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r38528 file changeset diff or repo changeset diff igor22023-11-30T09:16:02.892751Z
[core] -Del: replace pcb_act_Export() with librnd 4.1's rnd_act_Export()
r37164 file changeset diff or repo changeset diff igor22022-12-23T04:01:40.764939Z
[core] -Fix: inhibit menu merges while creating a new board so there's no invalid menu handling by a menu update between the old board already free'd and the new board not yet created
r37079 file changeset diff or repo changeset diff igor22022-12-04T04:00:34.549988Z
[librnd4] -Cleanup: new board: use rnd_single_switch_to() instead of direct rnd_gui->set_design calls
r37078 file changeset diff or repo changeset diff igor22022-12-04T03:46:55.624666Z
[core] -Cleanup: remove 'reverted' parameter of pcb_board_replaced() - long unused, incompatible with the GUI moved out to librnd
r37053 file changeset diff or repo changeset diff igor22022-11-27T04:31:59.032635Z
[librnd4] -Update: follow API change on rnd_design_t file name fields
r36998 file changeset diff or repo changeset diff igor22022-11-19T15:27:16.019885Z
[librnd4] -Update: API change: extended hid->do_export() args
r36995 file changeset diff or repo changeset diff igor22022-11-19T10:46:22.362139Z
[librnd4] -Update: follow API change on rnd_hid_redraw()
r36993 file changeset diff or repo changeset diff igor22022-11-19T10:20:23.155425Z
[librnd4] -Update: follow API change: renamed hid API's set/get hidlib to set/get design
r36990 file changeset diff or repo changeset diff igor22022-11-19T09:04:26.652771Z
[librnd4] -Update: follow API change: rename RND_ACT_HIDLIB to RND_ACT_DESIGN
r36986 file changeset diff or repo changeset diff igor22022-11-19T06:39:44.672219Z
[librnd4] -Update: follow API change on core/hid split
r36980 file changeset diff or repo changeset diff igor22022-11-17T14:31:00.307766Z
[librnd4] -Update: follow API change: store drawing area bbox instead of width/height
r36976 file changeset diff or repo changeset diff igor22022-11-16T14:52:54.700822Z
[librnd4] -Cleanup: remove obsolete usage of RND_HID_FSD_* bits
r36974 file changeset diff or repo changeset diff igor22022-11-16T13:32:22.046488Z
[librnd4] -Cleanup: rename RND_EVENT_BOARD_ to RND_EVENT_DESIGN_ to make terminolofy portable accross apps
r36973 file changeset diff or repo changeset diff igor22022-11-16T12:24:09.302936Z
[librnd4] -Cleanup: rename pcb_board_changed() to pcb_board_replaced() to follow librnd naming convention change
r36921 file changeset diff or repo changeset diff igor22022-10-23T08:27:49.759881Z
[core] -Fix: more detailed error message on detect-format netlist import, also listing partial import as a reason
r36802 file changeset diff or repo changeset diff igor22022-09-21T11:50:26.705329Z
[core] -Fix: prefer .rf instead of .fp when saving footprint
r36713 file changeset diff or repo changeset diff igor22022-08-14T03:36:21.746820Z
[core] -Fix: missing fclose() after saving multiple footprints in a lib
r36712 file changeset diff or repo changeset diff igor22022-08-14T03:31:22.880655Z
[core] -Add: save first padstack from buffer to file (with menu)
r36057 file changeset diff or repo changeset diff igor22022-01-21T04:30:31.610120Z
[core] -Cleanup: file_act's action list should be static as it is local (namespace pollution)
r35931 file changeset diff or repo changeset diff igor22021-11-10T08:18:04.961959Z
[librnd] -Cleanup: use rnd_hid_fileselect() instead of direct call to hid->fileselect for easier forward porting at version bmp librnd 4.0.0
r33003 file changeset diff or repo changeset diff igor22020-10-07T03:34:55.472090Z
[core] -Fix: move crosshair out to the limit before removing the old board - this should trigger all ch_ plugins to release their old data, to avoid stale pointers
r32971 file changeset diff or repo changeset diff igor22020-10-03T13:55:22.222896Z
[core] -Fix: remove PCB dependency in some crosshair code that may run in New() [core] -Fix: New() does set PCB when it is created
r32734 file changeset diff or repo changeset diff igor22020-09-15T08:56:43.879961Z
[core] -Cleanup: remove global PCB dependency from file actions
r32709 file changeset diff or repo changeset diff igor22020-09-14T10:02:04.479563Z
[core] -Cleanup: decouple pcb_board_set_changed_flag() from PCB, adding a pcb_board_t * context pointer first arg
r31032 file changeset diff or repo changeset diff igor22020-04-30T17:29:21.280076Z
[librnd] -Cleanup: rename pcb_ prefix to rnd_ prefix (typo in action rename)
r31019 file changeset diff or repo changeset diff igor22020-04-30T16:12:03.742084Z
[librnd] -Cleanup: rename pcb_ prefix to rnd_ prefix (tool)
r31017 file changeset diff or repo changeset diff igor22020-04-30T16:03:42.260897Z
[librnd] -Cleanup: rename pcb_ prefix to rnd_ prefix (safe_fs)
r31011 file changeset diff or repo changeset diff igor22020-04-30T15:07:11.319970Z
[librnd] -Cleanup: rename pcb_ prefix to rnd_ prefix (pcb_bool)
r31007 file changeset diff or repo changeset diff igor22020-04-30T14:30:17.364859Z
[librnd] -Cleanup: rename pcb_ prefix to rnd_ prefix (pcb-printf)
r31005 file changeset diff or repo changeset diff igor22020-04-30T14:16:17.121285Z
[librnd] -Cleanup: rename pcb_ prefix to rnd_ prefix (misc_util)
r30996 file changeset diff or repo changeset diff igor22020-04-30T13:35:50.818071Z
[librnd] -Cleanup: rename pcb_ prefix to rnd_ prefix (hid_init)
r30981 file changeset diff or repo changeset diff igor22020-04-30T08:28:23.744744Z
[librnd] -Cleanup: rename pcb_ prefix to rnd_ prefix (hid)
r30980 file changeset diff or repo changeset diff igor22020-04-30T08:20:54.258802Z
[librnd] -Cleanup: rename pcb_ prefix to rnd_ prefix (hid)
r30979 file changeset diff or repo changeset diff igor22020-04-30T08:15:47.644228Z
[librnd] -Cleanup: rename pcb_ prefix to rnd_ prefix (hid)
r30967 file changeset diff or repo changeset diff igor22020-04-30T03:31:54.837181Z
[librnd] -Cleanup: rename pcb_ prefix to rnd_ prefix (event)
r30955 file changeset diff or repo changeset diff igor22020-04-29T05:04:30.912034Z
[librnd] -Cleanup: rename pcb_ prefix to rnd_ prefix (error.h)
r30949 file changeset diff or repo changeset diff igor22020-04-29T03:28:05.960128Z
[librnd] -Cleanup: rename pcb_ prefix to rnd_ prefix (conf)
r30946 file changeset diff or repo changeset diff igor22020-04-28T16:09:42.500610Z
[librnd] -Cleanup: rename pcb_ prefix to rnd_ prefix (conf)
r30943 file changeset diff or repo changeset diff igor22020-04-28T15:57:36.857213Z
[librnd] -Cleanup: rename pcb_ prefix to rnd_ prefix (conf)
r30942 file changeset diff or repo changeset diff igor22020-04-28T15:47:23.888740Z
[librnd] -Cleanup: rename pcb_ prefix to rnd_ prefix (compat_misc)
r30916 file changeset diff or repo changeset diff igor22020-04-27T16:24:55.129105Z
[librnd] -Cleanup: rename pcb_ prefix to rnd_ prefix (config.h)
r30903 file changeset diff or repo changeset diff igor22020-04-27T14:48:42.007588Z
[librnd] -Cleanup: rename pcb_ prefix to rnd_ prefix
r30900 file changeset diff or repo changeset diff igor22020-04-27T14:05:34.901754Z
[librnd] -Cleanup: rename pcb_ prefix to rnd_ prefix (in actions)
r30898 file changeset diff or repo changeset diff igor22020-04-27T13:51:38.038560Z
[librnd] -Cleanup: rename pcb_ prefix to rnd_ prefix (actions)
r30897 file changeset diff or repo changeset diff igor22020-04-27T13:18:50.933119Z
[librnd] -Rename: pcb_ -> rnd_ prefixes
r29519 file changeset diff or repo changeset diff igor22020-01-31T10:18:15.191806Z
[core] -Fix: loadfrom(netlist, ...) prints an error message if none of the import plugins could handle the file
r29412 file changeset diff or repo changeset diff igor22020-01-27T04:30:36.367933Z
[librnd] -Split: move PCB-specific events back from librnd to core, using the new "app events" registration
r29385 file changeset diff or repo changeset diff igor22020-01-26T10:05:50.538533Z
[scconfig] -Del: build system special casing for core action registration with auto-generated lists - since core actions are only a small part of all actions by now, there is no point in special casing
r29340 file changeset diff or repo changeset diff igor22020-01-25T13:47:40.333665Z
[librnd] -Split: separate librnd code from pcb-rnd code: tool.[ch] to librnd
r29335 file changeset diff or repo changeset diff igor22020-01-25T12:26:02.087534Z
-Cleanup: rename pcb_notify_crosshair_change to pcb_hid_notify_crosshair_change for naming convention consistency
r29334 file changeset diff or repo changeset diff igor22020-01-25T12:21:46.324938Z
[core] -Move: hid crosshair notify function to librnd - it is a generic hid API + event wrapper
r29311 file changeset diff or repo changeset diff igor22020-01-25T03:43:54.850227Z
[core] -Cleanup: reference tools by name, not ID, where possible, in preparation of fixed tool ID removal
r29257 file changeset diff or repo changeset diff igor22020-01-24T06:38:40.856474Z
[librnd] -Cleanup: librnd separation: #includes should use <librnd/>
r29213 file changeset diff or repo changeset diff igor22020-01-22T06:58:23.929680Z
[core] -Del: crosshair range - do not try to restrict objects into the drawing area
r29102 file changeset diff or repo changeset diff igor22020-01-08T06:19:08.298268Z
[core] -Add: export session begin/end events to inform plugins which calls will be for a single session
r29047 file changeset diff or repo changeset diff igor22020-01-03T13:08:26.237612Z
[core] -Add: is pcb_data_move() optionally undoable (will fix non-undoable autocrop)
r28788 file changeset diff or repo changeset diff igor22019-12-16T03:58:38.365711Z
[core] -Fix: inhibit redraws while creating a new board
r28421 file changeset diff or repo changeset diff igor22019-11-23T07:03:49.197163Z
[core] -Fix: file act: pass on hidlib where needed, not PCB
r28159 file changeset diff or repo changeset diff igor22019-11-11T03:37:05.354407Z
[core] -Fix: file-action: new pcb action legitimately uses the PCB variable directly, but it needs to notify the GUI about the new PCB as soon as possible
r28071 file changeset diff or repo changeset diff igor22019-11-08T10:03:34.506510Z
[layer] -Cleanup: remove PCB refs pcb_layervis_reset_stack() by extending the API with hidlib
r28062 file changeset diff or repo changeset diff igor22019-11-08T09:10:58.244656Z
[core] -Cleanup: file-actions: use PCB_ACT_HIDLIB instead of PCB->hidlib
r28044 file changeset diff or repo changeset diff igor22019-11-08T06:33:19.770970Z
[fungw] -Cleanup: use macro PCB_ACT_HIDLIB, shorthand to argv[0].val.argv0.user_call_ctx to simplify the code
r28034 file changeset diff or repo changeset diff igor22019-11-07T06:54:00.643275Z
[fungw] -Add: pcb_actionva() gets (pcb_hidlib_t *) so it can be passed down to actions
r28032 file changeset diff or repo changeset diff igor22019-11-07T04:58:20.605693Z
[fungw] -Add: pcb_actionv_bin() gets (pcb_hidlib_t *) as first arg so it can be passed down to the action
r28031 file changeset diff or repo changeset diff igor22019-11-07T04:30:05.155203Z
[fungw] -Change: use pcb_actionva() instead of pcb_actionl() so pcb_actionl() can be removed later on
r27953 file changeset diff or repo changeset diff igor22019-10-31T06:48:34.890624Z
-Cleanup: remove dolists.h and make action table registration macros more explicit to simplify the API
r27736 file changeset diff or repo changeset diff igor22019-09-29T08:42:37.526403Z
[core] -Fix: new pcb action: don't redraw the PCB before hidlib is set
r27624 file changeset diff or repo changeset diff igor22019-09-21T03:08:11.212215Z
[core] -Cleanup: const correctness on action arg strings
r27542 file changeset diff or repo changeset diff igor22019-09-13T06:13:23.750112Z
[core] -Add: extend normalize() to be able to work on buffers
r27375 file changeset diff or repo changeset diff igor22019-08-25T14:28:44.539761Z
[core] -Add: SaveLib() uses format-enabled dialog box (Save()) when the dialogs plugin is available
r27372 file changeset diff or repo changeset diff igor22019-08-25T12:32:06.372883Z
[io] -Del: IOT for buffer_subc (use IOT for for footprint, there's no special case for subc-in-buffer anymore)
r27365 file changeset diff or repo changeset diff igor22019-08-25T08:09:05.097150Z
[core] -Change: action SaveTo(PasteBuffer) will attempt to save exactly one subcircuit - use SaveLib() for saving multiple subcircuits
r27362 file changeset diff or repo changeset diff igor22019-08-25T07:58:23.168978Z
[core] -Add: SaveLib() action for saving multiple footprints at once
r27332 file changeset diff or repo changeset diff igor22019-08-24T13:35:13.520530Z
[io] -Add: prepare the API for saving a specific subc from a buffer, by idx
r27329 file changeset diff or repo changeset diff igor22019-08-24T12:24:20.174465Z
[core] -Cleanup: rename pcb_save_buffer_elements() to replace elements with subcircuits in the terminology - elements are long gone
r26977 file changeset diff or repo changeset diff igor22019-07-27T05:50:38.936931Z
[hidlib] -Cleanup: rename conf_* to pcb_conf_* to keep namespace clean
r26976 file changeset diff or repo changeset diff igor22019-07-27T05:35:37.786156Z
[netlist2] -Cleanup: rename to netlist (the old implementation is long gone)
r26805 file changeset diff or repo changeset diff igor22019-07-20T15:38:27.996056Z
[hid] -Del: HID API: do_export() doesn't need to get pcb_hidlib_t *
r26801 file changeset diff or repo changeset diff igor22019-07-20T15:11:13.021669Z
[hid] -Add: HID API: set_hidlib() gets pcb_hid_t * as first arg
r26723 file changeset diff or repo changeset diff igor22019-07-19T09:21:09.937008Z
[hid] -Add: ->parse_argument() gets a hid_t * as first arg for the context
r26719 file changeset diff or repo changeset diff igor22019-07-19T08:53:58.543395Z
[hid] -Add: ->do_export() gets hid_t * as first arg, for the context pointer
r25432 file changeset diff or repo changeset diff igor22019-05-12T09:39:23.930201Z
[hidlib] -Cleanup: replace HID API's notify_filename_changed() with an event - the HID doesn't need to get this
r25233 file changeset diff or repo changeset diff igor22019-05-04T08:51:41.434629Z
[hid] -Add: do_export() delivers a context pointer (pcb_hidlib_t *) to cut dependency on PCB
r25227 file changeset diff or repo changeset diff igor22019-05-04T08:02:19.986833Z
[hidlib] -Cleanup: safe_fs shouldn't depend on PCB but should get (pcb_hidlib_t *) as first arg
r25208 file changeset diff or repo changeset diff igor22019-05-03T08:38:32.313187Z
[hidlib] -Add: (pcb_hidlib_t *) context pointer in all tool calls that eventually need to change the mouse cursor [hid] -Add: API for changing the mouse cursor
r25198 file changeset diff or repo changeset diff igor22019-05-03T06:05:50.181737Z
[hidlib] -Add: invalidate and crosshair refresh API: (pcb_hidlib_t *) as first arg
r25184 file changeset diff or repo changeset diff igor22019-05-02T17:19:22.566226Z
[hidlib] -Fix: move grid related helper calls to hidlib, replace pcb_board_t with pcb_hidlib_t in those grid calls
r25157 file changeset diff or repo changeset diff igor22019-05-01T17:11:01.130651Z
[hidlib] -Add: optional set_hidlib() call in the HID API so HIDs don't need to rely on events
r24884 file changeset diff or repo changeset diff igor22019-04-25T17:37:44.268710Z
[hidlib] -Move: board's Filename and Name to hidlib filename and name
r24883 file changeset diff or repo changeset diff igor22019-04-25T17:21:24.250907Z
[hidlib] -Move: pcb_board_t's MaxWidth and MaxHeight to hidlib size_x and size_y - this is really the drawing area extents
r24707 file changeset diff or repo changeset diff igor22019-04-19T07:11:26.438942Z
[core] -Fix: export() without arguments shouldn't crash but throw an error
r23703 file changeset diff or repo changeset diff igor22019-03-06T03:43:15.652226Z
[core] -Add: throw error message on unknown first arg in LoadFrom
r23702 file changeset diff or repo changeset diff igor22019-03-06T03:40:08.716974Z
[core] -Add: LoadFrom() has a better function name for loading a footprint to buffer, deprecating the Element based name
r23701 file changeset diff or repo changeset diff igor22019-03-06T03:10:49.405257Z
[core] -Cleanup: remove compat_nls includes
r23651 file changeset diff or repo changeset diff igor22019-03-03T15:28:36.899295Z
[netlist2] -Fix: when resetting the netlist before loading a netlist from file, do not leave netlists uninitialized
r23575 file changeset diff or repo changeset diff igor22019-03-02T08:20:20.000002Z
[netlist] -Del: old netlist code from core action code
r23172 file changeset diff or repo changeset diff igor22019-02-15T14:53:40.521340Z
[netlist] -Cleanup: simplify the include chain for netlist by moving pcb_netlist_t to board.h cutting board.h -> netlist2.h include path
r23171 file changeset diff or repo changeset diff igor22019-02-15T14:36:55.152770Z
[netlist] -Add: init and uninit shadow netlists
r22564 file changeset diff or repo changeset diff igor22019-01-16T04:57:15.079797Z
[font] -Fix: when a new board is created or loaded, set current font back to 0 to make sure new text objects are not placed with a font ID that is not loaded
r21800 file changeset diff or repo changeset diff igor22018-12-14T08:14:08.505958Z
[find] -Move: split/move export code for the old connection format from core into a new plugin: export_oldconn

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