sch-rnd back
+annotation tutorial video. The rest work very similar; this section concentrates
+on what each operations does on instruction level and where to find the given
+operation. The network window can be invoked from the window menu or with
+the hotkey {w n}.
Add connection
+Creates a new connection between a terminal and a network. The terminal can
+not be conncted to any network at the moment.
+GUI: select the line tool and the rat layer and draw a line from the given
+terminal to any other terminal that's on the target network.
+GUI: select terminals, then network window; select a network on the left side,
+click on the "add conn" button. This will add all selected terminals to
+the selected network. Selected objects that are non-terminal are ignored.
+CLI: n/a.
Break connection
- Swap pins
+Breaks an existing connection between a terminal and a network.
+GUI: network window; select a network on the left side, select the
+a terminal on the right side list, click on the "break conn" button.
+CLI: n/a.
Swap terminals
+Remove the connection of both terminals selected and add new connection
+for each, swapping the two connections.
+GUI: network window; select a network on the left side, select the
+a terminal on the right side list, click on the "break conn" button.
+GUI: select two terminals then menu: Connects/Design changes.../Swap nets
+CLI: select two terminals then action: NetList(swap)
Remove net
+Break all connectsions to the given net.
+GUI: network window; select a network on the left side, click on the
+"del" button.
+CLI: action: NetList(remove, netname)
Rename net
+Break all connectsions to the given net and make the same connections to
+a new net with a new name.
+GUI: network window; select a network on the left side, click on the
+"rename" button.
+CLI: action: NetList(rename, old_netname, new_netname)
Merge nets
+Break all connectsions to the source net and make the same connections to
+the also existing destination net. This effectively moves over all
+connections from src to dst, merging the two nets keeping dst and removing src.
+GUI: network window; select a network on the left side, click on the
+"merge" button.
+CLI: action: NetList(merge, src_netname, dst_netname)
Add new subcircuit
Remove subcircuit
Change or create subcircuit attribute