 469 +#define EDIF_TOK_PARAMETERDISPLAY 470 +#define EDIF_TOK_PATH 471 +#define EDIF_TOK_PATHDELAY 472 +#define EDIF_TOK_PATHWIDTH 473 +#define EDIF_TOK_PERMUTABLE 474 +#define EDIF_TOK_PHYSICALDESIGNRULE 475 +#define EDIF_TOK_PLUG 476 +#define EDIF_TOK_POINT 477 +#define EDIF_TOK_POINTDISPLAY 478 +#define EDIF_TOK_POINTLIST 479 +#define EDIF_TOK_POLYGON 480 +#define EDIF_TOK_PORT 481 +#define EDIF_TOK_PORTBACKANNOTATE 482 +#define EDIF_TOK_PORTBUNDLE 483 +#define EDIF_TOK_PORTDELAY 484 +#define EDIF_TOK_PORTGROUP 485 +#define EDIF_TOK_PORTIMPLEMENTATION 486 +#define EDIF_TOK_PORTINSTANCE 487 +#define EDIF_TOK_PORTLIST 488 +#define EDIF_TOK_PORTLISTALIAS 489 +#define EDIF_TOK_PORTMAP 490 +#define EDIF_TOK_PORTREF 491 +#define EDIF_TOK_PROGRAM 492 +#define EDIF_TOK_PROPERTY 493 +#define EDIF_TOK_PROPERTYDISPLAY 494 +#define EDIF_TOK_PROTECTIONFRAME 495 +#define EDIF_TOK_PT 496 +#define EDIF_TOK_RANGEVECTOR 497 +#define EDIF_TOK_RECTANGLE 498 +#define EDIF_TOK_RECTANGLESIZE 499 +#define EDIF_TOK_RENAME 500 +#define EDIF_TOK_RESOLVES 501 +#define EDIF_TOK_SCALE 502 +#define EDIF_TOK_SCALEX 503 +#define EDIF_TOK_SCALEY 504 +#define EDIF_TOK_SECTION 505 +#define EDIF_TOK_SHAPE 506 +#define EDIF_TOK_SIMULATE 507 +#define EDIF_TOK_SIMULATIONINFO 508 +#define EDIF_TOK_SINGLEVALUESET 509 +#define EDIF_TOK_SITE 510 +#define EDIF_TOK_SOCKET 511 +#define EDIF_TOK_SOCKETSET 512 +#define EDIF_TOK_STATUS 513 +#define EDIF_TOK_STEADY 514 +#define EDIF_TOK_STRING 515 +#define EDIF_TOK_STRINGDISPLAY 516 +#define EDIF_TOK_STRONG 517 +#define EDIF_TOK_SYMBOL 518 +#define EDIF_TOK_SYMMETRY 519 +#define EDIF_TOK_TABLE 520 +#define EDIF_TOK_TABLEDEFAULT 521 +#define EDIF_TOK_TECHNOLOGY 522 +#define EDIF_TOK_TEXTHEIGHT 523 +#define EDIF_TOK_TIMEINTERVAL 524 +#define EDIF_TOK_TIMESTAMP 525 +#define EDIF_TOK_TIMING 526 +#define EDIF_TOK_TRANSFORM 527 +#define EDIF_TOK_TRANSITION 528 +#define EDIF_TOK_TRIGGER 529 +#define EDIF_TOK_TRUE 530 +#define EDIF_TOK_UNCONSTRAINED 531 +#define EDIF_TOK_UNDEFINED 532 +#define EDIF_TOK_UNION 533 +#define EDIF_TOK_UNIT 534 +#define EDIF_TOK_UNUSED 535 +#define EDIF_TOK_USERDATA 536 +#define EDIF_TOK_VERSION 537 +#define EDIF_TOK_VIEW 538 +#define EDIF_TOK_VIEWLIST 539 +#define EDIF_TOK_VIEWMAP 540 +#define EDIF_TOK_VIEWREF 541 +#define EDIF_TOK_VIEWTYPE 542 +#define EDIF_TOK_VISIBLE 543 +#define EDIF_TOK_VOLTAGEMAP 544 +#define EDIF_TOK_WAVEVALUE 545 +#define EDIF_TOK_WEAK 546 +#define EDIF_TOK_WEAKJOINED 547 +#define EDIF_TOK_WHEN 548 +#define EDIF_TOK_WRITTEN 549 + + + + +#if ! defined YYSTYPE && ! defined YYSTYPE_IS_DECLARED +typedef union YYSTYPE { + +/* Line 1685 of yacc.c */ +#line 193 "edif.y" + + char *s; + pair_list *pl; + str_pair *ps; + + + +/* Line 1685 of yacc.c */ +#line 647 "edif.h" +} YYSTYPE; +#define YYSTYPE_IS_TRIVIAL 1 +#define yystype YYSTYPE /* obsolescent; will be withdrawn */ +#define YYSTYPE_IS_DECLARED 1 +#endif + +extern YYSTYPE ediflval; Index: edif.y =================================================================== --- edif.y (nonexistent) +++ edif.y (revision 1054) @@ -0,0 +1,4455 @@ +%{ +/* + * PCB Edif parser based heavily on: + * + * Header: edif.y,v 1.18 87/12/07 19:59:49 roger Locked + */ +/************************************************************************ + * * + * edif.y * + * * + * EDIF 2.0.0 parser, Level 0 * + * * + * You are free to copy, distribute, use it, abuse it, make it * + * write bad tracks all over the disk ... or anything else. * + * * + * Your friendly neighborhood Rogue Monster - * + * * + ************************************************************************/ +#include + +/* for malloc, free, atoi */ +#include + +/* for strcpy */ +#include + +#include + +#include "global.h" +#include "data.h" +/* from mymem.h, not include because of the malloc junk */ +LibraryMenuTypePtr GetLibraryMenuMemory (LibraryTypePtr); +LibraryEntryTypePtr GetLibraryEntryMemory (LibraryMenuTypePtr); + +/* + * Local definitions. + */ +#define IDENT_LENGTH 255 +#define Malloc(s) malloc(s) +#define Free(p) free(p) +#define Getc(s) getc(s) +#define Ungetc(c) ungetc(c,Input) + + typedef struct _str_pair + { + char* str1; + char* str2; + struct _str_pair* next; + } str_pair; + + typedef struct _pair_list + { + char* name; + str_pair* list; + } pair_list; + + str_pair* new_str_pair(char* s1, char* s2) + { + str_pair* ps = (str_pair *)malloc(sizeof(str_pair)); + ps->str1 = s1; + ps->str2 = s2; + ps->next = NULL; + return ps; + } + + pair_list* new_pair_list(str_pair* ps) + { + pair_list* pl = (pair_list *)malloc(sizeof(pair_list)); + pl->list = ps; + pl->name = NULL; + return pl; + } + + void str_pair_free(str_pair* ps) + { + str_pair* node; + while ( ps ) + { + free(ps->str1); + free(ps->str2); + node = ps; + ps = ps->next; + free(node); + } + } + + void pair_list_free(pair_list* pl) + { + str_pair_free(pl->list); + free(pl->name); + free(pl); + } + + void define_pcb_net(str_pair* name, pair_list* nodes) + { + int tl; + str_pair* done_node; + str_pair* node; + char* buf; + char* p; + LibraryEntryTypePtr entry; + LibraryMenuTypePtr menu = GetLibraryMenuMemory (&PCB->NetlistLib); + + if ( !name->str1 ) + { + /* no net name given, stop now */ + /* if renamed str2 also exists and must be freed */ + if ( name->str2 ) free(name->str2); + free(name); + pair_list_free(nodes); + return; + } + menu->Name = strdup (name->str1); + free(name->str1); + /* if renamed str2 also exists and must be freed */ + if ( name->str2 ) free(name->str2); + free(name); + buf = (char *)malloc(256); + if ( !buf ) + { + /* no memory */ + pair_list_free(nodes); + return; + } + + node = nodes->list; + free(nodes->name); + free(nodes); + while ( node ) + { + /* check for node with no instance */ + if ( !node->str1 ) + { + /* toss it and move on */ + free(node->str2); + done_node = node; + node = node->next; + free(done_node); + continue; + } + tl = strlen(node->str1) + strlen(node->str2); + if ( tl + 3 > 256 ) + { + free(buf); + buf = (char *)malloc(tl+3); + if ( !buf ) + { + /* no memory */ + str_pair_free(node); + return; + } + } + strcpy(buf,node->str1); + /* make all upper case, because of PCB funky behaviour */ + p=buf; + while ( *p ) + { + *p = toupper( (int) *p); + p++; + } + /* add dash separating designator from node */ + *(buf+strlen(node->str1)) = '-'; + /* check for the edif number prefix */ + if ( node->str2[0] == '&' ) + { + /* skip number prefix */ + strcpy(buf+strlen(node->str1)+1,node->str2 +1); + } + else + { + strcpy(buf+strlen(node->str1)+1,node->str2); + } + /* free the strings */ + free(node->str1); + free(node->str2); + entry = GetLibraryEntryMemory (menu); + entry->ListEntry = strdup(buf); + done_node = node; + node = node->next; + free(done_node); + } + } + + +/* forward function declarations */ + static int yylex(void); + static void yyerror(const char *); + static void PopC(void); +%} + +%name-prefix="edif" + +%union { + char* s; + pair_list* pl; + str_pair* ps; +} + +%type Int Ident Str Keyword Name _Name +%type PortRef _PortRef NetNameDef NameDef +%type Rename _Joined +%type __Rename _Rename NameRef +%type InstanceRef InstNameRef Member PortNameRef +%type Net _Net Joined + +%token EDIF_TOK_IDENT +%token EDIF_TOK_INT +%token EDIF_TOK_KEYWORD +%token EDIF_TOK_STR + +%token EDIF_TOK_ANGLE +%token EDIF_TOK_BEHAVIOR +%token EDIF_TOK_CALCULATED +%token EDIF_TOK_CAPACITANCE +%token EDIF_TOK_CENTERCENTER +%token EDIF_TOK_CENTERLEFT +%token EDIF_TOK_CENTERRIGHT +%token EDIF_TOK_CHARGE +%token EDIF_TOK_CONDUCTANCE +%token EDIF_TOK_CURRENT +%token EDIF_TOK_DISTANCE +%token EDIF_TOK_DOCUMENT +%token EDIF_TOK_ENERGY +%token EDIF_TOK_EXTEND +%token EDIF_TOK_FLUX +%token EDIF_TOK_FREQUENCY +%token EDIF_TOK_GENERIC +%token EDIF_TOK_GRAPHIC +%token EDIF_TOK_INDUCTANCE +%token EDIF_TOK_INOUT +%token EDIF_TOK_INPUT +%token EDIF_TOK_LOGICMODEL +%token EDIF_TOK_LOWERCENTER +%token EDIF_TOK_LOWERLEFT +%token EDIF_TOK_LOWERRIGHT +%token EDIF_TOK_MASKLAYOUT +%token EDIF_TOK_MASS +%token EDIF_TOK_MEASURED +%token EDIF_TOK_MX +%token EDIF_TOK_MXR90 +%token EDIF_TOK_MY +%token EDIF_TOK_MYR90 +%token EDIF_TOK_NETLIST +%token EDIF_TOK_OUTPUT +%token EDIF_TOK_PCBLAYOUT +%token EDIF_TOK_POWER +%token EDIF_TOK_R0 +%token EDIF_TOK_R180 +%token EDIF_TOK_R270 +%token EDIF_TOK_R90 +%token EDIF_TOK_REQUIRED +%token EDIF_TOK_RESISTANCE +%token EDIF_TOK_RIPPER +%token EDIF_TOK_ROUND +%token EDIF_TOK_SCHEMATIC +%token EDIF_TOK_STRANGER +%token EDIF_TOK_SYMBOLIC +%token EDIF_TOK_TEMPERATURE +%token EDIF_TOK_TIE +%token EDIF_TOK_TIME +%token EDIF_TOK_TRUNCATE +%token EDIF_TOK_UPPERCENTER +%token EDIF_TOK_UPPERLEFT +%token EDIF_TOK_UPPERRIGHT +%token EDIF_TOK_VOLTAGE + +%token EDIF_TOK_ACLOAD +%token EDIF_TOK_AFTER +%token EDIF_TOK_ANNOTATE +%token EDIF_TOK_APPLY +%token EDIF_TOK_ARC +%token EDIF_TOK_ARRAY +%token EDIF_TOK_ARRAYMACRO +%token EDIF_TOK_ARRAYRELATEDINFO +%token EDIF_TOK_ARRAYSITE +%token EDIF_TOK_ATLEAST +%token EDIF_TOK_ATMOST +%token EDIF_TOK_AUTHOR +%token EDIF_TOK_BASEARRAY +%token EDIF_TOK_BECOMES +%token EDIF_TOK_BETWEEN +%token EDIF_TOK_BOOLEAN +%token EDIF_TOK_BOOLEANDISPLAY +%token EDIF_TOK_BOOLEANMAP +%token EDIF_TOK_BORDERPATTERN +%token EDIF_TOK_BORDERWIDTH +%token EDIF_TOK_BOUNDINGBOX +%token EDIF_TOK_CELL +%token EDIF_TOK_CELLREF +%token EDIF_TOK_CELLTYPE +%token EDIF_TOK_CHANGE +%token EDIF_TOK_CIRCLE +%token EDIF_TOK_COLOR +%token EDIF_TOK_COMMENT +%token EDIF_TOK_COMMENTGRAPHICS +%token EDIF_TOK_COMPOUND +%token EDIF_TOK_CONNECTLOCATION +%token EDIF_TOK_CONTENTS +%token EDIF_TOK_CORNERTYPE +%token EDIF_TOK_CRITICALITY +%token EDIF_TOK_CURRENTMAP +%token EDIF_TOK_CURVE +%token EDIF_TOK_CYCLE +%token EDIF_TOK_DATAORIGIN +%token EDIF_TOK_DCFANINLOAD +%token EDIF_TOK_DCFANOUTLOAD +%token EDIF_TOK_DCMAXFANIN +%token EDIF_TOK_DCMAXFANOUT +%token EDIF_TOK_DELAY +%token EDIF_TOK_DELTA +%token EDIF_TOK_DERIVATION +%token EDIF_TOK_DESIGN +%token EDIF_TOK_DESIGNATOR +%token EDIF_TOK_DIFFERENCE +%token EDIF_TOK_DIRECTION +%token EDIF_TOK_DISPLAY +%token EDIF_TOK_DOMINATES +%token EDIF_TOK_DOT +%token EDIF_TOK_DURATION +%token EDIF_TOK_E +%token EDIF_TOK_EDIF +%token EDIF_TOK_EDIFLEVEL +%token EDIF_TOK_EDIFVERSION +%token EDIF_TOK_ENCLOSUREDISTANCE +%token EDIF_TOK_ENDTYPE +%token EDIF_TOK_ENTRY +%token EDIF_TOK_EVENT +%token EDIF_TOK_EXACTLY +%token EDIF_TOK_EXTERNAL +%token EDIF_TOK_FABRICATE +%token EDIF_TOK_FALSE +%token EDIF_TOK_FIGURE +%token EDIF_TOK_FIGUREAREA +%token EDIF_TOK_FIGUREGROUP +%token EDIF_TOK_FIGUREGROUPOBJECT +%token EDIF_TOK_FIGUREGROUPOVERRIDE +%token EDIF_TOK_FIGUREGROUPREF +%token EDIF_TOK_FIGUREPERIMETER +%token EDIF_TOK_FIGUREWIDTH +%token EDIF_TOK_FILLPATTERN +%token EDIF_TOK_FOLLOW +%token EDIF_TOK_FORBIDDENEVENT +%token EDIF_TOK_GLOBALPORTREF +%token EDIF_TOK_GREATERTHAN +%token EDIF_TOK_GRIDMAP +%token EDIF_TOK_IGNORE +%token EDIF_TOK_INCLUDEFIGUREGROUP +%token EDIF_TOK_INITIAL +%token EDIF_TOK_INSTANCE +%token EDIF_TOK_INSTANCEBACKANNOTATE +%token EDIF_TOK_INSTANCEGROUP +%token EDIF_TOK_INSTANCEMAP +%token EDIF_TOK_INSTANCEREF +%token EDIF_TOK_INTEGER +%token EDIF_TOK_INTEGERDISPLAY +%token EDIF_TOK_INTERFACE +%token EDIF_TOK_INTERFIGUREGROUPSPACING +%token EDIF_TOK_INTERSECTION +%token EDIF_TOK_INTRAFIGUREGROUPSPACING +%token EDIF_TOK_INVERSE +%token EDIF_TOK_ISOLATED +%token EDIF_TOK_JOINED +%token EDIF_TOK_JUSTIFY +%token EDIF_TOK_KEYWORDDISPLAY +%token EDIF_TOK_KEYWORDLEVEL +%token EDIF_TOK_KEYWORDMAP +%token EDIF_TOK_LESSTHAN +%token EDIF_TOK_LIBRARY +%token EDIF_TOK_LIBRARYREF +%token EDIF_TOK_LISTOFNETS +%token EDIF_TOK_LISTOFPORTS +%token EDIF_TOK_LOADDELAY +%token EDIF_TOK_LOGICASSIGN +%token EDIF_TOK_LOGICINPUT +%token EDIF_TOK_LOGICLIST +%token EDIF_TOK_LOGICMAPINPUT +%token EDIF_TOK_LOGICMAPOUTPUT +%token EDIF_TOK_LOGICONEOF +%token EDIF_TOK_LOGICOUTPUT +%token EDIF_TOK_LOGICPORT +%token EDIF_TOK_LOGICREF +%token EDIF_TOK_LOGICVALUE +%token EDIF_TOK_LOGICWAVEFORM +%token EDIF_TOK_MAINTAIN +%token EDIF_TOK_MATCH +%token EDIF_TOK_MEMBER +%token EDIF_TOK_MINOMAX +%token EDIF_TOK_MINOMAXDISPLAY +%token EDIF_TOK_MNM +%token EDIF_TOK_MULTIPLEVALUESET +%token EDIF_TOK_MUSTJOIN +%token EDIF_TOK_NAME +%token EDIF_TOK_NET +%token EDIF_TOK_NETBACKANNOTATE +%token EDIF_TOK_NETBUNDLE +%token EDIF_TOK_NETDELAY +%token EDIF_TOK_NETGROUP +%token EDIF_TOK_NETMAP +%token EDIF_TOK_NETREF +%token EDIF_TOK_NOCHANGE +%token EDIF_TOK_NONPERMUTABLE +%token EDIF_TOK_NOTALLOWED +%token EDIF_TOK_NOTCHSPACING +%token EDIF_TOK_NUMBER +%token EDIF_TOK_NUMBERDEFINITION +%token EDIF_TOK_NUMBERDISPLAY +%token EDIF_TOK_OFFPAGECONNECTOR +%token EDIF_TOK_OFFSETEVENT +%token EDIF_TOK_OPENSHAPE +%token EDIF_TOK_ORIENTATION +%token EDIF_TOK_ORIGIN +%token EDIF_TOK_OVERHANGDISTANCE +%token EDIF_TOK_OVERLAPDISTANCE +%token EDIF_TOK_OVERSIZE +%token EDIF_TOK_OWNER +%token EDIF_TOK_PAGE +%token EDIF_TOK_PAGESIZE +%token EDIF_TOK_PARAMETER +%token EDIF_TOK_PARAMETERASSIGN +%token EDIF_TOK_PARAMETERDISPLAY +%token EDIF_TOK_PATH +%token EDIF_TOK_PATHDELAY +%token EDIF_TOK_PATHWIDTH +%token EDIF_TOK_PERMUTABLE +%token EDIF_TOK_PHYSICALDESIGNRULE +%token EDIF_TOK_PLUG +%token EDIF_TOK_POINT +%token EDIF_TOK_POINTDISPLAY +%token EDIF_TOK_POINTLIST +%token EDIF_TOK_POLYGON +%token EDIF_TOK_PORT +%token EDIF_TOK_PORTBACKANNOTATE +%token EDIF_TOK_PORTBUNDLE +%token EDIF_TOK_PORTDELAY +%token EDIF_TOK_PORTGROUP +%token EDIF_TOK_PORTIMPLEMENTATION +%token EDIF_TOK_PORTINSTANCE +%token EDIF_TOK_PORTLIST +%token EDIF_TOK_PORTLISTALIAS +%token EDIF_TOK_PORTMAP +%token EDIF_TOK_PORTREF +%token EDIF_TOK_PROGRAM +%token EDIF_TOK_PROPERTY +%token EDIF_TOK_PROPERTYDISPLAY +%token EDIF_TOK_PROTECTIONFRAME +%token EDIF_TOK_PT +%token EDIF_TOK_RANGEVECTOR +%token EDIF_TOK_RECTANGLE +%token EDIF_TOK_RECTANGLESIZE +%token EDIF_TOK_RENAME +%token EDIF_TOK_RESOLVES +%token EDIF_TOK_SCALE +%token EDIF_TOK_SCALEX +%token EDIF_TOK_SCALEY +%token EDIF_TOK_SECTION +%token EDIF_TOK_SHAPE +%token EDIF_TOK_SIMULATE +%token EDIF_TOK_SIMULATIONINFO +%token EDIF_TOK_SINGLEVALUESET +%token EDIF_TOK_SITE +%token EDIF_TOK_SOCKET +%token EDIF_TOK_SOCKETSET +%token EDIF_TOK_STATUS +%token EDIF_TOK_STEADY +%token EDIF_TOK_STRING +%token EDIF_TOK_STRINGDISPLAY +%token EDIF_TOK_STRONG +%token EDIF_TOK_SYMBOL +%token EDIF_TOK_SYMMETRY +%token EDIF_TOK_TABLE +%token EDIF_TOK_TABLEDEFAULT +%token EDIF_TOK_TECHNOLOGY +%token EDIF_TOK_TEXTHEIGHT +%token EDIF_TOK_TIMEINTERVAL +%token EDIF_TOK_TIMESTAMP +%token EDIF_TOK_TIMING +%token EDIF_TOK_TRANSFORM +%token EDIF_TOK_TRANSITION +%token EDIF_TOK_TRIGGER +%token EDIF_TOK_TRUE +%token EDIF_TOK_UNCONSTRAINED +%token EDIF_TOK_UNDEFINED +%token EDIF_TOK_UNION +%token EDIF_TOK_UNIT +%token EDIF_TOK_UNUSED +%token EDIF_TOK_USERDATA +%token EDIF_TOK_VERSION +%token EDIF_TOK_VIEW +%token EDIF_TOK_VIEWLIST +%token EDIF_TOK_VIEWMAP +%token EDIF_TOK_VIEWREF +%token EDIF_TOK_VIEWTYPE +%token EDIF_TOK_VISIBLE +%token EDIF_TOK_VOLTAGEMAP +%token EDIF_TOK_WAVEVALUE +%token EDIF_TOK_WEAK +%token EDIF_TOK_WEAKJOINED +%token EDIF_TOK_WHEN +%token EDIF_TOK_WRITTEN + +%start Edif + +%% + +PopC : ')' { PopC(); } + ; + +Edif : EDIF_TOK_EDIF EdifFileName EdifVersion EdifLevel KeywordMap _Edif PopC + ; + +_Edif : + | _Edif Status + | _Edif External + | _Edif Library + | _Edif Design + | _Edif Comment + | _Edif UserData + ; + +EdifFileName : NameDef { str_pair_free($1); } + ; + +EdifLevel : EDIF_TOK_EDIFLEVEL Int PopC { free($2); } + ; + +EdifVersion : EDIF_TOK_EDIFVERSION Int Int Int PopC +{ free($2); free($3); free($4); } + ; + +AcLoad : EDIF_TOK_ACLOAD _AcLoad PopC + ; + +_AcLoad : MiNoMaValue + | MiNoMaDisp + ; + +After : EDIF_TOK_AFTER _After PopC + ; + +_After : MiNoMaValue + | _After Follow + | _After Maintain + | _After LogicAssn + | _After Comment + | _After UserData + ; + +Annotate : EDIF_TOK_ANNOTATE _Annotate PopC + ; + +_Annotate : Str { free($1); } + | StrDisplay + ; + +Apply : EDIF_TOK_APPLY _Apply PopC + ; + +_Apply : Cycle + | _Apply LogicIn + | _Apply LogicOut + | _Apply Comment + | _Apply UserData + ; + +Arc : EDIF_TOK_ARC PointValue PointValue PointValue PopC + ; + +Array : EDIF_TOK_ARRAY NameDef Int _Array PopC { str_pair_free($2); free($3); } + ; + +_Array : + | Int { free($1); } + ; + +ArrayMacro : EDIF_TOK_ARRAYMACRO Plug PopC + ; + +ArrayRelInfo : EDIF_TOK_ARRAYRELATEDINFO _ArrayRelInfo PopC + ; + +_ArrayRelInfo : BaseArray + | ArraySite + | ArrayMacro + | _ArrayRelInfo Comment + | _ArrayRelInfo UserData + ; + +ArraySite : EDIF_TOK_ARRAYSITE Socket PopC + ; + +AtLeast : EDIF_TOK_ATLEAST ScaledInt PopC + ; + +AtMost : EDIF_TOK_ATMOST ScaledInt PopC + ; + +Author : EDIF_TOK_AUTHOR Str PopC { free($2); } + ; + +BaseArray : EDIF_TOK_BASEARRAY PopC + ; + +Becomes : EDIF_TOK_BECOMES _Becomes PopC + ; + +_Becomes : LogicNameRef + | LogicList + | LogicOneOf + ; + +Between : EDIF_TOK_BETWEEN __Between _Between PopC + ; + +__Between : AtLeast + | GreaterThan + ; + +_Between : AtMost + | LessThan + ; + +Boolean : EDIF_TOK_BOOLEAN _Boolean PopC + ; + +_Boolean : + | _Boolean BooleanValue + | _Boolean BooleanDisp + | _Boolean Boolean + ; + +BooleanDisp : EDIF_TOK_BOOLEANDISPLAY _BooleanDisp PopC + ; + +_BooleanDisp : BooleanValue + | _BooleanDisp Display + ; + +BooleanMap : EDIF_TOK_BOOLEANMAP BooleanValue PopC + ; + +BooleanValue : True + | False + ; + +BorderPat : EDIF_TOK_BORDERPATTERN Int Int Boolean PopC { free($2); free($3); } + ; + +BorderWidth : EDIF_TOK_BORDERWIDTH Int PopC { free($2); } + ; + +BoundBox : EDIF_TOK_BOUNDINGBOX Rectangle PopC + ; + +Cell : EDIF_TOK_CELL CellNameDef _Cell PopC + ; + +_Cell : CellType + | _Cell Status + | _Cell ViewMap + | _Cell View + | _Cell Comment + | _Cell UserData + | _Cell Property + ; + +CellNameDef : NameDef { str_pair_free($1); } + ; + +CellRef : EDIF_TOK_CELLREF CellNameRef _CellRef PopC + ; + +_CellRef : + | LibraryRef + ; + +CellNameRef : NameRef { free($1); } + ; + +CellType : EDIF_TOK_CELLTYPE _CellType PopC + ; + +_CellType : EDIF_TOK_TIE + | EDIF_TOK_RIPPER + | EDIF_TOK_GENERIC + ; + +Change : EDIF_TOK_CHANGE __Change _Change PopC + ; + +__Change : PortNameRef + | PortRef { str_pair_free($1); } + | PortList + ; + +_Change : + | Becomes + | Transition + ; + +Circle : EDIF_TOK_CIRCLE PointValue PointValue _Circle PopC + ; + +_Circle : + | _Circle Property + ; + +Color : EDIF_TOK_COLOR ScaledInt ScaledInt ScaledInt PopC + ; + +Comment : EDIF_TOK_COMMENT _Comment PopC + ; + +_Comment : + | _Comment Str { free($2); } + ; + +CommGraph : EDIF_TOK_COMMENTGRAPHICS _CommGraph PopC + ; + +_CommGraph : + | _CommGraph Annotate + | _CommGraph Figure + | _CommGraph Instance + | _CommGraph BoundBox + | _CommGraph Property + | _CommGraph Comment + | _CommGraph UserData + ; + +Compound : EDIF_TOK_COMPOUND LogicNameRef PopC + ; + +Contents : EDIF_TOK_CONTENTS _Contents PopC + ; + +_Contents : + | _Contents Instance + | _Contents OffPageConn + | _Contents Figure + | _Contents Section + | _Contents Net + | _Contents NetBundle + | _Contents Page + | _Contents CommGraph + | _Contents PortImpl + | _Contents Timing + | _Contents Simulate + | _Contents When + | _Contents Follow + | _Contents LogicPort + | _Contents BoundBox + | _Contents Comment + | _Contents UserData + ; + +ConnectLoc : EDIF_TOK_CONNECTLOCATION _ConnectLoc PopC + ; + +_ConnectLoc : + | Figure + ; + +CornerType : EDIF_TOK_CORNERTYPE _CornerType PopC + ; + +_CornerType : EDIF_TOK_EXTEND + | EDIF_TOK_ROUND + | EDIF_TOK_TRUNCATE + ; + +Criticality : EDIF_TOK_CRITICALITY _Criticality PopC + ; + +_Criticality : Int { free($1); } + | IntDisplay + ; + +CurrentMap : EDIF_TOK_CURRENTMAP MiNoMaValue PopC + ; + +Curve : EDIF_TOK_CURVE _Curve PopC + ; + +_Curve : + | _Curve Arc + | _Curve PointValue + ; + +Cycle : EDIF_TOK_CYCLE Int _Cycle PopC { free($2); } + ; + +_Cycle : + | Duration + ; + +DataOrigin : EDIF_TOK_DATAORIGIN Str _DataOrigin PopC { free($2); } + ; + +_DataOrigin : + | Version + ; + +DcFanInLoad : EDIF_TOK_DCFANINLOAD _DcFanInLoad PopC + ; + +_DcFanInLoad : ScaledInt + | NumbDisplay + ; + +DcFanOutLoad : EDIF_TOK_DCFANOUTLOAD _DcFanOutLoad PopC + ; + +_DcFanOutLoad : ScaledInt + | NumbDisplay + ; + +DcMaxFanIn : EDIF_TOK_DCMAXFANIN _DcMaxFanIn PopC + ; + +_DcMaxFanIn : ScaledInt + | NumbDisplay + ; + +DcMaxFanOut : EDIF_TOK_DCMAXFANOUT _DcMaxFanOut PopC + ; + +_DcMaxFanOut : ScaledInt + | NumbDisplay + ; + +Delay : EDIF_TOK_DELAY _Delay PopC + ; + +_Delay : MiNoMaValue + | MiNoMaDisp + ; + +Delta : EDIF_TOK_DELTA _Delta PopC + ; + +_Delta : + | _Delta PointValue + ; + +Derivation : EDIF_TOK_DERIVATION _Derivation PopC + ; + +_Derivation : EDIF_TOK_CALCULATED + | EDIF_TOK_MEASURED + | EDIF_TOK_REQUIRED + ; + +Design : EDIF_TOK_DESIGN DesignNameDef _Design PopC + ; + +_Design : CellRef + | _Design Status + | _Design Comment + | _Design Property + | _Design UserData + ; + +Designator : EDIF_TOK_DESIGNATOR _Designator PopC + ; + +_Designator : Str { free($1); } + | StrDisplay + ; + +DesignNameDef : NameDef { str_pair_free($1); } + ; + +DesignRule : EDIF_TOK_PHYSICALDESIGNRULE _DesignRule PopC + ; + +_DesignRule : + | _DesignRule FigureWidth + | _DesignRule FigureArea + | _DesignRule RectSize + | _DesignRule FigurePerim + | _DesignRule OverlapDist + | _DesignRule OverhngDist + | _DesignRule EncloseDist + | _DesignRule InterFigGrp + | _DesignRule IntraFigGrp + | _DesignRule NotchSpace + | _DesignRule NotAllowed + | _DesignRule FigGrp + | _DesignRule Comment + | _DesignRule UserData + ; + +Difference : EDIF_TOK_DIFFERENCE _Difference PopC + ; + +_Difference : FigGrpRef + | FigureOp + | _Difference FigGrpRef + | _Difference FigureOp + ; + +Direction : EDIF_TOK_DIRECTION _Direction PopC + ; + +_Direction : EDIF_TOK_INOUT + | EDIF_TOK_INPUT + | EDIF_TOK_OUTPUT + ; + +Display : EDIF_TOK_DISPLAY _Display _DisplayJust _DisplayOrien _DisplayOrg PopC + ; + +_Display : FigGrpNameRef + | FigGrpOver + ; + +_DisplayJust : + | Justify + ; + +_DisplayOrien : + | Orientation + ; + +_DisplayOrg : + | Origin + ; + +Dominates : EDIF_TOK_DOMINATES _Dominates PopC + ; + +_Dominates : + | _Dominates LogicNameRef + ; + +Dot : EDIF_TOK_DOT _Dot PopC + ; + +_Dot : PointValue + | _Dot Property + ; + +Duration : EDIF_TOK_DURATION ScaledInt PopC + ; + +EncloseDist : EDIF_TOK_ENCLOSUREDISTANCE RuleNameDef FigGrpObj FigGrpObj _EncloseDist + PopC + ; + +_EncloseDist : Range + | SingleValSet + | _EncloseDist Comment + | _EncloseDist UserData + ; + +EndType : EDIF_TOK_ENDTYPE _EndType PopC + ; + +_EndType : EDIF_TOK_EXTEND + | EDIF_TOK_ROUND + | EDIF_TOK_TRUNCATE + ; + +Entry : EDIF_TOK_ENTRY ___Entry __Entry _Entry + PopC + ; + +___Entry : Match + | Change + | Steady + ; + +__Entry : LogicRef + | PortRef { str_pair_free($1); } + | NoChange + | Table + ; + +_Entry : + | Delay + | LoadDelay + ; + +Event : EDIF_TOK_EVENT _Event PopC + ; + +_Event : PortRef { str_pair_free($1); } + | PortList + | PortGroup + | NetRef + | NetGroup + | _Event Transition + | _Event Becomes + ; + +Exactly : EDIF_TOK_EXACTLY ScaledInt PopC + ; + +External : EDIF_TOK_EXTERNAL LibNameDef EdifLevel _External PopC + ; + +_External : Technology + | _External Status + | _External Cell + | _External Comment + | _External UserData + ; + +Fabricate : EDIF_TOK_FABRICATE LayerNameDef FigGrpNameRef PopC + ; + +False : EDIF_TOK_FALSE PopC + ; + +FigGrp : EDIF_TOK_FIGUREGROUP _FigGrp PopC + ; + +_FigGrp : FigGrpNameDef + | _FigGrp CornerType + | _FigGrp EndType + | _FigGrp PathWidth + | _FigGrp BorderWidth + | _FigGrp Color + | _FigGrp FillPattern + | _FigGrp BorderPat + | _FigGrp TextHeight + | _FigGrp Visible + | _FigGrp Comment + | _FigGrp Property + | _FigGrp UserData + | _FigGrp IncFigGrp + ; + +FigGrpNameDef : NameDef { str_pair_free($1); } + ; + +FigGrpNameRef : NameRef { free($1); } + ; + +FigGrpObj : EDIF_TOK_FIGUREGROUPOBJECT _FigGrpObj PopC + ; + +_FigGrpObj : FigGrpNameRef + | FigGrpRef + | FigureOp + ; + +FigGrpOver : EDIF_TOK_FIGUREGROUPOVERRIDE _FigGrpOver PopC + ; + +_FigGrpOver : FigGrpNameRef + | _FigGrpOver CornerType + | _FigGrpOver EndType + | _FigGrpOver PathWidth + | _FigGrpOver BorderWidth + | _FigGrpOver Color + | _FigGrpOver FillPattern + | _FigGrpOver BorderPat + | _FigGrpOver TextHeight + | _FigGrpOver Visible + | _FigGrpOver Comment + | _FigGrpOver Property + | _FigGrpOver UserData + ; + +FigGrpRef : EDIF_TOK_FIGUREGROUPREF FigGrpNameRef _FigGrpRef PopC + ; + +_FigGrpRef : + | LibraryRef + ; + +Figure : EDIF_TOK_FIGURE _Figure PopC + ; + +_Figure : FigGrpNameDef + | FigGrpOver + | _Figure Circle + | _Figure Dot + | _Figure OpenShape + | _Figure Path + | _Figure Polygon + | _Figure Rectangle + | _Figure Shape + | _Figure Comment + | _Figure UserData + ; + +FigureArea : EDIF_TOK_FIGUREAREA RuleNameDef FigGrpObj _FigureArea PopC + ; + +_FigureArea : Range + | SingleValSet + | _FigureArea Comment + | _FigureArea UserData + ; + +FigureOp : Intersection + | Union + | Difference + | Inverse + | Oversize + ; + +FigurePerim : EDIF_TOK_FIGUREPERIMETER RuleNameDef FigGrpObj _FigurePerim PopC + ; + +_FigurePerim : Range + | SingleValSet + | _FigurePerim Comment + | _FigurePerim UserData + ; + +FigureWidth : EDIF_TOK_FIGUREWIDTH RuleNameDef FigGrpObj _FigureWidth PopC + ; + +_FigureWidth : Range + | SingleValSet + | _FigureWidth Comment + | _FigureWidth UserData + ; + +FillPattern : EDIF_TOK_FILLPATTERN Int Int Boolean PopC { free($2); free($3); } + ; + +Follow : EDIF_TOK_FOLLOW __Follow _Follow PopC + ; + +__Follow : PortNameRef + | PortRef { str_pair_free($1); } + ; + +_Follow : PortRef { str_pair_free($1); } + | Table + | _Follow Delay + | _Follow LoadDelay + ; + +Forbidden : EDIF_TOK_FORBIDDENEVENT _Forbidden PopC + ; + +_Forbidden : TimeIntval + | _Forbidden Event + ; + +Form : Keyword _Form ')' { free($1); } + ; + +_Form : + | _Form Int { free($2); } + | _Form Str { free($2); } + | _Form Ident { free($2); } + | _Form Form + ; + +GlobPortRef : EDIF_TOK_GLOBALPORTREF PortNameRef PopC + ; + +GreaterThan : EDIF_TOK_GREATERTHAN ScaledInt PopC + ; + +GridMap : EDIF_TOK_GRIDMAP ScaledInt ScaledInt PopC + ; + +Ignore : EDIF_TOK_IGNORE PopC + ; + +IncFigGrp : EDIF_TOK_INCLUDEFIGUREGROUP _IncFigGrp PopC + ; + +_IncFigGrp : FigGrpRef + | FigureOp + ; + +Initial : EDIF_TOK_INITIAL PopC + ; + +Instance : EDIF_TOK_INSTANCE InstNameDef _Instance PopC + ; + +_Instance : ViewRef + | ViewList + | _Instance Transform + | _Instance ParamAssign + | _Instance PortInst + | _Instance Timing + | _Instance Designator + | _Instance Property + | _Instance Comment + | _Instance UserData + ; + +InstanceRef : EDIF_TOK_INSTANCEREF InstNameRef _InstanceRef PopC { $$=$2; } + ; + +_InstanceRef : +| InstanceRef { free($1); } + | ViewRef + ; + +InstBackAn : EDIF_TOK_INSTANCEBACKANNOTATE _InstBackAn PopC + ; + +_InstBackAn : InstanceRef { free($1); } + | _InstBackAn Designator + | _InstBackAn Timing + | _InstBackAn Property + | _InstBackAn Comment + ; + +InstGroup : EDIF_TOK_INSTANCEGROUP _InstGroup PopC + ; + +_InstGroup : + | _InstGroup InstanceRef { free($2); } + ; + +InstMap : EDIF_TOK_INSTANCEMAP _InstMap PopC + ; + +_InstMap : + | _InstMap InstanceRef { free($2); } + | _InstMap InstGroup + | _InstMap Comment + | _InstMap UserData + ; + +InstNameDef : NameDef { str_pair_free($1); } + | Array + ; + +InstNameRef : NameRef { $$=$1; } + | Member + ; + +IntDisplay : EDIF_TOK_INTEGERDISPLAY _IntDisplay PopC + ; + +_IntDisplay : Int { free($1); } + | _IntDisplay Display + ; + +Integer : EDIF_TOK_INTEGER _Integer PopC + ; + +_Integer : + | _Integer Int { free($2); } + | _Integer IntDisplay + | _Integer Integer + ; + +Interface : EDIF_TOK_INTERFACE _Interface PopC + ; + +_Interface : + | _Interface Port + | _Interface PortBundle + | _Interface Symbol + | _Interface ProtectFrame + | _Interface ArrayRelInfo + | _Interface Parameter + | _Interface Joined { pair_list_free($2); } + | _Interface MustJoin + | _Interface WeakJoined + | _Interface Permutable + | _Interface Timing + | _Interface Simulate + | _Interface Designator + | _Interface Property + | _Interface Comment + | _Interface UserData + ; + +InterFigGrp : EDIF_TOK_INTERFIGUREGROUPSPACING RuleNameDef FigGrpObj FigGrpObj + _InterFigGrp PopC + ; + +_InterFigGrp : Range + | SingleValSet + | _InterFigGrp Comment + | _InterFigGrp UserData + ; + +Intersection : EDIF_TOK_INTERSECTION _Intersection PopC + ; + +_Intersection : FigGrpRef + | FigureOp + | _Intersection FigGrpRef + | _Intersection FigureOp + ; + +IntraFigGrp : EDIF_TOK_INTRAFIGUREGROUPSPACING RuleNameDef FigGrpObj _IntraFigGrp PopC + ; + +_IntraFigGrp : Range + | SingleValSet + | _IntraFigGrp Comment + | _IntraFigGrp UserData + ; + +Inverse : EDIF_TOK_INVERSE _Inverse PopC + ; + +_Inverse : FigGrpRef + | FigureOp + ; + +Isolated : EDIF_TOK_ISOLATED PopC + ; + +Joined : EDIF_TOK_JOINED _Joined PopC { $$ = new_pair_list($2); } + ; + +_Joined : { $$=NULL; } +| _Joined PortRef { $2->next = $1; $$ = $2; } + | _Joined PortList + | _Joined GlobPortRef + ; + +Justify : EDIF_TOK_JUSTIFY _Justify PopC + ; + +_Justify : EDIF_TOK_CENTERCENTER + | EDIF_TOK_CENTERLEFT + | EDIF_TOK_CENTERRIGHT + | EDIF_TOK_LOWERCENTER + | EDIF_TOK_LOWERLEFT + | EDIF_TOK_LOWERRIGHT + | EDIF_TOK_UPPERCENTER + | EDIF_TOK_UPPERLEFT + | EDIF_TOK_UPPERRIGHT + ; + +KeywordDisp : EDIF_TOK_KEYWORDDISPLAY _KeywordDisp PopC + ; + +_KeywordDisp : KeywordName + | _KeywordDisp Display + ; + +KeywordLevel : EDIF_TOK_KEYWORDLEVEL Int PopC { free($2); } + ; + +KeywordMap : EDIF_TOK_KEYWORDMAP _KeywordMap PopC + ; + +_KeywordMap : KeywordLevel + | _KeywordMap Comment + ; + +KeywordName : Ident { free($1); } + ; + +LayerNameDef : NameDef { str_pair_free($1); } + ; + +LessThan : EDIF_TOK_LESSTHAN ScaledInt PopC + ; + +LibNameDef : NameDef { str_pair_free($1); } + ; + +LibNameRef : NameRef { free($1); } + ; + +Library : EDIF_TOK_LIBRARY LibNameDef EdifLevel _Library PopC + ; + +_Library : Technology + | _Library Status + | _Library Cell + | _Library Comment + | _Library UserData + ; + +LibraryRef : EDIF_TOK_LIBRARYREF LibNameRef PopC + ; + +ListOfNets : EDIF_TOK_LISTOFNETS _ListOfNets PopC + ; + +_ListOfNets : + | _ListOfNets Net + ; + +ListOfPorts : EDIF_TOK_LISTOFPORTS _ListOfPorts PopC + ; + +_ListOfPorts : + | _ListOfPorts Port + | _ListOfPorts PortBundle + ; + +LoadDelay : EDIF_TOK_LOADDELAY _LoadDelay _LoadDelay PopC + ; + +_LoadDelay : MiNoMaValue + | MiNoMaDisp + ; + +LogicAssn : EDIF_TOK_LOGICASSIGN ___LogicAssn __LogicAssn _LogicAssn PopC + ; + +___LogicAssn : PortNameRef + | PortRef { str_pair_free($1); } + ; + +__LogicAssn : PortRef { str_pair_free($1); } + | LogicRef + | Table + ; + +_LogicAssn : + | Delay + | LoadDelay + ; + +LogicIn : EDIF_TOK_LOGICINPUT _LogicIn PopC + ; + +_LogicIn : PortList + | PortRef { str_pair_free($1); } + | PortNameRef + | _LogicIn LogicWave + ; + +LogicList : EDIF_TOK_LOGICLIST _LogicList PopC + ; + +_LogicList : + | _LogicList LogicNameRef + | _LogicList LogicOneOf + | _LogicList Ignore + ; + +LogicMapIn : EDIF_TOK_LOGICMAPINPUT _LogicMapIn PopC + ; + +_LogicMapIn : + | _LogicMapIn LogicNameRef + ; + +LogicMapOut : EDIF_TOK_LOGICMAPOUTPUT _LogicMapOut PopC + ; + +_LogicMapOut : + | _LogicMapOut LogicNameRef + ; + +LogicNameDef : NameDef { str_pair_free($1); } + ; + +LogicNameRef : NameRef { free($1); } + ; + +LogicOneOf : EDIF_TOK_LOGICONEOF _LogicOneOf PopC + ; + +_LogicOneOf : + | _LogicOneOf LogicNameRef + | _LogicOneOf LogicList + ; + +LogicOut : EDIF_TOK_LOGICOUTPUT _LogicOut PopC + ; + +_LogicOut : PortList + | PortRef { str_pair_free($1); } + | PortNameRef + | _LogicOut LogicWave + ; + +LogicPort : EDIF_TOK_LOGICPORT _LogicPort PopC + ; + +_LogicPort : PortNameDef + | _LogicPort Property + | _LogicPort Comment + | _LogicPort UserData + ; + +LogicRef : EDIF_TOK_LOGICREF LogicNameRef _LogicRef PopC + ; + +_LogicRef : + | LibraryRef + ; + +LogicValue : EDIF_TOK_LOGICVALUE _LogicValue PopC + ; + +_LogicValue : LogicNameDef + | _LogicValue VoltageMap + | _LogicValue CurrentMap + | _LogicValue BooleanMap + | _LogicValue Compound + | _LogicValue Weak + | _LogicValue Strong + | _LogicValue Dominates + | _LogicValue LogicMapOut + | _LogicValue LogicMapIn + | _LogicValue Isolated + | _LogicValue Resolves + | _LogicValue Property + | _LogicValue Comment + | _LogicValue UserData + ; + +LogicWave : EDIF_TOK_LOGICWAVEFORM _LogicWave PopC + ; + +_LogicWave : + | _LogicWave LogicNameRef + | _LogicWave LogicList + | _LogicWave LogicOneOf + | _LogicWave Ignore + ; + +Maintain : EDIF_TOK_MAINTAIN __Maintain _Maintain PopC + ; + +__Maintain : PortNameRef + | PortRef { str_pair_free($1); } + ; + +_Maintain : + | Delay + | LoadDelay + ; + +Match : EDIF_TOK_MATCH __Match _Match PopC + ; + +__Match : PortNameRef + | PortRef { str_pair_free($1); } + | PortList + ; + +_Match : LogicNameRef + | LogicList + | LogicOneOf + ; + +Member : EDIF_TOK_MEMBER NameRef _Member PopC { free($2); } + ; + +_Member : Int { free($1); } + | _Member Int { free($2); } + ; + +MiNoMa : EDIF_TOK_MINOMAX _MiNoMa PopC + ; + +_MiNoMa : + | _MiNoMa MiNoMaValue + | _MiNoMa MiNoMaDisp + | _MiNoMa MiNoMa + ; + +MiNoMaDisp : EDIF_TOK_MINOMAXDISPLAY _MiNoMaDisp PopC + ; + +_MiNoMaDisp : MiNoMaValue + | _MiNoMaDisp Display + ; + +MiNoMaValue : Mnm + | ScaledInt + ; + +Mnm : EDIF_TOK_MNM _Mnm _Mnm _Mnm PopC + ; + +_Mnm : ScaledInt + | Undefined + | Unconstrained + ; + +MultValSet : EDIF_TOK_MULTIPLEVALUESET _MultValSet PopC + ; + +_MultValSet : + | _MultValSet RangeVector + ; + +MustJoin : EDIF_TOK_MUSTJOIN _MustJoin PopC + ; + +_MustJoin : + | _MustJoin PortRef { str_pair_free($2); } + | _MustJoin PortList + | _MustJoin WeakJoined + | _MustJoin Joined { pair_list_free($2); } + ; + +Name : EDIF_TOK_NAME _Name PopC { $$=$2; } + ; + +_Name : Ident { $$=$1; } + | _Name Display + ; + +NameDef : Ident { $$ = new_str_pair($1,NULL); } + | Name { $$ = new_str_pair($1,NULL); } +| Rename { $$=$1; } + ; + +NameRef : Ident { $$=$1; } + | Name { $$=$1; } + ; + +Net : EDIF_TOK_NET NetNameDef _Net PopC { define_pcb_net($2, $3); } + ; + +_Net : Joined { $$=$1; } + | _Net Criticality + | _Net NetDelay + | _Net Figure + | _Net Net + | _Net Instance + | _Net CommGraph + | _Net Property + | _Net Comment + | _Net UserData + ; + +NetBackAn : EDIF_TOK_NETBACKANNOTATE _NetBackAn PopC + ; + +_NetBackAn : NetRef + | _NetBackAn NetDelay + | _NetBackAn Criticality + | _NetBackAn Property + | _NetBackAn Comment + ; + +NetBundle : EDIF_TOK_NETBUNDLE NetNameDef _NetBundle PopC { str_pair_free($2); } + ; + +_NetBundle : ListOfNets + | _NetBundle Figure + | _NetBundle CommGraph + | _NetBundle Property + | _NetBundle Comment + | _NetBundle UserData + ; + +NetDelay : EDIF_TOK_NETDELAY Derivation _NetDelay PopC + ; + +_NetDelay : Delay + | _NetDelay Transition + | _NetDelay Becomes + ; + +NetGroup : EDIF_TOK_NETGROUP _NetGroup PopC + ; + +_NetGroup : + | _NetGroup NetNameRef + | _NetGroup NetRef + ; + +NetMap : EDIF_TOK_NETMAP _NetMap PopC + ; + +_NetMap : + | _NetMap NetRef + | _NetMap NetGroup + | _NetMap Comment + | _NetMap UserData + ; + +NetNameDef : NameDef { $$=$1; } +| Array { $$=NULL; } + + ; + +NetNameRef : NameRef { free($1); } + | Member + ; + +NetRef : EDIF_TOK_NETREF NetNameRef _NetRef PopC + ; + +_NetRef : + | NetRef + | InstanceRef { free($1); } + | ViewRef + ; + +NoChange : EDIF_TOK_NOCHANGE PopC + ; + +NonPermut : EDIF_TOK_NONPERMUTABLE _NonPermut PopC + ; + +_NonPermut : + | _NonPermut PortRef { str_pair_free($2); } + | _NonPermut Permutable + ; + +NotAllowed : EDIF_TOK_NOTALLOWED RuleNameDef _NotAllowed PopC + ; + +_NotAllowed : FigGrpObj + | _NotAllowed Comment + | _NotAllowed UserData + ; + +NotchSpace : EDIF_TOK_NOTCHSPACING RuleNameDef FigGrpObj _NotchSpace PopC + ; + +_NotchSpace : Range + | SingleValSet + | _NotchSpace Comment + | _NotchSpace UserData + ; + +Number : EDIF_TOK_NUMBER _Number PopC + ; + +_Number : + | _Number ScaledInt + | _Number NumbDisplay + | _Number Number + ; + +NumbDisplay : EDIF_TOK_NUMBERDISPLAY _NumbDisplay PopC + ; + +_NumbDisplay : ScaledInt + | _NumbDisplay Display + ; + +NumberDefn : EDIF_TOK_NUMBERDEFINITION _NumberDefn PopC + ; + +_NumberDefn : + | _NumberDefn Scale + | _NumberDefn GridMap + | _NumberDefn Comment + ; + +OffPageConn : EDIF_TOK_OFFPAGECONNECTOR _OffPageConn PopC + ; + +_OffPageConn : PortNameDef + | _OffPageConn Unused + | _OffPageConn Property + | _OffPageConn Comment + | _OffPageConn UserData + ; + +OffsetEvent : EDIF_TOK_OFFSETEVENT Event ScaledInt PopC + ; + +OpenShape : EDIF_TOK_OPENSHAPE _OpenShape PopC + ; + +_OpenShape : Curve + | _OpenShape Property + ; + +Orientation : EDIF_TOK_ORIENTATION _Orientation PopC + ; + +_Orientation : EDIF_TOK_R0 + | EDIF_TOK_R90 + | EDIF_TOK_R180 + | EDIF_TOK_R270 + | EDIF_TOK_MX + | EDIF_TOK_MY + | EDIF_TOK_MYR90 + | EDIF_TOK_MXR90 + ; + +Origin : EDIF_TOK_ORIGIN PointValue PopC + ; + +OverhngDist : EDIF_TOK_OVERHANGDISTANCE RuleNameDef FigGrpObj FigGrpObj _OverhngDist + PopC + ; + +_OverhngDist : Range + | SingleValSet + | _OverhngDist Comment + | _OverhngDist UserData + ; + +OverlapDist : EDIF_TOK_OVERLAPDISTANCE RuleNameDef FigGrpObj FigGrpObj _OverlapDist + PopC + ; + +_OverlapDist : Range + | SingleValSet + | _OverlapDist Comment + | _OverlapDist UserData + ; + +Oversize : EDIF_TOK_OVERSIZE Int _Oversize CornerType PopC { free($2); } + ; + +_Oversize : FigGrpRef + | FigureOp + ; + +Owner : EDIF_TOK_OWNER Str PopC { free($2); } + ; + +Page : EDIF_TOK_PAGE _Page PopC + ; + +_Page : InstNameDef + | _Page Instance + | _Page Net + | _Page NetBundle + | _Page CommGraph + | _Page PortImpl + | _Page PageSize + | _Page BoundBox + | _Page Comment + | _Page UserData + ; + +PageSize : EDIF_TOK_PAGESIZE Rectangle PopC + ; + +ParamDisp : EDIF_TOK_PARAMETERDISPLAY _ParamDisp PopC + ; + +_ParamDisp : ValueNameRef + | _ParamDisp Display + ; + +Parameter : EDIF_TOK_PARAMETER ValueNameDef TypedValue _Parameter PopC + ; + +_Parameter : + | Unit + ; + +ParamAssign : EDIF_TOK_PARAMETERASSIGN ValueNameRef TypedValue PopC + ; + +Path : EDIF_TOK_PATH _Path PopC + ; + +_Path : PointList + | _Path Property + ; + +PathDelay : EDIF_TOK_PATHDELAY _PathDelay PopC + ; + +_PathDelay : Delay + | _PathDelay Event + ; + +PathWidth : EDIF_TOK_PATHWIDTH Int PopC { free($2); } + ; + +Permutable : EDIF_TOK_PERMUTABLE _Permutable PopC + ; + +_Permutable : + | _Permutable PortRef { str_pair_free($2); } + | _Permutable Permutable + | _Permutable NonPermut + ; + +Plug : EDIF_TOK_PLUG _Plug PopC + ; + +_Plug : + | _Plug SocketSet + ; + +Point : EDIF_TOK_POINT _Point PopC + ; + +_Point : + | _Point PointValue + | _Point PointDisp + | _Point Point + ; + +PointDisp : EDIF_TOK_POINTDISPLAY _PointDisp PopC + ; + +_PointDisp : PointValue + | _PointDisp Display + ; + +PointList : EDIF_TOK_POINTLIST _PointList PopC + ; + +_PointList : + | _PointList PointValue + ; + +PointValue : EDIF_TOK_PT Int Int PopC { free($2); free($3); } + ; + +Polygon : EDIF_TOK_POLYGON _Polygon PopC + ; + +_Polygon : PointList + | _Polygon Property + ; + +Port : EDIF_TOK_PORT _Port PopC + ; + +_Port : PortNameDef + | _Port Direction + | _Port Unused + | _Port PortDelay + | _Port Designator + | _Port DcFanInLoad + | _Port DcFanOutLoad + | _Port DcMaxFanIn + | _Port DcMaxFanOut + | _Port AcLoad + | _Port Property + | _Port Comment + | _Port UserData + ; + +PortBackAn : EDIF_TOK_PORTBACKANNOTATE _PortBackAn PopC + ; + +_PortBackAn : PortRef { str_pair_free($1); } + | _PortBackAn Designator + | _PortBackAn PortDelay + | _PortBackAn DcFanInLoad + | _PortBackAn DcFanOutLoad + | _PortBackAn DcMaxFanIn + | _PortBackAn DcMaxFanOut + | _PortBackAn AcLoad + | _PortBackAn Property + | _PortBackAn Comment + ; + +PortBundle : EDIF_TOK_PORTBUNDLE PortNameDef _PortBundle PopC + ; + +_PortBundle : ListOfPorts + | _PortBundle Property + | _PortBundle Comment + | _PortBundle UserData + ; + +PortDelay : EDIF_TOK_PORTDELAY Derivation _PortDelay PopC + ; + +_PortDelay : Delay + | LoadDelay + | _PortDelay Transition + | _PortDelay Becomes + ; + +PortGroup : EDIF_TOK_PORTGROUP _PortGroup PopC + ; + +_PortGroup : + | _PortGroup PortNameRef + | _PortGroup PortRef { str_pair_free($2); } + ; + +PortImpl : EDIF_TOK_PORTIMPLEMENTATION _PortImpl PopC + ; + +_PortImpl : PortRef { str_pair_free($1); } + | PortNameRef + | _PortImpl ConnectLoc + | _PortImpl Figure + | _PortImpl Instance + | _PortImpl CommGraph + | _PortImpl PropDisplay + | _PortImpl KeywordDisp + | _PortImpl Property + | _PortImpl UserData + | _PortImpl Comment + ; + +PortInst : EDIF_TOK_PORTINSTANCE _PortInst PopC + ; + +_PortInst : PortRef { str_pair_free($1); } + | PortNameRef + | _PortInst Unused + | _PortInst PortDelay + | _PortInst Designator + | _PortInst DcFanInLoad + | _PortInst DcFanOutLoad + | _PortInst DcMaxFanIn + | _PortInst DcMaxFanOut + | _PortInst AcLoad + | _PortInst Property + | _PortInst Comment + | _PortInst UserData + ; + +PortList : EDIF_TOK_PORTLIST _PortList PopC + ; + +_PortList : + | _PortList PortRef { str_pair_free($2); } + | _PortList PortNameRef + ; + +PortListAls : EDIF_TOK_PORTLISTALIAS PortNameDef PortList PopC + ; + +PortMap : EDIF_TOK_PORTMAP _PortMap PopC + ; + +_PortMap : + | _PortMap PortRef { str_pair_free($2); } + | _PortMap PortGroup + | _PortMap Comment + | _PortMap UserData + ; + +PortNameDef : NameDef { str_pair_free($1); } + | Array + ; + +PortNameRef : NameRef { $$=$1; } + | Member + ; + +PortRef : EDIF_TOK_PORTREF PortNameRef _PortRef PopC +{ + if ($3) + { + $$ = new_str_pair($3->str1,$2); + free($3); + } + else + { + /* handle port with no instance by passing up the chain */ + $$ = new_str_pair(NULL,$2); + } +} + ; + +_PortRef : { $$=NULL; } + | PortRef { $$=$1; } + | InstanceRef { $$ = new_str_pair($1,NULL); } + | ViewRef { $$=NULL; } + ; + +Program : EDIF_TOK_PROGRAM Str _Program PopC + ; + +_Program : + | Version + ; + +PropDisplay : EDIF_TOK_PROPERTYDISPLAY _PropDisplay PopC + ; + +_PropDisplay : PropNameRef + | _PropDisplay Display + ; + +Property : EDIF_TOK_PROPERTY PropNameDef _Property PopC + ; + +_Property : TypedValue + | _Property Owner + | _Property Unit + | _Property Property + | _Property Comment + ; + +PropNameDef : NameDef { str_pair_free($1); } + ; + +PropNameRef : NameRef { free($1); } + ; + +ProtectFrame : EDIF_TOK_PROTECTIONFRAME _ProtectFrame PopC + ; + +_ProtectFrame : + | _ProtectFrame PortImpl + | _ProtectFrame Figure + | _ProtectFrame Instance + | _ProtectFrame CommGraph + | _ProtectFrame BoundBox + | _ProtectFrame PropDisplay + | _ProtectFrame KeywordDisp + | _ProtectFrame ParamDisp + | _ProtectFrame Property + | _ProtectFrame Comment + | _ProtectFrame UserData + ; + +Range : LessThan + | GreaterThan + | AtMost + | AtLeast + | Exactly + | Between + ; + +RangeVector : EDIF_TOK_RANGEVECTOR _RangeVector PopC + ; + +_RangeVector : + | _RangeVector Range + | _RangeVector SingleValSet + ; + +Rectangle : EDIF_TOK_RECTANGLE PointValue _Rectangle PopC + ; + +_Rectangle : PointValue + | _Rectangle Property + ; + +RectSize : EDIF_TOK_RECTANGLESIZE RuleNameDef FigGrpObj _RectSize PopC + ; + +_RectSize : RangeVector + | MultValSet + | _RectSize Comment + | _RectSize UserData + ; + +Rename : EDIF_TOK_RENAME __Rename _Rename PopC +{ $$ = new_str_pair($2,$3); } + ; + +__Rename : Ident { $$=$1; } + | Name { $$=$1; } + ; + +_Rename : Str { $$=$1; } + | StrDisplay { $$=NULL; } + ; + +Resolves : EDIF_TOK_RESOLVES _Resolves PopC + ; + +_Resolves : + | _Resolves LogicNameRef + ; + +RuleNameDef : NameDef { str_pair_free($1); } + ; + +Scale : EDIF_TOK_SCALE ScaledInt ScaledInt Unit PopC + ; + +ScaledInt : Int { free($1); } + | EDIF_TOK_E Int Int PopC { free($2); free($3); } + ; + +ScaleX : EDIF_TOK_SCALEX Int Int PopC { free($2); free($3); } + ; + +ScaleY : EDIF_TOK_SCALEY Int Int PopC { free($2); free($3); } + ; + +Section : EDIF_TOK_SECTION _Section PopC + ; + +_Section : Str { free($1); } + | _Section Section + | _Section Str { free($2); } + | _Section Instance + ; + +Shape : EDIF_TOK_SHAPE _Shape PopC + ; + +_Shape : Curve + | _Shape Property + ; + +SimNameDef : NameDef { str_pair_free($1); } + ; + +Simulate : EDIF_TOK_SIMULATE _Simulate PopC + ; + +_Simulate : SimNameDef + | _Simulate PortListAls + | _Simulate WaveValue + | _Simulate Apply + | _Simulate Comment + | _Simulate UserData + ; + +SimulInfo : EDIF_TOK_SIMULATIONINFO _SimulInfo PopC + ; + +_SimulInfo : + | _SimulInfo LogicValue + | _SimulInfo Comment + | _SimulInfo UserData + ; + +SingleValSet : EDIF_TOK_SINGLEVALUESET _SingleValSet PopC + ; + +_SingleValSet : + | Range + ; + +Site : EDIF_TOK_SITE ViewRef _Site PopC + ; + +_Site : + | Transform + ; + +Socket : EDIF_TOK_SOCKET _Socket PopC + ; + +_Socket : + | Symmetry + ; + +SocketSet : EDIF_TOK_SOCKETSET _SocketSet PopC + ; + +_SocketSet : Symmetry + | _SocketSet Site + ; + +Status : EDIF_TOK_STATUS _Status PopC + ; + +_Status : + | _Status Written + | _Status Comment + | _Status UserData + ; + +Steady : EDIF_TOK_STEADY __Steady _Steady PopC + ; + +__Steady : PortNameRef + | PortRef { str_pair_free($1); } + | PortList + ; + +_Steady : Duration + | _Steady Transition + | _Steady Becomes + ; + +StrDisplay : EDIF_TOK_STRINGDISPLAY _StrDisplay PopC + ; + +String : EDIF_TOK_STRING _String PopC + ; + +_String : + | _String Str { free($2); } + | _String StrDisplay + | _String String + ; + +_StrDisplay : Str { free($1); } + | _StrDisplay Display + ; + +Strong : EDIF_TOK_STRONG LogicNameRef PopC + ; + +Symbol : EDIF_TOK_SYMBOL _Symbol PopC + ; + +_Symbol : + | _Symbol PortImpl + | _Symbol Figure + | _Symbol Instance + | _Symbol CommGraph + | _Symbol Annotate + | _Symbol PageSize + | _Symbol BoundBox + | _Symbol PropDisplay + | _Symbol KeywordDisp + | _Symbol ParamDisp + | _Symbol Property + | _Symbol Comment + | _Symbol UserData + ; + +Symmetry : EDIF_TOK_SYMMETRY _Symmetry PopC + ; + +_Symmetry : + | _Symmetry Transform + ; + +Table : EDIF_TOK_TABLE _Table PopC + ; + +_Table : + | _Table Entry + | _Table TableDeflt + ; + +TableDeflt : EDIF_TOK_TABLEDEFAULT __TableDeflt _TableDeflt PopC + ; + +__TableDeflt : LogicRef + | PortRef { str_pair_free($1); } + | NoChange + | Table + ; + +_TableDeflt : + | Delay + | LoadDelay + ; + +Technology : EDIF_TOK_TECHNOLOGY _Technology PopC + ; + +_Technology : NumberDefn + | _Technology FigGrp + | _Technology Fabricate + | _Technology SimulInfo + | _Technology DesignRule + | _Technology Comment + | _Technology UserData + ; + +TextHeight : EDIF_TOK_TEXTHEIGHT Int PopC { free($2); } + ; + +TimeIntval : EDIF_TOK_TIMEINTERVAL __TimeIntval _TimeIntval PopC + ; + +__TimeIntval : Event + | OffsetEvent + ; + +_TimeIntval : Event + | OffsetEvent + | Duration + ; + +TimeStamp : EDIF_TOK_TIMESTAMP Int Int Int Int Int Int PopC +{ free($2); free($3); free($4); free($5); free($6); free($7); } + ; + +Timing : EDIF_TOK_TIMING _Timing PopC + ; + +_Timing : Derivation + | _Timing PathDelay + | _Timing Forbidden + | _Timing Comment + | _Timing UserData + ; + +Transform : EDIF_TOK_TRANSFORM _TransX _TransY _TransDelta _TransOrien _TransOrg + PopC + ; + +_TransX : + | ScaleX + ; + +_TransY : + | ScaleY + ; + +_TransDelta : + | Delta + ; + +_TransOrien : + | Orientation + ; + +_TransOrg : + | Origin + ; + +Transition : EDIF_TOK_TRANSITION _Transition _Transition PopC + ; + +_Transition : LogicNameRef + | LogicList + | LogicOneOf + ; + +Trigger : EDIF_TOK_TRIGGER _Trigger PopC + ; + +_Trigger : + | _Trigger Change + | _Trigger Steady + | _Trigger Initial + ; + +True : EDIF_TOK_TRUE PopC + ; + +TypedValue : Boolean + | Integer + | MiNoMa + | Number + | Point + | String + ; + +Unconstrained : EDIF_TOK_UNCONSTRAINED PopC + ; + +Undefined : EDIF_TOK_UNDEFINED PopC + ; + +Union : EDIF_TOK_UNION _Union PopC + ; + +_Union : FigGrpRef + | FigureOp + | _Union FigGrpRef + | _Union FigureOp + ; + +Unit : EDIF_TOK_UNIT _Unit PopC + ; + +_Unit : EDIF_TOK_DISTANCE + | EDIF_TOK_CAPACITANCE + | EDIF_TOK_CURRENT + | EDIF_TOK_RESISTANCE + | EDIF_TOK_TEMPERATURE + | EDIF_TOK_TIME + | EDIF_TOK_VOLTAGE + | EDIF_TOK_MASS + | EDIF_TOK_FREQUENCY + | EDIF_TOK_INDUCTANCE + | EDIF_TOK_ENERGY + | EDIF_TOK_POWER + | EDIF_TOK_CHARGE + | EDIF_TOK_CONDUCTANCE + | EDIF_TOK_FLUX + | EDIF_TOK_ANGLE + ; + +Unused : EDIF_TOK_UNUSED PopC + ; + +UserData : EDIF_TOK_USERDATA _UserData PopC + ; + +_UserData : Ident { free($1); } + | _UserData Int { free($2); } + | _UserData Str { free($2); } + | _UserData Ident { free($2); } + | _UserData Form + ; + +ValueNameDef : NameDef { str_pair_free($1); } + | Array + ; + +ValueNameRef : NameRef { free($1); } + | Member + ; + +Version : EDIF_TOK_VERSION Str PopC { free($2); } + ; + +View : EDIF_TOK_VIEW ViewNameDef ViewType _View PopC + ; + +_View : Interface + | _View Status + | _View Contents + | _View Comment + | _View Property + | _View UserData + ; + +ViewList : EDIF_TOK_VIEWLIST _ViewList PopC + ; + +_ViewList : + | _ViewList ViewRef + | _ViewList ViewList + ; + +ViewMap : EDIF_TOK_VIEWMAP _ViewMap PopC + ; + +_ViewMap : + | _ViewMap PortMap + | _ViewMap PortBackAn + | _ViewMap InstMap + | _ViewMap InstBackAn + | _ViewMap NetMap + | _ViewMap NetBackAn + | _ViewMap Comment + | _ViewMap UserData + ; + +ViewNameDef : NameDef { str_pair_free($1); } + ; + +ViewNameRef : NameRef { free($1); } + ; + +ViewRef : EDIF_TOK_VIEWREF ViewNameRef _ViewRef PopC + ; + +_ViewRef : + | CellRef + ; + +ViewType : EDIF_TOK_VIEWTYPE _ViewType PopC + ; + +_ViewType : EDIF_TOK_MASKLAYOUT + | EDIF_TOK_PCBLAYOUT + | EDIF_TOK_NETLIST + | EDIF_TOK_SCHEMATIC + | EDIF_TOK_SYMBOLIC + | EDIF_TOK_BEHAVIOR + | EDIF_TOK_LOGICMODEL + | EDIF_TOK_DOCUMENT + | EDIF_TOK_GRAPHIC + | EDIF_TOK_STRANGER + ; + +Visible : EDIF_TOK_VISIBLE BooleanValue PopC + ; + +VoltageMap : EDIF_TOK_VOLTAGEMAP MiNoMaValue PopC + ; + +WaveValue : EDIF_TOK_WAVEVALUE LogicNameDef ScaledInt LogicWave PopC + ; + +Weak : EDIF_TOK_WEAK LogicNameRef PopC + ; + +WeakJoined : EDIF_TOK_WEAKJOINED _WeakJoined PopC + ; + +_WeakJoined : + | _WeakJoined PortRef { str_pair_free($2); } + | _WeakJoined PortList + | _WeakJoined Joined { pair_list_free($2); } + ; + +When : EDIF_TOK_WHEN _When PopC + ; + +_When : Trigger + | _When After + | _When Follow + | _When Maintain + | _When LogicAssn + | _When Comment + | _When UserData + ; + +Written : EDIF_TOK_WRITTEN _Written PopC + ; + +_Written : TimeStamp + | _Written Author + | _Written Program + | _Written DataOrigin + | _Written Property + | _Written Comment + | _Written UserData + ; + +Ident : EDIF_TOK_IDENT { $$=$1; } + ; + +Str : EDIF_TOK_STR { $$=$1; } + ; + +Int : EDIF_TOK_INT { $$=$1; } + ; + +Keyword : EDIF_TOK_KEYWORD { $$=$1; } + ; + +%% +/* + * xmalloc: + * + * Garbage function for 'alloca()'. + */ +char *xmalloc(int siz) +{ + return ((char *)Malloc(siz)); +} +/* + * Token & context carriers: + * + * These are the linkage pointers for threading this context garbage + * for converting identifiers into parser tokens. + */ +typedef struct TokenCar { + struct TokenCar *Next; /* pointer to next carrier */ + struct Token *Token; /* associated token */ +} TokenCar; +typedef struct UsedCar { + struct UsedCar *Next; /* pointer to next carrier */ + short Code; /* used '%token' value */ +} UsedCar; +typedef struct ContextCar { + struct ContextCar *Next; /* pointer to next carrier */ + struct Context *Context; /* associated context */ + union { + int Single; /* single usage flag (context tree) */ + struct UsedCar *Used; /* single used list (context stack) */ + } u; +} ContextCar; +/* + * Token definitions: + * + * This associates the '%token' codings with strings which are to + * be free standing tokens. Doesn't have to be in sorted order but the + * strings must be in lower case. + */ +typedef struct Token { + char *Name; /* token name */ + int Code; /* '%token' value */ + struct Token *Next; /* hash table linkage */ +} Token; +static Token TokenDef[] = { + {"angle", EDIF_TOK_ANGLE}, + {"behavior", EDIF_TOK_BEHAVIOR}, + {"calculated", EDIF_TOK_CALCULATED}, + {"capacitance", EDIF_TOK_CAPACITANCE}, + {"centercenter", EDIF_TOK_CENTERCENTER}, + {"centerleft", EDIF_TOK_CENTERLEFT}, + {"centerright", EDIF_TOK_CENTERRIGHT}, + {"charge", EDIF_TOK_CHARGE}, + {"conductance", EDIF_TOK_CONDUCTANCE}, + {"current", EDIF_TOK_CURRENT}, + {"distance", EDIF_TOK_DISTANCE}, + {"document", EDIF_TOK_DOCUMENT}, + {"energy", EDIF_TOK_ENERGY}, + {"extend", EDIF_TOK_EXTEND}, + {"flux", EDIF_TOK_FLUX}, + {"frequency", EDIF_TOK_FREQUENCY}, + {"generic", EDIF_TOK_GENERIC}, + {"graphic", EDIF_TOK_GRAPHIC}, + {"inductance", EDIF_TOK_INDUCTANCE}, + {"inout", EDIF_TOK_INOUT}, + {"input", EDIF_TOK_INPUT}, + {"logicmodel", EDIF_TOK_LOGICMODEL}, + {"lowercenter", EDIF_TOK_LOWERCENTER}, + {"lowerleft", EDIF_TOK_LOWERLEFT}, + {"lowerright", EDIF_TOK_LOWERRIGHT}, + {"masklayout", EDIF_TOK_MASKLAYOUT}, + {"mass", EDIF_TOK_MASS}, + {"measured", EDIF_TOK_MEASURED}, + {"mx", EDIF_TOK_MX}, + {"mxr90", EDIF_TOK_MXR90}, + {"my", EDIF_TOK_MY}, + {"myr90", EDIF_TOK_MYR90}, + {"netlist", EDIF_TOK_NETLIST}, + {"output", EDIF_TOK_OUTPUT}, + {"pcblayout", EDIF_TOK_PCBLAYOUT}, + {"power", EDIF_TOK_POWER}, + {"r0", EDIF_TOK_R0}, + {"r180", EDIF_TOK_R180}, + {"r270", EDIF_TOK_R270}, + {"r90", EDIF_TOK_R90}, + {"required", EDIF_TOK_REQUIRED}, + {"resistance", EDIF_TOK_RESISTANCE}, + {"ripper", EDIF_TOK_RIPPER}, + {"round", EDIF_TOK_ROUND}, + {"schematic", EDIF_TOK_SCHEMATIC}, + {"stranger", EDIF_TOK_STRANGER}, + {"symbolic", EDIF_TOK_SYMBOLIC}, + {"temperature", EDIF_TOK_TEMPERATURE}, + {"tie", EDIF_TOK_TIE}, + {"time", EDIF_TOK_TIME}, + {"truncate", EDIF_TOK_TRUNCATE}, + {"uppercenter", EDIF_TOK_UPPERCENTER}, + {"upperleft", EDIF_TOK_UPPERLEFT}, + {"upperright", EDIF_TOK_UPPERRIGHT}, + {"voltage", EDIF_TOK_VOLTAGE} +}; +static int TokenDefSize = sizeof(TokenDef) / sizeof(Token); +/* + * Token enable definitions: + * + * There is one array for each set of tokens enabled by a + * particular context (barf). Another array is used to bind + * these arrays to a context. + */ +static short e_CellType[] = {EDIF_TOK_TIE, EDIF_TOK_RIPPER, EDIF_TOK_GENERIC}; +static short e_CornerType[] = {EDIF_TOK_EXTEND, EDIF_TOK_TRUNCATE, + EDIF_TOK_ROUND}; +static short e_Derivation[] = {EDIF_TOK_CALCULATED, EDIF_TOK_MEASURED, + EDIF_TOK_REQUIRED}; +static short e_Direction[] = {EDIF_TOK_INPUT, EDIF_TOK_OUTPUT, + EDIF_TOK_INOUT}; +static short e_EndType[] = {EDIF_TOK_EXTEND, EDIF_TOK_TRUNCATE, + EDIF_TOK_ROUND}; +static short e_Justify[] = {EDIF_TOK_CENTERCENTER, EDIF_TOK_CENTERLEFT, + EDIF_TOK_CENTERRIGHT, EDIF_TOK_LOWERCENTER, + EDIF_TOK_LOWERLEFT, EDIF_TOK_LOWERRIGHT, + EDIF_TOK_UPPERCENTER, EDIF_TOK_UPPERLEFT, + EDIF_TOK_UPPERRIGHT}; +static short e_Orientation[] = {EDIF_TOK_R0, EDIF_TOK_R90, EDIF_TOK_R180, + EDIF_TOK_R270, EDIF_TOK_MX, EDIF_TOK_MY, + EDIF_TOK_MXR90, EDIF_TOK_MYR90}; +static short e_Unit[] = {EDIF_TOK_DISTANCE, EDIF_TOK_CAPACITANCE, + EDIF_TOK_CURRENT, EDIF_TOK_RESISTANCE, + EDIF_TOK_TEMPERATURE, EDIF_TOK_TIME, + EDIF_TOK_VOLTAGE, EDIF_TOK_MASS, EDIF_TOK_FREQUENCY, + EDIF_TOK_INDUCTANCE, EDIF_TOK_ENERGY, + EDIF_TOK_POWER, EDIF_TOK_CHARGE, + EDIF_TOK_CONDUCTANCE, EDIF_TOK_FLUX, EDIF_TOK_ANGLE}; +static short e_ViewType[] = {EDIF_TOK_MASKLAYOUT, EDIF_TOK_PCBLAYOUT, + EDIF_TOK_NETLIST, EDIF_TOK_SCHEMATIC, + EDIF_TOK_SYMBOLIC, EDIF_TOK_BEHAVIOR, + EDIF_TOK_LOGICMODEL, EDIF_TOK_DOCUMENT, + EDIF_TOK_GRAPHIC, EDIF_TOK_STRANGER}; +/* + * Token tying table: + * + * This binds enabled tokens to a context. + */ +typedef struct Tie { + short *Enable; /* pointer to enable array */ + short Origin; /* '%token' value of context */ + short EnableSize; /* size of enabled array */ +} Tie; +#define TE(e,o) {e,o,sizeof(e)/sizeof(short)} +static Tie TieDef[] = { + TE(e_CellType, EDIF_TOK_CELLTYPE), + TE(e_CornerType, EDIF_TOK_CORNERTYPE), + TE(e_Derivation, EDIF_TOK_DERIVATION), + TE(e_Direction, EDIF_TOK_DIRECTION), + TE(e_EndType, EDIF_TOK_ENDTYPE), + TE(e_Justify, EDIF_TOK_JUSTIFY), + TE(e_Orientation, EDIF_TOK_ORIENTATION), + TE(e_Unit, EDIF_TOK_UNIT), + TE(e_ViewType, EDIF_TOK_VIEWTYPE) +}; +static int TieDefSize = sizeof(TieDef) / sizeof(Tie); +/* + * Context definitions: + * + * This associates keyword strings with '%token' values. It + * also creates a pretty much empty header for later building of + * the context tree. Again they needn't be sorted, but strings + * must be lower case. + */ +typedef struct Context { + char *Name; /* keyword name */ + short Code; /* '%token' value */ + short Flags; /* special operation flags */ + struct ContextCar *Context; /* contexts which can be moved to */ + struct TokenCar *Token; /* active tokens */ + struct Context *Next; /* hash table linkage */ +} Context; +static Context ContextDef[] = { + {"", 0}, /* start context */ + {"acload", EDIF_TOK_ACLOAD}, + {"after", EDIF_TOK_AFTER}, + {"annotate", EDIF_TOK_ANNOTATE}, + {"apply", EDIF_TOK_APPLY}, + {"arc", EDIF_TOK_ARC}, + {"array", EDIF_TOK_ARRAY}, + {"arraymacro", EDIF_TOK_ARRAYMACRO}, + {"arrayrelatedinfo", EDIF_TOK_ARRAYRELATEDINFO}, + {"arraysite", EDIF_TOK_ARRAYSITE}, + {"atleast", EDIF_TOK_ATLEAST}, + {"atmost", EDIF_TOK_ATMOST}, + {"author", EDIF_TOK_AUTHOR}, + {"basearray", EDIF_TOK_BASEARRAY}, + {"becomes", EDIF_TOK_BECOMES}, + {"between", EDIF_TOK_BETWEEN}, + {"boolean", EDIF_TOK_BOOLEAN}, + {"booleandisplay", EDIF_TOK_BOOLEANDISPLAY}, + {"booleanmap", EDIF_TOK_BOOLEANMAP}, + {"borderpattern", EDIF_TOK_BORDERPATTERN}, + {"borderwidth", EDIF_TOK_BORDERWIDTH}, + {"boundingbox", EDIF_TOK_BOUNDINGBOX}, + {"cell", EDIF_TOK_CELL}, + {"cellref", EDIF_TOK_CELLREF}, + {"celltype", EDIF_TOK_CELLTYPE}, + {"change", EDIF_TOK_CHANGE}, + {"circle", EDIF_TOK_CIRCLE}, + {"color", EDIF_TOK_COLOR}, + {"comment", EDIF_TOK_COMMENT}, + {"commentgraphics", EDIF_TOK_COMMENTGRAPHICS}, + {"compound", EDIF_TOK_COMPOUND}, + {"connectlocation", EDIF_TOK_CONNECTLOCATION}, + {"contents", EDIF_TOK_CONTENTS}, + {"cornertype", EDIF_TOK_CORNERTYPE}, + {"criticality", EDIF_TOK_CRITICALITY}, + {"currentmap", EDIF_TOK_CURRENTMAP}, + {"curve", EDIF_TOK_CURVE}, + {"cycle", EDIF_TOK_CYCLE}, + {"dataorigin", EDIF_TOK_DATAORIGIN}, + {"dcfaninload", EDIF_TOK_DCFANINLOAD}, + {"dcfanoutload", EDIF_TOK_DCFANOUTLOAD}, + {"dcmaxfanin", EDIF_TOK_DCMAXFANIN}, + {"dcmaxfanout", EDIF_TOK_DCMAXFANOUT}, + {"delay", EDIF_TOK_DELAY}, + {"delta", EDIF_TOK_DELTA}, + {"derivation", EDIF_TOK_DERIVATION}, + {"design", EDIF_TOK_DESIGN}, + {"designator", EDIF_TOK_DESIGNATOR}, + {"difference", EDIF_TOK_DIFFERENCE}, + {"direction", EDIF_TOK_DIRECTION}, + {"display", EDIF_TOK_DISPLAY}, + {"dominates", EDIF_TOK_DOMINATES}, + {"dot", EDIF_TOK_DOT}, + {"duration", EDIF_TOK_DURATION}, + {"e", EDIF_TOK_E}, + {"edif", EDIF_TOK_EDIF}, + {"ediflevel", EDIF_TOK_EDIFLEVEL}, + {"edifversion", EDIF_TOK_EDIFVERSION}, + {"enclosuredistance", EDIF_TOK_ENCLOSUREDISTANCE}, + {"endtype", EDIF_TOK_ENDTYPE}, + {"entry", EDIF_TOK_ENTRY}, + {"exactly", EDIF_TOK_EXACTLY}, + {"external", EDIF_TOK_EXTERNAL}, + {"fabricate", EDIF_TOK_FABRICATE}, + {"false", EDIF_TOK_FALSE}, + {"figure", EDIF_TOK_FIGURE}, + {"figurearea", EDIF_TOK_FIGUREAREA}, + {"figuregroup", EDIF_TOK_FIGUREGROUP}, + {"figuregroupobject", EDIF_TOK_FIGUREGROUPOBJECT}, + {"figuregroupoverride", EDIF_TOK_FIGUREGROUPOVERRIDE}, + {"figuregroupref", EDIF_TOK_FIGUREGROUPREF}, + {"figureperimeter", EDIF_TOK_FIGUREPERIMETER}, + {"figurewidth", EDIF_TOK_FIGUREWIDTH}, + {"fillpattern", EDIF_TOK_FILLPATTERN}, + {"follow", EDIF_TOK_FOLLOW}, + {"forbiddenevent", EDIF_TOK_FORBIDDENEVENT}, + {"globalportref", EDIF_TOK_GLOBALPORTREF}, + {"greaterthan", EDIF_TOK_GREATERTHAN}, + {"gridmap", EDIF_TOK_GRIDMAP}, + {"ignore", EDIF_TOK_IGNORE}, + {"includefiguregroup", EDIF_TOK_INCLUDEFIGUREGROUP}, + {"initial", EDIF_TOK_INITIAL}, + {"instance", EDIF_TOK_INSTANCE}, + {"instancebackannotate", EDIF_TOK_INSTANCEBACKANNOTATE}, + {"instancegroup", EDIF_TOK_INSTANCEGROUP}, + {"instancemap", EDIF_TOK_INSTANCEMAP}, + {"instanceref", EDIF_TOK_INSTANCEREF}, + {"integer", EDIF_TOK_INTEGER}, + {"integerdisplay", EDIF_TOK_INTEGERDISPLAY}, + {"interface", EDIF_TOK_INTERFACE}, + {"interfiguregroupspacing", EDIF_TOK_INTERFIGUREGROUPSPACING}, + {"intersection", EDIF_TOK_INTERSECTION}, + {"intrafiguregroupspacing", EDIF_TOK_INTRAFIGUREGROUPSPACING}, + {"inverse", EDIF_TOK_INVERSE}, + {"isolated", EDIF_TOK_ISOLATED}, + {"joined", EDIF_TOK_JOINED}, + {"justify", EDIF_TOK_JUSTIFY}, + {"keyworddisplay", EDIF_TOK_KEYWORDDISPLAY}, + {"keywordlevel", EDIF_TOK_KEYWORDLEVEL}, + {"keywordmap", EDIF_TOK_KEYWORDMAP}, + {"lessthan", EDIF_TOK_LESSTHAN}, + {"library", EDIF_TOK_LIBRARY}, + {"libraryref", EDIF_TOK_LIBRARYREF}, + {"listofnets", EDIF_TOK_LISTOFNETS}, + {"listofports", EDIF_TOK_LISTOFPORTS}, + {"loaddelay", EDIF_TOK_LOADDELAY}, + {"logicassign", EDIF_TOK_LOGICASSIGN}, + {"logicinput", EDIF_TOK_LOGICINPUT}, + {"logiclist", EDIF_TOK_LOGICLIST}, + {"logicmapinput", EDIF_TOK_LOGICMAPINPUT}, + {"logicmapoutput", EDIF_TOK_LOGICMAPOUTPUT}, + {"logiconeof", EDIF_TOK_LOGICONEOF}, + {"logicoutput", EDIF_TOK_LOGICOUTPUT}, + {"logicport", EDIF_TOK_LOGICPORT}, + {"logicref", EDIF_TOK_LOGICREF}, + {"logicvalue", EDIF_TOK_LOGICVALUE}, + {"logicwaveform", EDIF_TOK_LOGICWAVEFORM}, + {"maintain", EDIF_TOK_MAINTAIN}, + {"match", EDIF_TOK_MATCH}, + {"member", EDIF_TOK_MEMBER}, + {"minomax", EDIF_TOK_MINOMAX}, + {"minomaxdisplay", EDIF_TOK_MINOMAXDISPLAY}, + {"mnm", EDIF_TOK_MNM}, + {"multiplevalueset", EDIF_TOK_MULTIPLEVALUESET}, + {"mustjoin", EDIF_TOK_MUSTJOIN}, + {"name", EDIF_TOK_NAME}, + {"net", EDIF_TOK_NET}, + {"netbackannotate", EDIF_TOK_NETBACKANNOTATE}, + {"netbundle", EDIF_TOK_NETBUNDLE}, + {"netdelay", EDIF_TOK_NETDELAY}, + {"netgroup", EDIF_TOK_NETGROUP}, + {"netmap", EDIF_TOK_NETMAP}, + {"netref", EDIF_TOK_NETREF}, + {"nochange", EDIF_TOK_NOCHANGE}, + {"nonpermutable", EDIF_TOK_NONPERMUTABLE}, + {"notallowed", EDIF_TOK_NOTALLOWED}, + {"notchspacing", EDIF_TOK_NOTCHSPACING}, + {"number", EDIF_TOK_NUMBER}, + {"numberdefinition", EDIF_TOK_NUMBERDEFINITION}, + {"numberdisplay", EDIF_TOK_NUMBERDISPLAY}, + {"offpageconnector", EDIF_TOK_OFFPAGECONNECTOR}, + {"offsetevent", EDIF_TOK_OFFSETEVENT}, + {"openshape", EDIF_TOK_OPENSHAPE}, + {"orientation", EDIF_TOK_ORIENTATION}, + {"origin", EDIF_TOK_ORIGIN}, + {"overhangdistance", EDIF_TOK_OVERHANGDISTANCE}, + {"overlapdistance", EDIF_TOK_OVERLAPDISTANCE}, + {"oversize", EDIF_TOK_OVERSIZE}, + {"owner", EDIF_TOK_OWNER}, + {"page", EDIF_TOK_PAGE}, + {"pagesize", EDIF_TOK_PAGESIZE}, + {"parameter", EDIF_TOK_PARAMETER}, + {"parameterassign", EDIF_TOK_PARAMETERASSIGN}, + {"parameterdisplay", EDIF_TOK_PARAMETERDISPLAY}, + {"path", EDIF_TOK_PATH}, + {"pathdelay", EDIF_TOK_PATHDELAY}, + {"pathwidth", EDIF_TOK_PATHWIDTH}, + {"permutable", EDIF_TOK_PERMUTABLE}, + {"physicaldesignrule", EDIF_TOK_PHYSICALDESIGNRULE}, + {"plug", EDIF_TOK_PLUG}, + {"point", EDIF_TOK_POINT}, + {"pointdisplay", EDIF_TOK_POINTDISPLAY}, + {"pointlist", EDIF_TOK_POINTLIST}, + {"polygon", EDIF_TOK_POLYGON}, + {"port", EDIF_TOK_PORT}, + {"portbackannotate", EDIF_TOK_PORTBACKANNOTATE}, + {"portbundle", EDIF_TOK_PORTBUNDLE}, + {"portdelay", EDIF_TOK_PORTDELAY}, + {"portgroup", EDIF_TOK_PORTGROUP}, + {"portimplementation", EDIF_TOK_PORTIMPLEMENTATION}, + {"portinstance", EDIF_TOK_PORTINSTANCE}, + {"portlist", EDIF_TOK_PORTLIST}, + {"portlistalias", EDIF_TOK_PORTLISTALIAS}, + {"portmap", EDIF_TOK_PORTMAP}, + {"portref", EDIF_TOK_PORTREF}, + {"program", EDIF_TOK_PROGRAM}, + {"property", EDIF_TOK_PROPERTY}, + {"propertydisplay", EDIF_TOK_PROPERTYDISPLAY}, + {"protectionframe", EDIF_TOK_PROTECTIONFRAME}, + {"pt", EDIF_TOK_PT}, + {"rangevector", EDIF_TOK_RANGEVECTOR}, + {"rectangle", EDIF_TOK_RECTANGLE}, + {"rectanglesize", EDIF_TOK_RECTANGLESIZE}, + {"rename", EDIF_TOK_RENAME}, + {"resolves", EDIF_TOK_RESOLVES}, + {"scale", EDIF_TOK_SCALE}, + {"scalex", EDIF_TOK_SCALEX}, + {"scaley", EDIF_TOK_SCALEY}, + {"section", EDIF_TOK_SECTION}, + {"shape", EDIF_TOK_SHAPE}, + {"simulate", EDIF_TOK_SIMULATE}, + {"simulationinfo", EDIF_TOK_SIMULATIONINFO}, + {"singlevalueset", EDIF_TOK_SINGLEVALUESET}, + {"site", EDIF_TOK_SITE}, + {"socket", EDIF_TOK_SOCKET}, + {"socketset", EDIF_TOK_SOCKETSET}, + {"status", EDIF_TOK_STATUS}, + {"steady", EDIF_TOK_STEADY}, + {"string", EDIF_TOK_STRING}, + {"stringdisplay", EDIF_TOK_STRINGDISPLAY}, + {"strong", EDIF_TOK_STRONG}, + {"symbol", EDIF_TOK_SYMBOL}, + {"symmetry", EDIF_TOK_SYMMETRY}, + {"table", EDIF_TOK_TABLE}, + {"tabledefault", EDIF_TOK_TABLEDEFAULT}, + {"technology", EDIF_TOK_TECHNOLOGY}, + {"textheight", EDIF_TOK_TEXTHEIGHT}, + {"timeinterval", EDIF_TOK_TIMEINTERVAL}, + {"timestamp", EDIF_TOK_TIMESTAMP}, + {"timing", EDIF_TOK_TIMING}, + {"transform", EDIF_TOK_TRANSFORM}, + {"transition", EDIF_TOK_TRANSITION}, + {"trigger", EDIF_TOK_TRIGGER}, + {"true", EDIF_TOK_TRUE}, + {"unconstrained", EDIF_TOK_UNCONSTRAINED}, + {"undefined", EDIF_TOK_UNDEFINED}, + {"union", EDIF_TOK_UNION}, + {"unit", EDIF_TOK_UNIT}, + {"unused", EDIF_TOK_UNUSED}, + {"userdata", EDIF_TOK_USERDATA}, + {"version", EDIF_TOK_VERSION}, + {"view", EDIF_TOK_VIEW}, + {"viewlist", EDIF_TOK_VIEWLIST}, + {"viewmap", EDIF_TOK_VIEWMAP}, + {"viewref", EDIF_TOK_VIEWREF}, + {"viewtype", EDIF_TOK_VIEWTYPE}, + {"visible", EDIF_TOK_VISIBLE}, + {"voltagemap", EDIF_TOK_VOLTAGEMAP}, + {"wavevalue", EDIF_TOK_WAVEVALUE}, + {"weak", EDIF_TOK_WEAK}, + {"weakjoined", EDIF_TOK_WEAKJOINED}, + {"when", EDIF_TOK_WHEN}, + {"written", EDIF_TOK_WRITTEN} +}; +static int ContextDefSize = sizeof(ContextDef) / sizeof(Context); +/* + * Context follower tables: + * + * This is pretty ugly, an array is defined for each context + * which has following context levels. Yet another table is used + * to bind these arrays to the originating contexts. + * Arrays are declared as: + * + * static short f_[] = { ... }; + * + * The array entries are the '%token' values for all keywords which + * can be reached from the context. Like I said, ugly, + * but it works. + * A negative entry means that the follow can only occur once within + * the specified context. + */ +static short f_NULL[] = {EDIF_TOK_EDIF}; +static short f_Edif[] = {EDIF_TOK_NAME, EDIF_TOK_RENAME, EDIF_TOK_EDIFVERSION, + EDIF_TOK_EDIFLEVEL, EDIF_TOK_KEYWORDMAP, + -EDIF_TOK_STATUS, EDIF_TOK_EXTERNAL, + EDIF_TOK_LIBRARY, EDIF_TOK_DESIGN, EDIF_TOK_COMMENT, + EDIF_TOK_USERDATA}; +static short f_AcLoad[] = {EDIF_TOK_MNM, EDIF_TOK_E, EDIF_TOK_MINOMAXDISPLAY}; +static short f_After[] = {EDIF_TOK_MNM, EDIF_TOK_E, EDIF_TOK_FOLLOW, + EDIF_TOK_MAINTAIN, EDIF_TOK_LOGICASSIGN, + EDIF_TOK_COMMENT, EDIF_TOK_USERDATA}; +static short f_Annotate[] = {EDIF_TOK_STRINGDISPLAY}; +static short f_Apply[] = {EDIF_TOK_CYCLE, EDIF_TOK_LOGICINPUT, + EDIF_TOK_LOGICOUTPUT, EDIF_TOK_COMMENT, + EDIF_TOK_USERDATA}; +static short f_Arc[] = {EDIF_TOK_PT}; +static short f_Array[] = {EDIF_TOK_NAME, EDIF_TOK_RENAME}; +static short f_ArrayMacro[] = {EDIF_TOK_PLUG}; +static short f_ArrayRelatedInfo[] = {EDIF_TOK_BASEARRAY, EDIF_TOK_ARRAYSITE, + EDIF_TOK_ARRAYMACRO, EDIF_TOK_COMMENT, + EDIF_TOK_USERDATA}; +static short f_ArraySite[] = {EDIF_TOK_SOCKET}; +static short f_AtLeast[] = {EDIF_TOK_E}; +static short f_AtMost[] = {EDIF_TOK_E}; +static short f_Becomes[] = {EDIF_TOK_NAME, EDIF_TOK_LOGICLIST, + EDIF_TOK_LOGICONEOF}; +/* +static short f_Between[] = {EDIF_TOK_ATLEAST, EDIF_TOK_GREATERTHAN, + EDIF_TOK_ATMOST, EDIF_TOK_LESSTHAN}; +*/ +static short f_Boolean[] = {EDIF_TOK_FALSE, EDIF_TOK_TRUE, + EDIF_TOK_BOOLEANDISPLAY, EDIF_TOK_BOOLEAN}; +static short f_BooleanDisplay[] = {EDIF_TOK_FALSE, EDIF_TOK_TRUE, + EDIF_TOK_DISPLAY}; +static short f_BooleanMap[] = {EDIF_TOK_FALSE, EDIF_TOK_TRUE}; +static short f_BorderPattern[] = {EDIF_TOK_BOOLEAN}; +static short f_BoundingBox[] = {EDIF_TOK_RECTANGLE}; +static short f_Cell[] = {EDIF_TOK_NAME, EDIF_TOK_RENAME, EDIF_TOK_CELLTYPE, + -EDIF_TOK_STATUS, -EDIF_TOK_VIEWMAP, EDIF_TOK_VIEW, + EDIF_TOK_COMMENT, EDIF_TOK_USERDATA, + EDIF_TOK_PROPERTY}; +static short f_CellRef[] = {EDIF_TOK_NAME, EDIF_TOK_LIBRARYREF}; +static short f_Change[] = {EDIF_TOK_NAME, EDIF_TOK_PORTREF, EDIF_TOK_PORTLIST, + EDIF_TOK_BECOMES, EDIF_TOK_TRANSITION}; +static short f_Circle[] = {EDIF_TOK_PT, EDIF_TOK_PROPERTY}; +static short f_Color[] = {EDIF_TOK_E}; +static short f_CommentGraphics[] = {EDIF_TOK_ANNOTATE, EDIF_TOK_FIGURE, + EDIF_TOK_INSTANCE, -EDIF_TOK_BOUNDINGBOX, + EDIF_TOK_PROPERTY, EDIF_TOK_COMMENT, + EDIF_TOK_USERDATA}; +static short f_Compound[] = {EDIF_TOK_NAME}; +static short f_ConnectLocation[] = {EDIF_TOK_FIGURE}; +static short f_Contents[] = {EDIF_TOK_INSTANCE, EDIF_TOK_OFFPAGECONNECTOR, + EDIF_TOK_FIGURE, EDIF_TOK_SECTION, EDIF_TOK_NET, + EDIF_TOK_NETBUNDLE, EDIF_TOK_PAGE, + EDIF_TOK_COMMENTGRAPHICS, + EDIF_TOK_PORTIMPLEMENTATION, + EDIF_TOK_TIMING, EDIF_TOK_SIMULATE, + EDIF_TOK_WHEN, EDIF_TOK_FOLLOW, + EDIF_TOK_LOGICPORT, -EDIF_TOK_BOUNDINGBOX, + EDIF_TOK_COMMENT, EDIF_TOK_USERDATA}; +static short f_Criticality[] = {EDIF_TOK_INTEGERDISPLAY}; +static short f_CurrentMap[] = {EDIF_TOK_MNM, EDIF_TOK_E}; +static short f_Curve[] = {EDIF_TOK_ARC, EDIF_TOK_PT}; +static short f_Cycle[] = {EDIF_TOK_DURATION}; +static short f_DataOrigin[] = {EDIF_TOK_VERSION}; +static short f_DcFanInLoad[] = {EDIF_TOK_E, EDIF_TOK_NUMBERDISPLAY}; +static short f_DcFanOutLoad[] = {EDIF_TOK_E, EDIF_TOK_NUMBERDISPLAY}; +static short f_DcMaxFanIn[] = {EDIF_TOK_E, EDIF_TOK_NUMBERDISPLAY}; +static short f_DcMaxFanOut[] = {EDIF_TOK_E, EDIF_TOK_NUMBERDISPLAY}; +static short f_Delay[] = {EDIF_TOK_MNM, EDIF_TOK_E}; +static short f_Delta[] = {EDIF_TOK_PT}; +static short f_Design[] = {EDIF_TOK_NAME, EDIF_TOK_RENAME, EDIF_TOK_CELLREF, + EDIF_TOK_STATUS, EDIF_TOK_COMMENT, + EDIF_TOK_PROPERTY, EDIF_TOK_USERDATA}; +static short f_Designator[] = {EDIF_TOK_STRINGDISPLAY}; +static short f_Difference[] = {EDIF_TOK_FIGUREGROUPREF, EDIF_TOK_INTERSECTION, + EDIF_TOK_UNION, EDIF_TOK_DIFFERENCE, + EDIF_TOK_INVERSE, EDIF_TOK_OVERSIZE}; +static short f_Display[] = {EDIF_TOK_NAME, EDIF_TOK_FIGUREGROUPOVERRIDE, + EDIF_TOK_JUSTIFY, EDIF_TOK_ORIENTATION, + EDIF_TOK_ORIGIN}; +static short f_Dominates[] = {EDIF_TOK_NAME}; +static short f_Dot[] = {EDIF_TOK_PT, EDIF_TOK_PROPERTY}; +static short f_Duration[] = {EDIF_TOK_E}; +static short f_EnclosureDistance[] = {EDIF_TOK_NAME, EDIF_TOK_RENAME, + EDIF_TOK_FIGUREGROUPOBJECT, + EDIF_TOK_LESSTHAN, EDIF_TOK_GREATERTHAN, + EDIF_TOK_ATMOST, EDIF_TOK_ATLEAST, + EDIF_TOK_EXACTLY, EDIF_TOK_BETWEEN, + EDIF_TOK_SINGLEVALUESET, + EDIF_TOK_COMMENT, EDIF_TOK_USERDATA}; +static short f_Entry[] = {EDIF_TOK_MATCH, EDIF_TOK_CHANGE, EDIF_TOK_STEADY, + EDIF_TOK_LOGICREF, EDIF_TOK_PORTREF, + EDIF_TOK_NOCHANGE, EDIF_TOK_TABLE, + EDIF_TOK_DELAY, EDIF_TOK_LOADDELAY}; +static short f_Exactly[] = {EDIF_TOK_E}; +static short f_External[] = {EDIF_TOK_NAME, EDIF_TOK_RENAME, + EDIF_TOK_EDIFLEVEL, EDIF_TOK_TECHNOLOGY, + -EDIF_TOK_STATUS, EDIF_TOK_CELL, EDIF_TOK_COMMENT, + EDIF_TOK_USERDATA}; +static short f_Fabricate[] = {EDIF_TOK_NAME, EDIF_TOK_RENAME}; +static short f_Figure[] = {EDIF_TOK_NAME, EDIF_TOK_FIGUREGROUPOVERRIDE, + EDIF_TOK_CIRCLE, EDIF_TOK_DOT, EDIF_TOK_OPENSHAPE, + EDIF_TOK_PATH, EDIF_TOK_POLYGON, + EDIF_TOK_RECTANGLE, EDIF_TOK_SHAPE, + EDIF_TOK_COMMENT, EDIF_TOK_USERDATA}; +static short f_FigureArea[] = {EDIF_TOK_NAME, EDIF_TOK_RENAME, + EDIF_TOK_FIGUREGROUPOBJECT, EDIF_TOK_LESSTHAN, + EDIF_TOK_GREATERTHAN, EDIF_TOK_ATMOST, + EDIF_TOK_ATLEAST, EDIF_TOK_EXACTLY, + EDIF_TOK_BETWEEN, EDIF_TOK_SINGLEVALUESET, + EDIF_TOK_COMMENT, EDIF_TOK_USERDATA}; +static short f_FigureGroup[] = {EDIF_TOK_NAME, EDIF_TOK_RENAME, + -EDIF_TOK_CORNERTYPE, -EDIF_TOK_ENDTYPE, + -EDIF_TOK_PATHWIDTH, -EDIF_TOK_BORDERWIDTH, + -EDIF_TOK_COLOR, -EDIF_TOK_FILLPATTERN, + -EDIF_TOK_BORDERPATTERN, -EDIF_TOK_TEXTHEIGHT, + -EDIF_TOK_VISIBLE, EDIF_TOK_INCLUDEFIGUREGROUP, + EDIF_TOK_COMMENT, EDIF_TOK_PROPERTY, + EDIF_TOK_USERDATA}; +static short f_FigureGroupObject[] = {EDIF_TOK_NAME, + EDIF_TOK_FIGUREGROUPOBJECT, + EDIF_TOK_INTERSECTION, EDIF_TOK_UNION, + EDIF_TOK_DIFFERENCE, EDIF_TOK_INVERSE, + EDIF_TOK_OVERSIZE}; +static short f_FigureGroupOverride[] = {EDIF_TOK_NAME, -EDIF_TOK_CORNERTYPE, + -EDIF_TOK_ENDTYPE, -EDIF_TOK_PATHWIDTH, + -EDIF_TOK_BORDERWIDTH, -EDIF_TOK_COLOR, + -EDIF_TOK_FILLPATTERN, + -EDIF_TOK_TEXTHEIGHT, + -EDIF_TOK_BORDERPATTERN, + EDIF_TOK_VISIBLE, EDIF_TOK_COMMENT, + EDIF_TOK_PROPERTY, EDIF_TOK_USERDATA}; +static short f_FigureGroupRef[] = {EDIF_TOK_NAME, EDIF_TOK_LIBRARYREF}; +static short f_FigurePerimeter[] = {EDIF_TOK_NAME, EDIF_TOK_RENAME, + EDIF_TOK_FIGUREGROUPOBJECT, + EDIF_TOK_LESSTHAN, EDIF_TOK_GREATERTHAN, + EDIF_TOK_ATMOST, EDIF_TOK_ATLEAST, + EDIF_TOK_EXACTLY, EDIF_TOK_BETWEEN, + EDIF_TOK_SINGLEVALUESET, EDIF_TOK_COMMENT, + EDIF_TOK_USERDATA}; +static short f_FigureWidth[] = {EDIF_TOK_NAME, EDIF_TOK_RENAME, + EDIF_TOK_FIGUREGROUPOBJECT, EDIF_TOK_LESSTHAN, + EDIF_TOK_GREATERTHAN, EDIF_TOK_ATMOST, + EDIF_TOK_ATLEAST, EDIF_TOK_EXACTLY, + EDIF_TOK_BETWEEN, EDIF_TOK_SINGLEVALUESET, + EDIF_TOK_COMMENT, EDIF_TOK_USERDATA}; +static short f_FillPattern[] = {EDIF_TOK_BOOLEAN}; +static short f_Follow[] = {EDIF_TOK_NAME, EDIF_TOK_PORTREF, EDIF_TOK_TABLE, + EDIF_TOK_DELAY, EDIF_TOK_LOADDELAY}; +static short f_ForbiddenEvent[] = {EDIF_TOK_TIMEINTERVAL, EDIF_TOK_EVENT}; +static short f_GlobalPortRef[] = {EDIF_TOK_NAME}; +static short f_GreaterThan[] = {EDIF_TOK_E}; +static short f_GridMap[] = {EDIF_TOK_E}; +static short f_IncludeFigureGroup[] = {EDIF_TOK_FIGUREGROUPREF, + EDIF_TOK_INTERSECTION, EDIF_TOK_UNION, + EDIF_TOK_DIFFERENCE, EDIF_TOK_INVERSE, + EDIF_TOK_OVERSIZE}; +static short f_Instance[] = {EDIF_TOK_NAME, EDIF_TOK_RENAME, EDIF_TOK_ARRAY, + EDIF_TOK_VIEWREF, EDIF_TOK_VIEWLIST, + -EDIF_TOK_TRANSFORM, EDIF_TOK_PARAMETERASSIGN, + EDIF_TOK_PORTINSTANCE, EDIF_TOK_TIMING, + -EDIF_TOK_DESIGNATOR, EDIF_TOK_PROPERTY, + EDIF_TOK_COMMENT, EDIF_TOK_USERDATA}; +static short f_InstanceBackAnnotate[] = {EDIF_TOK_INSTANCEREF, + -EDIF_TOK_DESIGNATOR, EDIF_TOK_TIMING, + EDIF_TOK_PROPERTY, EDIF_TOK_COMMENT}; +static short f_InstanceGroup[] = {EDIF_TOK_INSTANCEREF}; +static short f_InstanceMap[] = {EDIF_TOK_INSTANCEREF, EDIF_TOK_INSTANCEGROUP, + EDIF_TOK_COMMENT, EDIF_TOK_USERDATA}; +static short f_InstanceRef[] = {EDIF_TOK_NAME, EDIF_TOK_MEMBER, + EDIF_TOK_INSTANCEREF, EDIF_TOK_VIEWREF}; +static short f_Integer[] = {EDIF_TOK_INTEGERDISPLAY, EDIF_TOK_INTEGER}; +static short f_IntegerDisplay[] = {EDIF_TOK_DISPLAY}; +static short f_Interface[] = {EDIF_TOK_PORT, EDIF_TOK_PORTBUNDLE, + -EDIF_TOK_SYMBOL, -EDIF_TOK_PROTECTIONFRAME, + -EDIF_TOK_ARRAYRELATEDINFO, EDIF_TOK_PARAMETER, + EDIF_TOK_JOINED, EDIF_TOK_MUSTJOIN, + EDIF_TOK_WEAKJOINED, EDIF_TOK_PERMUTABLE, + EDIF_TOK_TIMING, EDIF_TOK_SIMULATE, + -EDIF_TOK_DESIGNATOR, EDIF_TOK_PROPERTY, + EDIF_TOK_COMMENT, EDIF_TOK_USERDATA}; +static short f_InterFigureGroupSpacing[] = {EDIF_TOK_NAME, EDIF_TOK_RENAME, + EDIF_TOK_FIGUREGROUPOBJECT, + EDIF_TOK_LESSTHAN, + EDIF_TOK_GREATERTHAN, + EDIF_TOK_ATMOST, + EDIF_TOK_ATLEAST, EDIF_TOK_EXACTLY, + EDIF_TOK_BETWEEN, + EDIF_TOK_SINGLEVALUESET, + EDIF_TOK_COMMENT, + EDIF_TOK_USERDATA}; +static short f_Intersection[] = {EDIF_TOK_FIGUREGROUPREF, + EDIF_TOK_INTERSECTION, EDIF_TOK_UNION, + EDIF_TOK_DIFFERENCE, EDIF_TOK_INVERSE, + EDIF_TOK_OVERSIZE}; +static short f_IntraFigureGroupSpacing[] = {EDIF_TOK_NAME, EDIF_TOK_RENAME, + EDIF_TOK_FIGUREGROUPOBJECT, + EDIF_TOK_LESSTHAN, + EDIF_TOK_GREATERTHAN, + EDIF_TOK_ATMOST, EDIF_TOK_ATLEAST, + EDIF_TOK_EXACTLY, EDIF_TOK_BETWEEN, + EDIF_TOK_SINGLEVALUESET, + EDIF_TOK_COMMENT, + EDIF_TOK_USERDATA}; +static short f_Inverse[] = {EDIF_TOK_FIGUREGROUPREF, EDIF_TOK_INTERSECTION, + EDIF_TOK_UNION, EDIF_TOK_DIFFERENCE, + EDIF_TOK_INVERSE, EDIF_TOK_OVERSIZE}; +static short f_Joined[] = {EDIF_TOK_PORTREF, EDIF_TOK_PORTLIST, + EDIF_TOK_GLOBALPORTREF}; +static short f_KeywordDisplay[] = {EDIF_TOK_DISPLAY}; +static short f_KeywordMap[] = {EDIF_TOK_KEYWORDLEVEL, EDIF_TOK_COMMENT}; +static short f_LessThan[] = {EDIF_TOK_E}; +static short f_Library[] = {EDIF_TOK_NAME, EDIF_TOK_RENAME, EDIF_TOK_EDIFLEVEL, + EDIF_TOK_TECHNOLOGY, -EDIF_TOK_STATUS, + EDIF_TOK_CELL, EDIF_TOK_COMMENT, + EDIF_TOK_USERDATA}; +static short f_LibraryRef[] = {EDIF_TOK_NAME}; +static short f_ListOfNets[] = {EDIF_TOK_NET}; +static short f_ListOfPorts[] = {EDIF_TOK_PORT, EDIF_TOK_PORTBUNDLE}; +static short f_LoadDelay[] = {EDIF_TOK_MNM, EDIF_TOK_E, EDIF_TOK_MINOMAXDISPLAY}; +static short f_LogicAssign[] = {EDIF_TOK_NAME, EDIF_TOK_PORTREF, + EDIF_TOK_LOGICREF, EDIF_TOK_TABLE, + EDIF_TOK_DELAY, EDIF_TOK_LOADDELAY}; +static short f_LogicInput[] = {EDIF_TOK_PORTLIST, EDIF_TOK_PORTREF, + EDIF_TOK_NAME, EDIF_TOK_LOGICWAVEFORM}; +static short f_LogicList[] = {EDIF_TOK_NAME, EDIF_TOK_LOGICONEOF, + EDIF_TOK_IGNORE}; +static short f_LogicMapInput[] = {EDIF_TOK_LOGICREF}; +static short f_LogicMapOutput[] = {EDIF_TOK_LOGICREF}; +static short f_LogicOneOf[] = {EDIF_TOK_NAME, EDIF_TOK_LOGICLIST}; +static short f_LogicOutput[] = {EDIF_TOK_PORTLIST, EDIF_TOK_PORTREF, + EDIF_TOK_NAME, EDIF_TOK_LOGICWAVEFORM}; +static short f_LogicPort[] = {EDIF_TOK_NAME, EDIF_TOK_RENAME, + EDIF_TOK_PROPERTY, EDIF_TOK_COMMENT, + EDIF_TOK_USERDATA}; +static short f_LogicRef[] = {EDIF_TOK_NAME, EDIF_TOK_LIBRARYREF}; +static short f_LogicValue[] = {EDIF_TOK_NAME, EDIF_TOK_RENAME, + -EDIF_TOK_VOLTAGEMAP, -EDIF_TOK_CURRENTMAP, + -EDIF_TOK_BOOLEANMAP, -EDIF_TOK_COMPOUND, + -EDIF_TOK_WEAK ,-EDIF_TOK_STRONG, + -EDIF_TOK_DOMINATES, -EDIF_TOK_LOGICMAPOUTPUT, + -EDIF_TOK_LOGICMAPINPUT, + -EDIF_TOK_ISOLATED, EDIF_TOK_RESOLVES, + EDIF_TOK_PROPERTY, EDIF_TOK_COMMENT, + EDIF_TOK_USERDATA}; +static short f_LogicWaveform[] = {EDIF_TOK_NAME, EDIF_TOK_LOGICLIST, + EDIF_TOK_LOGICONEOF, EDIF_TOK_IGNORE}; +static short f_Maintain[] = {EDIF_TOK_NAME, EDIF_TOK_PORTREF, EDIF_TOK_DELAY, + EDIF_TOK_LOADDELAY}; +static short f_Match[] = {EDIF_TOK_NAME, EDIF_TOK_PORTREF, EDIF_TOK_PORTLIST, + EDIF_TOK_LOGICLIST, EDIF_TOK_LOGICONEOF}; +static short f_Member[] = {EDIF_TOK_NAME}; +static short f_MiNoMax[] = {EDIF_TOK_MNM, EDIF_TOK_E, EDIF_TOK_MINOMAXDISPLAY, + EDIF_TOK_MINOMAX}; +static short f_MiNoMaxDisplay[] = {EDIF_TOK_MNM, EDIF_TOK_E, EDIF_TOK_DISPLAY}; +static short f_Mnm[] = {EDIF_TOK_E, EDIF_TOK_UNDEFINED, + EDIF_TOK_UNCONSTRAINED}; +static short f_MultipleValueSet[] = {EDIF_TOK_RANGEVECTOR}; +static short f_MustJoin[] = {EDIF_TOK_PORTREF, EDIF_TOK_PORTLIST, + EDIF_TOK_WEAKJOINED, EDIF_TOK_JOINED}; +static short f_Name[] = {EDIF_TOK_DISPLAY}; +static short f_Net[] = {EDIF_TOK_NAME, EDIF_TOK_RENAME, -EDIF_TOK_CRITICALITY, + EDIF_TOK_NETDELAY, EDIF_TOK_FIGURE, EDIF_TOK_NET, + EDIF_TOK_INSTANCE, EDIF_TOK_COMMENTGRAPHICS, + EDIF_TOK_PROPERTY, EDIF_TOK_COMMENT, + EDIF_TOK_USERDATA, EDIF_TOK_JOINED, EDIF_TOK_ARRAY}; +static short f_NetBackAnnotate[] = {EDIF_TOK_NETREF, EDIF_TOK_NETDELAY, + -EDIF_TOK_CRITICALITY, EDIF_TOK_PROPERTY, + EDIF_TOK_COMMENT}; +static short f_NetBundle[] = {EDIF_TOK_NAME, EDIF_TOK_RENAME, EDIF_TOK_ARRAY, + EDIF_TOK_LISTOFNETS, EDIF_TOK_FIGURE, + EDIF_TOK_COMMENTGRAPHICS, EDIF_TOK_PROPERTY, + EDIF_TOK_COMMENT, EDIF_TOK_USERDATA}; +static short f_NetDelay[] = {EDIF_TOK_DERIVATION, EDIF_TOK_DELAY, + EDIF_TOK_TRANSITION, EDIF_TOK_BECOMES}; +static short f_NetGroup[] = {EDIF_TOK_NAME, EDIF_TOK_MEMBER, EDIF_TOK_NETREF}; +static short f_NetMap[] = {EDIF_TOK_NETREF, EDIF_TOK_NETGROUP, + EDIF_TOK_COMMENT, EDIF_TOK_USERDATA}; +static short f_NetRef[] = {EDIF_TOK_NAME, EDIF_TOK_MEMBER, EDIF_TOK_NETREF, + EDIF_TOK_INSTANCEREF, EDIF_TOK_VIEWREF}; +static short f_NonPermutable[] = {EDIF_TOK_PORTREF, EDIF_TOK_PERMUTABLE}; +static short f_NotAllowed[] = {EDIF_TOK_NAME, EDIF_TOK_RENAME, + EDIF_TOK_FIGUREGROUPOBJECT, EDIF_TOK_COMMENT, + EDIF_TOK_USERDATA}; +static short f_NotchSpacing[] = {EDIF_TOK_NAME, EDIF_TOK_RENAME, + EDIF_TOK_FIGUREGROUPOBJECT, EDIF_TOK_LESSTHAN, + EDIF_TOK_GREATERTHAN, EDIF_TOK_ATMOST, + EDIF_TOK_ATLEAST, EDIF_TOK_EXACTLY, + EDIF_TOK_BETWEEN, EDIF_TOK_SINGLEVALUESET, + EDIF_TOK_COMMENT, EDIF_TOK_USERDATA}; +static short f_Number[] = {EDIF_TOK_E, EDIF_TOK_NUMBERDISPLAY, EDIF_TOK_NUMBER}; +static short f_NumberDefinition[] = {EDIF_TOK_SCALE, -EDIF_TOK_GRIDMAP, + EDIF_TOK_COMMENT}; +static short f_NumberDisplay[] = {EDIF_TOK_E, EDIF_TOK_DISPLAY}; +static short f_OffPageConnector[] = {EDIF_TOK_NAME, EDIF_TOK_RENAME, + -EDIF_TOK_UNUSED, EDIF_TOK_PROPERTY, + EDIF_TOK_COMMENT, EDIF_TOK_USERDATA}; +static short f_OffsetEvent[] = {EDIF_TOK_EVENT, EDIF_TOK_E}; +static short f_OpenShape[] = {EDIF_TOK_CURVE, EDIF_TOK_PROPERTY}; +static short f_Origin[] = {EDIF_TOK_PT}; +static short f_OverhangDistance[] = {EDIF_TOK_NAME, EDIF_TOK_RENAME, + EDIF_TOK_FIGUREGROUPOBJECT, EDIF_TOK_LESSTHAN, + EDIF_TOK_GREATERTHAN, EDIF_TOK_ATMOST, + EDIF_TOK_ATLEAST, EDIF_TOK_EXACTLY, + EDIF_TOK_BETWEEN, EDIF_TOK_SINGLEVALUESET, + EDIF_TOK_COMMENT, EDIF_TOK_USERDATA}; +static short f_OverlapDistance[] = {EDIF_TOK_NAME, EDIF_TOK_RENAME, + EDIF_TOK_FIGUREGROUPOBJECT, EDIF_TOK_LESSTHAN, + EDIF_TOK_GREATERTHAN, EDIF_TOK_ATMOST, + EDIF_TOK_ATLEAST, EDIF_TOK_EXACTLY, + EDIF_TOK_BETWEEN, EDIF_TOK_SINGLEVALUESET, + EDIF_TOK_COMMENT, EDIF_TOK_USERDATA}; +static short f_Oversize[] = {EDIF_TOK_FIGUREGROUPREF, EDIF_TOK_INTERSECTION, + EDIF_TOK_UNION, EDIF_TOK_DIFFERENCE, + EDIF_TOK_INVERSE, EDIF_TOK_OVERSIZE, + EDIF_TOK_CORNERTYPE}; +static short f_Page[] = {EDIF_TOK_NAME, EDIF_TOK_RENAME, EDIF_TOK_ARRAY, + EDIF_TOK_INSTANCE, EDIF_TOK_NET, EDIF_TOK_NETBUNDLE, + EDIF_TOK_COMMENTGRAPHICS, EDIF_TOK_PORTIMPLEMENTATION, + -EDIF_TOK_PAGESIZE, -EDIF_TOK_BOUNDINGBOX, + EDIF_TOK_COMMENT, EDIF_TOK_USERDATA}; +static short f_PageSize[] = {EDIF_TOK_RECTANGLE}; +static short f_Parameter[] = {EDIF_TOK_NAME, EDIF_TOK_RENAME, EDIF_TOK_ARRAY, + EDIF_TOK_BOOLEAN, EDIF_TOK_INTEGER, + EDIF_TOK_MINOMAX, EDIF_TOK_NUMBER, + EDIF_TOK_POINT, EDIF_TOK_STRING}; +static short f_ParameterAssign[] = {EDIF_TOK_NAME, EDIF_TOK_MEMBER, + EDIF_TOK_BOOLEAN, EDIF_TOK_INTEGER, + EDIF_TOK_MINOMAX, EDIF_TOK_NUMBER, EDIF_TOK_POINT, + EDIF_TOK_STRING}; +static short f_ParameterDisplay[] = {EDIF_TOK_NAME, EDIF_TOK_MEMBER, + EDIF_TOK_DISPLAY}; +static short f_Path[] = {EDIF_TOK_POINTLIST, EDIF_TOK_PROPERTY}; +static short f_PathDelay[] = {EDIF_TOK_DELAY, EDIF_TOK_EVENT}; +static short f_Permutable[] = {EDIF_TOK_PORTREF, EDIF_TOK_PERMUTABLE, + EDIF_TOK_NONPERMUTABLE}; +static short f_PhysicalDesignRule[] = {EDIF_TOK_FIGUREWIDTH, + EDIF_TOK_FIGUREAREA, + EDIF_TOK_RECTANGLESIZE, + EDIF_TOK_FIGUREPERIMETER, + EDIF_TOK_OVERLAPDISTANCE, + EDIF_TOK_OVERHANGDISTANCE, + EDIF_TOK_ENCLOSUREDISTANCE, + EDIF_TOK_INTERFIGUREGROUPSPACING, + EDIF_TOK_NOTCHSPACING, + EDIF_TOK_INTRAFIGUREGROUPSPACING, + EDIF_TOK_NOTALLOWED, + EDIF_TOK_FIGUREGROUP, EDIF_TOK_COMMENT, + EDIF_TOK_USERDATA}; +static short f_Plug[] = {EDIF_TOK_SOCKETSET}; +static short f_Point[] = {EDIF_TOK_PT, EDIF_TOK_POINTDISPLAY, + EDIF_TOK_POINT}; +static short f_PointDisplay[] = {EDIF_TOK_PT, EDIF_TOK_DISPLAY}; +static short f_PointList[] = {EDIF_TOK_PT}; +static short f_Polygon[] = {EDIF_TOK_POINTLIST, EDIF_TOK_PROPERTY}; +static short f_Port[] = {EDIF_TOK_NAME, EDIF_TOK_RENAME, EDIF_TOK_ARRAY, + -EDIF_TOK_DIRECTION, -EDIF_TOK_UNUSED, + EDIF_TOK_PORTDELAY, -EDIF_TOK_DESIGNATOR, + -EDIF_TOK_DCFANINLOAD, -EDIF_TOK_DCFANOUTLOAD, + -EDIF_TOK_DCMAXFANIN, -EDIF_TOK_DCMAXFANOUT, + -EDIF_TOK_ACLOAD, EDIF_TOK_PROPERTY, + EDIF_TOK_COMMENT, EDIF_TOK_USERDATA}; +static short f_PortBackAnnotate[] = {EDIF_TOK_PORTREF, -EDIF_TOK_DESIGNATOR, + EDIF_TOK_PORTDELAY, -EDIF_TOK_DCFANINLOAD, + -EDIF_TOK_DCFANOUTLOAD, + -EDIF_TOK_DCMAXFANIN, + -EDIF_TOK_DCMAXFANOUT, -EDIF_TOK_ACLOAD, + EDIF_TOK_PROPERTY, EDIF_TOK_COMMENT}; +static short f_PortBundle[] = {EDIF_TOK_NAME, EDIF_TOK_RENAME, EDIF_TOK_ARRAY, + EDIF_TOK_LISTOFPORTS, EDIF_TOK_PROPERTY, + EDIF_TOK_COMMENT, EDIF_TOK_USERDATA}; +static short f_PortDelay[] = {EDIF_TOK_DERIVATION, EDIF_TOK_DELAY, + EDIF_TOK_LOADDELAY, EDIF_TOK_TRANSITION, + EDIF_TOK_BECOMES}; +static short f_PortGroup[] = {EDIF_TOK_NAME, EDIF_TOK_MEMBER, + EDIF_TOK_PORTREF}; +static short f_PortImplementation[] = {EDIF_TOK_PORTREF, EDIF_TOK_NAME, EDIF_TOK_MEMBER, + -EDIF_TOK_CONNECTLOCATION, + EDIF_TOK_FIGURE, EDIF_TOK_INSTANCE, + EDIF_TOK_COMMENTGRAPHICS, + EDIF_TOK_PROPERTYDISPLAY, + EDIF_TOK_KEYWORDDISPLAY, + EDIF_TOK_PROPERTY, + EDIF_TOK_USERDATA, EDIF_TOK_COMMENT}; +static short f_PortInstance[] = {EDIF_TOK_PORTREF, EDIF_TOK_NAME, + EDIF_TOK_MEMBER, -EDIF_TOK_UNUSED, + EDIF_TOK_PORTDELAY, -EDIF_TOK_DESIGNATOR, + -EDIF_TOK_DCFANINLOAD, + -EDIF_TOK_DCFANOUTLOAD, -EDIF_TOK_DCMAXFANIN, + -EDIF_TOK_DCMAXFANOUT, -EDIF_TOK_ACLOAD, + EDIF_TOK_PROPERTY, EDIF_TOK_COMMENT, + EDIF_TOK_USERDATA}; +static short f_PortList[] = {EDIF_TOK_PORTREF, EDIF_TOK_NAME, + EDIF_TOK_MEMBER}; +static short f_PortListAlias[] = {EDIF_TOK_NAME, EDIF_TOK_RENAME, + EDIF_TOK_ARRAY, EDIF_TOK_PORTLIST}; +static short f_PortMap[] = {EDIF_TOK_PORTREF, EDIF_TOK_PORTGROUP, + EDIF_TOK_COMMENT, EDIF_TOK_USERDATA}; +static short f_PortRef[] = {EDIF_TOK_NAME, EDIF_TOK_MEMBER, + EDIF_TOK_PORTREF, EDIF_TOK_INSTANCEREF, + EDIF_TOK_VIEWREF}; +static short f_Program[] = {EDIF_TOK_VERSION}; +static short f_Property[] = {EDIF_TOK_NAME, EDIF_TOK_RENAME, EDIF_TOK_BOOLEAN, + EDIF_TOK_INTEGER, EDIF_TOK_MINOMAX, + EDIF_TOK_NUMBER, EDIF_TOK_POINT, EDIF_TOK_STRING, + -EDIF_TOK_OWNER, -EDIF_TOK_UNIT, + EDIF_TOK_PROPERTY, EDIF_TOK_COMMENT}; +static short f_PropertyDisplay[] = {EDIF_TOK_NAME, EDIF_TOK_DISPLAY}; +static short f_ProtectionFrame[] = {EDIF_TOK_PORTIMPLEMENTATION, + EDIF_TOK_FIGURE, EDIF_TOK_INSTANCE, + EDIF_TOK_COMMENTGRAPHICS, + -EDIF_TOK_BOUNDINGBOX, + EDIF_TOK_PROPERTYDISPLAY, + EDIF_TOK_KEYWORDDISPLAY, + EDIF_TOK_PARAMETERDISPLAY, + EDIF_TOK_PROPERTY, EDIF_TOK_COMMENT, + EDIF_TOK_USERDATA}; +static short f_RangeVector[] = {EDIF_TOK_LESSTHAN, EDIF_TOK_GREATERTHAN, + EDIF_TOK_ATMOST, EDIF_TOK_ATLEAST, + EDIF_TOK_EXACTLY, EDIF_TOK_BETWEEN, + EDIF_TOK_SINGLEVALUESET}; +static short f_Rectangle[] = {EDIF_TOK_PT, EDIF_TOK_PROPERTY}; +static short f_RectangleSize[] = {EDIF_TOK_NAME, EDIF_TOK_RENAME, + EDIF_TOK_FIGUREGROUPOBJECT, + EDIF_TOK_RANGEVECTOR, + EDIF_TOK_MULTIPLEVALUESET,EDIF_TOK_COMMENT, + EDIF_TOK_USERDATA}; +static short f_Rename[] = {EDIF_TOK_NAME, EDIF_TOK_STRINGDISPLAY}; +static short f_Resolves[] = {EDIF_TOK_NAME}; +static short f_Scale[] = {EDIF_TOK_E, EDIF_TOK_UNIT}; +static short f_Section[] = {EDIF_TOK_SECTION, EDIF_TOK_INSTANCE}; +static short f_Shape[] = {EDIF_TOK_CURVE, EDIF_TOK_PROPERTY}; +static short f_Simulate[] = {EDIF_TOK_NAME, EDIF_TOK_PORTLISTALIAS, + EDIF_TOK_WAVEVALUE, EDIF_TOK_APPLY, + EDIF_TOK_COMMENT, EDIF_TOK_USERDATA}; +static short f_SimulationInfo[] = {EDIF_TOK_LOGICVALUE, EDIF_TOK_COMMENT, + EDIF_TOK_USERDATA}; +static short f_SingleValueSet[] = {EDIF_TOK_LESSTHAN, EDIF_TOK_GREATERTHAN, + EDIF_TOK_ATMOST, EDIF_TOK_ATLEAST, + EDIF_TOK_EXACTLY, EDIF_TOK_BETWEEN}; +static short f_Site[] = {EDIF_TOK_VIEWREF, EDIF_TOK_TRANSFORM}; +static short f_Socket[] = {EDIF_TOK_SYMMETRY}; +static short f_SocketSet[] = {EDIF_TOK_SYMMETRY, EDIF_TOK_SITE}; +static short f_Status[] = {EDIF_TOK_WRITTEN, EDIF_TOK_COMMENT, + EDIF_TOK_USERDATA}; +static short f_Steady[] = {EDIF_TOK_NAME, EDIF_TOK_MEMBER, EDIF_TOK_PORTREF, + EDIF_TOK_PORTLIST, EDIF_TOK_DURATION, + EDIF_TOK_TRANSITION, EDIF_TOK_BECOMES}; +static short f_String[] = {EDIF_TOK_STRINGDISPLAY, EDIF_TOK_STRING}; +static short f_StringDisplay[] = {EDIF_TOK_DISPLAY}; +static short f_Strong[] = {EDIF_TOK_NAME}; +static short f_Symbol[] = {EDIF_TOK_PORTIMPLEMENTATION, EDIF_TOK_FIGURE, + EDIF_TOK_INSTANCE, EDIF_TOK_COMMENTGRAPHICS, + EDIF_TOK_ANNOTATE, -EDIF_TOK_PAGESIZE, + -EDIF_TOK_BOUNDINGBOX, EDIF_TOK_PROPERTYDISPLAY, + EDIF_TOK_KEYWORDDISPLAY, EDIF_TOK_PARAMETERDISPLAY, + EDIF_TOK_PROPERTY, EDIF_TOK_COMMENT, + EDIF_TOK_USERDATA}; +static short f_Symmetry[] = {EDIF_TOK_TRANSFORM}; +static short f_Table[] = {EDIF_TOK_ENTRY, EDIF_TOK_TABLEDEFAULT}; +static short f_TableDefault[] = {EDIF_TOK_LOGICREF, EDIF_TOK_PORTREF, + EDIF_TOK_NOCHANGE, EDIF_TOK_TABLE, + EDIF_TOK_DELAY, EDIF_TOK_LOADDELAY}; +static short f_Technology[] = {EDIF_TOK_NUMBERDEFINITION, EDIF_TOK_FIGUREGROUP, + EDIF_TOK_FABRICATE, -EDIF_TOK_SIMULATIONINFO, + EDIF_TOK_COMMENT, EDIF_TOK_USERDATA, + -EDIF_TOK_PHYSICALDESIGNRULE}; +static short f_TimeInterval[] = {EDIF_TOK_EVENT, EDIF_TOK_OFFSETEVENT, + EDIF_TOK_DURATION}; +static short f_Timing[] = {EDIF_TOK_DERIVATION, EDIF_TOK_PATHDELAY, + EDIF_TOK_FORBIDDENEVENT, EDIF_TOK_COMMENT, + EDIF_TOK_USERDATA}; +static short f_Transform[] = {EDIF_TOK_SCALEX, EDIF_TOK_SCALEY, EDIF_TOK_DELTA, + EDIF_TOK_ORIENTATION, EDIF_TOK_ORIGIN}; +static short f_Transition[] = {EDIF_TOK_NAME, EDIF_TOK_LOGICLIST, + EDIF_TOK_LOGICONEOF}; +static short f_Trigger[] = {EDIF_TOK_CHANGE, EDIF_TOK_STEADY, + EDIF_TOK_INITIAL}; +static short f_Union[] = {EDIF_TOK_FIGUREGROUPREF, EDIF_TOK_INTERSECTION, + EDIF_TOK_UNION, EDIF_TOK_DIFFERENCE, + EDIF_TOK_INVERSE, EDIF_TOK_OVERSIZE}; +static short f_View[] = {EDIF_TOK_NAME, EDIF_TOK_RENAME, EDIF_TOK_VIEWTYPE, + EDIF_TOK_INTERFACE, -EDIF_TOK_STATUS, + -EDIF_TOK_CONTENTS, EDIF_TOK_COMMENT, + EDIF_TOK_PROPERTY, EDIF_TOK_USERDATA}; +static short f_ViewList[] = {EDIF_TOK_VIEWREF, EDIF_TOK_VIEWLIST}; +static short f_ViewMap[] = {EDIF_TOK_PORTMAP, EDIF_TOK_PORTBACKANNOTATE, + EDIF_TOK_INSTANCEMAP, + EDIF_TOK_INSTANCEBACKANNOTATE, EDIF_TOK_NETMAP, + EDIF_TOK_NETBACKANNOTATE, EDIF_TOK_COMMENT, + EDIF_TOK_USERDATA}; +static short f_ViewRef[] = {EDIF_TOK_NAME, EDIF_TOK_CELLREF}; +static short f_Visible[] = {EDIF_TOK_FALSE, EDIF_TOK_TRUE}; +static short f_VoltageMap[] = {EDIF_TOK_MNM, EDIF_TOK_E}; +static short f_WaveValue[] = {EDIF_TOK_NAME, EDIF_TOK_RENAME, EDIF_TOK_E, + EDIF_TOK_LOGICWAVEFORM}; +static short f_Weak[] = {EDIF_TOK_NAME}; +static short f_WeakJoined[] = {EDIF_TOK_PORTREF, EDIF_TOK_PORTLIST, + EDIF_TOK_JOINED}; +static short f_When[] = {EDIF_TOK_TRIGGER, EDIF_TOK_AFTER, + EDIF_TOK_FOLLOW, EDIF_TOK_MAINTAIN, + EDIF_TOK_LOGICASSIGN, EDIF_TOK_COMMENT, + EDIF_TOK_USERDATA}; +static short f_Written[] = {EDIF_TOK_TIMESTAMP, EDIF_TOK_AUTHOR, + EDIF_TOK_PROGRAM, EDIF_TOK_DATAORIGIN, + EDIF_TOK_PROPERTY, EDIF_TOK_COMMENT, + EDIF_TOK_USERDATA}; +/* + * Context binding table: + * + * This binds context follower arrays to their originating context. + */ +typedef struct Binder { + short *Follower; /* pointer to follower array */ + short Origin; /* '%token' value of origin */ + short FollowerSize; /* size of follower array */ +} Binder; +#define BE(f,o) {f,o,sizeof(f)/sizeof(short)} +static Binder BinderDef[] = { + BE(f_NULL, 0), + BE(f_Edif, EDIF_TOK_EDIF), + BE(f_AcLoad, EDIF_TOK_ACLOAD), + BE(f_After, EDIF_TOK_AFTER), + BE(f_Annotate, EDIF_TOK_ANNOTATE), + BE(f_Apply, EDIF_TOK_APPLY), + BE(f_Arc, EDIF_TOK_ARC), + BE(f_Array, EDIF_TOK_ARRAY), + BE(f_ArrayMacro, EDIF_TOK_ARRAYMACRO), + BE(f_ArrayRelatedInfo, EDIF_TOK_ARRAYRELATEDINFO), + BE(f_ArraySite, EDIF_TOK_ARRAYSITE), + BE(f_AtLeast, EDIF_TOK_ATLEAST), + BE(f_AtMost, EDIF_TOK_ATMOST), + BE(f_Becomes, EDIF_TOK_BECOMES), + BE(f_Boolean, EDIF_TOK_BOOLEAN), + BE(f_BooleanDisplay, EDIF_TOK_BOOLEANDISPLAY), + BE(f_BooleanMap, EDIF_TOK_BOOLEANMAP), + BE(f_BorderPattern, EDIF_TOK_BORDERPATTERN), + BE(f_BoundingBox, EDIF_TOK_BOUNDINGBOX), + BE(f_Cell, EDIF_TOK_CELL), + BE(f_CellRef, EDIF_TOK_CELLREF), + BE(f_Change, EDIF_TOK_CHANGE), + BE(f_Circle, EDIF_TOK_CIRCLE), + BE(f_Color, EDIF_TOK_COLOR), + BE(f_CommentGraphics, EDIF_TOK_COMMENTGRAPHICS), + BE(f_Compound, EDIF_TOK_COMPOUND), + BE(f_ConnectLocation, EDIF_TOK_CONNECTLOCATION), + BE(f_Contents, EDIF_TOK_CONTENTS), + BE(f_Criticality, EDIF_TOK_CRITICALITY), + BE(f_CurrentMap, EDIF_TOK_CURRENTMAP), + BE(f_Curve, EDIF_TOK_CURVE), + BE(f_Cycle, EDIF_TOK_CYCLE), + BE(f_DataOrigin, EDIF_TOK_DATAORIGIN), + BE(f_DcFanInLoad, EDIF_TOK_DCFANINLOAD), + BE(f_DcFanOutLoad, EDIF_TOK_DCFANOUTLOAD), + BE(f_DcMaxFanIn, EDIF_TOK_DCMAXFANIN), + BE(f_DcMaxFanOut, EDIF_TOK_DCMAXFANOUT), + BE(f_Delay, EDIF_TOK_DELAY), + BE(f_Delta, EDIF_TOK_DELTA), + BE(f_Design, EDIF_TOK_DESIGN), + BE(f_Designator, EDIF_TOK_DESIGNATOR), + BE(f_Difference, EDIF_TOK_DIFFERENCE), + BE(f_Display, EDIF_TOK_DISPLAY), + BE(f_Dominates, EDIF_TOK_DOMINATES), + BE(f_Dot, EDIF_TOK_DOT), + BE(f_Duration, EDIF_TOK_DURATION), + BE(f_EnclosureDistance, EDIF_TOK_ENCLOSUREDISTANCE), + BE(f_Entry, EDIF_TOK_ENTRY), + BE(f_Exactly, EDIF_TOK_EXACTLY), + BE(f_External, EDIF_TOK_EXTERNAL), + BE(f_Fabricate, EDIF_TOK_FABRICATE), + BE(f_Figure, EDIF_TOK_FIGURE), + BE(f_FigureArea, EDIF_TOK_FIGUREAREA), + BE(f_FigureGroup, EDIF_TOK_FIGUREGROUP), + BE(f_FigureGroupObject, EDIF_TOK_FIGUREGROUPOBJECT), + BE(f_FigureGroupOverride, EDIF_TOK_FIGUREGROUPOVERRIDE), + BE(f_FigureGroupRef, EDIF_TOK_FIGUREGROUPREF), + BE(f_FigurePerimeter, EDIF_TOK_FIGUREPERIMETER), + BE(f_FigureWidth, EDIF_TOK_FIGUREWIDTH), + BE(f_FillPattern, EDIF_TOK_FILLPATTERN), + BE(f_Follow, EDIF_TOK_FOLLOW), + BE(f_ForbiddenEvent, EDIF_TOK_FORBIDDENEVENT), + BE(f_GlobalPortRef, EDIF_TOK_GLOBALPORTREF), + BE(f_GreaterThan, EDIF_TOK_GREATERTHAN), + BE(f_GridMap, EDIF_TOK_GRIDMAP), + BE(f_IncludeFigureGroup, EDIF_TOK_INCLUDEFIGUREGROUP), + BE(f_Instance, EDIF_TOK_INSTANCE), + BE(f_InstanceBackAnnotate, EDIF_TOK_INSTANCEBACKANNOTATE), + BE(f_InstanceGroup, EDIF_TOK_INSTANCEGROUP), + BE(f_InstanceMap, EDIF_TOK_INSTANCEMAP), + BE(f_InstanceRef, EDIF_TOK_INSTANCEREF), + BE(f_Integer, EDIF_TOK_INTEGER), + BE(f_IntegerDisplay, EDIF_TOK_INTEGERDISPLAY), + BE(f_InterFigureGroupSpacing, EDIF_TOK_INTERFIGUREGROUPSPACING), + BE(f_Interface, EDIF_TOK_INTERFACE), + BE(f_Intersection, EDIF_TOK_INTERSECTION), + BE(f_IntraFigureGroupSpacing, EDIF_TOK_INTRAFIGUREGROUPSPACING), + BE(f_Inverse, EDIF_TOK_INVERSE), + BE(f_Joined, EDIF_TOK_JOINED), + BE(f_KeywordDisplay, EDIF_TOK_KEYWORDDISPLAY), + BE(f_KeywordMap, EDIF_TOK_KEYWORDMAP), + BE(f_LessThan, EDIF_TOK_LESSTHAN), + BE(f_Library, EDIF_TOK_LIBRARY), + BE(f_LibraryRef, EDIF_TOK_LIBRARYREF), + BE(f_ListOfNets, EDIF_TOK_LISTOFNETS), + BE(f_ListOfPorts, EDIF_TOK_LISTOFPORTS), + BE(f_LoadDelay, EDIF_TOK_LOADDELAY), + BE(f_LogicAssign, EDIF_TOK_LOGICASSIGN), + BE(f_LogicInput, EDIF_TOK_LOGICINPUT), + BE(f_LogicList, EDIF_TOK_LOGICLIST), + BE(f_LogicMapInput, EDIF_TOK_LOGICMAPINPUT), + BE(f_LogicMapOutput, EDIF_TOK_LOGICMAPOUTPUT), + BE(f_LogicOneOf, EDIF_TOK_LOGICONEOF), + BE(f_LogicOutput, EDIF_TOK_LOGICOUTPUT), + BE(f_LogicPort, EDIF_TOK_LOGICPORT), + BE(f_LogicRef, EDIF_TOK_LOGICREF), + BE(f_LogicValue, EDIF_TOK_LOGICVALUE), + BE(f_LogicWaveform, EDIF_TOK_LOGICWAVEFORM), + BE(f_Maintain, EDIF_TOK_MAINTAIN), + BE(f_Match, EDIF_TOK_MATCH), + BE(f_Member, EDIF_TOK_MEMBER), + BE(f_MiNoMax, EDIF_TOK_MINOMAX), + BE(f_MiNoMaxDisplay, EDIF_TOK_MINOMAXDISPLAY), + BE(f_Mnm, EDIF_TOK_MNM), + BE(f_MultipleValueSet, EDIF_TOK_MULTIPLEVALUESET), + BE(f_MustJoin, EDIF_TOK_MUSTJOIN), + BE(f_Name, EDIF_TOK_NAME), + BE(f_Net, EDIF_TOK_NET), + BE(f_NetBackAnnotate, EDIF_TOK_NETBACKANNOTATE), + BE(f_NetBundle, EDIF_TOK_NETBUNDLE), + BE(f_NetDelay, EDIF_TOK_NETDELAY), + BE(f_NetGroup, EDIF_TOK_NETGROUP), + BE(f_NetMap, EDIF_TOK_NETMAP), + BE(f_NetRef, EDIF_TOK_NETREF), + BE(f_NonPermutable, EDIF_TOK_NONPERMUTABLE), + BE(f_NotAllowed, EDIF_TOK_NOTALLOWED), + BE(f_NotchSpacing, EDIF_TOK_NOTCHSPACING), + BE(f_Number, EDIF_TOK_NUMBER), + BE(f_NumberDefinition, EDIF_TOK_NUMBERDEFINITION), + BE(f_NumberDisplay, EDIF_TOK_NUMBERDISPLAY), + BE(f_OffPageConnector, EDIF_TOK_OFFPAGECONNECTOR), + BE(f_OffsetEvent, EDIF_TOK_OFFSETEVENT), + BE(f_OpenShape, EDIF_TOK_OPENSHAPE), + BE(f_Origin, EDIF_TOK_ORIGIN), + BE(f_OverhangDistance, EDIF_TOK_OVERHANGDISTANCE), + BE(f_OverlapDistance, EDIF_TOK_OVERLAPDISTANCE), + BE(f_Oversize, EDIF_TOK_OVERSIZE), + BE(f_Page, EDIF_TOK_PAGE), + BE(f_PageSize, EDIF_TOK_PAGESIZE), + BE(f_Parameter, EDIF_TOK_PARAMETER), + BE(f_ParameterAssign, EDIF_TOK_PARAMETERASSIGN), + BE(f_ParameterDisplay, EDIF_TOK_PARAMETERDISPLAY), + BE(f_Path, EDIF_TOK_PATH), + BE(f_PathDelay, EDIF_TOK_PATHDELAY), + BE(f_Permutable, EDIF_TOK_PERMUTABLE), + BE(f_PhysicalDesignRule, EDIF_TOK_PHYSICALDESIGNRULE), + BE(f_Plug, EDIF_TOK_PLUG), + BE(f_Point, EDIF_TOK_POINT), + BE(f_PointDisplay, EDIF_TOK_POINTDISPLAY), + BE(f_PointList, EDIF_TOK_POINTLIST), + BE(f_Polygon, EDIF_TOK_POLYGON), + BE(f_Port, EDIF_TOK_PORT), + BE(f_PortBackAnnotate, EDIF_TOK_PORTBACKANNOTATE), + BE(f_PortBundle, EDIF_TOK_PORTBUNDLE), + BE(f_PortDelay, EDIF_TOK_PORTDELAY), + BE(f_PortGroup, EDIF_TOK_PORTGROUP), + BE(f_PortImplementation, EDIF_TOK_PORTIMPLEMENTATION), + BE(f_PortInstance, EDIF_TOK_PORTINSTANCE), + BE(f_PortList, EDIF_TOK_PORTLIST), + BE(f_PortListAlias, EDIF_TOK_PORTLISTALIAS), + BE(f_PortMap, EDIF_TOK_PORTMAP), + BE(f_PortRef, EDIF_TOK_PORTREF), + BE(f_Program, EDIF_TOK_PROGRAM), + BE(f_Property, EDIF_TOK_PROPERTY), + BE(f_PropertyDisplay, EDIF_TOK_PROPERTYDISPLAY), + BE(f_ProtectionFrame, EDIF_TOK_PROTECTIONFRAME), + BE(f_RangeVector, EDIF_TOK_RANGEVECTOR), + BE(f_Rectangle, EDIF_TOK_RECTANGLE), + BE(f_RectangleSize, EDIF_TOK_RECTANGLESIZE), + BE(f_Rename, EDIF_TOK_RENAME), + BE(f_Resolves, EDIF_TOK_RESOLVES), + BE(f_Scale, EDIF_TOK_SCALE), + BE(f_Section, EDIF_TOK_SECTION), + BE(f_Shape, EDIF_TOK_SHAPE), + BE(f_Simulate, EDIF_TOK_SIMULATE), + BE(f_SimulationInfo, EDIF_TOK_SIMULATIONINFO), + BE(f_SingleValueSet, EDIF_TOK_SINGLEVALUESET), + BE(f_Site, EDIF_TOK_SITE), + BE(f_Socket, EDIF_TOK_SOCKET), + BE(f_SocketSet, EDIF_TOK_SOCKETSET), + BE(f_Status, EDIF_TOK_STATUS), + BE(f_Steady, EDIF_TOK_STEADY), + BE(f_String, EDIF_TOK_STRING), + BE(f_StringDisplay, EDIF_TOK_STRINGDISPLAY), + BE(f_Strong, EDIF_TOK_STRONG), + BE(f_Symbol, EDIF_TOK_SYMBOL), + BE(f_Symmetry, EDIF_TOK_SYMMETRY), + BE(f_Table, EDIF_TOK_TABLE), + BE(f_TableDefault, EDIF_TOK_TABLEDEFAULT), + BE(f_Technology, EDIF_TOK_TECHNOLOGY), + BE(f_TimeInterval, EDIF_TOK_TIMEINTERVAL), + BE(f_Timing, EDIF_TOK_TIMING), + BE(f_Transform, EDIF_TOK_TRANSFORM), + BE(f_Transition, EDIF_TOK_TRANSITION), + BE(f_Trigger, EDIF_TOK_TRIGGER), + BE(f_Union, EDIF_TOK_UNION), + BE(f_View, EDIF_TOK_VIEW), + BE(f_ViewList, EDIF_TOK_VIEWLIST), + BE(f_ViewMap, EDIF_TOK_VIEWMAP), + BE(f_ViewRef, EDIF_TOK_VIEWREF), + BE(f_Visible, EDIF_TOK_VISIBLE), + BE(f_VoltageMap, EDIF_TOK_VOLTAGEMAP), + BE(f_WaveValue, EDIF_TOK_WAVEVALUE), + BE(f_Weak, EDIF_TOK_WEAK), + BE(f_WeakJoined, EDIF_TOK_WEAKJOINED), + BE(f_When, EDIF_TOK_WHEN), + BE(f_Written, EDIF_TOK_WRITTEN) +}; +static int BinderDefSize = sizeof(BinderDef) / sizeof(Binder); +/* + * Keyword table: + * + * This hash table holds all strings which may have to be matched + * to. WARNING: it is assumed that there is no overlap of the 'token' + * and 'context' strings. + */ +typedef struct Keyword { + struct Keyword *Next; /* pointer to next entry */ + char *String; /* pointer to associated string */ +} Keyword; +#define KEYWORD_HASH 127 /* hash table size */ +static Keyword *KeywordTable[KEYWORD_HASH]; +/* + * Enter keyword: + * + * The passed string is entered into the keyword hash table. + */ +static void EnterKeyword(char * str) +{ + /* + * Locals. + */ + register Keyword *key; + register unsigned int hsh; + register char *cp; + /* + * Create the hash code, and add an entry to the table. + */ + for (hsh = 0, cp = str; *cp; hsh += hsh + *cp++); + hsh %= KEYWORD_HASH; + key = (Keyword *) Malloc(sizeof(Keyword)); + key->Next = KeywordTable[hsh]; + (KeywordTable[hsh] = key)->String = str; +} +/* + * Find keyword: + * + * The passed string is located within the keyword table. If an + * entry exists, then the value of the keyword string is returned. This + * is real useful for doing string comparisons by pointer value later. + * If there is no match, a NULL is returned. + */ +static char *FindKeyword(char * str) +{ + /* + * Locals. + */ + register Keyword *wlk,*owk; + register unsigned int hsh; + register char *cp; + char lower[IDENT_LENGTH + 1]; + /* + * Create a lower case copy of the string. + */ + for (cp = lower; *str;) + if (isupper( (int) *str)) + *cp++ = tolower( (int) *str++); + else + *cp++ = *str++; + *cp = '\0'; + /* + * Search the hash table for a match. + */ + for (hsh = 0, cp = lower; *cp; hsh += hsh + *cp++); + hsh %= KEYWORD_HASH; + for (owk = NULL, wlk = KeywordTable[hsh]; wlk; wlk = (owk = wlk)->Next) + if (!strcmp(wlk->String,lower)){ + /* + * Readjust the LRU. + */ + if (owk){ + owk->Next = wlk->Next; + wlk->Next = KeywordTable[hsh]; + KeywordTable[hsh] = wlk; + } + return (wlk->String); + } + return (NULL); +} +/* + * Token hash table. + */ +#define TOKEN_HASH 51 +static Token *TokenHash[TOKEN_HASH]; +/* + * Find token: + * + * A pointer to the token of the passed code is returned. If + * no such beastie is present a NULL is returned instead. + */ +static Token *FindToken(register int cod) +{ + /* + * Locals. + */ + register Token *wlk,*owk; + register unsigned int hsh; + /* + * Search the hash table for a matching token. + */ + hsh = cod % TOKEN_HASH; + for (owk = NULL, wlk = TokenHash[hsh]; wlk; wlk = (owk = wlk)->Next) + if (cod == wlk->Code){ + if (owk){ + owk->Next = wlk->Next; + wlk->Next = TokenHash[hsh]; + TokenHash[hsh] = wlk; + } + break; + } + return (wlk); +} +/* + * Context hash table. + */ +#define CONTEXT_HASH 127 +static Context *ContextHash[CONTEXT_HASH]; +/* + * Find context: + * + * A pointer to the context of the passed code is returned. If + * no such beastie is present a NULL is returned instead. + */ +static Context *FindContext(register int cod) +{ + /* + * Locals. + */ + register Context *wlk,*owk; + register unsigned int hsh; + /* + * Search the hash table for a matching context. + */ + hsh = cod % CONTEXT_HASH; + for (owk = NULL, wlk = ContextHash[hsh]; wlk; wlk = (owk = wlk)->Next) + if (cod == wlk->Code){ + if (owk){ + owk->Next = wlk->Next; + wlk->Next = ContextHash[hsh]; + ContextHash[hsh] = wlk; + } + break; + } + return (wlk); +} +/* + * Token stacking variables. + */ +#ifdef DEBUG +#define TS_DEPTH 8 +#define TS_MASK (TS_DEPTH - 1) +static unsigned int TSP = 0; /* token stack pointer */ +static char *TokenStack[TS_DEPTH]; /* token name strings */ +static short TokenType[TS_DEPTH]; /* token types */ +/* + * Stack: + * + * Add a token to the debug stack. The passed string and type are + * what is to be pushed. + */ +static Stack(char * str, int typ) +{ + /* + * Free any previous string, then push. + */ + if (TokenStack[TSP & TS_MASK]) + Free(TokenStack[TSP & TS_MASK]); + TokenStack[TSP & TS_MASK] = strcpy((char *)Malloc(strlen(str) + 1),str); + TokenType[TSP & TS_MASK] = typ; + TSP += 1; +} +/* + * Dump stack: + * + * This displays the last set of accumulated tokens. + */ +static DumpStack() +{ + /* + * Locals. + */ + register int i; + register Context *cxt; + register Token *tok; + register char *nam; + /* + * Run through the list displaying the oldest first. + */ + fprintf(Error,"\n\n"); + for (i = 0; i < TS_DEPTH; i += 1) + if (TokenStack[(TSP + i) & TS_MASK]){ + /* + * Get the type name string. + */ + if (cxt = FindContext(TokenType[(TSP + i) & TS_MASK])) + nam = cxt->Name; + else if (tok = FindToken(TokenType[(TSP + i) & TS_MASK])) + nam = tok->Name; + else switch (TokenType[(TSP + i) & TS_MASK]){ + case IDENT: nam = "IDENT"; break; + case INT: nam = "INT"; break; + case KEYWORD: nam = "KEYWORD"; break; + case STR: nam = "STR"; break; + default: nam = "?"; break; + } + /* + * Now print the token state. + */ + fprintf(Error,"%2d %-16.16s '%s'\n",TS_DEPTH - i,nam, + TokenStack[(TSP + i) & TS_MASK]); + } + fprintf(Error,"\n"); +} +#else +#define Stack(s,t) +#endif /* DEBUG */ +/* + * Parser state variables. + */ +static FILE *Input = NULL; /* input stream */ +static FILE *Error = NULL; /* error stream */ +static char *InFile; /* file name on the input stream */ +static long LineNumber; /* current input line number */ +static ContextCar *CSP = NULL; /* top of context stack */ +static char yytext[IDENT_LENGTH + 1]; /* token buffer */ +static char CharBuf[IDENT_LENGTH + 1]; /* garbage buffer */ +/* + * yyerror: + * + * Standard error reporter, it prints out the passed string + * preceeded by the current filename and line number. + */ +static void yyerror(const char *ers) +{ +#ifdef DEBUG + DumpStack(); +#endif /* DEBUG */ + fprintf(Error,"%s, line %ld: %s\n",InFile,LineNumber,ers); +} +/* + * String bucket definitions. + */ +#define BUCKET_SIZE 64 +typedef struct Bucket { + struct Bucket *Next; /* pointer to next bucket */ + int Index; /* pointer to next free slot */ + char Data[BUCKET_SIZE]; /* string data */ +} Bucket; +static Bucket *CurrentBucket = NULL; /* string bucket list */ +static int StringSize = 0; /* current string length */ +/* + * Push string: + * + * This adds the passed charater to the current string bucket. + */ +static void PushString(char chr) +{ + /* + * Locals. + */ + register Bucket *bck; + /* + * Make sure there is room for the push. + */ + if ((bck = CurrentBucket)->Index >= BUCKET_SIZE){ + bck = (Bucket *) Malloc(sizeof(Bucket)); + bck->Next = CurrentBucket; + (CurrentBucket = bck)->Index = 0; + } + /* + * Push the character. + */ + bck->Data[bck->Index++] = chr; + StringSize += 1; +} +/* + * Form string: + * + * This converts the current string bucket into a real live string, + * whose pointer is returned. + */ +static char *FormString() +{ + /* + * Locals. + */ + register Bucket *bck; + register char *cp; + /* + * Allocate space for the string, set the pointer at the end. + */ + cp = (char *) Malloc(StringSize + 1); + + cp += StringSize; + *cp-- = '\0'; + /* + * Yank characters out of the bucket. + */ + for (bck = CurrentBucket; bck->Index || bck->Next;){ + if (!bck->Index){ + CurrentBucket = bck->Next; + Free(bck); + bck = CurrentBucket; + } + *cp-- = bck->Data[--bck->Index]; + } + /* reset buffer size to zero */ + StringSize =0; + return (cp + 1); +} +/* + * Parse EDIF: + * + * This builds the context tree and then calls the real parser. + * It is passed two file streams, the first is where the input comes + * from; the second is where error messages get printed. + */ +void ParseEDIF(char* filename,FILE* err) +{ + /* + * Locals. + */ + register int i; + static int ContextDefined = 1; + /* + * Set up the file state to something useful. + */ + InFile = filename; + Input = fopen(filename,"r"); + Error = err; + LineNumber = 1; + /* + * Define both the enabled token and context strings. + */ + if (ContextDefined){ + for (i = TokenDefSize; i--; EnterKeyword(TokenDef[i].Name)){ + register unsigned int hsh; + hsh = TokenDef[i].Code % TOKEN_HASH; + TokenDef[i].Next = TokenHash[hsh]; + TokenHash[hsh] = &TokenDef[i]; + } + for (i = ContextDefSize; i--; EnterKeyword(ContextDef[i].Name)){ + register unsigned int hsh; + hsh = ContextDef[i].Code % CONTEXT_HASH; + ContextDef[i].Next = ContextHash[hsh]; + ContextHash[hsh] = &ContextDef[i]; + } + /* + * Build the context tree. + */ + for (i = BinderDefSize; i--;){ + register Context *cxt; + register int j; + /* + * Define the current context to have carriers bound to it. + */ + cxt = FindContext(BinderDef[i].Origin); + for (j = BinderDef[i].FollowerSize; j--;){ + register ContextCar *cc; + /* + * Add carriers to the current context. + */ + cc = (ContextCar *) Malloc(sizeof(ContextCar)); + cc->Next = cxt->Context; + (cxt->Context = cc)->Context = + FindContext(ABS(BinderDef[i].Follower[j])); + cc->u.Single = BinderDef[i].Follower[j] < 0; + } + } + /* + * Build the token tree. + */ + for (i = TieDefSize; i--;){ + register Context *cxt; + register int j; + /* + * Define the current context to have carriers bound to it. + */ + cxt = FindContext(TieDef[i].Origin); + for (j = TieDef[i].EnableSize; j--;){ + register TokenCar *tc; + /* + * Add carriers to the current context. + */ + tc = (TokenCar *) Malloc(sizeof(TokenCar)); + tc->Next = cxt->Token; + (cxt->Token = tc)->Token = FindToken(TieDef[i].Enable[j]); + } + } + /* + * Put a bogus context on the stack which has 'EDIF' as its + * follower. + */ + CSP = (ContextCar *) Malloc(sizeof(ContextCar)); + CSP->Next = NULL; + CSP->Context = FindContext(0); + CSP->u.Used = NULL; + ContextDefined = 0; + } + /* + * Create an initial, empty string bucket. + */ + CurrentBucket = (Bucket *) Malloc(sizeof(Bucket)); + CurrentBucket->Next = 0; + CurrentBucket->Index = 0; + /* + * Fill the token stack with NULLs if debugging is enabled. + */ +#ifdef DEBUG + for (i = TS_DEPTH; i--; TokenStack[i] = NULL) + if (TokenStack[i]) + Free(TokenStack[i]); + TSP = 0; +#endif /* DEBUG */ + /* + * Go parse things! + */ + edifparse(); +} +/* + * Match token: + * + * The passed string is looked up in the current context's token + * list to see if it is enabled. If so the token value is returned, + * if not then zero. + */ +static int MatchToken(register char * str) +{ + /* + * Locals. + */ + register TokenCar *wlk,*owk; + /* + * Convert the string to the proper form, then search the token + * carrier list for a match. + */ + str = FindKeyword(str); + for (owk = NULL, wlk = CSP->Context->Token; wlk; wlk = (owk = wlk)->Next) + if (str == wlk->Token->Name){ + if (owk){ + owk->Next = wlk->Next; + wlk->Next = CSP->Context->Token; + CSP->Context->Token = wlk; + } + return (wlk->Token->Code); + } + return (0); +} +/* + * Match context: + * + * If the passed keyword string is within the current context, the + * new context is pushed and token value is returned. A zero otherwise. + */ +static int MatchContext(register char * str) +{ + /* + * Locals. + */ + register ContextCar *wlk,*owk; + /* + * See if the context is present. + */ + str = FindKeyword(str); + for (owk = NULL, wlk = CSP->Context->Context; wlk; wlk = (owk = wlk)->Next) + if (str == wlk->Context->Name){ + if (owk){ + owk->Next = wlk->Next; + wlk->Next = CSP->Context->Context; + CSP->Context->Context = wlk; + } + /* + * If a single context, make sure it isn't already used. + */ + if (wlk->u.Single){ + register UsedCar *usc; + for (usc = CSP->u.Used; usc; usc = usc->Next) + if (usc->Code == wlk->Context->Code) + break; + if (usc){ + sprintf(CharBuf,"'%s' is used more than once within '%s'", + str,CSP->Context->Name); + yyerror(CharBuf); + } else { + usc = (UsedCar *) Malloc(sizeof(UsedCar)); + usc->Next = CSP->u.Used; + (CSP->u.Used = usc)->Code = wlk->Context->Code; + } + } + /* + * Push the new context. + */ + owk = (ContextCar *) Malloc(sizeof(ContextCar)); + owk->Next = CSP; + (CSP = owk)->Context = wlk->Context; + owk->u.Used = NULL; + return (wlk->Context->Code); + } + return (0); +} +/* + * PopC: + * + * This pops the current context. + */ +static void PopC() +{ + /* + * Locals. + */ + register UsedCar *usc; + register ContextCar *csp; + /* + * Release single markers and pop context. + */ + while ( (usc = CSP->u.Used) ){ + CSP->u.Used = usc->Next; + Free(usc); + } + csp = CSP->Next; + Free(CSP); + CSP = csp; +} +/* + * Lexical analyzer states. + */ +#define L_START 0 +#define L_INT 1 +#define L_IDENT 2 +#define L_KEYWORD 3 +#define L_STRING 4 +#define L_KEYWORD2 5 +#define L_ASCIICHAR 6 +#define L_ASCIICHAR2 7 +/* + * yylex: + * + * This is the lexical analyzer called by the YACC/BISON parser. + * It returns a pretty restricted set of token types and does the + * context movement when acceptable keywords are found. The token + * value returned is a NULL terminated string to allocated storage + * (ie - it should get released some time) with some restrictions. + * The token value for integers is strips a leading '+' if present. + * String token values have the leading and trailing '"'-s stripped. + * '%' conversion characters in string values are passed converted. + * The '(' and ')' characters do not have a token value. + */ +static int yylex() +{ + /* + * Locals. + */ + register int c,s,l; + /* + * Keep on sucking up characters until we find something which + * explicitly forces us out of this function. + */ + for (s = L_START, l = 0; 1;){ + yytext[l++] = c = Getc(Input); + switch (s){ + /* + * Starting state, look for something resembling a token. + */ + case L_START: + if (isdigit(c) || c == '-') + s = L_INT; + else if (isalpha(c) || c == '&') + s = L_IDENT; + else if (isspace(c)){ + if (c == '\n') + LineNumber += 1; + l = 0; + } else if (c == '('){ + l = 0; + s = L_KEYWORD; + } else if (c == '"') + s = L_STRING; + else if (c == '+'){ + l = 0; /* strip '+' */ + s = L_INT; + } else if (c == EOF) + return ('\0'); + else { + yytext[1] = '\0'; + Stack(yytext,c); + return (c); + } + break; + /* + * Suck up the integer digits. + */ + case L_INT: + if (isdigit(c)) + break; + Ungetc(c); + yytext[--l] = '\0'; + yylval.s = strcpy((char *)Malloc(l + 1),yytext); + Stack(yytext,EDIF_TOK_INT); + return (EDIF_TOK_INT); + /* + * Grab an identifier, see if the current context enables + * it with a specific token value. + */ + case L_IDENT: + if (isalpha(c) || isdigit(c) || c == '_') + break; + Ungetc(c); + yytext[--l] = '\0'; + if (CSP->Context->Token && (c = MatchToken(yytext))){ + Stack(yytext,c); + return (c); + } + yylval.s = strcpy((char *)Malloc(l + 1),yytext); + Stack(yytext, EDIF_TOK_IDENT); + return (EDIF_TOK_IDENT); + /* + * Scan until you find the start of an identifier, discard + * any whitespace found. On no identifier, return a '('. + */ + case L_KEYWORD: + if (isalpha(c) || c == '&'){ + s = L_KEYWORD2; + break; + } else if (isspace(c)){ + l = 0; + break; + } + Ungetc(c); + Stack("(",'('); + return ('('); + /* + * Suck up the keyword identifier, if it matches the set of + * allowable contexts then return its token value and push + * the context, otherwise just return the identifier string. + */ + case L_KEYWORD2: + if (isalpha(c) || isdigit(c) || c == '_') + break; + Ungetc(c); + yytext[--l] = '\0'; + if ( (c = MatchContext(yytext)) ){ + Stack(yytext,c); + return (c); + } + yylval.s = strcpy((char *)Malloc(l + 1),yytext); + Stack(yytext, EDIF_TOK_KEYWORD); + return (EDIF_TOK_KEYWORD); + /* + * Suck up string characters but once resolved they should + * be deposited in the string bucket because they can be + * arbitrarily long. + */ + case L_STRING: + if (c == '\n') + LineNumber += 1; + else if (c == '\r') + ; + else if (c == '"' || c == EOF){ + yylval.s = FormString(); + Stack(yylval.s, EDIF_TOK_STR); + return (EDIF_TOK_STR); + } else if (c == '%') + s = L_ASCIICHAR; + else + PushString(c); + l = 0; + break; + /* + * Skip white space and look for integers to be pushed + * as characters. + */ + case L_ASCIICHAR: + if (isdigit(c)){ + s = L_ASCIICHAR2; + break; + } else if (c == '%' || c == EOF) + s = L_STRING; + else if (c == '\n') + LineNumber += 1; + l = 0; + break; + /* + * Convert the accumulated integer into a char and push. + */ + case L_ASCIICHAR2: + if (isdigit(c)) + break; + Ungetc(c); + yytext[--l] = '\0'; + PushString(atoi(yytext)); + s = L_ASCIICHAR; + l = 0; + break; + } + } +} + +int ReadEdifNetlist(char *filename) +{ + Message(_("Importing edif netlist %s\n"), filename); + ParseEDIF(filename, NULL); + + return 0; +} + +#include "stub_edif.h" +void hid_edif_init(void) +{ + stub_ReadEdifNetlist = ReadEdifNetlist; +}