r38261 file changeset diff or repo changeset diff igor22023-09-06T07:56:45.118094Z
[core] -Fix: separate netlist change event and netlist import event; clean up netlist patch list only after an import so back annotation entries are not lost accidentally (because they are already done on the board) without a forward annotation
r37085 file changeset diff or repo changeset diff igor22022-12-04T10:19:30.975729Z
[librnd4] -Add: mark each event as [a] or [d] (for per-app or per-design)
r33487 file changeset diff or repo changeset diff igor22020-12-13T09:58:21.180629Z
[show_netnames] -Add: new event called after any board edit - some plugins may want to update caches
r32943 file changeset diff or repo changeset diff igor22020-10-03T07:04:33.693429Z
[core] -Cleanup: pass on crosshair pointer in the crosshair new pos event so plugins don't need to depend on global vars; also pass on old x;y coords, those can not be optained in any other way at the plugin
r32935 file changeset diff or repo changeset diff igor22020-10-03T06:14:13.362517Z
[core] -Add: crosshair: generate an event for updating screen indications when crosshair changed position
r32931 file changeset diff or repo changeset diff igor22020-10-02T15:24:16.448548Z
[core] -Add: throw an error if no drc rule got executed
r29891 file changeset diff or repo changeset diff igor22020-02-27T06:53:55.715777Z
[layer] -Add: generate event on pcb-rnd::key:: attribute change on layers so the layer-attrib-key menus can be re-generated
r29412 file changeset diff or repo changeset diff igor22020-01-27T04:30:36.367933Z
[librnd] -Split: move PCB-specific events back from librnd to core, using the new "app events" registration

Command line to view the complete history:
svn log -v svn://svn.repo.hu/pcb-rnd//trunk/src/event.h