r37884 file changeset diff or repo changeset diff igor22023-06-23T08:09:17.289356Z
[core] -Cleanup: replace compat rtree search with native in polygon object draw
r32965 file changeset diff or repo changeset diff igor22020-10-03T10:25:44.688014Z
[core] -Add: delayed label draw: always call the object's callback and let it decide whether side-correctness matters (pass that as a new argument)
r31801 file changeset diff or repo changeset diff igor22020-06-06T09:26:34.703859Z
-Fix: redundant type name: rnd_rnd_box_* to rnd_box_*
r31040 file changeset diff or repo changeset diff igor22020-05-01T03:31:35.564054Z
[librnd] -Cleanup: rename pcb_ prefix to rnd_ prefix (poly/rtree_compat)
r30970 file changeset diff or repo changeset diff igor22020-04-30T03:56:23.470626Z
[librnd] -Cleanup: rename pcb_ prefix to rnd_ prefix (rtree, global typedefs)
r30912 file changeset diff or repo changeset diff igor22020-04-27T15:43:47.184673Z
[librnd] -Cleanup: rename pcb_ prefix to rnd_ prefix (box)
r24056 file changeset diff or repo changeset diff igor22019-03-18T08:21:33.781310Z
[core] -Add: config setting for drawin as-drawn-annotation of polygons
r20470 file changeset diff or repo changeset diff igor22018-10-30T03:42:16.780615Z
-Change: do not use an email address but an URL to the live version of contact.html - due to spammers
r19401 file changeset diff or repo changeset diff igor22018-09-16T09:19:46.602555Z
[trdraw] -Add: label draw should get a draw_info
r14045 file changeset diff or repo changeset diff igor22018-01-16T04:19:41.315025Z
-Cleanup: license banners: replace old PCB project banner and Thomas Nau contact in core (with permission from Thomas Nau) and mark other author's contact as old contact
r13190 file changeset diff or repo changeset diff igor22017-12-03T14:18:57.822202Z
-Fix: old FSF address
r12228 file changeset diff or repo changeset diff igor22017-10-20T17:29:13.092373Z
-Change: rename pcb_polygon_t to pcb_poly_t for consistency with shortened names
r10754 file changeset diff or repo changeset diff igor22017-08-13T05:16:29.305482Z
[term] -Add: poly terminals: term label
r10645 file changeset diff or repo changeset diff igor22017-08-07T07:23:00.935239Z
[core] -Cleanup: poly draw function naming conventions
r7519 file changeset diff or repo changeset diff igor22017-03-10T04:11:29.907514Z
[core] -Fix: move back simple poly draw into the font code, it needs to do font-specific transformation of the coordinates
r7496 file changeset diff or repo changeset diff igor22017-03-09T07:48:41.611122Z
[core] -Add: helper function to draw simpel (non-clipped) polygons on the current gc
r7494 file changeset diff or repo changeset diff igor22017-03-09T07:10:36.551940Z
[core] -Move: struct pcb_draw_(poly_)info_s to draw.h, as it would be a common context struct for multiple drawing callbacks
r4804 file changeset diff or repo changeset diff igor22016-11-12T15:26:31.459735Z
[unravel2] -Rename: RubberbandType and rtree dir
r4797 file changeset diff or repo changeset diff igor22016-11-12T14:33:36.304722Z
[unravel2] -Rename: poly draw context type
r4769 file changeset diff or repo changeset diff igor22016-11-12T10:56:08.106453Z
[unravel2] -Rename: PolygonType -> pcb_polygon_t
r4761 file changeset diff or repo changeset diff igor22016-11-12T10:04:02.019368Z
[unravel2] -Rename: BoxType -> pcb_box_t
r4757 file changeset diff or repo changeset diff igor22016-11-12T09:30:54.148274Z
[unravel2] -Rename: LayerType to pcb_layer_t
r4632 file changeset diff or repo changeset diff igor22016-11-06T07:16:50.683336Z
[unravel] -Fix: obj_*_draw.h shouldn't introduce dependency on rtree.h but accomodate to the fact it is included beforehand
r4628 file changeset diff or repo changeset diff igor22016-11-06T06:35:20.616078Z
[unravel] -Move: high level draw calls from draw.c to the crresponding obj code
r4626 file changeset diff or repo changeset diff igor22016-11-06T06:00:54.397323Z
[unravel] -Move: low level poly draw to obj_poly

Command line to view the complete history:
svn log -v svn://svn.repo.hu/pcb-rnd//trunk/src/obj_poly_draw.h