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r37001 file changeset diff or repo changeset diff igor22022-11-20T07:14:18.630518Z
[librnd4] -Update: follow API change: rnd_conf_hid_callbacks_t callbacks got a void *user_data
r36991 file changeset diff or repo changeset diff igor22022-11-19T09:18:31.666499Z
[librnd4 -Update: follow API change: rename hidlib_conf.[ch] to rnd_conf.[ch]
r36989 file changeset diff or repo changeset diff igor22022-11-19T08:55:37.823751Z
[librnd4] -Update: follow librnd4 rename rnd_hidlib_t -> rnd_design_t
r36986 file changeset diff or repo changeset diff igor22022-11-19T06:39:44.672219Z
[librnd4] -Update: follow API change on core/hid split
r35142 file changeset diff or repo changeset diff igor22021-07-08T11:38:35.252863Z
[core] -Fix: enfroce clearance: enable find-through-rats so disjunct same-net objects can be connected
r33985 file changeset diff or repo changeset diff igor22021-02-02T06:52:07.257759Z
[brave] -Change: invert PCB_BRAVE_ENFORCE_CLR_MOVE as it seems safe
r33523 file changeset diff or repo changeset diff igor22020-12-15T08:48:15.435179Z
[core] -Fix: when enforcing clearance on line endpoint move, use the line object's thickness+clearance value, not the style's (for consistency)
r33521 file changeset diff or repo changeset diff igor22020-12-15T08:10:24.005144Z
[core] -Fix: enforce clearance on line endpoint move: set up start point for the drc enforcer
r33520 file changeset diff or repo changeset diff igor22020-12-15T07:56:57.400870Z
[core] -Add: line endpoint move clr enforce: do a 'find' before grabbing the line endpoint, so that the enforcer will ignore the same-net objects
r32709 file changeset diff or repo changeset diff igor22020-09-14T10:02:04.479563Z
[core] -Cleanup: decouple pcb_board_set_changed_flag() from PCB, adding a pcb_board_t * context pointer first arg
r31570 file changeset diff or repo changeset diff igor22020-05-25T09:41:09.420337Z
[gfx] -Add: prepare for handling PCB_OBJ_GFX_POINT everywhere in core
r31019 file changeset diff or repo changeset diff igor22020-04-30T16:12:03.742084Z
[librnd] -Cleanup: rename pcb_ prefix to rnd_ prefix (tool)
r31011 file changeset diff or repo changeset diff igor22020-04-30T15:07:11.319970Z
[librnd] -Cleanup: rename pcb_ prefix to rnd_ prefix (pcb_bool)
r31002 file changeset diff or repo changeset diff igor22020-04-30T14:03:18.925509Z
[librnd] -Cleanup: rename pcb_ prefix to rnd_ prefix (math_helper)
r30981 file changeset diff or repo changeset diff igor22020-04-30T08:28:23.744744Z
[librnd] -Cleanup: rename pcb_ prefix to rnd_ prefix (hid)
r30976 file changeset diff or repo changeset diff igor22020-04-30T07:29:41.318178Z
[librnd] -Cleanup: rename pcb_ prefix to rnd_ prefix (grid)
r30970 file changeset diff or repo changeset diff igor22020-04-30T03:56:23.470626Z
[librnd] -Cleanup: rename pcb_ prefix to rnd_ prefix (rtree, global typedefs)
r30967 file changeset diff or repo changeset diff igor22020-04-30T03:31:54.837181Z
[librnd] -Cleanup: rename pcb_ prefix to rnd_ prefix (event)
r30955 file changeset diff or repo changeset diff igor22020-04-29T05:04:30.912034Z
[librnd] -Cleanup: rename pcb_ prefix to rnd_ prefix (error.h)
r30954 file changeset diff or repo changeset diff igor22020-04-29T04:05:08.479770Z
[librnd] -Cleanup: rename pcb_ prefix to rnd_ prefix (conf_hid)
r30949 file changeset diff or repo changeset diff igor22020-04-29T03:28:05.960128Z
[librnd] -Cleanup: rename pcb_ prefix to rnd_ prefix (conf)
r30945 file changeset diff or repo changeset diff igor22020-04-28T16:06:01.637934Z
[librnd] -Cleanup: rename pcb_ prefix to rnd_ prefix (conf)
r30903 file changeset diff or repo changeset diff igor22020-04-27T14:48:42.007588Z
[librnd] -Cleanup: rename pcb_ prefix to rnd_ prefix
r30901 file changeset diff or repo changeset diff igor22020-04-27T14:22:47.696159Z
[librnd] -Cleanup: rename pcb_ prefix to rnd_ prefix
r29412 file changeset diff or repo changeset diff igor22020-01-27T04:30:36.367933Z
[librnd] -Split: move PCB-specific events back from librnd to core, using the new "app events" registration
r29397 file changeset diff or repo changeset diff igor22020-01-26T15:53:52.663112Z
[librnd] -Move: Tool() (Mode()) action from core to librnd
r29356 file changeset diff or repo changeset diff igor22020-01-26T03:49:58.113015Z
[librnd] -Cleanup: rename tool API calls to remove some historical confusion and simplfy names: notify->press, remove _objects suffix
r29353 file changeset diff or repo changeset diff igor22020-01-25T16:50:00.119606Z
[core] -Fix: tool logic: wrong layer vis event callback prototype
r29351 file changeset diff or repo changeset diff igor22020-01-25T16:44:43.478604Z
[librnd] -Change: remove hardwired rat layer drawing flag from the tool code in favor of an unsigned long bitfield each app can use differently
r29349 file changeset diff or repo changeset diff igor22020-01-25T14:42:55.161928Z
[core] -Fix: typo in tool_logics (disabled rat tool restriction)
r29346 file changeset diff or repo changeset diff igor22020-01-25T14:32:08.757316Z
[core] -Fix: tool logic: enforce rat-line-tool only on first switch from non-rat to rat to avoid enforcement when switching away from the rat
r29344 file changeset diff or repo changeset diff igor22020-01-25T14:21:54.875181Z
[core] -Add: tool logic: when switching to the rat layer, auto-switch to the line tool if a rat-incompatible tool was selected
r29343 file changeset diff or repo changeset diff igor22020-01-25T14:03:34.120146Z
[core] -Cleanup: move tool logic from crosshair to tool_logic.c
r29340 file changeset diff or repo changeset diff igor22020-01-25T13:47:40.333665Z
[librnd] -Split: separate librnd code from pcb-rnd code: tool.[ch] to librnd
r29339 file changeset diff or repo changeset diff igor22020-01-25T13:40:10.316381Z
[librnd] -Split: tool.[ch] into two files by generic and app-specific
r29338 file changeset diff or repo changeset diff igor22020-01-25T13:29:58.848603Z
[librnd] -Del: crosshair range is already removed, tool code doesn't need to update that
r29337 file changeset diff or repo changeset diff igor22020-01-25T13:28:31.045297Z
[librnd] -Split: tool code: separate generic from specific
r29336 file changeset diff or repo changeset diff igor22020-01-25T13:12:03.200710Z
[librnd] -Split: tool code: conf node change callback has to be coordinated by the app because it depends on app states
r29335 file changeset diff or repo changeset diff igor22020-01-25T12:26:02.087534Z
-Cleanup: rename pcb_notify_crosshair_change to pcb_hid_notify_crosshair_change for naming convention consistency
r29334 file changeset diff or repo changeset diff igor22020-01-25T12:21:46.324938Z
[core] -Move: hid crosshair notify function to librnd - it is a generic hid API + event wrapper
r29333 file changeset diff or repo changeset diff igor22020-01-25T11:11:52.358576Z
[core] -Cleanup: C API correctness in tool API
r29330 file changeset diff or repo changeset diff igor22020-01-25T11:08:01.167663Z
[core] -Move: tool_note is really crosshair_note - it is application specific, move it from generic tool infra to crosshair
r29326 file changeset diff or repo changeset diff igor22020-01-25T09:48:40.566798Z
[core] -Cleanup: rat layer tool enforcement is event based so the tool code does not need to know anything about the application specific tool logics
r29317 file changeset diff or repo changeset diff igor22020-01-25T04:54:44.052165Z
[core] -Change: tool registration returns the ID of the tool because some callers will need to store it
r29316 file changeset diff or repo changeset diff igor22020-01-25T04:48:31.002565Z
[core] -Cleanup: remove the prototype of the old, hardwired standard tool init
r29304 file changeset diff or repo changeset diff igor22020-01-24T16:18:43.685495Z
[core] -Cleanup: move standard tools out to a (core) plugin called tool_std
r29257 file changeset diff or repo changeset diff igor22020-01-24T06:38:40.856474Z
[librnd] -Cleanup: librnd separation: #includes should use <librnd/>
r29213 file changeset diff or repo changeset diff igor22020-01-22T06:58:23.929680Z
[core] -Del: crosshair range - do not try to restrict objects into the drawing area
r29124 file changeset diff or repo changeset diff igor22020-01-10T09:03:08.199658Z
[tool] -Fix: uninit sequence: need to dereg the conf binding before hidlib uninit but need to uninit the rest of the tool system after [tool] -Fix: locking: do not set the tool if we are already setting the tool
r29123 file changeset diff or repo changeset diff igor22020-01-10T08:54:02.678944Z
[tool] -Fix: react on conf node editor/mode changes and update tool selection (including the cursor)
r28091 file changeset diff or repo changeset diff igor22019-11-08T12:52:59.775147Z
[core] -Cleanup: move pcb_tool_should_snap_offgrid_line() from tool to crosshair: nothing else uses it
r28090 file changeset diff or repo changeset diff igor22019-11-08T12:48:21.092493Z
[tool] -Cleanup: replace direct PCB references in pcb_tool_should_snap_offgrid_line()
r28089 file changeset diff or repo changeset diff igor22019-11-08T12:38:29.475632Z
[tool] -Cleanup: replace direct PCB references
r28055 file changeset diff or repo changeset diff igor22019-11-08T08:39:02.788963Z
[tool] -Update: bump copyright year
r28052 file changeset diff or repo changeset diff igor22019-11-08T08:14:10.334262Z
[tool] -Cleanup: replace PCB->hidlib with arguments in internal APIs
r28040 file changeset diff or repo changeset diff igor22019-11-07T08:38:17.476238Z
[tool] -Add: pass on (pcb_hidlib_t *) to all tool calls because they may need to call actions
r28039 file changeset diff or repo changeset diff igor22019-11-07T08:06:44.591373Z
[fungw] -Add: pcb_cli_common() gets (pcb_hidlib_t *) as first arg so it can be passed down to actions
r27117 file changeset diff or repo changeset diff igor22019-08-10T06:06:24.131137Z
[mark] -Fix: draw the grabbed mark only when moving objects
r27116 file changeset diff or repo changeset diff igor22019-08-10T05:54:46.898762Z
[mark] -Add: display the grabbed mark
r27114 file changeset diff or repo changeset diff igor22019-08-10T05:33:12.746983Z
[mark] -Add: pcb_grabbed to indicate where grab started (last click really) - use this instead of mark for ortho
r27113 file changeset diff or repo changeset diff igor22019-08-10T05:10:41.983560Z
[mark] -Fix: do not change the mark as a side effect if it was user placed
r26977 file changeset diff or repo changeset diff igor22019-07-27T05:50:38.936931Z
[hidlib] -Cleanup: rename conf_* to pcb_conf_* to keep namespace clean
r26809 file changeset diff or repo changeset diff igor22019-07-20T16:58:02.761811Z
[hid] -Del: HID API: mouse cursor shape calls don't need to get pcb_hidlib_t *
r26802 file changeset diff or repo changeset diff igor22019-07-20T15:16:24.408108Z
[hid] -Add: HID API: mouse cursor functions get pcb_hid_t * as first arg
r26413 file changeset diff or repo changeset diff igor22019-06-23T12:40:33.798292Z
-Cleanup: comment formatting
r26411 file changeset diff or repo changeset diff igor22019-06-23T12:39:50.798451Z
[core] -Fix: removing the warn flag is board change because this flag is saved
r25420 file changeset diff or repo changeset diff igor22019-05-12T03:00:46.610141Z
[tool] -Add: event on registering a new tool: the toolbar may be already running when a plugin providing a new tool is loaded
r25335 file changeset diff or repo changeset diff igor22019-05-09T06:39:06.910179Z
[hidlib] -Cleanup: move click_cmd_entry_active from crosshair internal to hidlib conf under the temp/ subtree: hidlib core code depends on it
r25236 file changeset diff or repo changeset diff igor22019-05-04T09:24:05.358721Z
[hidlib] -Cleanup: move conf node "editor/mode" from conf_core to hidlib (tool related)
r25218 file changeset diff or repo changeset diff igor22019-05-03T14:21:20.648380Z
[tool] -Fix: pointer casting mistakes
r25215 file changeset diff or repo changeset diff igor22019-05-03T13:19:21.740313Z
[tool] -Fix: pointer handling error when registering all toosl in the GUI
r25212 file changeset diff or repo changeset diff igor22019-05-03T11:31:50.689310Z
[tool] -Add: register all mouse cursor shapes after gui init
r25211 file changeset diff or repo changeset diff igor22019-05-03T10:08:28.645631Z
[hid] -Add: split the mouse cursor api because conversion may be expensive: first register each bitmap then use by index
r25208 file changeset diff or repo changeset diff igor22019-05-03T08:38:32.313187Z
[hidlib] -Add: (pcb_hidlib_t *) context pointer in all tool calls that eventually need to change the mouse cursor [hid] -Add: API for changing the mouse cursor
r25207 file changeset diff or repo changeset diff igor22019-05-03T07:46:45.160678Z
[core] -Cleanup: remove PCB_MODE_NO - redundant with PCB_MODE_ARROW
r25189 file changeset diff or repo changeset diff igor22019-05-03T04:02:53.656878Z
[hidlib] -Add: pcb_event() gets (pcb_hidlib_t *) as first argument so event callbacks will have a chance to get a context later on
r24883 file changeset diff or repo changeset diff igor22019-04-25T17:21:24.250907Z
[hidlib] -Move: pcb_board_t's MaxWidth and MaxHeight to hidlib size_x and size_y - this is really the drawing area extents
r24882 file changeset diff or repo changeset diff igor22019-04-25T16:45:59.671299Z
[hidlib] -Move: grid from pcb_board_t to pcb_hidlib_t - any display will need a grid
r23701 file changeset diff or repo changeset diff igor22019-03-06T03:10:49.405257Z
[core] -Cleanup: remove compat_nls includes
r23694 file changeset diff or repo changeset diff igor22019-03-05T07:26:29.953329Z
[core] -Cleanup: remove NLS _("")
r21812 file changeset diff or repo changeset diff igor22018-12-14T09:25:40.285303Z
[find] -Add: make pcb_data_clear_*flag() optionally undoable
r21781 file changeset diff or repo changeset diff igor22018-12-14T03:54:27.427344Z
[core] -Cleanup: generalize warning cleanup call into a data static flag clear call
r21410 file changeset diff or repo changeset diff igor22018-12-02T10:18:10.310221Z
[#warning] -Change: a bunch of #warnings translated to TODO() for portability
r20470 file changeset diff or repo changeset diff igor22018-10-30T03:42:16.780615Z
-Change: do not use an email address but an URL to the live version of contact.html - due to spammers
r18904 file changeset diff or repo changeset diff igor22018-08-17T06:24:47.534216Z
[core] -Cleanup: missing include - implicit func decl
r18701 file changeset diff or repo changeset diff igor22018-07-29T09:08:30.813235Z
[tool] -Add: when the command line is open, override the normal notify/release action and try the cli backend first; perform the normal actions only if the backend did not handle it
r18409 file changeset diff or repo changeset diff igor22018-07-16T02:57:43.274963Z
[tool] -Fix: use the naked bbox for moving objs so they can reach the sides of the drawing area
r17698 file changeset diff or repo changeset diff igor22018-06-25T18:34:18.374962Z
-Del: do not include action_helper.h - it's dummy by now
r17688 file changeset diff or repo changeset diff igor22018-06-25T07:15:23.027834Z
[tool] -Move: old tool related helpers pcb_release_mode() and pcb_notify_mode() to tool.[ch] to clean up action_helper
r16600 file changeset diff or repo changeset diff wojciechk82018-04-19T13:53:06.870729Z
[tool] -Move: pcb_crosshair_save/restore_mode to tool.[ch] as pcb_tool_save/restore
r16585 file changeset diff or repo changeset diff wojciechk82018-04-19T00:58:19.288930Z
[tool] -Split: tool (un)init code into tool files
r16507 file changeset diff or repo changeset diff wojciechk82018-04-14T21:55:39.546118Z
[tool] -Fix: add missing includes
r16506 file changeset diff or repo changeset diff wojciechk82018-04-14T21:51:59.653453Z
[tool] -Split: define in tool files if the tool can be selected in rat drawing mode
r16504 file changeset diff or repo changeset diff wojciechk82018-04-14T20:54:26.219303Z
[core] -Move: pcb_crosshair_set_mode to tool.c as pcb_tool_select_by_id
r16503 file changeset diff or repo changeset diff wojciechk82018-04-14T16:23:14.642963Z
[core] -Move: condition on which offgrid line is snapped to tool.c
r15995 file changeset diff or repo changeset diff igor22018-03-30T09:29:34.318116Z
[core] -Split: grid fit from crosshair to grid
r15869 file changeset diff or repo changeset diff igor22018-03-27T02:25:16.830619Z
[core] -Del: old data model: remove old, redudnant PCB_TYPE_*
r15582 file changeset diff or repo changeset diff igor22018-03-23T03:01:35.035534Z
[core] -Del: old data model from tool code
r14956 file changeset diff or repo changeset diff wojciechk82018-02-24T15:18:58.519131Z
[rubberband_orig] -Fix: rubberband ratlines connected to subcircuits/padstacks
r14053 file changeset diff or repo changeset diff igor22018-01-16T07:13:58.044861Z
-Cleanup: add missing contact info in copyright banners of core, to unify the format

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svn log -v svn://