Footprint attribute:
qfn-rfp(density=B, N=16, BS=3, PP=0.5, PW=0.3, PL=0.75, PRP=2.95, CPL=1.55~1.8, CPW=1.55~1.8)
Download footprint file
qfn-rfp(density=B, N=16, BS=3, PP=0.5, PW=0.3, PL=0.75, PRP=2.95, CPL=1.55~1.8, CPW=1.55~1.8)
square flat no-lead (qfn)
Generate a square flat no-lead footprint mainly from recommended footprint (copper pad) drawing, optionally also using component drawing for silk, assembly and courtyard layers
qfn-rfp parameters
name | man dat ory | description | value (bold: default)
| number of leads in square case
| NL
| number of leads on one side along the length of the package in rectangular case
| NW
| number of leads on one side along the width of the package in rectangular case
| PP
| yes
| nominal pitch (distance between centerline of adjacent leads in a row)
Dimension: a number with an optional unit (mm or mil, default is mil)
| PW
| yes
| pad width
Dimension: a number with an optional unit (mm or mil, default is mil)
| PL
| yes
| pad length
Dimension: a number with an optional unit (mm or mil, default is mil)
| BS
| plastic body size (with tolernace); in case of square body
| BL
| plastic body length (vertical; with tolernace); in case of rectangular body
| BW
| plastic body width (horizontal; with tolernace); in case of rectangular body
| yes
| center pad length (same direction as BL); 0 or empty if no exposed center pad
Dimension: a number with an optional unit (mm or mil, default is mil)
| yes
| center pad width (same direction as BW); 0 or empty if no exposed center pad
Dimension: a number with an optional unit (mm or mil, default is mil)
| PE
| pin extent (with tolernace)
| PT
| pin thickness (with tolernace); really the width of the lead
| PC
| pin contact length (with tolernace); specify either this or PG
| pad row pitch: distance between center of pads of the two rows (square body)
Dimension: a number with an optional unit (mm or mil, default is mil)
| pad row pitch: distance between center of pads of the two rows across length (rectangular body, vertical size)
Dimension: a number with an optional unit (mm or mil, default is mil)
| pad row pitch: distance between center of pads of the two rows across width (rectangular body, horizontal size)
Dimension: a number with an optional unit (mm or mil, default is mil)
| pin gap along body length (vertical; with tolernace); specify either this or PC
| pin gap along body width (horizontal; with tolernace); specify either this or PC
| datasheet
| url to the datasheet dimensions are coming from
| yes
| center pad via grid pitch (distance between vias); 0 or empty for no vias
Dimension: a number with an optional unit (mm or mil, default is mil)
| yes
| center pad via hole diameter
Dimension: a number with an optional unit (mm or mil, default is mil)
| yes
| center pad via copper diameter
Dimension: a number with an optional unit (mm or mil, default is mil)
| yes
| center pad pattern type
| no pattern, round corner rectangle slightly smaller than the pad
| small segments with chamfer corners that avoid vias
| no paste at all
| yes
| center pad pattern gap; nominal distance between pattern elements
Dimension: a number with an optional unit (mm or mil, default is mil)
| F
| yes
| fab tolerance in +-mm
| P
| yes
| part placement tolerance in +-mm
| silk_thickness
| yes
| thickness of silk graphic lines; diametr of pin 1 dot is calculated from this too
| mask_offs
| yes
| gap between copper pad edge and mask cutout edge
| glue_thick
| yes
| default line thickness for glue on adhesive layers; if 0 omit the layer
| glue_dots
| yes
| print dots instead of lines for glue when non-zero
| pad_rounding
| rectangular pad corner rounding radius (0 for sharp corners)
Dimension: a number with an optional unit (mm or mil, default is mil)