r30731 file changeset diff or repo changeset diff igor22020-04-18T14:31:42.186454Z
[util] -Add: txt2bxl: write header and footer properly
r30724 file changeset diff or repo changeset diff igor22020-04-18T11:56:55.427744Z
[util] -Add: bxl2txt: util for reverse transformation: txt2bxl
r30493 file changeset diff or repo changeset diff igor22020-04-07T05:25:05.802689Z
[util] -Move: bxl2txt from the io_bxl plugin to its own separate util
r30491 file changeset diff or repo changeset diff igor22020-04-07T03:11:32.260090Z
[io_bxl] -Cleanup: switch from dynamic allocation to statioc for the tree struct
r30490 file changeset diff or repo changeset diff igor22020-04-07T03:04:58.802131Z
[io_bxl] -Cleanup: switch from dynamic node allocation to static allocation - the tree is of static size
r30486 file changeset diff or repo changeset diff igor22020-04-06T15:17:53.231764Z
[io_bxl] -Fix: don't output bytes beyond decoded plain text len to avoid trailing garbage
r30484 file changeset diff or repo changeset diff igor22020-04-06T15:10:18.790358Z
[io_bxl] -Add: decode "file header": the length marking
r30483 file changeset diff or repo changeset diff igor22020-04-06T13:21:51.570845Z
[io_bxl] -Add: low level binary decode based on Erich's prior art

Command line to view the complete history:
svn log -v svn://svn.repo.hu/pcb-rnd/trunk/util/bxl2txt/txt2bxl.c