Index: trunk/Changelog =================================================================== --- trunk/Changelog (revision 32068) +++ trunk/Changelog (revision 32069) @@ -1,3 +1,394 @@ +pcb-rnd 2.2.2 (r32050) +~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ + [act_draw] + -Add: PolyBool() action + -Add: low level draw using gc: DrawText() and DrawColor() + -Add: DrawLine() for low level, gc based rendering + -Add: DrawPoly() for low level, gc based rendering + + [act_read] + -Fix: missing argument in ReadGroup() syntax description + -Add: ReadGroup() field accessor: ltypehas matches the 4th argument's layer type flag (specified as a string) and returns 0 or 1 if the layer group has that type + -Add: ObjCenter() action that returns the x or y coord of the center of an object (for scripting) + + [autoroute] + -Fix: optimize with manhattan lines only + -Fix: refine the 'netlist stale' error message to get the user use the right rats optimization + -Del: false-positive(?) assert + -Add: temporary rats nest optimization for the old autorouter (manhattan) + [build] + -Add: detect byaccic and ureglex unless disabled + -Add: generate byaccic and ureglex rules + [cam] + -Fix: GUI: do not create excess directories while the user is typing an output path + + [clearance] + -Add: polygon's enforce_clearance field + + [conf] + -Add: public counter on how many times each conf root got replaced; this helps the caller detect side effects of e.g. loading a design file thay brought its own design level conf + + [core] + -Fix: when freeing a subc, don't unreg it if parent is INVALID: it may simply be an unregistered subcircuit + -Fix: idpath: str->idpath conversion went wrong when path was prefixed with data address + -Fix: idpath: idpath->str in non-relative mode shall insert data name in front of the path + -Fix: when loading a new board, if it doesn't have a conf subtree make sure to reset the design role conf tree upon succesful load so the design conf of the previous board won't leak in + -Fix: unnecessary recursion in dynflag clear (turned O(n) into O(n^2)) + -Fix: padstack broken ring check: a ring can not be broken if there's no hole + -Fix: io incompat listing in batch mode + -Fix: selected operation shall recurse and apply to subc floaters + -Fix: MoveLayer() gi and ga shouldn't allow creating new layers in a substrate group (happened on the cross-section view) + -Fix: object snap: use mouse coord, not crosshair coord so multiple snap points in between grid points are accessible; screen-search for snapping start with grid/8, then check grid/4 radius before searching in the original grid/2 - this gives it a chance to find the closer object first + -Fix: PCB_FP_FOPEN_IN_DST_ shouldn't use FILE as sizeof(FILE) is not always known + -Fix: cursor key direction mixed up in menu file + -Fix: toss buffer should not copy/move objects that are part of a subc (fixes bug: floater refdes text copied as a standalone second text object) + -Fix: RouteStyle() set generates the necessary route-style-changed event and if we were setting the current style, updates the pen too, so the current style stays selected + -Fix: do not double-add subc-parts in the rtree on move-buffer undo + -Fix: snap: grid realign should use crosshair coords, not mosue cursor coords, but grid size is still set to 0;0 - this allows both picking the alignment to a "background image" and realign to an object + -Fix: snap: prefer snapping to subc origin over snapping to grid + -Fix: arc split undo: add the new arc to the remove list + -Del: layer naming styles other then pcb-rnd and fixed (old, pre-CAM gerber layer namings) + -Del: special case code that placed donut rats + -Cleanup: prefix LIB_ enum members with PCB_ to keep the namespace clean + -Move: deprecate the MinClearGap() action; move it from core to oldactions plugin + -Add: footprint API: new hook for moving file type detection from fp_fs to format plugins + -Add: extend the fp_fopen() API so it can split up the file name to sub-footprint name and this info is accessible for the caller + -Add: subfpname parameter to the footprint parse API so multi-footprint files get which footprint to load + -Add: implement pstk prototype free fields (also fixes related memleaks) + -Add: fungw: automatic idpath type conversions + -Add: inline function to calculate object iid + -Add: Netlist() action commands for enabling/disabling all rats + -Add: text clearance style is determined by 'boolean' text attribute "tight_clearance" + -Add: text scale_x and scale_y + -Add: generic call for retrieving a pointer to the thermal char of any object (to unify padstack and non-padstack access) + -Add: undoable any-object thermal operation (works on lines and polygons) + -Add: text placement by bbox: create text utility function by bbox/anchor scaling/placement (useful for alien formats) + -Add: when a footprint format supports multiple footprints per file, map the file and offer selection on import + -Add: optional interactive object list selector for the case there are multiple objects found on a screen search (the user can pick one) + -Add: local (per layer-type) clearance change in prototypes are undoable + -Add: make padstack proto shape grow undoable + -Add: pstk proto scale is undoable + -Add: Netlist(): AutoLen and NoAutoLen actions to change automatic net calculation bit of a net + -Add: generalize the board thickness calculation function so it can calculate the thickness of a stack between two layer groups, optionally filtering for layer group type as well; also works for a subset of the stack + -Add: expose the API for deciding if two lines overlap and can be simplified + -Add: layer group addressing syntax: #gid, for use from scripts + -Add: RouteStyle(): upgrade to be able to set and get some fields + -Add: RouteStyle() accepts "@current" as first argument for working with the current style (useful for set and get) + + [ddraft] + -Fix: trim's esc handling + + [dialogs] + -Fix: printing padstack proto details respects grid unit when choosing unit + -Fix: padstack generator: don't derive from non-existing shapes + -Fix: padstack dialog: undo on shape grow/shrink: group all transformed-shape undos into one serial so it can all be undone at once + -Fix: parametric footprint edit dialog: when generating the command, always include the mandatory parameters + -Fix: parametric footprint edit: don't print empty parameter even if it changed + -Fix: parametric footprint dialog: truncate trailing zeros after decimal point when printing coords + -Fix: parametric footprint dialog: do not use parameters of a different footprint to fill in the newly open dialog + -Add: conf tree: explicit indication, with a long help text, of read-only tree nodes + -Add: conf tree: explicit note about creating a new value with a long help text explaining the special case for bools + -Add: netlist dialog: button for enabling/disabling all rats + -Add: netlist dialog: double click on a net row will toggle disable on it + -Add: advanced search: expose text scale_x and scale_y fields + -Add: footprint map chooser dialog - used when multiple footprints are available for loaing frmo a file + -Add: layer bindings: allow changing the target layer on the right side and recalculate the recipe for it + -Add: object list selector dialog: when enabled, clicking on a location with multiple objects offer a selection window + -Add: drc dialog: extra button that jumps to the drc configuration dialog in preferences + -Add: tooltips for the netlist dialog + -Add: netlist dialog: buttons for net length calculation to display net length calc results in the netlist table + -Add: padstack dialog: padstack thermal summary on the instance tab + + [distalign] + -Del: distaligntext plugin -> distalign can handle every case + + [doc] + -Fix: conf merging: use a more clear terminology on board files + -Fix: terminology (Element vs. subcircuit, property vs. attribute + -Fix: query: lists are always iterated, even in function arguments, except when wrapped in list() + -Del: remove the documentation of MinClearGap - it's deprecated + -Update: conf: preferences dialog is not gtk-only anymore + -Update: linux official package availability: remove arch, because it is not maintained; add the debian derived systems that picked it up and a link to repology for the full list + -Add: Marks and Gridless recommendations for distalign actions + -Add: io_lihata v7 changelog + -Add: data model doc includes poly enforce_clearance + -Add: document text object's tight_clearance attribute (with lihata v7) + -Add: gfx in data model + -Add: data model: document text scale_x and scale_y fields + -Add: privacy policy + -Add: developer doc: API doc on pcb_text_by_bbox + -Add: lihata format doc: document pcb-rnd-drc-query-v* + -Add: layer groups attributes: thickness and "dielectric" for Er + -Add: document the new PolyBool() action + -Add: layer group addressing syntax: #gid + -Add: query: convert language description to html and move it to the user doc + -Add: query: explain keywords and describe very simple rules that are a single expression with no keywords + -Add: query: explain query usage outside of the DRC + -Add: query: make sure all functions are documented and groupped by topic + + [draw_csect] + -Add: print layer group thickness attribute on cross section when available + + [draw_fontsel] + -Cleanup: initialize all fields of sample text to 0 to avoid accidental mirroring + + [drc_query] + -Fix: missing const definitions for min_copper_overlap and min_copper_clearance + -Cleanup: use IID comparisons instead of ID or bbox comparisons for making object pairs uniqe - more robust solution + -Add: drc rule for "" layer groups + -Add: dialog box upgrades for the optional rule source field + -Add: DrcQueryRuleMod(): action to modify drc_query rules + -Add: DrcQueryDefMod(): action to modify drc_query definitions + -Add: rule import/export in tEDAx format + -Add: rule import/export in lihata format + -Add: progress bar (and CLI progress report) on DRC execution; also prints number of violations found + + [export_gerber] + -Del: the layer naming style option: only the default pcb-rnd naming style is available + -Del: all excellon cross-call related code + + [export_openems] + -Chnage: centralize layer group thickness function so later on every part of the code gets the same thickness; make sure the mesher uses the same layer thicknesses as the xml export code + -Add: optional xml output for direct flow + -Add: layer group thickness falls back to openems export default per layer group type (copper or substrate) with an error message, if it is not specified in the stackup + + [export_svg] + -Add: --true-size changes the header to write width and height in mm, matching the viewport + + [find.c] + -Fix: don't require object parent layer group to exist - it won't in case of unbound subc layers + -Cleanup: remove global var Bloat, use reentrant ctx->bloat instead + -Cleanup: remove long unused macro EXPAND_BOUNDS + -Add: option to ignore clearances in low level isc + -Add: allow_noncopper_pstk option to let non-copper shapes of padstacks "conduct" for special tests + -Add: implement "anylayer" option for pstk vs. anything intersection calculation (for calculating overlaps properly) + + [formula] + -Add: action for microstrip impedance + -Add: action for coplanar wave guide + -Add: generic non-linear equation "solver" based on a single variable, bisecting within an expected range of that variable looking for the right result of a random function (action) within the specified error margin + -Add: the query plugin should depend on lib_forumla because drc scripts may want to run the actions for calculating e.g. microstrip impedance + + [fp_fs] + -Fix: don't crash when popen fails + -Fix: popen() won't work with "rb", only with "r" + -Cleanup: memory leak on working directory + -Split: move out format detection from fp_fs so io_ plugins can do the file format + -Change: open footprint files in binary mode instead of text: text parsers should be fine with this while it is essential for binary parsers on win32 + -Add: create footprint lib out of a file that contains multiple footprints + -Add: optimization: cache fp map result per file, using the file's mtime + + [gfx] + -Fix: bbox calculation should reset the bbox to invalid coords instead of 0;0 so the upper left corner of the bbox will come out right + -Fix: FlagEdit() should work on gfx objects + -Add: the gfx object should remember preferred pixmap ID for a save/load/save round trip + -Add: set pixmap ref ID to 0 when a new pixmap is assigned to a gfx so its ID will be determined automatically on save + -Add: keep pixmap id on dup + -Add: subc convert and xor draw frame in subc + -Add: update() should recalculate the bbox (it's cheap and depends on the corners that are just updated) + -Add: support gfx in subc dup_at() + -Add: PCB_OBJ_GFX_POINT: use rnd_point_t to track gfx conrers so that the tool infra can grab them for resize + -Add: crosshair snap to gfx corner points + -Add: gfx resize xor-draw: ortho-project dx/dy to the sides to calculate how the new pixmap rectangle would look like + -Add: undoable resize-by-corner-move implementation + -Add: action to load pixmap into a gfx object in buffer + -Add: Import pixmap to buffer in the menu: File/Import + -Add: attribute render_level, with value "above" or "under" to control rendering order within the layer + -Add: interactive, measure based resizer + -Add: upgrade GfxMod() so it can set transparent color by idpath and color or pixel coords + -Add: upgrade GfxMod(resize) so it accepts idpath, pdx, pdy, len (for scripting) + -Add: menu, action and low level code for manually picking the transparent color + + [gtk] + -Add: new config options to control whether a window is set transient-for and/or "presented" after creation + + [hid_gtk2_gl] + -Fix: Draw everything in expose events instead of only the dirty rect because scissor isn't used + + [import_sch2] + -Del: old import schematics plugin - use the new one + -Fix: the automatically selected tEDAx import format should work even if the user did not change format selection + + [io_bxl] + -Add: load footprints from BXL files + + [io_eagle] + -Fix: initialize state struct to 0 to avoid depending on uninitialized memory when some default settings are not present in the file + -Fix: binary: invalid memory handlig on binary tree free + -Fix: binary: when overwrites an existing property do not leak memory on the old key and value: keep the old hash table entry, free and replace the old value + -Fix: binary: text mirroring applied to angles too; this once again inverts 90/270 edge cases + -Fix: binary: bitfield extraction mask calculated wrong, causing extra bits to leak in + -Fix: binary: do not ingore the spin bit of text objects + -Fix: binary: disable the code that ruined subc coords + -Fix: binary: oad long/free text; better error messages on free text read errors + -Fix: binary: register 0x2d84 as unknown block + -Fix: do not warn for missing fonts, the format does not have embedded font + -Fix: arc angles: derive delta angle from the curve parameter + -Add: function to calculate on-screen length of a string in eagle default font + -Add: calculate bbox width and height of text assuming default eagle font + -Add: text object: calculate anchor x;y position using the align field and bbox sizes + -Add: use bbox based text placement for higher precision + -Add: support for (x) mirrored text + -Add: parse the spin bit of rotation for text + + [io_kicad] + -Fix: kicad_parse_any_text() needs to get parent module mirror bit because the text object suffers that transformation too + -Fix: set refdes text floater and pick up "reference" text as refdes + -Cleanup: remove old element terminology + -Add: rewrite the code to use the central bbox based text placement to support X mirror and x/y scaling + + [io_lihata] + -Add: faster parametric footprint detection: anything starting with #! should be parametric + -Add: support loading v7 boards (new default file format) + + [io_pcb] + -Cleanup: use RND_FUNC_UNUSED, which is scconfig detected, instead of a gcc version dependent macro + -Cleanup: don't depend on compat_cc.h, it's for the poly code only now + -Fix: when setting conf nodes also reset and bump conf tree counter to make sure the settings are preserved + + [io_tedax] + -Cleanup: remove old element terminology + -Add: load and save drc_query_rule blocks + -Add: when importing through the central netlist import infra, also load drc blocks + -Add: action to run a test parse on a file name or an open FILE * + -Add: create drc_query rules for tEDAx drc block + + [irc] + -Add: a minimalistic IRC client behind the 'online support' button + + [lib_compat_help] + -Fix: create heavy->light converted padstacks with the right origin, not with 0;0 + + [lib_hid_common] + -Fix: Dad() shouldn't crash when "set" called before the dialog box is runing + -Add: Dad() action: preview widget creation + -Add: Dad(set) works on input fields typed "real" + -Add: Dad(): set enum as int + -Add: Dad(default) to set widget default value on creation + -Add: Dad() set/get works on tabbed + -Add: Dad() returns the return value of the callback action for the preview widget mouse event callbacks + -Add: Dad() "help" command to add tooltip + + [lib_hid_pcbui] + -Fix: respect loose subc and allow popup() to pick up objects from the subc + -Add: comment to clarify the main usage of the DecribeLocation action + -Add: DescribeLocation (tooltip) prints rat line info when cursor lands on a rat line + -Add: DescribeLocation print terminal name in parenthesis after the terminal ID when it differs from the terminal ID + -Add: big blue button for on-line support (minimalistic IRC client) + + [lib_polyhelp] + -Fix: make PolyHatch() undoable + + [librnd] + -Fix: pixmap hash should use transparent pixel values in the hash as they are also used in key comparison + -Fix: when free'ing pixmap fields, also free the renderer's cache + -Fix: hid action parse can properly return the real result of the last action while keeping the "stop executing multiple actions if any fails" concept + -Fix: dad spin on real numbers: don't use step 0 at value 0 for up/down spin buttons, that wouldn't change the value! + -Cleanup: rename pcb_ prefix to rnd_ prefix + -Cleanup: centralize istrue() to rnd_istrue(), plus add rnd_isfalse() helper to complement it + -Add: portable RND_MIN, RND_MAX and RND_SGN so the code long term won't depend on redefining MIN/MAX + -Add: base64 string encode/decode + -Add: compile and include libulzw in 3rd lib + -Add: fungw pointer domain for FILE* + -Add: pixmap: low level pixmap dup + -Add: pixmap: call to free hid side cache (useful for redraw after changing pixels) + -Add: HID API: pixmap uninit call so the HID cache can be invalidated on core pixmap change + -Add: the get_coords API (librnd's and HID's) return int to indicate if esc was pressed + -Add: #define M_E for c89-portability + -Add: fungw ptr domain for GC (for scripted low level draws) + -Add: DAD: str<->bit conversion of HATF_TIGHT + -Add: expose the low level of rnd_parse_command(): rnd_parse_command_res() that can return a typed result properly + + [netlist] + -Fix: consider only the first island of non-full-polys when figuring where rats are to be connected so they won't end up connecting to invisible polygon islands + + [pcblib] + -Fix: qf(): silkmark position was away from the corner + -Add: qf() silkmark help: mention that it is drawn only if bodysilk is also drawn + + [propedit] + -Fix: when tight_clearance is toggled, run pre/post of the object + -Fix: when changing objects with side effect, recalculate bbox and redraw them + -Fix: padstack proto is not a coord but an int + -Fix: respect loose subc and allow propedit(object) to pick up objects from the subc + -Add: map and set enforce_clearance + -Add: PropToggle() action to toggle flags and attributes + -Add: introduce data type 'double' for editing text scale + -Add: change text scale_x and scale_y + + [query] + -Fix: coord conv: don't try to convert VOID as string + -Fix: execute multiple rules per program + -Fix: query(dump) doesn't crash on syntax error but returns error + -Change: .netseg returns an object, not an object ID (object IDs are not always unique because of subcircuits) + -Move: search dialog from dialogs to query because it will be more tightly coupled with the query compiler + -Add: overlap() ignores clearances + -Add: overlap() uses allow_noncopper_pstk so pstk-pstk overlap can be tested with non-copper + -Add: layerlist() for listing all layers in order of appearance in data + -Add: accept .layer.type for layer's type, as .type may be processed by the caller for object type + -Add: \ protected newline is ignored like whitespace - this allows multi-line rules + -Add: violation list can contain text that is then appended to the drc description + -Add: .IID field for instance ID (useful for (A.IID <= B.IID) checks for sorting pairs) + -Add: support for text scale_x and scale_y + -Add: overlap() takes an optional bloat argument + -Add: intersect() is a variant of overlap, requires layer objects to be in the same layer group + -Add: abs() function + -Add: progress bar + -Add: net segment length calculator + -Add: net seg len: report if the search was blocked by a bad object + -Add: helper action: QueryCalcNetLen() for calculation simple net length or return error on the complex case + -Add: search dialog decompile: if the expression is in a valid form, fill in the GUI dialog + -Add: thermal_on(): query function to get thermal shape bits translated into a string of characters + -Add: arc .width and .height properties + + [report] + -Change: replace local net length implementation with query's + -Add: print idpath at the end of the object report + -Add: polygon report mentions polygon enforced minimum clearance, when it is not 0 + -Add: print rat anchors as well, for debugging + -Add: print text scales + -Add: UI layer based net length report + + [res] + -Add: menu for toggling tight_clearance of text objects + -Add: obj list popup control submenu on {m d o} + -Add: menu items for visual net length reports + -Add: netlist length menu: {n l l} for refresh netlist lengths in the netlist dialog (opens the dialog if not already open) + -Add: layer group context menu to create top/bottom silk/paste/mask layer groups + + [scconfig] + -Fix: -> in externs (more reliable hostname) + -Split: librnd split: separate the code that is used for librnd + -Del: dmalloc support - use valgrind instead + -Add: allow plugins to inject extra args to sphash (e.g. for --multi) + -Add: gen_conf: require first level const struct be const, except for special temp structs in core and librnd + + [script] + -Add: live script reload&rerun button for better support of using external editors + -Add: ActionString() action so scritps can build a call in a string + + [tests] + -Fix: drc_query test: sort output so it does not depend on order of reports + -Fix: drc_query: zone clear: change the drawing so the drc error occurs at a single pinpoint instead of on a parallel line-line that may yield in different bbox depending on order of objects + -Fix: drc_query reproducability: introduce a conf node for getting the drc always use the bbox of all red and blue objects, without optimization and focus on red, for reproducible view box output for tests + -Update: pcb-printf test for the new function name + -Update: propedit test for the new print file name + -Add: base64 tester + -Add: propedit: include testing doubles + + [tool_std] + -Fix: the text tool applies pen (routing style) attributes + -Fix: don't limit thermal tool to padstacks + -Fix: uninitialized text field for the size indication 'A' of the text tool + -Fix: can not keep ids on "drag & drop move selected" (explanation in comment); fixes undo bug with multiple moves of the same selected object + -Add: simplified insert tool, make it the default + -Add: allow the optional object selector for insert, lock, polyhole, remove and thermal + + [util] + -Add: sign files with openssl + -Add: pcb-rnd-svg: compare pcb-rnd renders using svg + + pcb-rnd 2.2.1 (r30749) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [autoplace]