r30914 file changeset diff or repo changeset diff igor22020-04-27T15:55:49.188523Z
[librnd] -Cleanup: rename pcb_ prefix to rnd_ prefix PCB_INLINE
r30913 file changeset diff or repo changeset diff igor22020-04-27T15:48:19.827571Z
[librnd] -Cleanup: rename pcb_ prefix to rnd_ prefix (box)
r29778 file changeset diff or repo changeset diff igor22020-02-12T07:03:21.310826Z
[gfx] -Add: introduce new object type gfx and add (mostly dummy) handler for it in all dispatchers
r20470 file changeset diff or repo changeset diff igor22018-10-30T03:42:16.780615Z
-Change: do not use an email address but an URL to the live version of contact.html - due to spammers
r15869 file changeset diff or repo changeset diff igor22018-03-27T02:25:16.830619Z
[core] -Del: old data model: remove old, redudnant PCB_TYPE_*
r14053 file changeset diff or repo changeset diff igor22018-01-16T07:13:58.044861Z
-Cleanup: add missing contact info in copyright banners of core, to unify the format
r13519 file changeset diff or repo changeset diff igor22017-12-18T10:39:59.855625Z
[core] -Add: genericm, flat data iterator on the children of pcb_data_t

Command line to view the complete history:
svn log -v svn://svn.repo.hu/pcb-rnd/trunk/src/data_it.h