Index: trunk/Changelog =================================================================== --- trunk/Changelog (revision 15417) +++ trunk/Changelog (revision 15418) @@ -1,3 +1,363 @@ +pcb-rnd 1.2.8 (r1541) +~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ + - Change: switch over all plugins and core to the new data model + + [padstack] + -Fix: selection bug: if a padstack is a hole only, it's near to the selection box even if no shape is near (because it has no shapes) + -Fix: no-shape hole corner case: xor-draw shouldn't try to draw the first shape when there's no shape + -Fix: point-in-padstack: check hole even if there's no shape + -Fix: don't crash on padstack special case: hole-only padstack + -Fix: corner case: don't crash on hole-only padstack + -Fix: padstack conversion from object list: when giving an early error on too many objects being converter (compared to available layers), the count shoudl include layer objects only, not the via/padstack that is to donate the hole + -Fix: when converting padstack from via or existing padstack, preserve mask layer with LYC_AUTO + -Fix: when converting padstack from an existing padstack, also copy the paste layer + -Fix: when converting paste or mask objects into a padstack, make sure to use LYC_AUTO - by definition, all padstack mask/paste objects are AUTO + -Fix: when drawing a subc pinout preview, figure padstack shape and color by a layer mask, not by an actual layer group (fixes: subc lib preview missing padstacks) + -Fix: buffer rotation rotates padstacks as well + -Fix: when sending a padstack to the other side, do not invert the rotation angle - side swap does that automatically + -Change: place padstacks instead of vias by default - remove the associated brave bit + -Add: when drawing a subc preview, also draw padstack holes - all holes except for BB + -Add: existing padstack can be source object for a padstack conversion + -Add: make the padstack mark (cross) geometry configurable + -Add: padstack hash + -Add: padstack editor: tooltip on local clearance + -Add: padstack editor: short label explaining the difference between instance and prototype setting scope + + [subc] + -Fix: don't warn for unbindable virtual layers (e.g. aux) on undo deletion + -Fix: when importing subcircuits using the ElementList(Need), initialize the crosshair so that subc mirroring doesn't catapult the buffer to negative y on placement + -Fix: aux layer creation: create it when special point is added even if it is before the normal aux vector creation (suppresses warnings about missing subc-aux layers) + -Fix: smash buffer subc detaches the shared rtrees first so buffer rtrees are not double free'd on buffer data destroy + -Fix: when moving a subc between buffer to board, set the parent of global objects properly + -Fix: when creating aux layer base vectors, take rotation angle in degree + -Fix: when sending subc to the other side, also mirror the stack_offs of layers so that inner layers end up mirrored in the stack too + -Fix: the buffer tool can replace subc with subc using shift click, saving/preserving all attributes of the original board subc + -Fix: safely return the old refdes in subcop_rename so the undo code doesn't get confused + -Fix: dyntext corner case: when dyntext evaluates to empty string, return so that no invisible text is produced + -Fix: proper object and polygon-clear-polygon clear/restore poly administration when subc is copied from/to the board + -Fix: (floater text) remove undo: prepare the remove undo/redo code for subc layers + -Fix: prepare the text object buffer move function for subc layers + -Fix: spread the 'floater text' subc-part move buffer layer code to arc, line and polygon + -Fix: do not allow pasting a second subcircuit in the footprint edit mode + -Fix: don't use the crosshair GC hardwired when drawing subc marks (also fixes color bug) + -Change: default config: prefer best lihata format over mainline format for footprint save + -Add: is-empty call + -Add: pcb_subc_new() for orthogonality; same as alloc() but also sets the ID + -Add: helper functions to add points on the aux layer and query them + -Add: create aux takes an argument for creating the aux layer on the bottom, indicating that the whole subc is on the bottom side + -Add: template based subc ID print on the subcircuits overlay layer + -Add: hash and eq functions for text, polygon, padstack, subc layers (for use in subc hash) + -Add: structure to centralize the reverse transformations of x and y coords for hashing + -Add: hide floaters shall supress drawing any object with the floater flag set + + [layer] + -Fix: don't call invalidate_all on layer change notification if we are exporting + -Fix: layer creation do/undo - need to store 3 layer indices to be able to inser tbakc the layer at the right place + -Fix: when UI layers are free'd, free all layer objects + -Fix: layer_is_empty() should consider all subcircuit layers, recursively + -Fix: do not treat paste layers specially when deciding whether a layer group is empty: pins and pads are no special case any more + -Add: helper function to create missing (internal) substrate layer groups between adjacent copper groups + -Add: call for removing a specific UI layer directly, not all layers by cookie + + [core] + -Fix: ignore empty flags when flag lists are loded from string (io_pcb corner case) + -Fix: proper error message when registering a hotkey fails + -Fix: allow arc delta to be changed to 360, inclusive in the op code + -Fix: when a main_action fails, pcb-rnd should return non-zero + -Fix: typo in subc rotation code: rotate90 should not do generic rotate but should do rotate90 recursively + -Fix: pcb_polyop_change_clear_size() should work on polygons with the clearpolypoly flag + -Fix: pcb_polyop_change_clear_size() uses the normal message mechanism to give a warning instead of a show-only-once-popup + -Fix: connection loop uses signed integer type so it doesn't go out of bounds if a net contains only 1 or 0 connections + -Fix: selection bug: select only on layers that are visible + -Fix: issue a layers changed event before layer vis reset on board creation so that the layer selector is not reading into already free'd memory + -Fix: When merging new lines, set the search radius to 1 so that existing lines can be found. + -Fix: layer-is-empty-pure: in some special cases there's no rtree but list objects, in which case the layer can be non-empty while rtrees seem to be empty + -Fix: polygon clearance corner case: a subc may not have a buffer or board parent (lib) + -Fix: data-is-empty: if there's at least one padstack or subcircuit, it's not empty + -Fix: pcb-printf %mH heuristics for negative values + -Fix: don't create layer group name with space in the name (fallback global outline name) + -Fix: default board has no space in the name of the global outline layer and the layer is not marked as internal + -Fix: don't abort or crash on invalid GC while xor-drawing text with missing symbols (e.g. binary junk) + -Fix: drc: proper line vs. padstack polygon intersect (considers Bloat) + -Fix: search object by location prefers same-side floater over layer objects + -Fix: rotate rounding error (caused subcircuits to lose precision when reverse engineering the rotation angle) + -Fix: when loading a footprint, remove the selected and found flags + -Fix: when searching for padstack by location, prefer the padstacks that have a shape on the current layer + -Fix: CLI: do not depend on order of arguments: the filename can be inserted between any two arguments + -Fix: heavy terminal thermal clearance size doubling bug + -Fix: polygon insert point was not adjusted correctly with 'all-direction lines' disabled + -Fix: disperse "elements" typo ruined the grid for subcircuits + -Fix: disperse "elements": remove flicker by using the snapped coords for incrementing the cursor + -Fix: double free in conf error message + -Add: give a hint if the config dump action fails + -Add: --version prints svn revision as well + -Add: handle the is_footprint special case in data/layer loops + -Add: configuration node: editor/auto_via to disable automatic via placing globally + -Add: XORDrawSubc now draws lines and arcs as outlines instead of thin lines. + -Add: XOR draw the current 'pen' when in line/arc/text tool mode + -Add: keyboard handling workaround: when US layout is not enabled try to guess from the translated + -Add: allow polygons to be rotated by the rotate tool + -Add: inhibit poly clipping during buffer operation - clip only once, at the end + -Add: utility function that determines whether an object is in the subtree of a data_t + -Add: emit board-meta-changed event if the board's Changed flag changes so the GUI can always update + -Add: recursive data flag change utility function + -Add: infrastructure for tracking files loaded so they can be printed for user's info (PrintFiles() action) + -Add: disperse "elements": do not lose objects beyond board extends, ratehr warn the user and restart dispersion on top - overlapping objects are better than lost objects + -Add: action PasteBuffer(ToLayout) uses the crosshair coords if "crosshair" is passed as second argument instead of numeric coords + -Add: DRC: be able to start network bloat search from subc terminals as well + -Add: system() action for testing te lihata pers save table bug + + [autocrop] + -Fix: do polygon clipping only once, after all moves, so poly-poly clearances are rendered properly (also the clipping will take less time) + -Fix: do not directly modify the pcb width/height field, use the central call for side effects like crosshair range update + -Cleanup: remove doxygen + + [autoplace] + -Add: manual redraw at each end-of-stage for visual feedback + -Add: progress bar, so the operation can be cancelled + + [autoroute] + -Fix: remove the clearance value from padstack bounding box while adding them in the routing box set so padstacks with overlapping clearances don't get merged + -Fix: off-by-one on route style allocation + -Fix: relax the assert()s to allow +-2 nanometer of rounding error on via boundaries + -Cleanup: rename structs and typedefs to follow pcb-rnd naming conventions + -Change: pretend that terms are manhatten-aligned, otherwise the autorouter asserts + -Add: prepare for the generic polygon-is-terminal case + -Add: obstacle mapping recurses to subc + + [conf] + -Fix: conf(set,) should update/render the final value even if it was set as native + -Fix: command line -c += and ^= should create and manipulate the right policy subtree, not the first "overwrite" + + [diag] + -Add: integrity checks: subc refdes validity + -Add: integrity check for terminal name characters + -Add: integrity check: subcircuits outside of board extents + -Add: data dump action to ease debugging the DRC + -Add: DumpLayers(all) prints a complete map and cross-checks + + [doc] + -Fix: don't use absolute url for embedding a local image + -Fix: bridges: legacy io_kicad is write, not read + -Del: features/ - moved to the pool + -Del: gtk3 devel docs: adoc, old plans and file listings, css cruft, ToC + -Update: rebuild action reference table with latest version of pcb-rnd and more complete buildin config + -Update: developer data model for layers and padstacks + -Add: knowledge pool link from the main page + -Add: list OpenBSD as supported platform + -Add: link in the mailing list archives + -Add: --help in the manual page + -Add: developer data model: rtree vs. lists + -Add: indent(1) patch for function decl and comment unalignment + -Add: make install handles doc/ properly + -Add: generate OS package list; package descriptions and metapackage + + [export_bboard] + -Fix: build: explicit dependency on cairo + + [export_gerber] + -Fix: hackvana naming style needs the drill file named .cnc not .drl (reported by Erich) + + [export_ipcd356] + -Change: plugin state: requires full rewrite + + [export_nelma] + -Change: do not compile nelma by default, mark it deprecated + + [export_openscad] + -Add: proper rotation and mirroring for 3d models when placed as subcircuit + -Add: incompatibility warnings if padstack hole or subc orientation can not be determined + + [export_ps] + -Fix: always draw with erase color on mask - the ps exporter doesn't support real compositing anyway (fixes missing padstack masks) + + [export_svg] + -Tune: poly bloat value minimized - mostly covers the thin lines missing because of the slicing but does not make noticable difference in size + + [export_xy] + -Fix: use 1 and 2 for Macrofab SMD and PTH (celem says so) + -Add: respect the pnp-origin mark of the subcircuit if it exists + -Add: macrofab: fill in the last two (optional) columns using subcircuit attributes macrofab::DNP and macrofab::MPN + + [fontmode] + -Fix: make font layer visible by default + + [fp_fs] + -Add: save the output of a parametric footprint gen in a temp file because it will need to be loaded multiple times and rewind() is called on it (because of the multiple file formats) + -Add: temporary hack for allowing kicad modules to be loaded from the lib + [fp_wget] + -Fix: work around wget's buggy error return on succesful non-updating -c + + [gerber] + -Add: when 'copy outline to layer...' is enabled, do not consider affected target layers empty even if their group is empty, because of the copied outline; note: the outline is never empty (implicit board extent outline!) + + [gtk] + -Fix: preview expose area scaling bug: have to tune the expose extents to the actual widget extents else objects beyond the original extent but still within widget pixels won't be drawn + -Fix: when picking the default format for fp save, pick the first match, not the last match + -Fix: invalidate after propedit val changes so the changes are drawn immediately + -Fix: attribute dialog: detect if input is partial or conversion fails and don't change the value to avoid overwriting valid values with invalid values + -Fix: do not change DAD widget values if the new value matches the old value, to avoid unnecessary cursor jumps + -Fix: allow the lib_gtk_hid plugin to compile as dynamic linked plugin (CFLAGS was set too late) + -Fix: handle non-existent/deleted UI layers in the wt selector + -Fix: library window: arrow key navigation shouldn't auto-activate levels and parametrics, only static footprints + -Fix: library window: page up, page down, home and end are also "arrow keys" and should activate footpritns + -Fix: library: untangle ctrl+c from igoring unhandled keys and arrow keys + -Fix: library window: accept keypad enter as well for row selection + -Fix: help text: invocation lists all known gtk plugins + -Fix: config window: don't duplicate the window close mechanism; all signals should call the same code and that code should be prepared for multiple calls (fixes: closing preferences from the window manager then reopening crashed) + -Fix: GetXY() presents the query string in the status line + -Fix: do not create multiple instances of the command window, just raise the existing instance if needed + -Fix: gl: Check for NULL name when setting colour. If NULL, print a warning message and set colour to magenta instead of crashing. + -Add: DAD dialog TABBED implementation + -Add: gl: draw UI layers + -Change: instead of pins/pads and vias, the layer selector has an entry for controlling holes + -Change: increase the wait time between param dialog modification and text entry refresh, to allow more time for the user to complete her edits. + + [lesstif] + -Fix: allow drawing UI layers + -Fix: duplicate shift+d hotkey in the default menu file + -Fix: normal handling of silk, paste and mask layers in the layer selection/visibility mechanism + -Fix: present the query string in GetXY + -Del: old special case layer selector menus + -Add: implement tabbed widget for DAD + -Add: attribute dialog should have minimal width and height enforced + -Add: apply the central layer alpha setting on rendering + -Add: redraw after color conf changed + + [import_sch] + -Fix: debug messages should not be printed to stdout but logged properly, if the new verbose config permits + -Add: default value of verbose is false + + [io] + -Fix: when loading element, check for the plugin's element load capability, not pcb load + -Change: API CHANGE: test_parse_pcb -> test_parse that gets the expected type of the file instead of a dummy board ptr + -Change: footprint load API contains an optional format parameter (just like the board load API does) + -Add: API for reporting save incompatibilities + -Add: do a test_parse before attemting to parse a footprint + -Add: LoadFrom() action respects the optional format parameter when loading an element + + [io_eagle] + -Fix: version parsing now deals with absent '.Z' in X.Y.Z version string more gracefully + -Fix: not being able to place a component is not a warnign but an error, as it almost surely breaks the board + -Fix: elem text set (which is really just subc attribute set) + -Fix: don't add subc instances twice in rtree + -Fix: bin: another hole type ID found in the wild, v 5.12 + -Fix: bin: can now read new hole type with mask 0xFF53 "hole" + -Fix: bin: binary layout hole features now have diameter, drill doubled to get correct size + -Fix: bin: inhibit group updates until all groups are read to avoid invalid/missing silk layer problem + -Fix: bin: read pad block half_drill, half_diameter as unsigned bitfield too. + -Fix: bin: read bitfield as T_UBF not T_INT + -Fix: bin: SMD rotation RXXX was not being parsed properly prior to padstack creation + -Add: bin: preliminary support for free text block storage in egb_ctx struct + + [io_hyp] + -Fix: write implicit board outline if there's an outline layer but it is empty + -Del: old element silk screen draw code - subcircuits don't need silk outline on screen + -Change: generated test: get the oblong padstack asymmetric to make it different from the round pad + -Add: load padstacks as padstacks, with considering all metal layers described in the file + -Add: make sure layer group names are unique on save + + [io_kicad] + -Fix: don't assume the order of the layer stack, different versions of kicad use different order + -Fix: don't guess layer type by ID + -Fix: do not fake host to pcbnew - write pcb-rnd version info in header + -Fix: do not center the drawing in the page (this will be an optional feature later) + -Fix: get smd pad and thru-hole pin rotation angle right + -Cleanup: major simplification in the internal API of the pad creation code - make the pin code reusable for via + -Cleanup: code simplification: now that tally is back in the central pad code, it won't ever be NULL + -Cleanup: split paper size heuristics from pcb write function + -Change: write.c layer model rewrite - use data tables instead of code hardwirings + -Add: generate implicit outline + -Add: io compatibility wanrings for term attributes on padstacks + -Add: auto layer allocation for the case when footprints are loaded + + [io_lihata] + -Fix: invalid memory write on loading rats (post-id-assignment) + -Fix: don't crash on padstack corner case: hole with no shape + -Fix: remove trailing \n from error report strings + -Fix: do not crash with sparse padstack proto array (using IDs) + -Move: automatic p&p and origin code into a common helper function - io_pcb will use this too + -Add: support prio: lihata is the native format for footprints + -Add: inhibit poly clip while loading a design, apply the clip once at the end + + [io_pcb] + -Fix: when creating a new subc on a data, make sure padstack rtrees are linked + -Fix: save may change the logical layer ordering - to keep the GUI in sync, generate a layer change event + -Fix: reuse paste and mask layers, by name, to avoid ever-growing number of layes on round trips + -Fix: do not export flags that are unknown to mainline + -Fix: do not merge element lines on load-to-subc - the loader should not change the data + -Fix: don't crash on saving a footprint even if refdes is not set + -Fix: insert missing substrate layers after loading the board to get consistent output + -Fix: when mirroring a padstack while loading, use pcb_pstk_data_hack, because PCB is not necessarily pointing to where we are loading the padstack into (fixes the 'import .pcb into paste buffer and get bottom side padstacks on the top side') + -Workaround: when loading an old fp file, there's no unit format information - use the preferreed hman readable variant over centimils for now + -Add: try to guess save unit format variant from the unit styles seen in the file + -Add: create explicit paste and mask layers - drawing on implicit layers is not supported by subc/padstack + -Add: incompatibility error when saving non-empty mask or paste layer + -Add: create the usual subc layer groups and layer bindings when loading an old fp for editing + -Add: reverse engineer rotation of subcircuits when converted from element on load + -Add: when loading old elements, also mark the pnp point unless the origin should be used + -Add: io incompatibility error on save if there are no styles (geda/pcb tends to crash on such files) + + [io_tedax] + -Add: IO plugin registration, bindings for loading and saving footprints + -Add: parse pcb hooks for loading footprints from the CLI + + [libuhpgl] + -Add: ignore esc sequences + -Add: support for the pen speed (VS) command + + [polygon] + -Fix: increase line endpoint epsilon comparison (see knowledge pool node 'polybug1') + -Fix: clearance is generally considered to be part of the bbox for all objects, make it so with polygons too + -Add: more detailed error reporting on polygon contour check fail + -Add: when self intersection debug is drawn, redraw the offending lines with bright red + -Add: line-polyline intersection optionally returns the point of intersection + -Add: code that will later on fix the most trivial self intersection polygon cases + -Add: delayed poly clipping with dirty flags; poly clip all (forced all-poly reclip) + + [propedit] + -Fix: absolute values for padstack rotation + -Add: edit polygon properties: clearance + + [report] + -Fix: NetLength works even if there are no elements + -Add: report(NetLengthTo) + -Add: when printing rat line endpoint groups, print their names too + -Add: print parent subc + + [menu] + -Del: nonetlist flag set menu: it was element-only, and there is now a generic flag editor that includes this flag too + -Add: 'free rotate selected' menu in the popup + + [rtree] + -Add: switch over to using genrtree instead of the local implementation + -Del: remove 'manage' from the API - callers should arrange freeing the tree nodes; a full tree must be dynamic or static, mixed trees are not supported + + [rubberband_orig] + -Fix: rubberband ratlines connected to subcircuits/padstacks + -Change: Remove the copper-only constraint; rubberband is an editor feature that should work on any layer + + [scconfig] + -Fix: when building libminuid, expect spaces in CLFAGS and LDFLAGS passed down + -Fix: build libminuid using $(MAKE) + -Fix: explicit rules to build genlist objects for gsch2pcb-rnd + -Fix: add repeat report warning if libxml2 is missing + -Fix: make clean (and distclean) removes ojects in libminuid and uundo + -Fix: missing dependency for building all genlist objects for gsch2pcb-rnd (workaround for excess smartness of GNU make) + -Add: ./configure --profile generates profiling code with gcc (-pg and -no-pie to work around a gcc bug) + + [teardrops] + -Fix: use the central distance calculator instead of a local, non-coord-type-safe copy; also avoid sqrt() + -Cleanup: remove doxygen from copyright and remove some dead code + -Add: handle padstacks (arbitrary poly shaped pad handling is very limited) + + [util] + -Fix: fp2subc: force saving as lihata v4 so the result is always a subc + -Fix: gsch2pcb-rnd: don't embed Install_root in the executable + -Fix: gsch2pcb-rnd: typo in LIBDIR_INSTALLED made gsch2pcb-rnd check for the gnetlist backend always fail + -Add: script to list 404 pages on the official home page + -Add: fp2subc -d (or --debug) option to wrap pcb-rnd in a debugger (e.g. valgrind) + pcb-rnd 1.2.7 (r13656) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [padstack]